Viewing Maverick Pages documents on Yosemite

An Apple Store replaced my iMac Maverick desktop hard drive(HD) with a Yosemite HD.  I later migrated my Documents from the Maverick HD to the Yosemite HD.  Yosemite will not now allow me to open or view many of them.   Error Message is, "You need a newer version of Pages to open this document."  On Yosemite, I use MS Word, which I prefer, and I do not want to use, upgrade to, or buy Pages 5.5.2.  Is there a work-around?  

So it seems you have Pages '09, not Pages '08. That will open Pages '08 files.
Pages '09 should work fine in Yosemite OS X 10.10 so long as it has been updated to v4.3.
Select the Pages '09 App inside the folder and Get Info to see what version it is.

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    I'm having a bit of a issue.
    Yesterday i updated my Mac to Yosemite from Mavericks. Everything went fine except some of my Pages documents were missing. I can't see why this should happen, they're just gone right away.
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    I just closed it every time it showed, didn't gave it a simple thought. Because of this every document that were created AFTER upgrading to iCloud Drive, got this little label under it saying: "Waiting". I know that it means it is waiting for syncing to my iCloud account, but again I just thought it would sync after upgrading to Yosemite.
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    So I'm kinda screwed as of right now.
    Any help would be great, honestly.
    Macbook Air (13", medio 2011) OS X Yosemite (10.10)

    Your backups are inadequate, but you can try the following procedure.
    View your documents in iCloud by selecting
              File ▹ Open
    from the menu bar and then clicking iCloud in the upper left corner of the dialog.
    Enter Time Machine. Scroll back to a snapshot of the dialog that predates the unwanted changes. Select the documents you want to restore, the click Restore in the lower right corner of the display.

  • Can I view my Pages document like an e-Magazine?

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    Does Pages have this function?
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    No if its an original .pages document. If it was exported as word .doc files or pdf then you might be able to open it with other apps like Documents to go...
    Hope this help you.

  • Preview not opening new pages documents after Yosemite upgrade

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    Yes this has been reported by others.
    No solution, so far.

  • Upgrading older Page documents

    Please confirm for me my understanding of this problem.   When I try to open older Pages documents in Yosemite, the message is "to open the document, save it with Pages '09 first".  For the record, after upgrading to Yosemite, there is no iWork '09 folder in my Applications folder.
    I doubt that I have used many (or any) of the features that didn't migrate from Pages '09.  My desire is merely to upgrade the documents to the current version.
    As I understand it, the solution is:
    1. Reinstall iWork '09 from the DVD (which I have).
    2. Download and apply iWork Update 9.3
    3. Open older files and save them as Pages '09 documents; then open them again with current version of Pages.
    Can someone please confirm that steps 1. and 2. are correct, and that they do not present any problems on a MacBook Pro (late 2013) running Yosemite.
    Thanks much.

    It sounds to me as though you have some legacy Pages ’08 documents that Pages v5 dropped support. If you still have access to Pages ’08, export the problematic '08 documents to MS Word .doc, and then open these with Pages v5.5. That would avoid steps 1 - 3 altogether.
    Otherwise, steps 1 - 3 are correct. Here again, you could also export them as MS Word documents too — as backups.
    Pages v5.5 lacks about 100+ features/functionality that was available in Pages ’09 v4.3. Consequently, it will filter out document content that it does not support, such as some templates, linked Text boxes, the use of Mail Merge, bookmarks… ad nauseum. Then it autosaves it in v5.5 .pages format to the same ’09 filename sans your original content.

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    Hi Suresh,
    Please check that you have crystalreportviewers11 (for version XI) or crystalreportviewers115 ( for version XI R2) folder in your BO installation and your web.xml has correct reference to it. You can copy this folder over in your web application and
    Add an entry in web.xml as follows ( if it doesn't exist)
      <param-value>/<your application name>/crystalreportviewers115</param-value>
    crystalreportviewers11\115 have images folder which contain all the images for Logo and toolbar. Check the images folder in viewers and make sure that they exist.

  • I can't access my pages documents when i downgraded from yosemite to maverick

    So i do a backup before i get yosemite and then i get yosemite. i also get the update for pages. a week later i decide i do not want yosemite so i downgrade by restoring the time machine backup i did before i got yosemite but in the week i had yosemite i made some page documents and i knew they wouldn't be there when i went back to maverick so i copied them onto a usb. i now have maverick but it won't let me open the files on that usb because they were made using the new version of pages. is there a way so i can access them again? please help. also i am using a macbook air if that helps.

    The only way you'll be able to access them is to use Time Machine to revert back to a version that was saved before you updated Pages.
    If you still had the newest version of Pages you could export the documents to Pages '09 format, and then update them to the version of Pages you have.

  • Recently I updated to Maverick -- I also updated Numbers, Pages and Keynote.  NOW, I cannot open my pages documents.  I get a message that I need a newer version of Pages.  I have the newest version (5.2).  How do I get around this to view my documents?

    Recently I updated to Maverick -- I also updated Numbers, Pages and Keynote.  NOW, I cannot open my pages documents.  I get a message that I need a newer version of Pages.  I have the newest version (5.2).  How do I get around this to view my documents?

    You have 2 versions of Pages on your Mac.
    Pages 5.2 is in your Applications folder.
    Pages '09/'08 is in your Applications/iWork folder.
    You are alternately opening the wrong versions.
    Pages '09/'08 can not open Pages 5 files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5.2 can open Pages '09 files but may damage/alter them. It can not open Pages '08 files at all.
    Older versions of Pages 5 can not open files from later versions of Pages 5.
    Once opened and saved in Pages 5 the Pages '09 files can not be opened in Pages '09.
    Anything that is saved to iCloud and opened in a newer version of Pages is also converted to Pages 5 files.
    All Pages files no matter what version and incompatibility have the same extension .pages.
    Pages 5 files are now only compatible with themselves on a very restricted set of hardware, software and Operating Systems and will not transfer correctly on any other server software than iCloud.
    Apple has removed almost 100 features from Pages 5 and added many bugs: 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick

  • Is there a way to open Pages 09 documents in Yosemite?

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    Anyway, I had deleted iWork 09 after I upgraded to Yosemite. I tried to reinstall Pages 09 from an older back up but when I tried to launch the application, it never opened.
    So I'm just wondering if there are any workarounds to opening the  Pages 09 documents under Yosemite.

    Lanny, thanks for the quick reply. I guess now I don't remember which version of Pages I used to create my old documents. I thought I'd used Pages 09.
    When I double-click my old Pages documents, the latest version of Pages opens with the following message:
    "This document can't be opened because it's too old.
    To open it, save with Pages '09 first."
    Then there is a Cancel button and Open in Pages '09 button."
    But it seems like Pages 09 won't run under Yosemite.

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    Does anyone have a work round?  (I do not wish to upgrade - I have heard too many bad things about Yosemite on older computers)
    While I realise that apple has never been good at backward compatibility, for as basic a product as a word processor, this is vital.
    At least Microsoft provided a conversion utility that allowed old versions of word to read docx files.

    The default file format on Yosemite with Pages v5.5.2 is single file format. Pages v5.2.2 on Mavericks can only read package file format.
    Tell the person that sent you the document to open that document in Pages v5.5.2, and then in the File menu:
    Advanced ▸ Change File Type ▸ Package
    Follow this document conversion with a File ▸ Save. That is important. Then they can send the document to you and Pages v5.2.2 can open it.

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    I really don't understand.
    The menu item is available :
    Maybe, you didn't activate the tool :
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 2 août 2011 23:10:17
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

  • In Pages document, how do I search for word and view its frequency and page numbers in a sidebar?

    I have a long document and I want to be able to search for certain key words and phrases, and then see how many times they appear in the document and exactly where.  How do I conduct this sort of search and viewing?  In the past, in Pages and Word, I've been able to view my "finds" in a sidebar but I can't figure out how to activate that service anymore.

    Here is a word frequency concordance Automator Service that works in both versions of Pages. It does not present a page number reference. It is by descending count, and alphabetically, within the repetitive counts as shown in the image here. In any document, you select the text to process, then Menu > Application Name > Services > Frequency. The Service will open TextEdit with the n-pages of scrollable results. It is 16 pt Helvetica Neue for legibility.
    Here is the code:
    on run {input, parameters}
              set mySelection to input as text
              set formatted_result to concordance(mySelection)
              if formatted_result is not null then
                   set textHeading to "Word Frequency List"
                   tell application "TextEdit"
                         set NewDoc to make new document with properties {name:"Concordance"}
                         make new paragraph at beginning of text of NewDoc with data textHeading & return
                         make new paragraph at end of text of NewDoc with data formatted_result
                         tell text of NewDoc
                               set font to "Helvetica Neue"
                               set size to 16
                               set color of paragraph 1 to {0, 0, 65535}
                         end tell
                        end tell
                        display dialog with title ¬
                         "No input selected" with icon stop ¬
                          giving up after 15
              end if
         on error errmsg number errnum
                    display alert ¬
                               "AppleScript Error" message errmsg & "[" & errnum & "]" as critical ¬
                                  giving up after 30
         end try
         return input
    end run
    on concordance(mySelection)
    -- Use Ruby to count word frequency and alphabetically sort words
        set rb to ¬
        "selected =\nfreqs =\nselected = ARGV.join('  ').gsub(/[,.]/, \"\")\n
         words = selected.split(/[^\\w-]+/)\nwords.each { |word| freqs[word] += 1 }\n
         freqs_sorted = freqs.sort do |a,b|\n\t
         a.last == b.last ? a.first <=> b.first : b.last <=> a.last\nend\n
         freqs_sorted.each { |k,v| printf \"[ %8s ]          %s\", v, k }"
        do shell script "/usr/bin/ruby -e " & rb's quoted form & space & mySelection's quoted form
    end concordance
    Launch /Applications/Automator and choose New Document, then click the Service icon, and then select the Choose button.
    On the left, you will have a list of Libraries from which to choose workflow items. Find Library > Utilities. In the adjacent column, locate the Run Applescript workflow. Click on it, then drag and drop it in the large workflow window to your right.
    At the top, you can select Service receives text in any application. Leave Output replaces selected text unchecked.
    In your Run AppleScript workflow window, you will see AppleScript boilerplate. Click on it and press command+A, then backspace to delete this content. Copy and paste the above code into this Run AppleScript workflow window. Press the Run button in Automator's upper right corner. If (and it should) a TextEdit window pops up, you are good, and you want to press File > Save. A dialog box will pop-up where you can name your Service. I called my Frequency, you may wish to call it something else. Once you have save it, you can exit Automator. Services are deposited in yourlogin directory/Library/Services.
    If you have a Pages document open with text, either select it, or command+a to select the entire document. Now, you select your Service via Pages > Services > Frequency. This will now pop-up a new TextEdit document with the results. If you want to save this new document, you must use option+File to Save as...

  • After upgrading to Yosemite I cannot share my pages document by mail as a word format - HELP please!!!

    After upgrading to Yosemite I cannot share my pages document by mail as a word format - HELP please!!!

    You don't need to go to the App Store to for support for Steam and Minecraft. You need to go to their website(s).
    You're welcome 

  • I have upgraded to Pages 5.0.1 and now I cannot print or pass along "comments" in the text of a document. I previously was able to convert the Pages document, with comments, to a "Word" document so that others could view the edited text. How do I do that?

    I have upgraded to Pages 5.0.1 and now I cannot print or pass along "comments" in the text of a document. I previously was able to convert the Pages document, with comments, to a "Word" document so that others could view the edited text. How do I do that?

    When you installed Pages v5, it automatically moved the older Pages ’09 v4.3 into /Applications/iWork '09 folder. If you want normal comment interoperability, you are advised to resume using the older version of Pages. Newer, is certainly not better with Pages v5.

  • Converting a pages document to jpeg using Mavericks

    How to convert and save a Pages document to a jpeg document using Mavericks.

    Export the Pages document as PDF best. Open the PDF in Preview (thumb nail mode). Select the thumbnail that you want Preview to convert to jpeg. Choose File > Export To… and control your jpeg quality and destination from the export dialog box.

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