ViewSet with three rows

Hello All,
I have a scenario in which i want to use ViewSet having three rows.
<b>1st Row - View1 (having a Header and RoadMap UI element)
2nd Row - View2 (having a dynamic UI view)
3rd Row - View3 (having Next & Previous buttons to move through the RoadMap)</b>
But i dont find any ViewSet using which i can arrange Views in a row.
TreeLayout, Tabstrip , GridLayout don't fit for my requirement.
Any workaround?

When you define a new grid layout ViewSet, look in the "Properties" tab, and you will see there that amongst the properties are properties for "Rows" and "Columns".
If you are still having difficulty doing this, or don't know where to find the properties, please contact me by email and I will send you screen shots.

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    One way to think about this problem is by filtering. You can create 'Booked Gig Tracking' and 'Try Again 2009' tables that are merely copies of the main table (with columns omitted as desired). These two tables would be populated with simple formulas like =MainTable :: Name in the Name column and =MainTable :: Address in the Address column. Make sure to copy the appropriate check column as well. Then each of these two tables can be filter to show only the items that are checked.
    This is a pretty sketchy description of the idea. If you need something more detailed, ask.

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    Check if this helps.. Does dynamic conersion of data to columns ..
    --Your Email table
    create table #temp (mailid int,to_mail varchar(100))
    insert #temp select 1,'[email protected]'
    insert #temp select 1,'[email protected]'
    insert #temp select 1,'[email protected]'
    insert #temp select 2,'[email protected]'
    insert #temp select 2,'[email protected]'
    insert #temp select 3,'[email protected]'
    --Constructing a temp table to hold data with row_numbers
    select *,row_number() over(partition by mailid order by to_mail) as rn
    into #t
    from #temp
    --declaration of variables
    declare @n int,@list varchar(max),@sql nvarchar(max)
    set @n=(select max(rn) from #t)
    --Population of list to form the dynamic query
    ;with cte
    select cast(',[email1]' as varchar(max)) as ch,1 as num
    select cast(ch+',[email'+cast((num+1) as varchar(100))+']' as varchar(max)) as ch,num+1 as num
    from cte where num<@n
    select top 1 @list=stuff(ch,1,1,'')
    from cte
    order by num desc
    --Formulating the complete dynamic query
    set @sql='
    select mailid,'+@list+'
    select mailid,to_mail,''email''+cast(rn as varchar) as emailnum from #t
    ) tab
    max(to_mail) for emailnum in ('+@list+')
    ) pvt'
    exec sp_executesql @sql
    --clean up
    drop table #t
    <If the post was helpful mark as 'Helpful' and if the post answered your query, mark as 'Answered'>

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    from SlowQueryTable
    inner join dbo.SlowQueryTable as SlowQueryTableSeen
    on SlowQueryTable.[box].STContains(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) = 1
    where SlowQueryTable.userId = 2
    (The query in the live system is even more complex, but this is main part of it and even simplified as it is just takes too long).
    This script generates test data and runs the query:
    -- The number table is just needed to generate test data
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[numbers](
    [number] [int] NOT NULL
    declare @t table (number int)
    insert into @t select 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9
    insert into numbers
    select * from
    t1.number + t2.number*10 + t3.number*100 + t4.number*1000 as x
    @t as t1,
    @t as t2,
    @t as t3,
    @t as t4
    ) as t1
    order by x
    -- this is the table which has the slow query. The Columns [userId], [position] and [box] are the relevant ones
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].SlowQueryTable(
    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [userId] [int] NOT NULL,
    [position] [geometry] NOT NULL,
    [box] [geometry] NULL,
    constraint SlowQueryTable_primary primary key clustered (id)
    create nonclustered index SlowQueryTable_UserIdKey on [dbo].SlowQueryTable(userId);
    --insert testdata: three users with each 625 entries. Each entry per user has its unique position, and a rectangle (box) around it.
    -- In the database in question, the positions are a bit more random, often tens of entries have the same position. The slow query is nevertheless visible with these testdata
    declare @range int;
    set @range = 5;
    INSERT INTO [dbo].SlowQueryTable (userId,position,box)
    geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT (' + convert(varchar(15), X) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y) + ')',0),
    geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON ((' + convert(varchar(15), X - @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y - @range) + ', '
    + convert(varchar(15), X + @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y - @range) + ', '
    + convert(varchar(15), X + @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y + @range) + ', '
    + convert(varchar(15), X - @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y + @range) + ','
    + convert(varchar(15), X - @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y - @range) + '))', 0)
    from (
    (numberX.number * 40) + 4520 as X
    ,(numberY.number * 40) + 4520 as Y
    from numbers as numberX
    cross apply numbers as numberY
    where numberX.number < (1000 / 40)
    and numberY.number < (1000 / 40)) as positions
    cross apply numbers as users
    where users.number < 3
    CREATE SPATIAL INDEX [SlowQueryTable_position]
    ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable([position])
    WITH (
    BOUNDING_BOX = ( 4500, 4500, 5500, 5500 ),
    ALTER INDEX [SlowQueryTable_position] ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable
    CREATE SPATIAL INDEX [SlowQueryTable_box]
    ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable(box)
    WITH ( BOUNDING_BOX = ( 4500, 4500, 5500, 5500 ) ,
    ALTER INDEX [SlowQueryTable_box] ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable
    -- this is finally the query. it takes about 6500 ms
    into #t1
    from SlowQueryTable
    inner join dbo.SlowQueryTable as SlowQueryTableSeen
    on SlowQueryTable.[box].STContains(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) = 1
    --on SlowQueryTable.position.STDistance(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) < 5
    where SlowQueryTable.userId = 2
    drop table #t1
    drop table SlowQueryTable
    drop table numbers
    Using an explicit index hint does do the job, but then the query gets slow if i change the where clause:
    into #t1
    from SlowQueryTable
    with (index([SlowQueryTable_box]))
    inner join dbo.SlowQueryTable as SlowQueryTableSeen
    on SlowQueryTable.[box].STContains(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) = 1
    where SlowQueryTable.userId = 2
    leads to 600ms, and changing the where clause
    where = 100
    slows it again down to 1200ms.  Filtering on ID get massively slowed down when using index hint on the spatial index.
    Since the table in the live system will grow to 10000+ rows, and the query is called often by users, I badly need a more efficient query.
    Do I have to create a different queries for each use-case, some with index hints and some without?

    I've run your example and can confirm your results. There's a couple of things that I noticed though.
    After looking at query plans, it's not a matter of "with spatial index" vs. "without spatial index". You have two spatial indexes, one on each column (position and box). When you don't hint the "box" spatial index, the query
    uses the "position" spatial index. Because of what they are indexing (points vs. polygons), the "box" spatial index requires a lot more IO. With some (non-spatial) predicates, the "box" spatial index gives better performance,
    with others the "position" one does. I've yet to figure out exactly why (short on time, I might get back to it in future), but you can examine query plans and use the spatial index diagnostic procs (e.g. sp_help_spatial_geometry_index_xml ) in
    addition to the diagnostics you're running to see why and if you can find a better performing plan/index.
    Bear this in mind. Given a choice of multiple spatial indexes, the SQL Server query optimizer is not able to choose (for the most part, IO etc. aside), which one is best. Also, there is usually only one choice of spatial query plan shape, in general. If
    your query is more complex than the one in your example, you might benefit by breaking it in two: one query to filter out all the rows and predicates that don't use a spatial index and one query that uses the spatial index on the subset. I've had good
    luck with this other situations with complex queries involving spatial predicates. This method may not be applicable to a spatial query as simple as the one in your example, however.
    Hope this helps, Bob 

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    Trish Leppa
    Jonh I. Haas, Inc.

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    I "think" you want a plain multiply (not a polynomial evaluation). You can do it (A) one row at a time or (B) one column at a time, but A might possibly be slightly more efficient. Do all three (including the one in the next message) and race them with your real data! Message Edited by altenbach on 03-14-2005 07:47 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    MatrixTimesVector.gif ‏5 KB

  • UDO with three custom tables

    I'm using a UDO (Master/Details) linked with a custum form. For each Master Row there is a few Detail Rows.
    It works fine.
    Now I'd need to handle one more table (3rd) which should contains few rows for each Detail Row.
    Can UDO works with three tables? If no, how can I do in order to handle this this situation?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi again,
    I made the followuing:
    1. I've created a table as MasterDataLines (the 3rd)
    2. I've included it into my UDO as MasterDataLines table (so, now I've a UDO within one MasterData table and two MasterDataLines tables)
    3. I've created a 2nd form by screen painter (within a matrix and two buttons) and I've set its property ObjectType = "My_Udo"
    4. In the matrix (which has just three columns) I've set the properties (for each column): DataBound = true, Table = "@My3rd_MasterDataLinesTable", Alias = "U_MyFieldName"
    So now I ve a main form which contains some EDIT field (binded with MasterData table) and a matrix (binded with the 1st MasterDataLines table).
    I've also a 2nd form wich conteains a matrix binded with the 2nd MasterDataLines table.
    When the add-on starts I load the main form.
    Clicking on a row (in the matrix) I load the 2nd form.
    It's all right until here!
    Now What I've to do in order to show/add/update data in the 2nd form?
    Trying to add a row in 2nd form and save it (clicking on its DefButton), a duplicate key error is thrown in MasterData table. Why?
    I need help!
    Piero Cannizzaro

  • Merging two columns with muliple rows in Numbers '09

    I am trying to merge two columns each with 100 rows and related data. Column one is the street address and column two have office numbers. The final result would be one column with 100 rows with address and office numbers.
    Ed Carreon

    sanpanza wrote:
    I am trying to merge two columns each with 100 rows and related data. Column one is the street address and column two have office numbers. The final result would be one column with 100 rows with address and office numbers.
    Ed Carreon
    Hi Ed,
    Use the CONCATENATE() function.
    Street address in column D, Office number in Column E
    100 Smith ST            212
    Formula: =CONCATENATE(E," ",D)
    212 100 Smith ST
    Note the formula has three arguments, the reference to column E, a text literal (" ") containing a single space, and a reference to column D.

  • Table in XMLP not populating with all rows

    I am creating a letter template with a table using XMLP where a table should be populated with an employee's current benefit elections. An employee could have between one and three rows of data. For each employee I can get the first row of data to populate, but if they have more than one row it is populated on the next page causing one employee to have between one and three letters. Can anyone give me some advice as to how I can get all of the rows to populate on one employee's letter? Thanks!!

    Have you forgotten how to [use code tags|]?

  • Editable table with multiple rows

    Hi All!
    We're trying to develop some application in VC 7.0. That application should read data from some R/3 tables (via standard and custom functional modules), then display data to user and allow him/her to modify it (or add some data into table rows), and then save it back to R/3.
    What is the best way to do that?
    There's no problem with displaying data.
    But when I try to add something to table (on portal interface), I'm able to use only first row of the table... Even if I fill all fields of that row, I'm not able to add data to second row, etc.
    Second question. Is it possible to display in one table contents of output of several BAPIs? For example we have three bapis, one displaying user, second displays that user's subordinates, and the third one - that user's manager. And we want one resulting table...
    And last. What is the best way to submit data from table view in VC (portal) to R/3 table? I understand that we should write some functional module, that puts data to R/3. I'm asking about what should be done in VC itself. Some button, or action...
    Any help will be appreciated and rewarded :o)

    Here are some former postings:
    Editable table with multiple rows
    Editable table with multiple rows
    Are you on the right SP-level?
    Can you also split up your posting: one question, one posting? This way you get faster answers, as people might just browse the headers.

  • How to create a custom layout with two rows

    hi ,
       i have a requirement of creating the portal page layout with two rows. First row has one container with 100% width and second row has 3 columns (30:40:30).
    How to create the layout?
    what are the modification in portapp.xml?
    Thanks and regards,

    Check this:
    Here is example portalapp.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <property name="Vendor" value=""/>
        <property name="SecurityArea" value="NetWeaver.Portal"/>
        <property name="SharingReference" value=",,"/>
        <component name="fullWidth">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="1 Column (Full Width)"/>
            <property name="" value="Layout displaying one full-width column"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/ "/>
            <property name="" value="fullWidth.jsp"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="column1">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 1"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConF"/>
        <component name="light_fullWidth">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="EPCFLevel" value="0"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="Light 1 Column (Full Width)"/>
            <property name="" value="Layout displaying one full-width column"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="light_fullWidth.jsp"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="column1">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 1"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConF"/>
        <component name="narrowWide">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="2 Columns (Narrow:Wide)"/>
            <property name="" value="Two-column layout displaying the narrow column on the left"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/ "/>
            <property name="" value="narrowWide.jsp"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="column1">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 1"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConL"/>
            <property name="" value="column2">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 2"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConR"/>
        <component name="light_narrowWide">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="EPCFLevel" value="0"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="Light 2 Columns (Narrow:Wide)"/>
            <property name="" value="Two-column layout displaying the narrow column on the left"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="light_narrowWide.jsp"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="column1">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 1"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConL"/>
            <property name="" value="column2">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 2"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConR"/>
        <component name="wideNarrow">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="2 Columns (Wide:Narrow)"/>
            <property name="" value="Two-column layout displaying the narrow column on the right"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/ "/>
            <property name="" value="wideNarrow.jsp"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="column1">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 1"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConL"/>
            <property name="" value="column2">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 2"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConR"/>
        <component name="light_wideNarrow">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="EPCFLevel" value="0"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="Light 2 Columns (Wide:Narrow)"/>
            <property name="" value="Two-column layout displaying the narrow column on the right"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="light_wideNarrow.jsp"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="column1">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 1"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConL"/>
            <property name="" value="column2">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 2"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConR"/>
        <component name="equalWidths">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="2 Columns (Equal Widths)"/>
            <property name="" value="Layout displaying two equal-width columns"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/ "/>
            <property name="" value="equalWidths.jsp"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="column1">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 1"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConL"/>
            <property name="" value="column2">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 2"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConR"/>
        <component name="light_equalWidths">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="EPCFLevel" value="0"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="Light 2 Columns (Equal Widths)"/>
            <property name="" value="Layout displaying two equal-width columns"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="light_equalWidths.jsp"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="column1">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 1"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConL"/>
            <property name="" value="column2">
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Column 2"/>
              <property name="orientation" value="vertical"/>
              <property name="designClass" value="prtlPageConR"/>
        <component name="narrowWideNarrow">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="no_safety"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="3 Columns (Narrow:Wide:Narrow)"/>
            <property name="" value="Three columns displayed in a narrow:wide:narrow layout"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/ "/>
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            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.PageLayout"/>
            <property name="ResourceBundleName" value="pagebuilder_nls"/>
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            <property name="ComponentType" value="com.sapportals.portal.layout"/>
            <property name="" value="Light 3 Columns (Narrow:Wide:Narrow)"/>
            <property name="" value="Three columns displayed in a narrow:wide:narrow layout"/>
            <property name="" value="/SERVICE/"/>
            <property name="" value="light_narrowWideNarrow.jsp"/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="anonymous"/>
            <property name="" value="column1">
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    Praveen Gudapati

  • Consolidating three rows into one

    I am struggling to figure this out and my googling hasn't quite led me to what I need. I have found some ideas such as sys_connect_by_path but I want to convert my three rows into columns (using one row), not concatenate them. I can not quite find the right thing or work it out. The code below gives me the columns I want but I can not figure out how to consolidate it onto one row. When I uncomment the group by line it doesn't like it as the role and emp fields are not group expressions. The values I wish to pivot are strings and not numbers (role).
    Would anybody be kind enough to help?? my brain has frozen!! :D
    Thanks very much
    With t As
             Select 25840 id, 'Bob' emp, 'Primary' role  From dual Union All
             Select 25840, 'Jim', 'Secondary' From dual Union All
             Select 25840, 'Dave', 'Tertiary' From dual
        ,decode(role,'Primary',emp) Prim
        ,decode(role,'Secondary',emp) Sec
        ,decode(role,'Tertiary',emp) Ter
        --group by id

    You just need to add a MAX and uncomment the GROUP BY
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  With t As
      2           (
      3            Select 25840 id, 'Bob' emp, 'Primary' role  From dual Union All
      4            Select 25840, 'Jim', 'Secondary' From dual Union All
      5            Select 25840, 'Dave', 'Tertiary' From dual
      6           )
      7   Select
      8      id
      9      ,max(decode(role,'Primary',emp)) Prim
    10      ,max(decode(role,'Secondary',emp)) Sec
    11      ,max(decode(role,'Tertiary',emp)) Ter
    12    From t
    13*  group by id
    SQL> /
            ID PRIM SEC  TER
         25840 Bob  Jim  DavePersonally, I'd use a CASE rather than a DECODE, but that doesn't matter much.

  • Problem with Current row of a VO???

    I have a Advanced table region in which i add many rows..and i get the data in to it from the lov page (lov mappings).
    for each row i add... i have to set a item in main page table region doing some validations the data i get from lov region.
    with examples..more detailed..
    i have paymentAmount and AllocAmount...i get the payment Amount from LOV...after doing some validation on paymnetAmount i have to set the same value to the AllocAmount.
    ARTransactionLine is the VO which contains the above mentioned attributes....and advanced table i mentioned above is based on this VO.
    for this purpose im using the following code..
    ARTransactionLineVORowImpl TransDetailsVORow = (ARTransactionLineVORowImpl)vo.getCurrentRow();
    payment_amount = TransDetailsVORow.getPaymentAmount();/*for this paymentAmount i made a lov that currentrow contains the value of paymnetAmount from lov page*/
    if(/* some validation*/){
    now when i do this ..for the first row it is working fine...but for the second row it is failing...getCurrentRow() is giving the values of previous row..not the current row...
    first of all what does this getCurrentRow return???
    help me ...n tell me where i was wrong...

    I m sure you have not gone through the tutorials completely.
    ARTransactionLineVOImpl vo =(ARTransactionLineVOImpl)findViewObject("ARTransactionLineVO1");
    ARTransactionLineVORowImpl TransDetailsVORow = (ARTransactionLineVORowImpl)vo.getCurrentRow();
    with this row i am doing the below opeations..
    Number x=TransDetailsVORow.getPaymentAmount();
    /* some validations*/
    Change to
    ARTransactionLineVOImpl vo =(ARTransactionLineVOImpl)findViewObject("ARTransactionLineVO1");
    ARTransactionLineVORowImpl TransDetailsVORow = (ARTransactionLineVORowImpl)vo.first();
    while (TransDetailsVORow!=null)
    Number x=TransDetailsVORow.getPaymentAmount();
    /* some validations*/
    TransDetailsVORow = (ARTransactionLineVORowImpl);

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