View Link on two programmatic view objects

I use Build JDEVADF_11.
I have two programmatic View Objects with data from other sources (an ArrayList in my example).
Now I would like to create a View Link on it. How can I do this?
I'm quite new on Java and ADF...
I know it is possible because I already found Steve's example 132 here [|]
But could somebody create a simple example based on my example classes below (which is understandable for a newbie like me ;-) ?
Has been asked already here, but I did not found a solution as yet.
Error with view link and ADF table Tree
This is my example code for the view objects:
private Number empno;
private String ename;
private Number dept;
with getters and setters...
private Number deptno;
private String dname;
with getters and setters...
public class StaticDataDepartmentsImpl extends ViewObjectImpl {
int rows = -1;
private List<Department> departments = new ArrayList<Department>();
protected void executeQueryForCollection(Object rowset, Object[] params,
int noUserParams) {
// Initialize our fetch position for the query collection
setFetchPos(rowset, 0);
super.executeQueryForCollection(rowset, params, noUserParams);
// Help the hasNext() method know if there are more rows to fetch or not
protected boolean hasNextForCollection(Object rowset) {
return getFetchPos(rowset) < rows;
// Create and populate the "next" row in the rowset when needed
protected ViewRowImpl createRowFromResultSet(Object rowset,ResultSet rs) {
ViewRowImpl r = createNewRowForCollection(rowset);
int pos = getFetchPos(rowset);
populateAttributeForRow(r, 0, departments.get(pos).getDeptno());
populateAttributeForRow(r, 1, departments.get(pos).getDname());
setFetchPos(rowset, pos + 1);
return r;
// When created, initialize static data and remove trace of any SQL query
protected void create() {
// Setup string arrays of codes and values from VO custom properties
rows = (departments != null) ? departments.size() : 0;
// Wipe out all traces of a query for this VO
// Return the estimatedRowCount of the collection
public long getQueryHitCount(ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet) {
return rows;
// Subclasses override this to initialize their static data
protected void initializeStaticData() {
Department d1 = new Department();
d1.setDeptno(new Number(10));
Department d2 = new Department();
d2.setDeptno(new Number(20));
// Store the current fetch position in the user data context
private void setFetchPos(Object rowset, int pos) {
if (pos == rows) {
setFetchCompleteForCollection(rowset, true);
setUserDataForCollection(rowset, new Integer(pos));
// Get the current fetch position from the user data context
private int getFetchPos(Object rowset) {
return ((Integer)getUserDataForCollection(rowset)).intValue();
public class StaticDataEmployeesImpl extends ViewObjectImpl {
int rows = -1;
private List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<Employee>();
protected void executeQueryForCollection(Object rowset, Object[] params,
int noUserParams) {
// Initialize our fetch position for the query collection
setFetchPos(rowset, 0);
System.out.println("in executeQueryForCollection");
super.executeQueryForCollection(rowset, params, noUserParams);
// Help the hasNext() method know if there are more rows to fetch or not
protected boolean hasNextForCollection(Object rowset) {
System.out.println("in hasNextForCollection. Rows:" + rows);
return getFetchPos(rowset) < rows;
// Create and populate the "next" row in the rowset when needed
protected ViewRowImpl createRowFromResultSet(Object rowset,ResultSet rs) {
ViewRowImpl r = createNewRowForCollection(rowset);
int pos = getFetchPos(rowset);
System.out.println("in createRowFromResultSet. Pos=" + pos);
populateAttributeForRow(r, 0, employees.get(pos).getEmpno());
populateAttributeForRow(r, 1, employees.get(pos).getEname());
populateAttributeForRow(r, 2, employees.get(pos).getDept());
setFetchPos(rowset, pos + 1);
return r;
// When created, initialize static data and remove trace of any SQL query
protected void create() {
// Setup string arrays of codes and values from VO custom properties
rows = (employees != null) ? employees.size() : 0;
System.out.println("in create(). Rows=" + rows);
// Wipe out all traces of a query for this VO
// Return the estimatedRowCount of the collection
public long getQueryHitCount(ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet) {
return rows;
// Subclasses override this to initialize their static data
protected void initializeStaticData() {
Employee e1 = new Employee();
e1.setEmpno(new Number(2333));
e1.setDept(new Number(10));
Employee e2 = new Employee();
e2.setEmpno(new Number(1199));
e2.setDept(new Number(20));
Employee e3 = new Employee();
e3.setEmpno(new Number(3433));
e3.setDept(new Number(10));
Employee e4 = new Employee();
e4.setEmpno(new Number(5599));
e4.setDept(new Number(20));
Employee e5 = new Employee();
e5.setEmpno(new Number(5676));
e5.setDept(new Number(10));
Employee e6 = new Employee();
e6.setEmpno(new Number(7867));
e6.setDept(new Number(20));
// Store the current fetch position in the user data context
private void setFetchPos(Object rowset, int pos) {
if (pos == rows) {
setFetchCompleteForCollection(rowset, true);
setUserDataForCollection(rowset, new Integer(pos));
// Get the current fetch position from the user data context
private int getFetchPos(Object rowset) {
return ((Integer)getUserDataForCollection(rowset)).intValue();
Who can help?
Thnx in advance!

I guess when we try to do it for you, we end up with almost the sample code provided by Steve Muench.
So there from my point of view it doesn't make sense to do it all over.
Take some time and study the sample code, run it without changes and after that try some changes which suits your use case better.
If you don't understand what's going on in the sample post the question here and we try to help you.

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    Easiest way to do this is to add additional transient attributes to your master view object, and then include those additional transient attributes in the list of source attributes for your view link. This way, you can get BC4J to automatically refer to their values with no additional code on your part.

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    you should get this through
    ViewObject vo = this.findViewObject("LocationsView1");
    int indx = vo.getAttributeIndexOf("DepartmentsView");
    ViewAttributeDefImpl vAttrDefImpl = (ViewAttributeDefImpl) vo.getAttributeDef(indx);
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    Easiest way to do this is to add additional transient attributes to your master view object, and then include those additional transient attributes in the list of source attributes for your view link. This way, you can get BC4J to automatically refer to their values with no additional code on your part.

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    Thanks! that's right the bind variables when i use it on where clause must be required, so i change my sql to:
    Select /*+ use_nl(p p2) */
    'F' tipo_persona,
    From SINT_PERSONA p,
    ( Select /*+ index(a SINT_PERSONA_IX2) */
    where ( NDOC = :p_cuit
    and :p_cuit <> 0 )
    ) p2
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    :p_deno = 'null')
    AND (NDOC = decode(:p_ndoc,0,null,:p_ndoc) or
    :p_ndoc = 0)
    and grado_confiab > 0
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    p_cuit required default value 0
    p_deno required default value null
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    If you look at example #132 above, you'll see a ListOfMapsDataProviderViewObjectImpl - which is a custom ViewObject that delivers data programmatically. There's a method in this object "getFilterCriteria(..)" that looks at the parameters delivered to the ViewObject, and any ViewLinks, to produce a map of parameters that the underlying DataProvider can use to filter its data. When you setup a ViewLink between two of these ViewObjects you may see a filter on a foreign key, since the master view object is retrieving its detail objects. However, when the master object is a standard database view object, the view link doesnt work, i.e. the getFilterCriteria method does not see the view link when it calls ViewObjectImpl.getViewLinks().

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    public class EntityAImpl extends EntityImpl
    { protected static final int COLUMN_1 = 0;
    protected static final int COLUMN_2 = 1;
    // etc.
    The effect of clicking OK in the Edit View Link dialog is then to produce a ParseException error as the dialog is dismissed. Looking at the file, it's clear why:
    public class EntityAImpl extends EntityImpl
    protected static final int ACCESSOR_1 = 0;
    protected static final int ACCESSOR_2 = 1;
    // etc.
    { protected static final int COLUMN_1 = 0;
    protected static final int COLUMN_2 = 1;
    // etc.
    What puzzles me is:
    * Why is the entity object being affected at all, since the accessor was only supposed to be generated in ViewA?
    * Why are all the accessors being removed and re-added, even those that have nothing to do with the view link being edited?
    * Why, when the accessors are re-added, are the constant values duplicated?

    Please send a test case. I'm unable to reproduce this in a simple project in or
    Is there entity inheritance involved?
    Do your entity XML files mention _superAttr anywhere in them? If so, you might be hitting a known issue with 9.0.3 relating to entity inheritance at design time and the accessor attributes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    I had also the same problem, I needed to query two tables which are in a Master-Detail relationship, the only way to do this is to write a new bean, extendind the FindForm bean to make a query like this:
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    JDevTEAM !!! are you planing to solve this king of problem ???
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    it´s something like this
    protected void create(AttributeList attributeList) {     
    setMyProperty(new Number(0));
    do you know how can I figure out this problem?

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    Hi Everyone,
    I have created one view link between two VOs (DeptVO and EmpVO).
    View link is based on DeptId attrtibute in both he views.
    Now i dragged DeptVO as Select One Choice in my ADF page by showing only Dept Name in soc1.
    And also dragged EmpVO as Select One Choice in my ADF page by showing only Emp Name in soc2.
    And run the page.
    After i modify any Dept in soc1 is not at all reflecting soc2. Whatever value i select in soc1 but soc2 values are not at all changing.
    What can i do to make it work?
    Any suggesetions will be really useful.

    Hi Kumar,
    The link which I posted above contains the exact steps you are looking for. View Criteria is nothing to bother about, in simple terms it is just adding a WHERE clause to our SQL query (view object). So we are passing dynamic values to the WHERE clause of SQL query ( passing the user selected value to that WHERE clause i.e. department# selected by user from soc1). Please go through the link carefully and it should address all your questions.
    Ravi Nuka.
    Edited by: Ravi Nuka on Apr 2, 2013 1:23 AM
    Edited by: Ravi Nuka on Apr 2, 2013 1:23 AM
    Edited by: Ravi Nuka on Apr 2, 2013 1:24 AM

  • How to rename a View Link in a data model?

    In JDeveloper 9.0.3, I create a simple BC4J project with a master and a detail. The business components are properly created.
    When I try to design the data model for the module, I am able to link the view for the master and the view for the detail, there is no problem to rename the view objects that I select in my data model, but I found no way to rename the view links used between the view objects.
    I always get an automatically generated name, like "FkForeignDetailLink1". This is what I see in the data model, and also in the structure of the module, in the "View Link Members" section.
    I am able to modify the properties of this view link, but not its name. Am I missing something?

    to clarify... In the AM wizard, you are trying to rename the instances of view objects and view links?
    If so, you are right, there is no way to rename view links on that panel. We are working on a better way to do that for the next release. The only way I know of to rename the view links is to shut jdev down and edit the XML for the application modele. This can be dangerous if you get it wrong, so make a backup before attempting this. The hint with renaming things OUTSIDE JDeveloper, I already know, but I don't like much.
    As for the AM wizard, I just noticed that I cannot do it inside. But that's no problem for me, as lots of details cannot be done inside the wizard, but there is a way to customize them afterwards. My real problem is that didn't find ANY way of doing it.
    A question for you if I may. Why are you renaming the view link instances? I though most users would use the detail view instance directly. The detail view instance would in turn look up the appropriate view link into, what ever its name was. The only place where I saw the bad view link names displayed in JDev was the Structure pane of the AM, under View Link Members. But there is no way to modify them there. As for the detail view instance, I didn't find a place to get to the view link at design time (in
    Could you be more precise, please?
    Thanks again,

  • 10g Preview: No way to rename view link usages in AM

    10g Preview ( Build 1375), Win2k SP3.
    I generated the entity objects, view objects, associations, and view links from my DB structure. I created an application module with the default data model from the view objects and view links.
    I then renamed all of the view links using the Rename View Link dialog. The AM's xml file was correctly updated with the new names of the underlying view links, but the view link usages retained the old names.
    There does not appear to be a convenient way of renaming the view link usages in the AM. The workarounds are either to deconstruct the data model and then reconstruct it, or to manually edit the .java and .xml files.
    I would like to see, at minimum, the ability to rename the AM's usages via a right-click menu in the Structure pane. This would affect both view object and view link usages. Currently the only option available in the right-click menu is to edit the underlying business object, not the usage. It also would make sense to allow view link usages to be renamed from the Data Model page of the AM wizard.

    That worked beautifully. I didn't have the property inspector open originally, so it's nice to know there is a way to rename usages after all.
    I wonder if there's a usability issue here though... maybe it's just me, but with the ability to rename some things via the right-click menu in the navigator pane, it seemed natural to look in the very similar structure pane for the same sort of functionality. Now there's a third place to look. Perhaps if the right-click menu in the structure pane simply had a "Properties..." entry or something similar that brought focus to the Property Inspector, it would help the user understand that there's another place to try to make the desired changes.

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