Video Import Help

I used Media Encoder CS4 to convert a video file I have into
.flv/f4v . I want in import a video into flash so that instead of a
.swf/flv I want it to be frame by frame in the timeline so I can
edit the animation. Thanks in advance for any help.

Yes I am using the  "video recording" option of Quicktime Player to capture live from a Canon A1.  When I capture it I can open it up and inspect video file and it says MPEG2.  I found on a website that Quicktime Player captures the Maximium quality to MPEG2 and High Quality to H264.
The camera is being conected via Firewire.  I mention tapes because we are using it as a back up incase capture fails.
I hope this helps

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    Sometimes syncing will have problems with very large video files like this.  I'm not sure you will be able to overcome this, but if the videos are important enough you may consider purchasing 3rd party software such as Touch Copy to transfer them.

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    What are you capturing from?  You may not hear the auido as it's captured but it will be there.  After it's captured can you see the audio waveforms? Do the audio meters move when you play the clip?  If so then go to "View" then "Audio Playback"  and set it to 'Built-in Output" if you're monitoring audio through the computer.

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    As both iPhoto and Image Capture can't get the video, any chance that the file is faulty?
    Can you access it via a USB Card Reader?

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    If it's not very bad you should be able to fix it using the Power Line Hum <Analysis Type in the Analysis Tab
    Check [Analyzing and Fixing Problems in an Audio File| ter=8%26section=16]
    [Analysis tab| er=2%26section=22%26tasks=true]

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    Many thanks in advance, kroguk
    I will also post this on the Macbook forum, so apologies if you see this post twice

    Well, I can't find my Belkin FW800-to-4-pin (9-pin-to-4-pin) cable right now ..I'm doing some "tidying up" ..which is always hopeless for finding things afterwards!.. but I DID buy the other day - in the German Mac specialists, erm, can't remember the name - a Sonnet Fast-something (..which I've just put down, and now can't find..) teeny 9-pin-to-6-pin adapter ( small that I can't find it!..) and I've just tested that with a Sony HC1 HDV camcorder.
    Using the Sonnet adaptor..
    ..which is mentioned on their website at top-left here: ..on a normal 6-pin-to-4-pin FireWire cable.. I just connected my camcorder and successfully imported HDV from the Sony.
    I tested it twice with iMovie HD 6, in the most adverse conditions: 1; connecting to the 9-pin FW800 socket on a G4 17" laptop (..which is generally too slow to import HDV in real-time..) and 2; looped ("daisy-chained") through the 9-pin FW800 sockets ( socket from the drive to my Mac, the other socket from the drive to the camcorder..) of an external iOmega FireWire drive connected to my Quad G5 Mac, also with iMovie HD 6. Both imports worked perfectly.
    I'm also trying it as I write this - I just found the adapter again! - to import into iMovie '08 on the G5, daisy-chained through the external disc (..the G4 is too old or underpowered to run iMovie '08..) and that works as well ..though I did have to "kick" the program into starting a new Event; at first the camera transport ran, but no video imported, so I just Stopped and re-imported.
    I bought this adaptor "on spec", as no previous device or adapter had worked properly for me (..converting between 4-pin on a camcorder and 9-pin on a Mac..) and this is the first to have worked, for me. But I have great faith in Sonnet, as they make the extra S-ATA driver card and other bits and bobs which I put in my floorstander G5, and that all "just works".
    Ah; the shop where I bought it is ..hold on a moment.. the "m store" in Munich. (Karsten may know them: when Gravis moved from Lindwurmstrasse to Im Tal, the m store opened up right next door to where Gravis had been before) and they're at Lindwurmstrasse 5a, their phone number - they speak English, too - is 0049 89 24 22 35 24 and their website is ..aaaarggh; they don't seem to have one.
    Anyway; the Sonnet SimplyFast FireWire 400-to-800 Adapter works perfectly - for me - on the end of a normal 4-pin-to-6-pin FireWire 400 cable, and importing works flawlessly every way I've tried it ..even daisy-chained through an external drive.
    I can heartily recommend it.
    But - as always - "your mileage may vary" ..meaning that it might not work so smoothly for you.

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    Help Would be GREATLY appreciated, please and thankyou.         

    > All other video files work fine but my camera (insignia HD) only exports in .avi, and .Mov, so to get any of my footage into After Effects i have to use other programs to render the video file into another type of file, which hinders my quality greatly, and i just don't have the time to do that. <
    Ah, impatience. I don't understand that in you kids. When I first learned how to use AE it took a weekend to render 10 seconds of one effect on one layer. Anything better than that is like having an unholy demon in my Macintosh.
    You might try dropping a note to the creators of those videos you admire. They should be happy to tell you, a blossoming filmmaker, how to use your camera. I've never heard of an insignia camera but I think you mean it shoots in AVI, not export to AVI. That would be an interesting function in a camera, an export utility. It probably shoots a highly compressed long GOP format that should be transcoded to a frame-based codec before you can use After Effects. Try looking up the wiki entry for AVI and you will see it is a 20 year-old legacy codec wrapping system that simply will not die. Surely the camera mfr's website can offer you some better help in moving your camera originals to a more robust codec? But there should be absolutely no degrading of your video when you transcode to a more useful codec. That is a fault in the settings you are using in your transcoding application.
    LaRonde, bless his heart; he means well.

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    Hello, thank you for your help. I finally was able to contact someone from Adobe on line.. It took about 1 hour on hold but I finally won the lotto...Lol. Pr.. /Project/Project Settings/General/ I had the (Mercury Playback Engine GPU Accelerated (CUDA) and not the (Mercury Playback Engine Software Only) It only took 1 second for Adobe to figure it out...Lol.
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    More info please:
    Type of camera?
    Was the card formatted in the camera doing the shooting?
    Type of files the camera is set to record?

  • Video import from PAL camcorder

    I have just bought a Canopus ADVC110 which converts analog video to digital and have it hooked into my Powerbook Pro via a firewire lead.
    I have my analog PAL camcorder tied into the canopus and am attempting to import some PAL video but not getting very far.
    I fire up iMovie and it does indeed detect the camera but when I create a new project it appears as DV-NTSC and not DV-PAL. I have changed the 'New Project frame rate' preference from 29.97 to 25 but still no good. When I click on Import I get the video/audio but the video is VERY jumpy and in black and white and the audio is totally garbled. As the video is PAL and the project says DV-NTSC this might be the issue? I would have thought that the Canopus would remove any PAL/NTSC issues as it is being converted to digital anyway? I don't know how to change the new project from DV-NTSC to DV-PAL, again I thought switching frame rate to 25 would have done this?
    So, can anyone help me get a smooth video import onto the Apple? I dont care what resulting file format is as long as I can import and play it. I don't mind buying a different video application if necessary and do have Toast Titanium if that helps.
    Many thanks,

    It sounds like you may not have set the dip switches of the Canopus correctly to PAL.
    See page 16 of instruction manual for the canopus ADVC110!
    (I use the same one)

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    Quick update to say that I found them!  I convinced myself that when the power cut occured, there's no way that a few GB of media could be instantly deleted, and thus they must be somewhere on the HD.......similar to data getting stored in a TEMP folder on a PC.  I managed to access the main LIBRARY folder via Finder >> GO >> OPTION KEY and then did a search for one of the photo numbers that I knew was missing. Amazingly found it together with all the other 588 missing photos & movies buried in a folder called 26Dec2013_2 (strange considering this happened on 01Jan2014 and all the photos/media were from the period 27Dec to 01Jan).  Note that my earlier search of the entire iPhoto Library package had also proved fruitless. Not sure where that folder was actually residing, but I copied the entire contents to my Desktop and then imported them into iPhoto.  In short, I am so happy!  Lesson learned about the dangers of power cuts, especially living in a city short on energy.  I will not do that again.  Hope this helps someone else sometime in the future. Thanks.

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    Can someone help me?

    No suggestions?
    Video import still don't work...
    I need help...

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    Adobe... support maybe?
    Really needs to be a support option for people if they expect us to pay monthly for software now. I'd be glad to pay for real support i.e. not a call to ( and a person looking at a FAQ on a computer. 

    I have certainly had issues with Captivate, along with every other piece of software I have used. I have just started experimenting with responsive projects and find that they do not work as advertised so will not be using them until they do.
    I have found Adobe open to feedback and some of the important problems (relevant to my requirements) in CP7 have been fixed in CP8. I have had some solutions from Adobe but other occasions bugs have been acknowledged.
    If nobody else has had the same problem I would recommend a clean install of CP8, perhaps on another PC. You could also try using a virtual machine and install on that.
    Hopefully someone else with experience of this will respond to help you further. As I said before I have had live help from Adobe so you should be able to obtain the same.

  • Video Import Timeout Adjustment?

    Is it possible to adjust the timeout value that iLife 08 uses when importing from video? I'm trying to import my entire video tape, but I'm having problems with iLife 08 stopping the import due to gaps that are just a little too long in between the recorded segments. iLife 08 stops importing after aprox 15seconds of unrecorded tape. I know I can manually import each segment, but I'd like to take advantage of iLifes capability to auto import the entire tape. Any hints would be appreciated!

    vdubgeek wrote:
    I'm surprised nobody has any ideas.
    this is a user2user board... no Apple engineer here..
    no, there's no pref to set iM to ignore such huuuuge gaps.
    I had a look in the iM plist - even there, no manual setting.
    .. Would upgrading to iLife 09 help with my video import issue?
    usually 'noise on tape' means 'end of recording' => end of import.

  • Video imported is blurry !??!

    I am using iMovie '11 version 9.0.4.  I am using a Sony Handycam DCR-SX63 digital movie camera and capturing video in the highest quality.  All video, when viewed on a 50" TV is crystal clear.  However, ALL video imported to iMovie'11 is very, very blurry and poor quality.  Any and all video imported is fuzzy and blurry.  Any projects created are fuzzy and blurry.  Any DVDs burnt are fuzzy and blurry.  I have tried importing to both my Macbook and my new iMac and there is no difference in the poor quality. I have also tried importing directly from the camera and also by importing from the SD card.  I don't expect movie theatre quality but I would like to have reasonably clear projects and DVDs.  Can someone please help??  Again, please note that video viewed by plugging the camera directly into the TV is flawless.  Any video transferred to iMovie is horrible.  (yes I have tried the stabilization mode and non stabilization mode).  Thanks for any help that can be offered.

    Thanks, but for $300 I'd almost be better off finding a video camera that recorded in a compatible format.  I'm just an amateur trying to do home movies.  Aren't there any programs that will convert my MPEG2 Sony video to a type that will look good in iMovie and iDVD??

Maybe you are looking for

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