Videos in Mac Pages

I've put together a business proposal in Mac Pages and have a number of videos I'd like to imbed in the proposal to help bring it to life.  They encompass Vimeo, and YouTube and some other format.  How is the best way to integrate these videos into my Pages document?

Drag and Drop.
Like most things on the Mac.

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  • Free download YouTube videos on Mac

    Have you ever thought of downloading some meaningful and interesting YouTube video files to be your own collection via your dear Mac? If so, you may need a helpful YouTube downloader to assist you, and an easy-to-use and practical freeware must get the great appreciation. With special intention to do you guys a favor, this post will introduce you how to free download YouTube videos on Mac via Pavtube YouTube Converter for Mac. Imaging you are in need, just feel free to follow its step-by-step instruction with ease.
    Notes: Pavtube YouTube Converter for Mac can proceed downloading and conversion work simultaneously, however, only its download function can be used for free, and will not produce any watermarks, if you want to apply it to download and convert YouTube files once and for all, you should use its retail version.
    Now, let’s just have a look at how to use it as a freeware to download YouTube videos in detail.
    Step: 1 Download Pavtube YouTube Converter for Mac, install and launch it.
    After launching it, you will see the main interface as below. Now click “Add URL” and go to the window showing in step 2.
    Step 2: Add URL, select “Only Download FLV File”
    Once you click “Add URL” in the above interface, you will be led to the following window. Copy and paste the URL of the YouTube files which you want to download into the textbox after “URL”.
    After that, click on the drop- down list of “Convert to” to select “Only Download FLV File”, and you will see a pop-up panel as below:
    In addition, this program will generate a file name and specify a save path by default, if you want to set them in your own ways, you can type your preferred file name into the textbox after “Save as”, and click “Browse” button at the end of “Save to” to look for a folder to load the downloaded YouTube FLV files. After that, you can click “OK” button to begin downloading.
    Step 3: Download YouTube files
    Once you start, the following interface will appear, which presents you clearly about the download progress. When finished, you can click on the file name, and then click “Open” button to get the downloaded YouTube FLV files. If you do not have a FLV player, this program have one, you can first click on the file name, and then click “Play” button to watch the downloaded file easily.

    Go to
    Or you would have to download the videos in a PC then transcode to 3GP or MP4 and then load into your N73.Message Edited by el_loco on 21-Nov-200706:42 PM
    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

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    iMac 21.5 po, mid 2010 .Processor Intel i3

    You cannot. Doing so would violate YouTube's Terms of Use.
    Best of luck.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    OS X can't write in NTFS disks. If you want to write in NTFS drives, you have to use a third-party app like Paragon for NTFS, being this application the best one to write in those disks.
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    Hi, I can only supply some information of the options the end user would have on Hardware Acceleration. From what I have read is that even though Adobe Flash Player has included the Mac to be able to use this, Apple may have only allowed it to function on certain Mac and iMac editions. So the end user can turn the H.A. off if it is causing issues with Videos etc. Also with the Flash Player version the H.A. is turned ON by default, hence the option of turning it off. Now if a Mac user wants it on, or even those using other operating systems, it is also recommended to update the video and graphic drivers to the latest versions.
    From your end as to what you do I have no idea since this is the Flash Player forum and just speaking for myself, I have no experience with what you do.
    Perhaps the Flash Forum would be helpful or one of the Adobe Forums for the particular Adobe Program you use.

  • Incompatible web sites, playing wmv video on mac

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    under the title of Video introduction:
    Mac Firefox - nothing displays for the video player
    Mac Safari - the video player displays, but the video will not play.
    PC IE - everything works as expected.
    The video format is wmv, which is an industry standard. I installed flip4mac, which is supposed to allow you to view wmv in quicktime, but it did work. Even after downloading the video (a link), I could not watch in on the mac. I had to go to a PC.
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    Question 1) specific to the wmv file format, how do you get it to run on mac?
    Question 2) is this just the way it is? You cannot depend on web applications working at all with mac?

    Hi Bob,
    Ok, I'll bite
    Apple has to understand that we don't care about who is at fault for web sites not working with Mac
    The WebKit team are more than aware of that fact, and where possible they work with popular websites to get them to correct their websites or add specific 'kludges' into the WebKit code to specifically support these sites.
    Apple has the ability to have an IE mode in safari to handle these situations, but hey choose not to
    I've not heard that before. Can you quote a source?
    If it takes IE compatibility mode to handle all web sites, then just do it.
    That of course costs money. And then there's the prospect of Apple having to license Microsoft's DRM solution to provide 100% compatibility with Windows Media files. As we all know, Apple like good P.R. as much as the next company and handing something like that to Microsoft is never going to happen.
    Microsoft clearly won't provide updated WMP technology for OS X as it gives them nothing, other than the extra impetus for people to switch away from Windows.
    So we're stuck with essentially badgering the broken sites to fix things, or going somewhere else (and spending our $$$ there if needed).
    The bar for a college student is much lower
    True, but today's college student is tomorrow's business person and Apple products are very popular with college students these days. Apple are in this for the long term. Things will change, but we have to live in the real world and know this isn't going to happen soon.
    The truth of the matter is that the sooner Microsoft get on board with being a responsible web-citizen then the better it will be for everyone (and by everyone I don't just mean Apple users, but anyone connected to the internet).
    Almost [1 in 3 browsers on the web are not Internet Explorer|] - that's a huge number and businesses on the web need to be aware of this.
    Please please please do not get me wrong - I would love it if Safari (or Firefox, or Opera, or Chrome, or ...) could handle every site that IE does but it's never, ever going to happen.

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    If you have SL there is an Save As Acrobat PDF button to create pdf files. From Pages there is an Export to PDF option as well.

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    It can't be done using Adobe Reader.
    I'm not sure what "Mac Pages" is but typically, you would make changes to those original documents and THEN create a pdf. Editing a pdf can be anything from tedious to impossible depending on what you are trying to edit.

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    Anyone know why Pages to Epub conversion puts the videos back into ".mov" format rather than leave them as ".m4v"? The videos were created in iMovie and exported as iphone .m4v files.

    This is what Pages User Guides says:
    Pages accepts any QuickTime or iTunes file type, including the following:
    Maybe you should convert the m4v to something else? You could try to change the file extension to .mp4

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    Now, I'm wondering, will search engines find me if I have "no code" or meta tags at Internic is only "redirecting" my URL not hosting it. It costs more money if they "host" my domain and I wouldn't have a clue how to set up an index.html page anyway for this domain. Even if I got someone to do this can you redirect an index.html page from to a page? i.e. does the domain code need to be empty in order for it to redirect?
    Thanks to anyone who can help me with this.
    Dazed and confused,
    iMAC 2.16GHz 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    Hello Kathleen,
    Welcome to the forum. You're site looks very clean and elegant.
    The domain name you purchased ( is serving as a redirecting page to your iWeb generated web page. The answer to whether or not search engines will find you is both yes and no. Search engines use programs called "spiders" that find pages through links and trace out web pages.
    Given some time, sites like Google and MSN will likely find you website (and if you put meta tags in it will display that info in the search engine). But if you are like most iWeb users (myself included) you are impatient for your site to be picked up in search engines. Which is fine, since several search engines provide the means for you to submit your URL. Read this post for more information.
    Looks like you may have already submitted your .mac page.
    Another handy tip for looking up what information a search engine posses on your site is to type "site:" followed by the web address you wish to look up into a search engine. If the search engine has any of the pages to your site it will display them with the meta data they posses. Your site info can be found here.
    I checked your .ca address and google didn't come up with anything. should provide you with the means to apply a little bit of a description to your web address. Apart from that, you can't really add any meta data to the domain name.
    Unfortunately even when you get both web addresses picked up by search engines it won't associate them together. They may come up near each other in searches. But the search engine will see them as entirely different sites.
    You could host your site at the domain name if you chose to. The process of publishing is one click like to .mac. But you "Publish to a Folder" and then upload the complete page to the domain name. Its more difficult and cost more (if you chose to retain your .mac account) but it would give you better search engine rankings for your name.
    —"It costs more money if they "host" my domain and I wouldn't have a clue how to set up an index.html page anyway for this domain. Even if I got someone to do this can you redirect an index.html page from to a page? i.e. does the domain code need to be empty in order for it to redirect?"
    It isn't really worth it have them host your domain name only to put an index.html that redirects to your .mac. Thats basically what the domain forwarding is doing (minus a little bit of info).
    My advice is to keep things how you have them. But, just make sure you get the domain submitted to search engines.
    Hope this wasn't to long or confusing.
    Kind Regards,
    Ash Films
    (see my profile if you want to see my site)

  • Video in Muse Page

    I want to add a .mov or m4v file to a Muse page locally.

    Thanks for the links Aish, sorry for not being be more precise.
    Firstly, the video I´d like to implement is on my own server hosted (one reason why I don´t use vimeo or youtube)
    The second thing is I´d need also some kind of player for the video with a Play, Stop, Pause, etc. button not just the video on the page actually like video embedding via the widget works but without the necessity of a vimeo/youtube account.
    Can that be accomplished with muse (without a big workaround)?

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    The video should be in your camera roll, tap the +, then the music note and choose your video.

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    On your Mac select print the document. Once in print pane select Save as PDF. The PDF they will recognize.

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    I tried unpublishing the calender, exporting it, deleting and re-importing, but that did not help. Many items are weekly repeating events that were made during daylight saving time. Could this be the cause?

    go to system preferences>date&time> date&time and check if you have the correct settings as in automatic clock
    go to system preferences>date&time>time zone and check if you have the correct time zone and city
    go to ical>preferences>advanced and check if you have selected time zone support
    hope this helps

  • Multiple Flash Videos on 1 Page

    Hi All
    If i were to put 4 flash videos into a page, by using the
    'import flash video' function in DW CS3 - will they all load at the
    same time, or only load when the user clicks play?
    Many Thanks

    Im not sure I understand, however I have a page up with 2
    flash movies, but
    I timed them by extending the first frame on the one to not
    start any motion
    until the first one is coming to an end.
    So they both in essence start at once, but the one on top
    plays out, as it
    is coming to an end, the one in the body begins to move...
    Dont know if that helps you or not.
    "" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:g45nrn$3ee$[email protected]..
    >I have a bank of videos that i want to put onto the site.
    > Originally, i was going to do an XML list through a
    flash player. But i
    > don't
    > have the flash server, and i don't know enough of flash
    to do it another
    > way
    > (and i can't find a tutorial).
    > So i have 20+ videos that are Quicktime and im HD, that
    i have converted
    > into
    > flash, as it adds a nice lat compression to make them
    smaller. From there
    > i
    > want to fit around 4 to 5 videos on a page one after
    each other (kind of
    > like
    > So what i need to know is if i put 5 videos on a page,
    when the user goes
    > onto
    > that page, will they all start to play and will the page
    start to stream 5
    > vids
    > at once.
    > OR - will they only stream WHEN the user clicks the play
    button on each
    > one?
    > Does that make more sense?

Maybe you are looking for

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