VISA Close sending 0x0 character

Labview 8.5.1
I open a serial port with VISA open, send and receive data, and then close things down with a VISA Close.
However, the VISA Close is sending a 0x0 character on the serial line which is confusing the target instrument.   I can replicate this behaviour with MAX and with the serial port examples.
How can I prevent the VISA Close from sending the rogue character?   It's important that I do close the resource without closing the program in this instance.

Thanks for the reply.
I first noticed the issue communicating with a homebrew embedded processor, but I can demonstrate the effect by running the Basic Serial Write and, hooking the outgoing COM port back to a second incoming COM port (crossing the TX and RX lines, of course) and monitoring that with Com Port Toolkit.  I see the outgoing *IDN?<carriagereturn><newline>
Timestamp                                 Hex chars received                                ASCII representation
 08:16:21.124                             2A 49 44 4E 3F 0D 0A                            *IDN?..
and then about half a second later, the 0x00.
08:16:21.655                               00            
Manually inserting a x second wait before the Visa Close delays the 0x00 by a corresponding amount. 
If I use the Measurement & Automatum explorer, select the com port,  open the visa test panel, select the viWrite tab, and Execute the test repeatedly, I get repeated *IDN?.. strings and it's only when I close the test panel that the 0x00 comes through.  ( I can also see a 0x00 coming through when I Validate the session - I assume it's opening and closing it?)
I have attached a Capture.spy session.
Capture.spy ‏4 KB

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    Proto           Local Address                 Foreign Address    State
    TCP             TIME_WAIT
    TCP             TIME_WAIT
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    Hi Julia,
    Let me try answering your questions here.
    1) I'm actually currently looking into this to see if this is expected behavior, and I'll definitely post back to let you know what I find.
    2) You do not need to close a VISA session everytime you want to communicate with the device, you can leave the same session open and keep using that session, instead closing it out at the end.
    3) The VISA aliases and what they correspond to are stored in a visaconf.ini file. There is more information about this file and where it is located on your hard disk in this KnowledgeBase article here. This visaconf.ini file is checked to see what the actual resources being looked up are.
    Let me know if I answered your questions, I will write back with more information on question 1.

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    2006-2007 From Date : 01-JUL-06
    Printed On : Friday August 31 2007 11:13 AM To Date : 30-SEP-07
    G A/C. Code 99-99-9999 Description: xxxxxxxxxxxxx H
    -- DOC. # -- -- DATE -Chq/Slip# ---------- N A R R A T I O N -- -- DEBIT -- -- CREDIT -- -- BALANCE --
    Opening Balance: -999,999,999.00 Cr.
    G *** Total *** 0.00 0.00 -999,999,999.00H
    ================= ================= =================
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    It's possible that you are having a problem with some Firefox add-on that is hindering your Firefox's normal behavior. Have you tried disabling all add-ons (just to check), to see if Firefox goes back to normal?
    Whenever you have a problem with Firefox, whatever it is, you should make sure it's not caused by one (or more than one) of your installed add-ons, be it an extension, a theme or a plugin. To do that easily and cleanly, run Firefox in [ safe mode] (don't forget to select ''Disable all add-ons'' when you start safe mode). If the problem disappears, you know it's from an add-on. Disable them all in normal mode, and enable them one at a time until you find the source of the problem. See [ this article] for information about troubleshooting extensions and themes and [ this one] for plugins.
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    Attachments: ‏144 KB

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    I assume you mean the serial port read buffer. You can't the only way data gets there is by coming in on the receive line.
    What exactly is it that you are trying to do?
    Certified Professional Instructor
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    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

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    Thanks for help!
    Attachments: ‏34 KB ‏34 KB ‏35 KB

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    Best Regards,

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    While developing my LabVIEW application I encounter the following problem:
    If I call the VISA Close I occasionally have the problem that the call won't return. Below are screenshots from NI-IO Trace.
    As visible on the 2nd screenshot the "output" tab is missing. Also a start time is filled-in but the finish and call duration are missing (as in the 3rd image)
    The hardware setup is a FTDI FT232RL connected via USB. From this a board based on a RS485 is connected.
    The drivers of the FTDI chip are version (latest VCP drivers on FTDI web-site and Microsoft update)
    As long as the VISA close won't return my program hangs so it is not possible to quit in any orderly fashion (except for a reboot)
    Do you have any suggestions where I can start debugging this problem?

    So here is my write-up of the fix I used (it worked so far).
    !!!These actions might damage your system, may break your computer or do other unwanted stuff. You are responsible for the result (nor me nor NI)!!!
    Note 2:
    This will remove the drivers so make sure you have a copy of them before proceeding.
    With that out the way here are the instructions for windows 7 (vista and 8 should look the same, XP might be a bit different), the OS language is Dutch but the locations of the buttons is the same:
    Part of these of the instructions are from this document 
    1st add the option to show all disconnected devices by opening the system Environment Variables:
    right mouse button on "my computer" and select properties.
    In the system property select "Advanced system settings"
    If requested accept the UAC prompt.
    Select the advanced tab, Select the Environment Variables.
    In the Environment Variables window select the lower New button
    Add the variable "DevMgr_Show_NonPresent_Devices" (without quotes) and a value of 1.
    Ok all dialogs and open the device manager.
    In the device manager select view and select "Show Hidden Devices"
    The list will now get extra long since all devices that where ever connected to your computer will show up.
    For the next step disconnect all (USB) serial ports from your computer.
    All serial ports that where connected will now show up under "Ports (COM & LPT)" and under "Universal Serial Bus Controllers"
    For every "USB Serial Port (COMxx)" port and "USB Serial Converter" that is semi-transparent (disconnected) do the following steps:
    Right-mouse button on the port or converter and select property's
    The general tab should give a code 45 that the device is not connected.
    Select the "Driver" tab next and select "Remove"
    In the confirmation dialog select the checkbox (if present) and select "OK"
    Once this is done for all "USB Serial Port (COMxx)" ports and "USB Serial Converter" devices you should be good.
    Optional part
    Download the FTClean tool from here:
    unzip and run the tool (as administrator) more information can be found here.
    Download the latest VCP driver from the FTDI web-site and install it. (although windows update should take care of this)
    Optional part end
    Plug-in a USB serial converter and if everything went well you should be greeted with a "found new hardware" dialog and drivers should install automatically. (or you can re-install them manually)
    This fixed the problem for me anyway.

  • Serial VISA not sending output until closed

    Until recently, I used the to control the pins on the parallel port for controlling a stepper motor. Now however, I find much better control of the motor, with a faster speed and more evenly-timed pulses, if I use the VISA serial commands to toggle the pins.
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    of any sort, I tied the "Busy" and "Paper End" pins (11 and 12) to ground on the port, and the VISA serial properties are the defaults --
    ASRL XON character: 17, ASRL XOFF character: 19, ASRL Data Bits: 8, ASRL End In: 2, ASRL End Out: 0,ASRL Flow Control: 0, ASRL Parity: 0, ASRL Stop Bits: 10.
    I am using winXP, VISA 2.01 and Labview 5.1.
    How can I send my output to the parallel port when I want it sent, without closing the VISA session, and how can I determine when the last pulse goes out the port, so that the program will resume only after the last pulse is sent?
    Thank you,

    I upgraded my VISA to 2.6, which seems to work fine with Labview 5.1 (I couldn't find version 2.5 for Windows).
    I still have the same problem. If I use serial VISA, I can get well-timed pulses at up to 62kHz out of the parallel port, connecting it as given in the Using the Parallel Port in LabVIEW tutorial and using their vi. NI-Spy shows that the commands are sent as they are generated, but the pulses do not actually go out the port until after the VISA session closes. I have tried flushing the buffer after every write. As a result, I can get the requested pulses, but with no feedback as to when they are complete.
    If I open VISA
    , write a number of steps to VISA, then close again, I get a 50ms gap between segments that I write. I want the output to appear seamless.
    In the past I have used the, but to get evenly-spaced steps, I have to use the This limits my pulse frequency to 500 Hz. To go faster, I have used a for loop with several hundred iterations -- this leaves an erratic pulse train and is difficult to control and ties up the processor. 500 steps/second is also too slow when you consider that a typical scan requires 120,000 steps, each direction.
    So if anyone knows how I can get a regular pulse train out of the parallel port (or is their another port that would work -- not the serial though) and know when it completes so I can continue my program, I would appreciate some help.

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    Application: 12.1.1 ,
    Database : 10g
    Toad 9.5
    how can i send that chinese words in mail? please suggest me.

    I suggest close your issue here as answered than move your issue Forum Home » Database » SQL and PL/SQL which you can get more quick response

  • Send special character by mail

    We are creating an XML spreadsheet that is sent by mail, and we are requested to show in a cell the special character Delta (u0394).
    The overview of the process is the following:
    - We create an XML file through IF_IXML interface, with enconding UTF-8 Little Endian.
    - Then we render XML into an internal table.
    - At last, we send the XML spreadsheet (the internal table) as an attached file by mail through SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1.
    The problem we are facing is the following:
    If we try to put Delta (u0394) as a character in a data tag (it's a variable of type String), SAP is turning it as '#', and not showing the character.
      DATA: o_cell TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            o_data TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            v_string TYPE string.
    * Crea una celda
      o_cell = o_xmldoc->create_simple_element( name = 'Cell'
                                                 parent = o_row ).
    v_string = 'u0394'.
    *   Crea un dato
        o_data = o_xmldoc->create_simple_element( name   = 'Data'
                                                   parent = o_cell
                                                   value  = v_string ).
    When you open the file in Excel, the '#' character is shown instead of  'u0394'.
    How can I show that Delta character (u0394) in the XML spreadsheet file I am sending?
    Please tell me if more information is needed.
    Thanks in advance,

    I tried like you said:
      DATA: o_cell TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            o_data TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
            v_string TYPE string.
    * Crea una celda
      o_cell = o_xmldoc->create_simple_element( name = 'Cell'
                                                 parent = o_row ).
    v_string = '& #916;'.                                           'Added a space in the middle to show the HTML entity code in the forum
                                                   parent = o_cell
                                                   value  = v_string ).
    But SAP is tranforming my XML text to:
    ( &amp; is the HTML entity for '&')
    How can I put Delta character so that SAP turns it in the right HTML entity &#916;
    Or how can I manage so that the cell value generated is:

  • Not able to send euro character ' €' via socket

    OS : Solaris - The solaris login profile is set with LC_CTYPE, LC_CTYPE, LC_LANG=ISO-8859-15 and we are able to see this when we run the set command and also locale in solaris.
    JRE : 1.6
    Application deployed in Weblogic 10.3
    I m trying to send a euro character in java via socket, but in the receiving end not able to receive properly. Even I have to tried to set the Charset ( in the java code )
    as ISO-8859-15 , but still it didn't work properly. Code snippet for the sample program to display euro symbol
    import java.nio.charset.Charset;
    public class Euro {
    public static String createString( byte[] bytes, String enc )
    String CResult = null;
    try {
    CResult = new String( bytes, enc );
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    return CResult;
    // ISO8859-15 is same as ISO8859-1 but with EUR character
    public static String createStringISO8859_15( byte[] bytes )
    String CResultISO = null;
    CResultISO = new String( bytes, Charset.forName("ISO-8859-15" ));
    return CResultISO;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    //String enc = "€";
    byte[] iso8859_15 = { (byte) 0xA4 }; // euro sign
    //byte[] iso8859_15 = "0xA4".getBytes(); // euro sign
    /*     String Cresult = Euro.createString (iso8859_15, enc);
    System.out.println("createString Result : " + Cresult);*/
    String CresultISO = Euro.createStringISO8859_15(iso8859_15);
    System.out.println("createStringISO8859_15 Result : " + CresultISO);
    When I 'm running the above code in windows it is working fine whereas in Solaris it is not working. The console just displays ?, rather than the actual '€' symbol. Is this a display problem in console of vt100 or porgramming? Kindly suggest. How to make this work in Solaris.

    Please repost or edit that mess with {noformat}{noformat} tags and proper indenting so it can actually be read.
    And then explain what sockets have to do with the price of fish.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    ok on the 4th attempt I got the 2 MyBt accounts linked.
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    I'll keep trying with the App I suppose.
    I don't know if what I've done is correct, but here are the steps I've taken.
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    Opened the new account online. 
    Linked the new account with my "real" MyBT account. (4 attempts before it worked.)
    Gone back to the App to go through the registration again. (3 attempts and still not worked.)

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    Two things...  It sometimes helps to decompose complex statements into separate lines; break up the set interval ... line into one step that gets the text and and another that converts it to a number. Also, try using real rather than number. Number is intended as an abstract class, and applescript may be having a problem deciding whether to cast odd unicode to real or integer. A script with both changes looks like so:
    set theResult to display dialog "Please enter a number" default answer foo
    set interval to (text returned of theResult)
    if button returned of theResult is "OK" then
                        set interval to interval as real
              on error
                        display dialog "Whoops"
              end try
    end if
    Also (just to be sure) in your original script if you press a button other than "Ok" interval is never defined at all, so in your error block you either need to set interval to a default value or add a return command to exit the script.

Maybe you are looking for

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