Vim latex-suite: I'm on another file after compiling

a little thing that bothers me when using latex in vim:
After using \ll to compile the file using latexmk vim opens the master document so I have to open the old file manually to keep working.
Any idea how to change this?

Barghest wrote:
I already use vim-latexsuite and all its nice features like \cite completion and so on. I installed it (via AUR?) in March
$ powerpill -Qs latexsuite
local/vim-latexsuite 20100129-2 (vim-plugins)
I see, I didn't realize it was in AUR. I just installed the vimball directly into my .vim folder.  From glancing at latex-suite's compiler.vim, it looks like latex-suite expects all of its function definitions to be in the same place as your personal tex.vim config file (they're all relative to $VIMRUNTIME, it seems). If your tex.vim is in your .vim folder and the latex-suite files like compiler.vim are elsewhere (as they probably are, if they were installed by pacman), then maybe latex-suite is becoming confused and causing the error you mentioned? I'm obviously not much of a coder/vim internals person, and I don't know the precise layout of the files installed by the AUR version of latexsuite, so this is mostly speculation; maybe others who are more knowledgeable can weigh in. But you might try uninstalling your AUR latexsuite and downloading and installing the latexsuite vimball directly into your ~/.vim/ftplugin, and see if that solves the problem.

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    Hmm, not surprisingly, it was an unrelated stupid error on my part: the path to the file I was working on had a space in it.  Remove space from folder name, hello \cite completion.  Solved.

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    So Jag

    You can choose to separate the source files or not. It sounds like your problem has to do with Classpath and packages.
    If the file c:\base\compute\engine\ starts with the statement "package engine;" then the fully qualified name of the class is is engine.mysourcefile. If the file c:\base\compute\client\ starts with the statement "package client;" then its fully qualified name is client.mysourcefile.
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    zeug wrote:
    I do not seem to have that directory.  I did find that file a bunch of locations, though.  Any idea which one should be editted?
    Uhh, I'm never able to recall which directory gets overwritten on each vim update, sorry There was a thread about this once, but I can't seem to find it just now…
    The manual explains the options very well, I think, but it still doesn't say where this stuff should belong. However, unless you intend to write your documents as root, I'd say just create the ~/.vim/ftplugin folder and put tex.vim in it.
    makimaki wrote:Thanks for that tip
    Yer welcome.
    Edit: Found the aforementioned thread.
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    Any ideas?
    Here's my .vimrc
    " Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
    " This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
    set nocompatible
    filetype plugin on
    filetype indent on
    set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
    let g:tex_flavor = "latex"
    " switch on syntax highlighting
    syntax on
    let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat = 'pdf'
    let g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'latexmk -pdf -pv -g'
    set runtimepath=~/.vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,~/.vim/after
    " A clean-looking font for gvim
    set guifont="DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 8"
    " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
    set backspace=indent,eol,start
    set history=100 " keep 100 lines of command line history
    set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
    set showcmd " display incomplete commands
    " set mouse -=a
    set shortmess+=I " disable the welcome screen
    " line numbering
    set nu
    " wrap like other editors
    set wrap " word wrap
    set textwidth=0 "
    set lbr " line break
    set display=lastline " don't display @ with long paragraphs
    " searching
    set hlsearch " highlight all search results
    set incsearch " increment search
    set ignorecase " case-insensitive search
    set smartcase " upper-case sensitive search
    " nice colours
    set t_Co=256
    " colorscheme twigight
    " colorscheme desert256
    " colorscheme tlvb
    " colorscheme zenburn
    colorscheme ir_black
    " scroll one screen line regardless of editor line length
    :noremap <Up> gk
    :noremap! <Up> <C-O>gk
    :noremap <Down> gj
    :noremap! <Down> <C-O>gj
    :noremap k gk
    :noremap j gj
    set enc=utf-8
    " Scrollbars
    set sidescrolloff=2
    set numberwidth=4

    Hi davvil,
    thanks for your reply. There are no whitespaces. The only thing I've noticed is, that the indention of the entries is different (INCOLLECTION, BOOK, etc isn't idented, though).
    My bib was partly created by JabRef and by entries made by me. I'll check if the problem also occurs with a new bib made from scratch.

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    Last edited by pradtf (2010-07-03 04:12:10)

    no i don't and i have nothing like it in .vim or /usr/shared/vim
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    thank you very much jt512!
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    Last edited by pradtf (2010-07-03 04:17:02)

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    It turns out this isn't QUITE as simple as I thought.  Since some latex elements are closed (eg \begin{something} ... \end{same something}) while others are not (eg \chapter \section) the folding function needs to check for each.
    First here is my generic folder
    function ToggleFold(marker)
    if foldlevel('.') == 0
    normal 0
    call search(a:marker,'c')
    let x = line('.')
    normal %
    let y = line('.')
    execute x . "," . y . " fold"
    if a:marker == '<'
    normal k
    let x = line('.')
    normal j
    normal zd
    execute x
    normal j
    normal zd
    normal %
    "some example bindings
    nmap <space> ;call ToggleFold("{")<CR>
    " } This is just here to match/close the previous line
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.svg set filetype=xml
    au FileType html,xml nmap <space> ;call ToggleFold("<")<CR>
    au FileType html,xml let b:match_words = '<\([^ >]*\)[^>]*>:</\1>'
    And the whitespace or python-like code folder
    function ToggleIndentFold()
    if foldlevel('.') == 0
    let x = line('.')
    let i = indent('.')
    normal j
    while indent('.') > i
    normal j
    normal k
    let y = line('.')
    execute x . "," . y . " fold"
    normal zd
    "" The above function may hang in the while loop if
    "" the file does not have a trailing empty line.
    "" The following function checks for and/or adds one.
    function StartOutline()
    let x = line('.')
    normal G
    if indent('.') != 0
    normal o
    execute x
    The challenge is parts of each of these would be needed for "complete" latex folding.  The begin/end bounded blocks can use the generic function with these line
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex nmap <space> ;call ToggleFold("\begin")<CR>
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex let b:match_words = 'begin{\([a-z]*\)}:end{\1}'
    but this will not fold "unbounded" blocks like chapter section and item.
    Here is my first attempt at a general purpose latex folder.  It works ... most of the time.
    function ToggleLatexFold()
    if foldlevel('.') == 0
    let block_type = matchstr(getline('.'),'\(chapter\|section\|item\)')
    if block_type != ""
    " I don't like the next four lines - there should be a better way of
    " getting the number of lines in the buffer
    normal ma
    normal G
    let last_line = line('.')
    normal `a
    " end ugliness
    let x = line('.')
    normal j
    while matchstr(getline('.'),block_type) != block_type
    if line('.') >= last_line
    normal j
    normal k
    let y = line('.')
    execute x . "," . y . " fold"
    normal 0
    call search("\begin{",'c')
    let x = line('.')
    normal %
    let y = line('.')
    execute x . "," . y . " fold"
    normal zd
    normal %
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex nmap <space> ;call ToggleLatexFold()<CR>
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex let b:match_words = 'begin{\([a-z]*\)}:end{\1}'
    It fails, however, when a section is followed a new chapter rather than another section.  This part would be easy to fix.  It also fails, though, when a same-flavor block is nested within the current - for example a \item that has a nested enumerate or itemize will not fold properly.
    For my use, I'll stick with putting braces in comments around my major elements.  But hopefuly this will give you some ideas.  If you make any big improvements, let me know.
    No doubt I have really just reinvented the wheel - but thats the best way to really know how wheels work!

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    cmlr wrote:
    Before latex-suite, there was auctex.vim, which has many of the same features.  It still works;  I'm the author, I'm happy to consider any suggestions.  Give it a try.
    Thanks a lot, man! I'll give it a try as soon as I get home.

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    I have checked my video card drivers, and they are up to date, so that's not a problem (My graphics card is ATI Radeon 5700 series).
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    I have few issues regarding the transfer of the tables from one file group to another file group  in SQL 2008 and also How can we  backup
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      File group
    Dimension tables                                              
    Fact tables                                               
    dim.table1                                                                                                                          DEFAULT_FG
    dim.table2                                                                                                                          DEFAULT_FG
    Here all I want to transfer the dim.table1 ,dim.table2  from  DEFAULT_FG to the Primary File
    group .So is there simple methods for transfer the dim.table1,2  from one FG to another .I have tried somewhat but I couldn’t get the exact way .So if someone have better idea please share your knowledge that would be really appreciated.
    Secondly after moving those dim.table1 ,dim.table2 from DEFAULT_FG to Primary ,All I want to backup and restore the database only containing  the Primary and FG1,FG2… not
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    Hope to hear from the one who knows better approach for this kind of task .Your simple help will be much appreciated.
    Anil Maharjan

    Well after all my full day research on this topic had paid off, I finally got the solution and am so happy to research on these things. It makes
    us feel really happy after all our research and hard work doesn't goes as waste.
    Finally I got what I am looking for and want to make sure that I am able to transfer the tables from DEFAULT_FG to another FG without tables
    having clustered index on that tables .
    With the help of the link below I finally got my solution where Roberto’s coded store procedure simply works for this.
    Really thanks to him for his great post and thanks to all for your response and your valuable time.
    Anil Maharjan

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    You can copy the contents and paste it into a Word file. Just don't expect everything to transfer or to retain all of the formatting.

  • Calling a method from another file

    This is pretty basic stuff but i can't seem to get it right. I am calling a method from another file. The other file IS located in the same folder BUT when i compile i get errors
    "cannot find symbol" <===referring to limit and sieve i believe.
    The method name is "sieve" the file name is "PrimeSieve2008" and "limit" is the variable in brackets in the real method.
         public static void main (String [] args) {
    final int [] PRIMES;
    int sieve = PrimeSieve2008.sieve(limit);
         PRIMES = sieve(getValidInt());
              for (int j = 0; j<PRIMES.length; j++) {
                   System.out.println("Prime[" + j + "] = " + PRIMES[j]);
    Is "int sieve = PrimeSieve2008.sieve(limit)" the wrong way to call a file?
    Thanks a million,
    Edited by: Simplistic2099 on Apr 3, 2008 7:47 PM
    Edited by: Simplistic2099 on Apr 3, 2008 7:49 PM

    Simplistic2099 wrote:
    the other method runs fine:
    "public static int[] sieve(final int limit){
    int candidate; // possible prime
    int count; // no. of primes found
    boolean[] mayBePrime = new boolean[limit+1];
    // remaining possibilities
    final int[] PRIMES; // array to return
    // initialize mayBePrime
    for ( int j = 0 ; j <= limit ; j++ ) {
    mayBePrime[j] = true;
    mayBePrime[0] = mayBePrime[1] = false;
    // apply sieve, and count primes
    candidate = 2;
    count = 0;
    while ( candidate <= limit ) {
    if ( mayBePrime[candidate] ) {
    for ( int j = 2 * candidate ; j <= limit ; j += candidate ) {
    mayBePrime[j] = false;
    } // end for
    } // end if
    } // end while
    // fill up new array with the primes found
    PRIMES = new int[count];
    count = 0;
    for (int j = 2 ; j <= limit ; j++ ) {
    if ( mayBePrime[j] ) {
    PRIMES[count] = j;
    } // end if
    } // for
    return PRIMES;
    } // sieve
    I really am clueless this one you are passing in limit.
    in the other one you are getting limit from somewhere outside of main.

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    Can you try resetting your preferences first and see if that helps - see Troubleshooting 101: Replace, or "trash" your InDesign preferences

Maybe you are looking for