Virus attack

While I was browsing a story on Packard automobiles on the NY Times, a "free antivirus scan" phishing attack popped up. Of course it was intended for Windows users.
It offered a free virus scan just by downloading the software. A pull down window had the accept/cancel buttons.
Seeing this, I tried to send the file to (?). I use the Seamonkey browser, so this is very easy to do.
However the spam blocked me from being able to click on the "send page" button.
So, I took a screen shot and sent it to anyway.
When I went back to the page to go away from it, it blocked every command "forward" or "backward" with cancel/allow buttons, except there was only the Allow button. Then it called the download manager window up with "open with
Quicktime" displayed.
The only way I could exit the page was to quit the browser.
This is the most virulent and insistent phishing attack I have seen yet.
I would post the screen shot if I knew how.

There is no email address, so you're wasting your time with that. The correct address is [email protected] for spam. Phishing is not considered spam, so you're better off saving your breath in reporting those to the government.
If you want to avoid or minimize phishing, you should change your DNS servers used by your Mac. To do that, follow these steps:
Quit all internet applications (Mail, Safari, etc.)
Open system Preferences > Network > Advanced and be sure IPv6 is turned off, then enter these to IP addresses from OpenDNS in the DNS window:
then click Apply Now and quit System Preferences.
Restart your Internet applications and test it out. OpenDNS has built-in anti-phishing measures, and if you sign up for a free account, you can block up to 25 specific sites of your choosing.

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    No viruses that can attack OS X have so far been detected 'in the wild', i.e. in anything other than laboratory conditions.
    It is possible, however, to pass on a Windows virus to another Windows user, for example through an email attachment. To prevent this all you need is the free anti-virus utility ClamXav, which you can download from:
    However, the appearance of Trojans and other malware that can possibly infect a Mac seems to be growing, but is a completely different issue to viruses.
    If you allow a Trojan to be installed, the user's DNS records can be modified, redirecting incoming internet traffic through the attacker's servers, where it can be hijacked and injected with malicious websites and pornographic advertisements. The trojan also installs a watchdog process that ensures the victim's (that's you!) DNS records stay modified on a minute-by-minute basis.
    You can read more about how, for example, the OSX/DNSChanger Trojan works here:
    SecureMac has introduced a free Trojan Detection Tool for Mac OS X. It's available here:
    The DNSChanger Removal Tool detects and removes spyware targeting Mac OS X and allows users to check to see if the trojan has been installed on their computer; if it has, the software helps to identify and remove the offending file. After a system reboot, the users' DNS records will be repaired.
    (Note that a 30 day trial version of MacScan can be downloaded free of charge from:
    and this can perform a complete scan of your entire hard disk. After 30 days the cost is $29.99. The full version permits you to scan selected files and folders only, as well as the entire hard disk. It will detect (and delete if you ask it to) all 'tracker cookies' that switch you to web sites you did not want to go to.)
    A white paper has recently been published on the subject of Trojans by SubRosaSoft, available here:
    Also, beware of MacSweeper:
    MacSweeper is malware that misleads users by exaggerating reports about spyware, adware or viruses on their computer. It is the first known "rogue" application for the Mac OS X operating system. The software was discovered by F-Secure, a Finland based computer security software company on January 17, 2008
    On June 23, 2008 this news reached Mac users:
    More information on Mac security can be found here:
    The MacScan application can be downloaded from here:
    You can download a 30 day trail copy which enables you to do a full scan of your hard disk. After that it costs $29.95.
    More on Trojans on the Mac here:
    This was published on July 25, 2008:
    Attack code that exploits flaws in the net's addressing system are starting to circulate online, say security experts.
    The code could be a boon to phishing gangs who redirect web users to fake bank sites and steal login details.
    In light of the news net firms are being urged to apply a fix for the loop-hole before attacks by hi-tech criminals become widespread.
    Net security groups say there is anecdotal evidence that small scale attacks are already happening.
    Further details here:
    A further development was the Koobface malware that can be picked up from Facebook (already a notorious site for malware, like many other 'social networking' sites), as reported here on December 9, 2008:
    You can keep up to date, particularly about malware present in some downloadable pirated software, at the Securemac site:
    There may be other ways of guarding against Trojans, viruses and general malware affecting the Mac, and alternatives will probably appear in the future. In the meantime the advice is: be careful where you go on the web and what you download!
    As to the current 'Conficker furore' affecting Intel-powered computers, MacWorld recently had this to say:
    Although any content that you download has the possibility of containing malicious software, practising a bit of care will generally keep you free from the consequences of anything like the DNSChanger trojan.
    1. Avoid going to suspect and untrusted Web sites, especially *********** sites.
    2. Check out what you are downloading. Mac OS X asks you for you administrator password to install applications for a reason! Only download media and applications from well-known and trusted Web sites. If you think you may have downloaded suspicious files, read the installer packages and make sure they are legit. If you cannot determine if the program you downloaded is infected, do a quick Internet search and see if any other users reported issues after installing a particular program.
    3. Use an antivirus program like ClamXav. If you are in the habit of downloading a lot of media and other files, it may be well worth your while to run those files through an AV application.
    4. Use Mac OS X's built-in Firewalls and other security features.
    5. Stop using LimeWire. LimeWire (and other peer-to-peer sharing applications) are hotbeds of potential software issues waiting to happen to your Mac. Everything from changing permissions to downloading trojans and other malicious software can be acquired from using these applications.
    6. Resist the temptation to download pirated software. After the release of iWork '09 earlier this year, a Trojan was discovered circulating in pirated copies of Apple's productivity suite of applications (as well as pirated copies of Adobe's Photoshop CS4). Security professionals now believe that the botnet (from iServices) has become active. Although the potential damage range is projected to be minimal, an estimated 20,000 copies of the Trojan have been downloaded.

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    Critical Security Warning! Your Mac is infected with a malicious virus attack.
    Please contact tech support at +1-888-307-2735 and provide error code WBACK7917 to scan and resolve any potential threats to your personal and financial information, which was being tracked by suspicious connection.
    Consequently we are performing additional security checks to verify the source of the attack and have halted all your system resources in order to prevent any additional damage to your system and information."
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    How can I uninstall Safari on my MacBook Pro when it is entwined into the OS X operating system? Then reinstall a clean version.

    Safari locked out by Malicious Virus Attack...
    You said...
    "This is a scam.
    1. Force Quit .
        Press command + option + esc keys together at the same time. Wait.
        When Force Quit window appears, select  Safari if not already.
        Press Force Quit button at the bottom of the window.   Wait.
        Safari will quit.
    2. Relaunch Safari holding the shift key down.
    3. Turn off wifi and turn it back on.
        Turn off Wifi. Click Wifi icon in the menu bar and select “Turn Wifi off”.
        Visit another website.
        You won’t have internet connection.
        Turn on Wifi. Click Wifi icon in the menu bar and select “Turn Wifi on”.
        Select your Network."
    Your solution worked until I opened Safari again. I tried it several times, but the pop-up messages keep returning while locking the Safari screen.
    Any other suggestions?

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    Absolutely not.
    There was a new piece of iOS malware discovered recently, but it, like all other known iOS malware, requires that the device be jailbroken. If your iOS device isn't jailbroken, there's no known malware capable of infecting it.

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    Is my Mac Powerbook G$ with OSX 10.5.8 safe from virus attack or do I need to protect Safar?

    Lawrence1946 wrote:
    Is my Mac Powerbook G$ with OSX 10.5.8 safe from virus attack or do I need to protect Safar?
    It is very important to speak precisely about these matters to avoid jumping to unfounded conclusions that lead to erroneous reactions. You said "virus attack" which is a mischaracterization of the problem. It was a vulnerability, only the potential for a man-in-the-middle attack which has absolutely nothing to do with viruses.
    For your Mac to be attacked, it would have to be attempting an SSL connection with Safari or other related frameworks, and there would have to be another user on the same wifi network as yourself intercepting the transmissions and skilled enough in network coding to implement a man-in-the-middle attack. So users on school and public wifi networks using Safari were vulnerable, but home users on their own password-protected networks or Chrome/Firefox users were not particularly vulnerable.
    From the articles on Mac sites that I read, which described all of the above, it was also said that only Mavericks was vulnerable. However, there were other security updates issued for Mountain Lion and Lion to address other issues.
    10.5.8 along with 10.6 are no longer supported due to age and no longer receive security updates.

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    I get a firefox security alert that my system affected by numerous virus attack. I performed a full scan using microsoft security essential immediately but same message still pop up after that even though no virus was found during the scan.

    You may be visiting a web site that has been infected or is hosting malware.<br />
    You should never respond unrequested pop-ups that try to persuade you to download and install software.<br />
    Doing that is the way to get malware because no decent company would use such methods to inform you about that.<br />
    You only saw an animation and not a real scan.<br />

  • SIMULATING a Virus attack on a Network (easy)

    Hello guys,
    I need a Program that will simulat an Virus attack on an Network for UNI. And I don't know how to get started.
    Short discription:
    (I will try to translate that as good as possible)
    At first you must definie a Network. Which reads in all Computers in form of a string (well of course). This String must have a Ordersequent, which is definied like this: x(a,b,c,d)
    While x stants for the identificationnummer of the new definied Computers as an Integer. The "()" containse a Adressbook (a,b,c,d),
    After all Computers have been definied, The Computers which can be attacked by the Virus must also be difient. (not every Computer can be attackt by the virus). Those ar in the "[]" difiened.
    At the end the computer where the virus starts of needs to be diffiened too in "{}".
    The Program will be ended with "=".
    1(2,3) 5(4) 4(3,2) 3(2,4) 2(1,3) [1,3,4,5] {5} =
    1(2,3,4,7) 2(1,3,5) 3(1) 4(1,3) 5(4,7) 6(4,5,7) 7(1,5,6) [2,3,4,5,6] {1} =

    I didn't wanted you to solve it for me. Just a tip how to start of.
    Like should I read the String in an Array.
    I have wrote 2 Programms so far (2 good Programs), but they only read in just 3 int. Now the user can write as many as he wants.
    Well I will find out by my self any way. Just tought comunication amoung people can make live easier. But I guess I am just an old European, konversation is out of mod nowerdays.... . (sorry for the hit but I don't want to be plaiment as lasy.)

  • Virus attacking iTunes causing havok?

    We've been using iTunes in the family now for a few years and i've concluded that there is one or several viruses attacking my use of iTunes and it is going undetected by scans by Symantec Endpoint Protection and McAfee OAS.
    In the past, something has removed iTunes and Quicktime from our computer, given false-positive window confirming the software was reinstalled when it wasn't, duplicated our library causing need to move library to ext. hard drive, and disabling shortcuts to iTunes on desktop causing me to have to navigate directly to iTunes.exe using Windows Explorer and creating a new shortcut. The latest is that something is causng us to miss some charactes when we tye somethng like this sentence which is xtremely frustrating.
    Is thre a known virus out thee attacking iTunes causing such roblems and is thee a fix from Apple to eradicate computers of the virus or is ther third-party software tha will find and eradiate it.
    Reading som of the other posts leads me to beliee that this is a mor widsead poblem than jus my comuter and I'm surprise that Apple is not doing more to sole something that appears t be a direc threat to the computers of customers who use this Apple product.

    +"The latest is that something is causng us to miss some charactes when we tye somethng like this sentence which is xtremely frustrating."+
    It does not sound like an iTunes problem, and it does not sound like a virus either. Get your computer checked.

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    (Post "Win 7" virus attack ...browser often experiences very slow to failed loading; unprecedented, uninitiated pop-up tabs; odd "S" search page in lieu of Google, etc.)

    (Post "Win 7" virus attack ...browser often experiences very slow to failed loading; unprecedented, uninitiated pop-up tabs; odd "S" search page in lieu of Google, etc.)

  • 3 Ways to Prevent Game Over When Malware & Viruses Attack

    In last month’s installment of “Better Call an MSP,” Ray discussedhow to identify the current stage of your MSP.This time, let’s focus on how to stay ahead of the game when it comes to malware and virus attacks. It used to be that simply installing an anti-virus or anti-malware program for clients would deliver complete peace of mind regarding computer security and protection. Now, there is agrowing trend where hackers are making a living out of exposing and uncovering flaws and gaps within the security protection programsthat you and clients have been relying on.In addition to protecting your clients’ devices by installing reliable and effective software, you also have another layer to think about—ensuring clients are not inadvertently exposed to any unsuspecting viruses.Here are a few possible scenarios that can occur, and how you...
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    In last month’s installment of “Better Call an MSP,” Ray discussedhow to identify the current stage of your MSP.This time, let’s focus on how to stay ahead of the game when it comes to malware and virus attacks. It used to be that simply installing an anti-virus or anti-malware program for clients would deliver complete peace of mind regarding computer security and protection. Now, there is agrowing trend where hackers are making a living out of exposing and uncovering flaws and gaps within the security protection programsthat you and clients have been relying on.In addition to protecting your clients’ devices by installing reliable and effective software, you also have another layer to think about—ensuring clients are not inadvertently exposed to any unsuspecting viruses.Here are a few possible scenarios that can occur, and how you...
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

  • Hi. I  install torrent programme and i think my mcbook in under virus attack,What can ı do?

    hi. I  install torrent programme and i think my mcbook in under virus attack,What can ı do?

    Downloaded files distributed via torrents very frequently contain malware. It is not possible for anyone on this support site to provide you absolute assurance that your Mac has not been affected by malicious software. Also, there is no product that can examine your Mac and selectively delete potentially malicious software.
    Therefore, I can only recommend that you erase your Mac completely and reconfigure it from the ground up. If you created a backup prior to installing and using the torrent software, now is the time to use it.

  • VIRUS ATTACK, Which parameters to set in database to protect database and system

    Hellow My Friends,
    Please help me.
    Our site has got a VIRUS attack, which writes .doc, .exe files.
    Do you know which parameters to set in order to protect our database as well as system files from virus overwriting those very very important files.
    Also tell me please, What to do in our security wall.

    Hi Gautam
    I don't think Database control has any attribute on Role.
    The database control takes the connection from the datasource that is specified in the jcx. I am not sure if there is any attribute at the connection pool level that will allow you to set a role.
    Or you can call a method in the dbcontrol that executes a set role.. statement and then run other methods.


    I put this on here for ones Wanting to Prevent Attacks From  M & V on the DROID RAZR MAXX  b33
    How do I prevent malware attacks?
    To prevent malware (spyware, phishing, and viruses) from disrupting your phone's performance or damaging your phone, do a little research before downloading each app. Read on for easy ways to protect your phone when choosing apps.
    Check the rating
    Does the app get 4 or 5 starts? If so, it's probably a good one. If no one has posted comments along with the high star rating, be suspicious. Always check the comments, too, and if none are available, try an Android user forum search.
    Read lots of comments in Market
    Before downloading an app, read reviews from other Market users who have downloaded it to help you decide if it's right for you. On the app description screen, scroll down and touch Read all comments. Read a bunch of comments, not just the first few.
    Check the permissions
    When installing an app, be sure to read the alerts that tell you what information the app will access. If you disagree with allowing access to that information, cancel the installation. If you are installing an app that makes a shopping list, for example, the app should not require access to your contacts. Even if the app is legit, you may not want to allow access to your information.
    Check Android user forums
    Search Android user forums on the internet for the app name or post a question for other users to answer. Forums are great resources for sharing information. Your question will help other users, too.
    Check the developer's website
    Market not only provides comments at your fingertips, but if you scroll farther, you can touch Visit the developer's webpage to go directly to it. Does it look professional or quickly thrown together?
    Post your own comments
    After you download an app, you can rate it and post comments for other users to see. Just open Market and touchDownloads. Touch the installed app, then touch a star to rate it. Once you rate it, touch Post a comment to add yours. The more information available, the safer things get! Your Android community thanks you.
    Still not sure?
    If you are unable to find information using the previous suggestions and are unsure of the safety of the app, do not install it. There are plenty of other apps to choose from.

    I like how for over 2 years this hasn't been answered. This issue is still current.

Maybe you are looking for