View Cart Link Missing

I have no clue what I have done but my view cart link that shows up after adding something to the shopping cart is missing from the page. How do I get it back? How did I remove it? I am still relatively  new to this and keep stumblin gover silly things like this.

Didn't help.
Here's my CSS and link
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table.cart .invoice-total{
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table.cart .invoice-total strong{
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tr.shipping td{border:none;} td{border-bottom:1px solid #DDD;}
table.cart td.actions{
table.cart .actions a{
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table.cart .actions a.continue-shopping{
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table.cart .actions a.continue-shopping:hover{color:#999;} td,
          font:13px/15px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; h3{
          font:bold 13px/15px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
          padding:27px 23px;
          border-bottom:1px solid #fff;
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.productitemcell img{
          border:1px solid #ebebeb;
.productname .productitemcell{
          padding:47px 0 7px;
.shop-cart table.cart th.productname{padding:25px 0;}
.price-section .productitemcell{
          padding:47px 0 7px 23px;
.product-image img{width:100%;}
#content .product-image{

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    Any suggestions?

    Ahh, so was visited link. Hard to tell when your not looking at it to offer help
    An anchor you should always look to do the following...
    There are your 3 main states - link, visited, hover.
    You do not need to reference :link because browsers know the html element is a link but you can be specific if you wish.
    So in terms of your css you have
    Often you will want the visited link to be the same as your main so a css would normally form..
    a, a:visited { color:#333; }
    a:hover      { color:#cc0000; }
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    This will not be a system issue and isn't - All good here on all sites.
    Try this though.... Press Command + or Command - and see if it drops off. If so then the person has zoomed in or out on their browsers.
    IF not it will be a CSS issue in certain safari (and thus webkit) versions.

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    Hi Deepak,
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    [MSS Landing page  - |]
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    [ESS Landing page -|]
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    This is SAP standard functionality. Internally SAP sorts the order based on first column say (Line number / Catalog Product Number, etc..). Nothing much can done here.. I guess so.. 
    Anyways, we can change the sort oder of the Shopping cart line items programmatically using BADI - BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI or using BBP_CATALOG_TRANSFER BADI. )
    <b>P.S.: Read the standard documentation of the BADIs using SE18 Transaction.</b>
    <u>Please go through the link below -></u>
    Re: changing sort order of SC items?
    <u>Other related link -></u>
    Re: The Purpose of  "Renumber Items" button at PO Item data
    - Atul

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    The entire form code goes wherever you want it on your page.
    Object --> Insert HTML
    And then put the object where you want it on your page.

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    I have this big issue i'm still stuck with, i hope someone can help me.
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    $(function () {
    $(function () {
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    The "view cart" is replaced with "afrekenen".
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    function AddProductExtras(){
    This works but you can see that the text changes from "afrekenen" to "view cart" and back to "afrekenen" Also the page is rebuild again which is not a very good solution.  So here are my questions:
    Is there a better work around?
    If not, is there a way that when a product is deleted in the cart the page can also be refreshed?

    Hello Mario,
    Here's my site where i'm working on:
    The cartsummary module is located at the right sitebar.
    The code is:
    <div id="plh_winkelwagen">
    <div class="cart-summary">{module_shoppingcartsummary,vertical,}</div>
    The CSS is:
    #plh_winkelwagen {
    float: right;
    width: 160px;
    height: 100px;
    margin: 20px;
    background-color: #FFC;
    -webkit-border-radius: 15px; /* Safari */
    -webkit-border-radius: 15px; /* Safari */
    -moz-border-radius: 15px; /* Firefox */
    -moz-border-radius: 15px; /* Firefox */
    border-radius: 15px; /* CSS */
    border-radius: 15px; /* CSS3 */
    .shop-main .cart-summary {
    float: right;
    width: 40%;
    So with your solution I should remove the background plh_winkelwagen en create or put it in the a.cartsummarylink? Or should i keep the plh-winkelwagen and just add your solution. I can create a png the same size as the: winkelmandje_nieuw_25.png with the "afrekenen" text in it?

  • Fast Web View breaking links/bookmarks in PDFs from Word 2007

    I'm running Acrobat Pro 8.1.2 on WinXP, and I recently noticed an issue with PDFs that I'm creating from Word 2007. If I turn on the setting "Save As optimizes for Fast Web View," any links or bookmarks in the file break when I do a Save As. If I turn the setting back off, Save As doesn't break them.
    I had had problems creating the PDFs using the PDFMaker plug-in for Word, so I used the Save As PDF or XPS feature from Microsoft instead.
    PDFs created using FrameMaker are not giving me problems.
    I don't know whether this is related, but the Settings button on the Save As dialog box is no longer active. I'm sure I was able to click it before, but I can't now. And that goes for PDFs from Word or FrameMaker.
    Anyone have any clues?
    Rick Henkel

    This is related to a bug in the direct PDF output from Word 2007. I was told that Microsoft has fixed this bug in the final SP2 release (so when the service pack becomes available, this problem will not be present).
    Until then, the workaround is indeed to turn off the "Save As optimizes for Fast Web View" preference in Acrobat (Edit > Preferences > Documents, under Save Settings).
    Shlomo Perets
    MicroType *
    FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers
    "Improve Your FrameMaker Skills" live web-based training sessions

  • How to generate and view the link of the accelerator

    Hi All,
    I want to generate a link for the accelerator added in Roadmap, I know that I can do it through the button Generate URL of the document attributes,but the problem is, when i click on the button, it says URL generated. Where can I view the link which is generated for a particular document.
    If I see in Solar01 or Solar02 documents, there is seperate tab by name LINK, but there also I am not able to view the link generated.
    Pls help me with your inputs ASAP.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi prakar,
    For some of the documents without asking for user name and password it is displaying ( This is depending on the Local and the client system).
    I mean for the internal SolMan system, its displaying the document, when I do the samething for the client system, it says page not found.
    Pls let me know the settings to be done for me to view the document.
    I will have to use my SolMan username and password to open the document, Correct me if I am wrong.
    Pls let me know the roles to be provided to give access to the user.

  • MAM Client - Only User View Manager Link Visible

    I have followed the configuration steps as mentioned in the configuration guide for MAM2.5 SR2.
    but after deploying the application in mobile device, Only the User View Manager Link is visible to me.
    Details about client and server version is as follows
    1. MI client 2.5 SP11
    2. WebAS Server 6.40 SP09
    3. Backend IDES server
    Only thing which I am not sure is whether the plugin
    <b>R/3 Plug-in 2004.1 SP01 for Mobile Asset Management 2.5</b> is added in the Backend or not.
    <b>Is there any way to check whether the Plugin is added or not?
    Also Could this be a problem why we are not able to see other menu specific to MAM?</b>
    Appreciate your help in providing some solution for the above mentioned probelm.

    HI sathya,
    in my last post , actually i was talking about  
    WAS sp 09 and  client sp 11.
         not sure , whether  sp11 client can successfully sync with sp09 WAS.
      it might be one of the reasons?.
    have u changed ur application ?.  or using the standard application?.(i mean added syncbo's or not).
        just check the meRepMeta.xml file , is there any reference to MAM25_090 (item).?
       just change the trace to Information and after sync,
    just look whether there is any MAM25_090 reference in the log.
    <b>Sathya just check,,
    1) meta_childRow.dat
    2) meta_topRow.dat
    3) meta_field.dat </b>
    <b> if there is no data in  MAM25_090 , there will not be one MAM25_090.dat file in the data directory.</b>
    just check in the
    meta_childRow.dat  ,
    MAM25_090 entry got created or not in the folder corresponding to the first sync.
                                     Kishor Gopinathan
    Message was edited by: Kishor Gopinathan
    Message was edited by: Kishor Gopinathan

  • Unable to view instances link in CMC

    hi all,
    after scheduling a report we get instances generated in history. when we hover the mouse cursor on the success or failed state of the instance, we get a link . on clicking the link we get more details on the schedule instance.
    especially, for a failed instance we get to know the error message.
    So my problem here is the link on the state( failed or success is not visible)
    can somebody plz help.

    I have logged in as administrator and still the same and unable to view the link of history status.

  • Unable to view page link

    I put have a page link on a public page. This link is to a page that is not displayed to the public so that if a person clicks on the link he/she will be redirected to login/new account registration.
    The problem is if I am not logged in I don't see the link on the public page. I have tried enabling item level security and giving PUBLIC users the right to view this link but it still does not work. Does anyone have any ideas how I can do this?
    Thanks in advance,

    This is a feature of page links.
    As a workaround, create a URL item that points to the page. Use the direct access URL of the page (e.g. /pls/portal/url/page/<PAGE GROUP ROOT PAGE>/<SUBPAGE>).

  • Design view, Bkg is

    My web site pages look fine online. But, when I look at them
    in DW CS3(local view) they are missing the Background styles. The
    CSS says they are there and they are in my images folder but I
    can't see them in design view. I could see them yesterday. And when
    I upload the pages to the server they look fine online. Also, My
    co-worker who is using DW8 can see them. He even uploaded a page
    and then I downloaded it to my local and I still can't see the Bkg.

    "gsanteWPP" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:go3vn6$e8c$[email protected]..
    > My web site pages look fine online. But, when I look at
    them in DW
    > CS3(local
    > view) they are missing the Background styles. The CSS
    says they are
    > there and
    > they are in my images folder but I can't see them in
    design view. I
    > could see
    > them yesterday.
    You have probably turned off the display of styles by
    accident. Go to
    View > Style Rendering, and check that Screen Media Type
    and Display
    Styles are both selected.
    David Powers
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • Display "View Status" link by executing the package in custom menu

    Hello All,
    I have an EMenu statement (MNU_eDATA_SELECTPACKAGE) to run a package from the custom menu. But once I execute it, I would like to display the view status link similiar to E-data -> view status. Is this feasible?
    Or Is it feasible to display a message after a successful package execution?

    You can use "MNU_eDATA_VIEWSTATUS" for this purpose.
    Hope this helps.

  • Alert on a view option is missing

    I have the enterprise version of SharePoint 2013. I just found out the "Someone changes and item that appears in the following view" option is missing in the create alet page. I just wonder if anyone has an idea what causes my issue.
    Many thanks.

    Do you have any views that are currently being filtered?
    Dimitri Ayrapetov (MCSE: SharePoint)

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  • Prob. in execution of t-code

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  • Adboe Acrobat 8.1.7 printing landscape only

    Just received an update and now all pdf files sent to any of our printers all come out landscape rather than the default portrait.  All the page setups show portrait but print landscape.

  • RAID 0 on my board (P7N SLI Platinum)

    Hi guys, I'm gonna be honest and admit I'm a beginner when it comes to these kinds of things. Now thats out of the way, I've got two drives of the same size, revision and manufacturer, so I wanted to set them up in RAID 0 for faster load times and su