Viewc32 is changing long to int when creating

I have copied the view and the java code generated from the view by viewc32. In the view field <b>oszStartTime </b>is a long. In java it is represented as a int. The .h file is a long. Is this the way it is suppose to work? I thought the .java file would represent the field as a long. I have created about 4 views and this is consistent for all of them. All longs are changed to ints in the .java programs.
Thanks for the help...
Here is my view
VIEW GetEqmhistView
#type     cname     fbname     count     flag     size     null
string     iReqName     -     1     -     30     -
string     iMsgName     -     1     -     30     -
short     iMsgVersion     -     1     -     -     0
string     iszTrainSection     -     1     -     2     -
string     iszTrainSymbol     -     1     -     8     -
string     iszTrainDay     -     1     -     3     -
short     onSiteNumber     -     100     -     -     0
long     <b>oszStartTime     </b>-     100     -     -     0
char     ocSiteKind     -     100     -     -     \0
char     oReserved     -     100     -     -     \0
long     omdwReturnStatus     -     1     -     -     0
long     omdwErrorCode     -     1     -     -     0
string     omszErrorMessage     -     1     -     256     -
Here is the Java Generated:
package com.nscorp.apps.util;
import java.lang.*;
public class GetEqmhistView extends TypedView32 implements Serializable {
private String iReqName = null;
private String iMsgName = null;
private short iMsgVersion = 0;
private String iszTrainSection = null;
private String iszTrainSymbol = null;
private String iszTrainDay = null;
private short[] onSiteNumber = null;
private int[] <b>oszStartTime </b>= null;
private char[] ocSiteKind = null;
private char[] oReserved = null;
private int omdwReturnStatus = 0;
private int omdwErrorCode = 0;
private String omszErrorMessage = null;
private boolean _associatedFieldHandling = false;
public GetEqmhistView() {
this.onSiteNumber = new short[100];
this.oszStartTime = new int[100];
this.ocSiteKind = new char[100];
this.oReserved = new char[100];
* Gets the current state of associated field handling.
* @return the current state (true=on, false=off)
public boolean getAssociatedFieldHandling()
return _associatedFieldHandling;
* Sets the state of associated field handling.
* @param state the desired state (true=on, false=off)
public void setAssociatedFieldHandling(boolean state)
_associatedFieldHandling = state;
* Gets the value of the iReqName element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public String getiReqName()
* Sets the value of the iReqName element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is too long
public void setiReqName(String value)
if (value.length() > 30)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data too large for iReqName");
this.iReqName = value;
* Gets the value of the iMsgName element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public String getiMsgName()
* Sets the value of the iMsgName element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is too long
public void setiMsgName(String value)
if (value.length() > 30)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data too large for iMsgName");
this.iMsgName = value;
* Gets the value of the iMsgVersion element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public short getiMsgVersion()
* Sets the value of the iMsgVersion element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
public void setiMsgVersion(short value)
this.iMsgVersion = value;
* Gets the value of the iszTrainSection element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public String getiszTrainSection()
* Sets the value of the iszTrainSection element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is too long
public void setiszTrainSection(String value)
if (value.length() > 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data too large for iszTrainSection");
this.iszTrainSection = value;
* Gets the value of the iszTrainSymbol element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public String getiszTrainSymbol()
* Sets the value of the iszTrainSymbol element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is too long
public void setiszTrainSymbol(String value)
if (value.length() > 8)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data too large for iszTrainSymbol");
this.iszTrainSymbol = value;
* Gets the value of the iszTrainDay element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public String getiszTrainDay()
* Sets the value of the iszTrainDay element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is too long
public void setiszTrainDay(String value)
if (value.length() > 3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data too large for iszTrainDay");
this.iszTrainDay = value;
* Gets the value of the onSiteNumber element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public short[] getonSiteNumber()
* Gets the value of the onSiteNumber element of this view
* @param index The element in the array to return
* @return The value which this element has
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array index is out of bounds
public short getonSiteNumber(int index)
* Sets the value of the onSiteNumber element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array given is too large
public void setonSiteNumber(short[] value)
if (value.length > 100)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array too large for onSiteNumber");
if (value.length < onSiteNumber.length)
for(int i = 0; i < value.length; i++)
onSiteNumber[i] = value;
this.onSiteNumber = value;
* Sets the value of the onSiteNumber element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @param index The element in the array to set
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array index is out of bounds
public void setonSiteNumber(short value, int index)
this.onSiteNumber[index] = value;
* Gets the value of the oszStartTime element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public int[] getoszStartTime()
* Gets the value of the oszStartTime element of this view
* @param index The element in the array to return
* @return The value which this element has
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array index is out of bounds
public int getoszStartTime(int index)
* Sets the value of the oszStartTime element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array given is too large
public void setoszStartTime(int[] value)
if (value.length > 100)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array too large for oszStartTime");
if (value.length < oszStartTime.length)
for(int i = 0; i < value.length; i++)
oszStartTime[i] = value[i];
this.oszStartTime = value;
* Sets the value of the oszStartTime element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @param index The element in the array to set
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array index is out of bounds
public void setoszStartTime(int value, int index)
this.oszStartTime[index] = value;
* Gets the value of the ocSiteKind element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public char[] getocSiteKind()
* Gets the value of the ocSiteKind element of this view
* @param index The element in the array to return
* @return The value which this element has
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array index is out of bounds
public char getocSiteKind(int index)
* Sets the value of the ocSiteKind element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array given is too large
public void setocSiteKind(char[] value)
if (value.length > 100)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array too large for ocSiteKind");
if (value.length < ocSiteKind.length)
for(int i = 0; i < value.length; i++)
ocSiteKind[i] = value[i];
this.ocSiteKind = value;
* Sets the value of the ocSiteKind element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @param index The element in the array to set
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array index is out of bounds
public void setocSiteKind(char value, int index)
this.ocSiteKind[index] = value;
* Gets the value of the oReserved element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public char[] getoReserved()
* Gets the value of the oReserved element of this view
* @param index The element in the array to return
* @return The value which this element has
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array index is out of bounds
public char getoReserved(int index)
* Sets the value of the oReserved element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array given is too large
public void setoReserved(char[] value)
if (value.length > 100)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array too large for oReserved");
if (value.length < oReserved.length)
for(int i = 0; i < value.length; i++)
oReserved[i] = value[i];
this.oReserved = value;
* Sets the value of the oReserved element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @param index The element in the array to set
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds if the array index is out of bounds
public void setoReserved(char value, int index)
this.oReserved[index] = value;
* Gets the value of the omdwReturnStatus element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public int getomdwReturnStatus()
* Sets the value of the omdwReturnStatus element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
public void setomdwReturnStatus(int value)
this.omdwReturnStatus = value;
* Gets the value of the omdwErrorCode element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public int getomdwErrorCode()
* Sets the value of the omdwErrorCode element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
public void setomdwErrorCode(int value)
this.omdwErrorCode = value;
* Gets the value of the omszErrorMessage element of this view
* @return The value which this element has
public String getomszErrorMessage()
* Sets the value of the omszErrorMessage element of this view
* @param value The value to set the element to
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is too long
public void setomszErrorMessage(String value)
if (value.length() > 256)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data too large for omszErrorMessage");
this.omszErrorMessage = value;
public void _tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
throws TPException, IOException {
int lcv;
try {
Utilities.xdr_encode_string_length(encoder,iReqName, 30);
Utilities.xdr_encode_string_length(encoder,iMsgName, 30);
Utilities.xdr_encode_string_length(encoder,iszTrainSection, 2);
Utilities.xdr_encode_string_length(encoder,iszTrainSymbol, 8);
Utilities.xdr_encode_string_length(encoder,iszTrainDay, 3);
for (lcv = 0; lcv < 100; lcv++) {
for (lcv = 0; lcv < 100; lcv++) {
for (lcv = 0; lcv < 100; lcv++) {
for (lcv = 0; lcv < 100; lcv++) {
Utilities.xdr_encode_string_length(encoder,omszErrorMessage, 256);
catch (IOException ie) {
System.out.println("Error encoding view buffer: " + ie);
public void tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recvsize)
throws TPException, IOException {
int lcv;
iReqName = Utilities.xdr_decode_string(decoder, null);
iMsgName = Utilities.xdr_decode_string(decoder, null);
iMsgVersion = (short)decoder.readInt();
iszTrainSection = Utilities.xdr_decode_string(decoder, null);
iszTrainSymbol = Utilities.xdr_decode_string(decoder, null);
iszTrainDay = Utilities.xdr_decode_string(decoder, null);
for (lcv = 0; lcv < 100; lcv++) {
onSiteNumber[lcv] = (short)decoder.readInt();
for (lcv = 0; lcv < 100; lcv++) {
oszStartTime[lcv] = decoder.readInt();
for (lcv = 0; lcv < 100; lcv++) {
ocSiteKind[lcv] = (char)decoder.readInt();
for (lcv = 0; lcv < 100; lcv++) {
oReserved[lcv] = (char)decoder.readInt();
omdwReturnStatus = decoder.readInt();
omdwErrorCode = decoder.readInt();
omszErrorMessage = Utilities.xdr_decode_string(decoder, null);

Hi Corey,
The behavior you are seeing is expected. A long in Tuxedo is a 32 bit value. That maps to a Java int data type which is also a 32 bit value.
Todd Little
BEA Tuxedo Engineering

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    Best regards,

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    Have you see the library where the wiki pages are stored. You can see how many occurrences of the workflow has been run.
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    See if you can "exploit" CRM_COPY_BADI and function modules CRM_STATUS_CHANGE_EXTERN to change the User status or CRM_STATUS_CHANGE_INTERN for System status.

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    Hi Dona,
    Pricing manipulation for an order can be done by using CRM_PRICING_BADI.Use the method CRM_PRICING_MERGE, here you can use the changing parameter CS_PRICING_BADI to change the pricing data.
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         | rights.owner
         | rights.startdate
         | rights.enddate
         | rights.agent
         | rights.geography
         | rights.type
         | rights.limitations
         <!ELEMENT rights.type (%plain-text;)*>
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    hi Vincentq,
    What function are you using to create the attachment?  Have you looked at SAP_WAPI_ATTACHMENT_ADD?

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    This is to protect you from
    DLL preload attack.
    -- pa

  • Possibe to query for pattern when creating view?

    Hi all,
    As title, I would like to know if it is possible to screen out some patterns from typing queries in View?
    Since I get no result even I use "LIKE 'pattern'"

    Hey! Thank you for the quick responds from you guys!! Impressed =]
    Hmmmm.. I think I am not familiar with database/SQL, forgive me on asking silly questions.
    The prob was like the post last time, that is, I have fields for users to entry text descriptions, what I have to do is to find out all text having that sequence and list it out by creating a view.
    Last time I got the TRANSLATE method works, however, we are not able to control users' input and there are always some exceptions to be handled.
    Say, last time, I have to find out pattern of alphanumeric with digit first followed with a character. I discover that there are users which might input them, for example, having a space between them. (e.g. 99A (ideally) -> 99 A 79 B)
    when I try to use the TRANSLATE scheme to include this situation, the result contains many unrelated records.
    I am just not sure if I am able to create that view in TOAD in the VIEW page by entering a query, as it seems that whenever I use "[]" or "REGEXP_LIKE ''", I was warned of the use of operators.
    I am just wondering if I could just use those operators in functions / procedures, or if there is some way that I am able to use those operators in the query of VIEW..?? Currently in my mind, if those functions don't work, I think substring of substrings would be able to handle some of the case, but the query would be very very very very long tho.
    I have some info to update here!
    The version of ORACLE I use is 9i (, ty =]
    Edited by: user8644821 on Jul 21, 2009 11:12 PM

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    FROM cux_ce_month_budget_lines_t
    where month_budget_id=:1
    But when I create VL for this VO. It seems the parameter :1 can not be passed.
    Could some one to help lookinto this?
    Best Regards,

    You donot need to pass parameter while creating the View Link. Once the view link is created then you assign the bind parameter to the master VO and execute the View link. The Child VO would automatically be executed.

  • ConcurrentModificationException when creating Toplink java object

    When I am adding a new java object based on a view, i get at the end of the wizard this exception and jdeveloper freezes.
    I'm using Jdeveloper 10.1.3 (latest version)
         at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(
         at java.util.HashMap$
         at java.util.HashMap$
         at oracle.ideimpl.controls.SwitchablePanel.getTabPageForComponent(
         at oracle.ideimpl.controls.FlatTabbedWindow.getTabPageForComponent(
         at oracle.ideimpl.log.TabbedPage.getTabPageForLogPage(
         at oracle.ideimpl.log.TabbedLogManager.getMsgPage(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.log.POJOGenerationLoggingAdapter.updateTask(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.mappingcreation.MappingCreatorImpl.fireTaskUpdated(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.mappingcreation.MappingCreatorImpl.generateMappedDescriptorsForTables(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.mappingcreation.MappingCreatorImpl.generateMappedDescriptorsForTables(
         at oracle.toplink.addin.wizard.jobgeneration.JobWizard$1.construct(
         at oracle.ide.util.SwingWorker$
    Does anyone know what the reason might be?

    Could it be you are creating a collection that can be modified when an iterator is al ready going over this collection.
    Could you be more specific on your project, any other toplink objects that might be manipulating the same data?
    kind regards.

Maybe you are looking for