Vim latex-suite F9 \cite completion in input files

is there any way to use vim latex-suite's \cite completion in other files than the main texfile? I'm using seperate files for each chapter, auto completion will only work in my main file.

Hmm, not surprisingly, it was an unrelated stupid error on my part: the path to the file I was working on had a space in it.  Remove space from folder name, hello \cite completion.  Solved.

Similar Messages

  • Vim latex-suite and auto completion

    according to this introduction you have to hit <enter> to chose a bib entry after pressing F9 in \cite{ :
    My problem is that I see the bib entries but when I hit enter the windows close and I'm back in my tex file with no entry in the \cite bracket. When I typed in the first letters of the bib key these are also erased.
    Any ideas?
    Here's my .vimrc
    " Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
    " This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
    set nocompatible
    filetype plugin on
    filetype indent on
    set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
    let g:tex_flavor = "latex"
    " switch on syntax highlighting
    syntax on
    let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat = 'pdf'
    let g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'latexmk -pdf -pv -g'
    set runtimepath=~/.vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,~/.vim/after
    " A clean-looking font for gvim
    set guifont="DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 8"
    " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
    set backspace=indent,eol,start
    set history=100 " keep 100 lines of command line history
    set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
    set showcmd " display incomplete commands
    " set mouse -=a
    set shortmess+=I " disable the welcome screen
    " line numbering
    set nu
    " wrap like other editors
    set wrap " word wrap
    set textwidth=0 "
    set lbr " line break
    set display=lastline " don't display @ with long paragraphs
    " searching
    set hlsearch " highlight all search results
    set incsearch " increment search
    set ignorecase " case-insensitive search
    set smartcase " upper-case sensitive search
    " nice colours
    set t_Co=256
    " colorscheme twigight
    " colorscheme desert256
    " colorscheme tlvb
    " colorscheme zenburn
    colorscheme ir_black
    " scroll one screen line regardless of editor line length
    :noremap <Up> gk
    :noremap! <Up> <C-O>gk
    :noremap <Down> gj
    :noremap! <Down> <C-O>gj
    :noremap k gk
    :noremap j gj
    set enc=utf-8
    " Scrollbars
    set sidescrolloff=2
    set numberwidth=4

    Hi davvil,
    thanks for your reply. There are no whitespaces. The only thing I've noticed is, that the indention of the entries is different (INCOLLECTION, BOOK, etc isn't idented, though).
    My bib was partly created by JabRef and by entries made by me. I'll check if the problem also occurs with a new bib made from scratch.

  • Vim latex-suite: I'm on another file after compiling

    a little thing that bothers me when using latex in vim:
    After using \ll to compile the file using latexmk vim opens the master document so I have to open the old file manually to keep working.
    Any idea how to change this?

    Barghest wrote:
    I already use vim-latexsuite and all its nice features like \cite completion and so on. I installed it (via AUR?) in March
    $ powerpill -Qs latexsuite
    local/vim-latexsuite 20100129-2 (vim-plugins)
    I see, I didn't realize it was in AUR. I just installed the vimball directly into my .vim folder.  From glancing at latex-suite's compiler.vim, it looks like latex-suite expects all of its function definitions to be in the same place as your personal tex.vim config file (they're all relative to $VIMRUNTIME, it seems). If your tex.vim is in your .vim folder and the latex-suite files like compiler.vim are elsewhere (as they probably are, if they were installed by pacman), then maybe latex-suite is becoming confused and causing the error you mentioned? I'm obviously not much of a coder/vim internals person, and I don't know the precise layout of the files installed by the AUR version of latexsuite, so this is mostly speculation; maybe others who are more knowledgeable can weigh in. But you might try uninstalling your AUR latexsuite and downloading and installing the latexsuite vimball directly into your ~/.vim/ftplugin, and see if that solves the problem.

  • Vim LaTeX-suite compile

    I have the latex-suite in vim and I use it to compile.  However, by default it compiles to DVI.  I would like for it to compile to PDF by default instead.  As of right now, if I try setting it to PDF (for example, using :TTarget pdf), it does not carry over from session to session.  Is there a way to make it set on startup (mabye via the .vimrc)?
    If not, how does one get the present directory of the file currently being editted?  For example, :!cd DIRECTORY ; pdflatex FILE.tex , works when typed in manually.  How about if one wanted to create a keybinding in .vimrc to yield this?

    zeug wrote:
    I do not seem to have that directory.  I did find that file a bunch of locations, though.  Any idea which one should be editted?
    Uhh, I'm never able to recall which directory gets overwritten on each vim update, sorry There was a thread about this once, but I can't seem to find it just now…
    The manual explains the options very well, I think, but it still doesn't say where this stuff should belong. However, unless you intend to write your documents as root, I'd say just create the ~/.vim/ftplugin folder and put tex.vim in it.
    makimaki wrote:Thanks for that tip
    Yer welcome.
    Edit: Found the aforementioned thread.
    Last edited by Runiq (2010-02-23 22:49:26)

  • Vim latex-suite opens blank firefox tab [SOLVED]

    when i try to view a text doc using \lv xdvi shows it nicely, but a blank firefox tab is also opened up for some inexplicable reason.
    anyone know what that reason might be and how i can stop this behavior?
    Last edited by pradtf (2010-07-03 04:12:10)

    no i don't and i have nothing like it in .vim or /usr/shared/vim
    so i put it into .vimrc and the problem is gone!
    thank you very much jt512!
    i am puzzled though as to what would cause vim to go to firefox in the first place. i realize it is the default browser as defined in
    but i don't see how that would be connected with tex.
    Last edited by pradtf (2010-07-03 04:17:02)

  • Latex-suite: disable smart key mappings (e.g. ... - \ldots)

    I've recently started using LaTeX. Since vim/Gvim is my absolutely favorite text editor, it's plugin latex-suite comes in handy with features such as text folding. Latex-suite also has some auto-completion/conversion features; unfortunately I don't like them. The most annoying are conversions such as ... -> \ldots. While this may be useful when using ... inside a text, it definitely isn't when trying to format the LaTeX document with ............. lines because they are automatically converted to \ldots\ldots\ldots!!!
    I've already found out that this feature is called "Smart Dots" (see … suite.html --> "3.9. Smart Key Mappings"). Here … -keys.html it is described how to disable some of the smart key mappings; unfortunately, not the Smart Dots.
    Any idea how to disable Smart Dots or even all auto-completion/conversion features in general? I generally don't like auto-completion/conversion!

    It turns out this isn't QUITE as simple as I thought.  Since some latex elements are closed (eg \begin{something} ... \end{same something}) while others are not (eg \chapter \section) the folding function needs to check for each.
    First here is my generic folder
    function ToggleFold(marker)
    if foldlevel('.') == 0
    normal 0
    call search(a:marker,'c')
    let x = line('.')
    normal %
    let y = line('.')
    execute x . "," . y . " fold"
    if a:marker == '<'
    normal k
    let x = line('.')
    normal j
    normal zd
    execute x
    normal j
    normal zd
    normal %
    "some example bindings
    nmap <space> ;call ToggleFold("{")<CR>
    " } This is just here to match/close the previous line
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.svg set filetype=xml
    au FileType html,xml nmap <space> ;call ToggleFold("<")<CR>
    au FileType html,xml let b:match_words = '<\([^ >]*\)[^>]*>:</\1>'
    And the whitespace or python-like code folder
    function ToggleIndentFold()
    if foldlevel('.') == 0
    let x = line('.')
    let i = indent('.')
    normal j
    while indent('.') > i
    normal j
    normal k
    let y = line('.')
    execute x . "," . y . " fold"
    normal zd
    "" The above function may hang in the while loop if
    "" the file does not have a trailing empty line.
    "" The following function checks for and/or adds one.
    function StartOutline()
    let x = line('.')
    normal G
    if indent('.') != 0
    normal o
    execute x
    The challenge is parts of each of these would be needed for "complete" latex folding.  The begin/end bounded blocks can use the generic function with these line
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex nmap <space> ;call ToggleFold("\begin")<CR>
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex let b:match_words = 'begin{\([a-z]*\)}:end{\1}'
    but this will not fold "unbounded" blocks like chapter section and item.
    Here is my first attempt at a general purpose latex folder.  It works ... most of the time.
    function ToggleLatexFold()
    if foldlevel('.') == 0
    let block_type = matchstr(getline('.'),'\(chapter\|section\|item\)')
    if block_type != ""
    " I don't like the next four lines - there should be a better way of
    " getting the number of lines in the buffer
    normal ma
    normal G
    let last_line = line('.')
    normal `a
    " end ugliness
    let x = line('.')
    normal j
    while matchstr(getline('.'),block_type) != block_type
    if line('.') >= last_line
    normal j
    normal k
    let y = line('.')
    execute x . "," . y . " fold"
    normal 0
    call search("\begin{",'c')
    let x = line('.')
    normal %
    let y = line('.')
    execute x . "," . y . " fold"
    normal zd
    normal %
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex nmap <space> ;call ToggleLatexFold()<CR>
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex let b:match_words = 'begin{\([a-z]*\)}:end{\1}'
    It fails, however, when a section is followed a new chapter rather than another section.  This part would be easy to fix.  It also fails, though, when a same-flavor block is nested within the current - for example a \item that has a nested enumerate or itemize will not fold properly.
    For my use, I'll stick with putting braces in comments around my major elements.  But hopefuly this will give you some ideas.  If you make any big improvements, let me know.
    No doubt I have really just reinvented the wheel - but thats the best way to really know how wheels work!

  • Latex-suite no longer working

    I don't know exactly when this happened, but latex-suite doesn't work anymore since one of the latests Vim upgrades. Is anybody else experiencing this problem?
    I checked in AUR and it seems to be a general issue. Does anybody knows how to fix it?

    cmlr wrote:
    Before latex-suite, there was auctex.vim, which has many of the same features.  It still works;  I'm the author, I'm happy to consider any suggestions.  Give it a try.
    Thanks a lot, man! I'll give it a try as soon as I get home.

  • Upgrading to osx 10.6.8 fails. I see errors in the /var/log/install.log of "An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination." Underlying Error=(Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=5 "The operation couldn't be completed. Input/out

    upgrading to osx 10.6.8 fails. I see errors in the /var/log/install.log of "An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination." Underlying Error=(Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=5 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Input/out. Any thoughts on what is causing these errors and the upgrade failure?

    I have no idea what the specific error code means but input/output errors can sometimes mean a disk is failing. Make a couple of backups of all important data before doing anything else.
    Verify your startup disk using the First Aid tab in Disk Utility. If the disk needs repair boot from your Leopard DVD and repair your disk from Disk Utility under Utilities on the screen after you choose your language. Repeat the repair process until Disk Utility reports all is well.
    If Disk Utility doesn't find any errors you might want to try a new download of the update and keep a sharp eye on your HD for anything else that might indicate all is not well. Take special care to back up important data.
    If Disk Utility finds errors it would probably be a good idea to pay a visit to the Apple Store to have them check out your hard drive even if Disk Utility is able to repair the errors.

  • Hello!  I am having trouble deleting any emails on my Mac OS X.  I keep getting this error message "this operation couldn't be completed.  Input/Output err."  Any suggestions?  I have rebooted.

    I have a Mac OS X.  I just had some memory installed and had to update my Mail and had a ton of old mail still there.  Since then, my mail has crawled so slow and I have tried to delete my old emails and I keep getting this error message "the operation couldn't be completed.  Input/Output error".  Any suggestions? 

    The next time you have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.
    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Scroll back in the log to the time you noted above. Select any messages timestamped from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Help needed on Transforming input File to EDI Format

    I have an input flat file in one location. Using BizTalk, i need to pick that file from that Recieve location, transform it to EDI format and send it to Destination location.
    Now, when I place input file in the "Recieve location", it is being processed and it is erased from recieve location. But I am not able to see the output in the Destination location.
    And when i query it in BizTalk Administration console, the state is "Completed" without any errors.
     Any guidance/suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Hi all, I have just collated everything and have put it in my words below..Please
    let me know your valuable inputs as I am struck in this point from more than a week.
    I need to fetch an input flat file (.txt format) from the "Receive location" and I am supposed to transform that to an EDI message X12 format and send it to Destination folder.
    I have set up the receive port and send port configurations in the Admin Console, have created the Trading Partners, agreement and other settings.
    The problem I am facing : Now, when I place input file in the "Receive location", it is being processed and I am able to pick up the file from the input folder
    but I am not able to figure out why the file is not being processed and sent to the destination folder.. (If I query for All In Progress instances, suspended instances or Running instances : I am not getting any results and the below grid is always empty).
    And when i query it in Biz-talk Administration console for Tracked instances, the Receive pipeline component's state is "Completed" without any errors.
    And I am not using any Orchestration in between..
    Thank you all in advance....

  • Input file should be deleted only after the output file is successful.

    Hi Experts,
    Could you pleas solve the below issue.
                           In  a file to file scenario, the input file will be picked from a directory location and after processing output file will be placed in the output directory location specified in the receiver communication channel.
    In the sender communication channel for the scenario mentioned above, if the processing mode is given as delete, the input file will be delete as soon as the file was successfully read by the adapter, but this will not ensure that the file processing is complete and the output file is being created.
    If we have a scenario in such as way that the input file should be deleted from the input folder only if the complete process is successful and the output is generated. how can we achieve this functionality?.
    And one more thing if we got the successful output the output file should be placed in one folder. and the if the output file is having errors it should be placed in other folder.

    In Receiver communication channel I have used the below command in Run Operating System
    .And I have kept the processing mode of sender communication channel as test.
    cmd.exe: /C "del /Leela/test.xml"
    You are running the comman line program configured in the receiver File Adapter,but in command line you mentioned the Sender File Folder , So i guess it's not getting processed.
    Try this:
    Try to run the command line in the Sender File Adapter Side
    "Place this in " --> Run OS Command After Message Processing.
    Hope this would work and get in parrallel with u r requirement.

  • Error 1923. Service 'Input File Repository Server' (BOBJInputFileServer) co

    I get the following error:
    Error 1923. Service 'Input File Repository Server' (BOBJInputFileServer) could not be installed.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.
    I am trying to perform the install as an admin. I previously had the server installed but had to uninstall and now I cannot re-install. how would I do a complete uninstall of all registry components, etc. if necessary?

    Ok. Please open the services browser (Start->Programs->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services) and check if there are any BOBJ services still listed (like the Input File Repository Server).
    If you find any services still listed, please use instsrv.exe to remove them (even if the services are stopped and/or deactivated). Try to install again after you have removed all BOBJ related services.

  • Query on processing the input files sequentially

    Hi All,
    I've a scenario based on File to 3 RFCs i.e. the input file will have 3 different recordtypes and based on the value of the recordtype corresponding RFCs should be invoked.
        The main criteria here is <b>the input files should be read in sequence (By Date) and should be sent to R/3 once the prior file is processed completely</b> i.e. the second / third / subsequent file <b>shouldn't create multiple instances</b> of the ABAP pgm.
        Even if I use EOIO in the file sender adapter  I suppose the second file will be sent to and processed by ABAP parallely if the first file processing consumes huge time. Please correct me if am wrong.
        Also let me know if there is any way to achieve this .
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Udo / Prateek,
            Thanks for your prompt reply.
    Udo - <i>No, i dont think so. It has to wait in the queue until first message is processed</i> --  <b>Do you mean that XI will not create multiple instances of the ABAP pgm??..</b>
    Prateek - How do I <b>Activate/Deactive the jobs for Event-Driven Message Processing dynamically using a program??..</b> Bcoz I've to check whether the first file processing is over (say by checking a flag) in the R/3 side and then Activate the Job if that the next file can be read..

  • Input file not a valid archive

    Originally the application was written in CVI 6.0. I have now created a completly new project and workspace and added all the files.
    The compilation works fine. But the error message I get when linking (build) is " error: Input file is not a valid archive: 'c:\Projects\........\bin\i7000.lib'. "
    With another library I get the same problem: "uart.lib"
    The other lib-files just work fine.
    I saw in an old post a solution: to just recreate the project which I did. But it didn't work in my case.
    Any help? 
    Cheers Andreas
    Go to Solution.

     Hi Maha
    Thanks for your investigations.
    The LIBs I use "i7000.lib" resp. "i7000.dll" and "uart.lib" resp. "uart.dll" have an age of about 10 years AND are from a vendor/manufacturer that doesn't support these LIBs anymore.
    So first of all we don't have access to the original c code and therefore can't compile/build any new LIB. And most probably they were not made with CVI.
    Then as a second thought: these LIB/DLLs follow the standard and conventions of a microsoft LIB/DLL. So this should be some standard interface, even for CVI.
    Third, I think there are 1000s of such old (Microsoft standard) libraries still in use all over the industry. Therefore I cannot understand why CVI 2013 is not capabable of linking them to the rest of the code.
    Maybe I miss something in my thoughts. Like you mention already an older CVI is not a solution for us. Do you see maybe the possibility of another workaround?
    For your understanding I attach the 2 LIBs in a zip-file. Maybe it helps?
    Anyway have a nice wekend.
    Attachments: ‏96 KB

  • Aria2 - URI passed is ignored when input-file option present in conf

    I started tinkering with aria2, but I don't completely understand how to properly configure it. I have followed the Wiki, making a config file aria2.conf like so:
    Now, I want to download a file I found online, using the options above:
    $ aria2c --conf-path=/file/aria.conf ${SOME_URI}
    However, because the input-file options is present in the config above, aria2 will never actually read ${SOME_URI}, even if the input-file at ${HOME}/.aria2/input.conf is empty:
    $ aria2c ${SOME_URI}
    No files to download.
    Can I somehow use the options in the config above and have the input-file ignored, or do I have to make a completely new configuration file leaving the input-file option out?

    As xyne said, --input-file should be used at the command line and not in the config file. Though i am surprised that the config file gets parsed with this option.

Maybe you are looking for