Viterbi Decoder from LabVIEW RF Communications

Hi guys~!
I am trying to develop a 32-bit Viterbi decoder. I am currently using the Viterbi decoder from the FPGA RF Communications Library available here. However, I can't seem to get it right. The 'decoded bit' output of the Viterbi decoder VI is always zero, no matter what the encoded symbol is. I put the VI inside a while loop while constantly inputting two-bit encoded input inside the VI. The VI I am using is posted in the picture and the project I developed is in the zip file! Many thanks!
Go to Solution.
Viterbi.PNG ‏16 KB
Decoder ‏986 KB

Hi ArisEnding!
I have looked through the Viterbi Decoder example as well as your code and there seems to be discrepencies. It looks like you have removed the trellis information as well as the hamming information from the block diagram. I am not an expert with the Viterbi Decoder algorithm but these seem to be needed by the algorithm. It does look like you modified this on purpose. If you are looking for others with a more intimate knowledge of the Viterbi Decoder algorithm, I would recommend posting to the Viterbi Decoder example community page.
National Instruments

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    The system exec function is on the Communication palette. Its for executing system commands. On my Win2K system, the help for FTP is:
    Transfers files to and from a computer running an FTP server service (sometimes called a daemon). Ftp can be used interactively. Click ftp commands in the Related Topics list for a description of available ftp subcommands. This command is available only if the TCP/IP protocol has been installed. Ftp is a service, that, once started, creates a sub-environment in which you can use ftp commands, and from which you can return to the Windows 2000 command prompt by typing the quit subcommand. When the ftp sub-environment is running, it is indicated by the ftp command prompt.
    ftp [-v] [-n] [-i] [-d] [-g]
    [-s:filename] [-a] [-w:windowsize] [computer]
    Suppresses display of remote server responses.
    Suppresses autologin upon initial connection.
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    Enables debugging, displaying all ftp commands passed between the client and server.
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    Specifies a text file containing ftp commands; the commands automatically run after ftp starts. No spaces are allowed in this parameter. Use this switch instead of redirection (>).
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    Go to Solution.

    Sorry for this late reply. I have been using Teraterm Macro (not Teraterm Pro serial terminal) to interface with my previous provisioning app written in LabVIEW.
    Teraterm Macro is such a lifesaver in that it can easily interface with your development boards that need: (1) RS-232C, (2) FTP, (3) TFTP or (4) SSH connections. The plain-vanilla 'serial' VI's are just that - serial port only and those need additional code to work reliably. If you need a good serial port VI try Prabhakant Patil's Hyper Terminal for LV 2009 and newer. You will find an ZIP or VIPM package from LAVA ( I have used his versions countless of times and is 10x more reliable than provided in LV examples.
    You will indeed use the System-Exec.VI to call Teraterm Macro since *sigh* no one has written a wrapper for the DLLs (as you mentioned they are built for .Net framework. I have talked with the current developers and they are willing to give anyone the pass to extend Teraterm for LabVIEW so C++ devs out there with good LabVIEW knowledge should re-build the DLLs as static libraries that can be called from within LabVIEW. For now, this is the only way and it is a kludge - but it works - just not in a way you expect.
    Here you can see that I am building the command line arguments before I call the system-exec node. Refer to the excellent how-to instructions at:
    Teraterm Macro will be spawned (opened) like it would when called from the command line. Its std input & output are not tied to your VI. You can merely pass arguments to the system-exec node. This is the reasons why we need someone to recompile the Teraterm Macro DLL as a static library (anyone?) so we can build a wrapper VI around the functions. Then its std inputs and outputs can be tied to LabVIEW's controls and indicators - hence, it becomes LV native.

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    There are couple of options:
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    2.  If the IP2kProg has an API / exported functions, you can call them from LabVIEW using the Call Library Function Node. 
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    Hi Sri,
    Thanks for posting on the NI forums.
    As gwd noted this device has an RS-232 port and indeed does have a GPIB interface, but no ethernet port as per the page three of the 33250A's spec sheet (link below). This means that the instrument can be controlled from your desktop PC via an RS-232 (COM) port (one port per instrument), or via a GPIB card in your PC. As GPIB is a 'multidrop' communication method you will only need one GPIB card to control both instruments in this case.
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    Chris Delaney

    You can use the 'String to IP' icon to and get your ip address. Either
    wire in an empty string, or don't wire anything at all. The address
    comes back as 4-byte digit, each byte represents one section of the dot
    notation address. For instance if your ip address is the
    value that is returned is 3232235703 decimal (FF00FF0 hex). This
    operation uses a few milliseconds.
    If you don't want to parse it yourself then you can wire the result into
    'IP to String'. I don't recommend this because this operation can take
    All functions mentioned are found in the Functions>Communications>TCP
    In article ,
    christopher sean delaney wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Does anyone have any
    idea how to get the IP address of the machine
    > labview from labview?
    > Thanks,
    > Chris Delaney
    Sent via
    Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

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    I just did a quick websearch and wasn't able to find any information on getting LabVIEW to work with this VWIN software of which you speak. If this software has ActiveX capabilities, you should be able to communicate with it from LabVIEW without any problems...LabVIEW has the ability to control other programs with its ActiveX tools. If your VWIN software does not support ActiveX, however, your options are rather could use the "System Exec" VI in LabVIEW to launch the VWIN software from LabVIEW, but you would have no control over it from LabVIEW.
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    e and ask them if they known of any of their customers attempting to control the software externally, and if so, what methods they used.
    I wish you luck with your application. Also, in the future please post LabVIEW-related question in the appropriate LabVIEW forum.
    Have a pleasant day.
    Darren N.
    NI Applications Engineer
    Darren Nattinger, CLA
    LabVIEW Artisan and Nugget Penman

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    thank you in advance
    QAM ‏30 KB
    QAM ‏30 KB
    rx ‏57 KB

    The conversion was done here:
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  • Live Chat Transcript: Yvette Nicole Brown (Shirley) from NBC's Community

    Transcript for Chat: 'Live Chat: Yvette Nicole Brown (Shirley) from NBC's Community', Thu May 17 21:24:22 CDT 2012
    9:19 PM YvetteNBrown: Hey Guys! Welcome to the chat! Let's get to some questions!!!
    9:20 PM Guest-13: Yvette! This is fantastic! I just watched all 3 episodes (central time) and also chatted with Gillian! Who is the hardest to do scense with due to so much laughter??
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    9:21 PM Guest-27: What has been your favourite episodes to shoot and also to watch?
    9:21 PM YvetteNBrown: The Law and order is my fav to watch. Flashback favorite to shoot
    9:21 PM Guest-8: How did you first find out about Community (like how did you first find out about auditions for it?)! Aso you are the best...and so is Community!
    9:22 PM YvetteNBrown: My agent sent me an audition notice and I went in THREE times before I was cast!
    9:22 PM Guest-66: So... how about Joel in that rock magician costume...? ;D
    9:23 PM YvetteNBrown: I loved Joel in that mascara and eyeliner… I told him it was sexy! Apologies to his wife!
    9:23 PM Guest-89: You're my absolute favourite in the show! What were your first thoughts on the whole concept when you first heard/saw it?
    9:23 PM YvetteNBrown: Thank you! I thought it was really a great script and was hoping and praying I'd get to be a part!
    9:24 PM Guest-87: Yvette, do you know what the plan for next semester is?
    9:24 PM YvetteNBrown: We don't know yet. We won't find out until late July when we get that script!
    9:24 PM Guest-28: How much time did it take to film season 3?
    9:24 PM YvetteNBrown: We filmed season three from late July until late February. 80 hour weeks… yikers!
    9:24 PM Guest-105: Who's your favorite cast member?
    9:25 PM YvetteNBrown: No matter who you ask this question to in the cast the answer will undoubtedly be Danny Pudi! He's the BEST
    9:26 PM Guest-18: Totally loving the shows right now!!!!! Love hearing you sing. Do you guys ever randomly sing when waiting to shoot?
    9:25 PM YvetteNBrown: To Guest-18 We sing all the time! We make up songs that only make us laugh. If you heard them you would find us all very strange!
    9:26 PM Guest-127: i love you ms, Shirley u the best 
    9:26 PM YvetteNBrown: To Guest-127 I love you back! And you can call me Yvette. It's okay!
    9:26 PM Guest-42: If you could be any other character in the show, who would you be?
    9:26 PM YvetteNBrown: I think I would be Senor Chang or Dean Pelton. They seem to have the most fun!
    9:27 PM Guest-132: Since its community college and thats usually over in 2 years. Will you guys ever graduate?
    9:28 PM YvetteNBrown: I now folks who go to community college long after two years so we could be at Greendale FOREVER! Leonard and Pierce surely have been
    9:28 PM Guest-19: After watching the finale, it seems as if the finale was meant to act as a series finale if the show was not renewed. What were the emotions like on set while filming that episode? 
    9:28 PM YvetteNBrown: It was a bit bittersweet. We had faith we'd be back but we were gratified in knowing that even if we weren't Dan and the writers had given us a fitting finale.
    9:29 PM Guest-122: Hey Yvette, @GREENDALE_LOVE from Twitter here. Thank you so much for your amazingness to us fans. How the heck do you ever manage your Twitter account??? We're always bugging you
    9:29 PM YvetteNBrown: LOL! You guys are great! For all of your loveliness there's only one or two bad apples and as you now if you follow my feed, they're politely reprimanded and blocked and kindness is restored!
    9:29 PM Guest-112: I heard you once had a contract w/Motown. Do you ever think about going back to singing?
    9:30 PM YvetteNBrown: I think about it sometimes. But my motown/Biv 10 days were back when I was a teenager. If the right opportunity came about I'd sing a little ditty or two. Until then singing as SHirley is enough for me!
    9:30 PM Guest-69: How excited are you about the 13 episodes NBC ordered for the fall?? When I found it was like a really early Christmas gift! 
    9:31 PM YvetteNBrown: We were OVERJOYED! It was Christmas for us too! And we're really excited about the move to Friday's. It's a more relaxing time slot over there! LOL!
    9:31 PM Guest-79: Hi Yvette!! I own Season 1&2 on DVD and all the commentary and special features are hilarious. I love that you guys include that stuff. When does Season 3 come out??
    9:32 PM YvetteNBrown: Thanks! We have a great time doing the commentaries! Season 3 will be out later this summer! And you can pre-order it on…the wording may be weird but the link works! Also seasons 1 & 2 are on sale right now! Gotta love Best Buy!!!
    9:33 PM Jason-BBY: You can preorder Season 3 now at
    9:33 PM Guest-149: I've always thought Shirley was just a great character, but in season 3 she has been especially awesome! Are there any Shirley moments or episodes that you would classify as your favorite? Lame question, I know, but it's what I thought of. Thanks for being so awesome and you and all the cast are definitely role models to me! Keep being great. 
    9:34 PM YvetteNBrown: Not lame at all! I love EVERY opportunity to work with Malcolm-Jamal Warner and also working with Joel McHale! I also enjoy delving into Shirley's darker side. She's fiesty… and SCARY!
    9:34 PM Guest-94: Thanks for taking the time to do this, Yvette! We're all really excited that Community has been renewed for a fourth season, but are you at all worried that it won't get a back 9 episodes?
    9:36 PM YvetteNBrown: Guest -94… stay in the moment! 13 episodes is great! let's rejoice in that. If the back 9 is meant to be, it will be. Lots of viewers and high ratings will assure it, though… so Communies/Human Beings… tell two friends about the move to Friday at 8:30 in the fall, will ya?
    9:35 PM Guest-42: I find that I keep saying "That's nice!" like Shirley -- have you picked up any of your character's mannerisms/sayings?
    9:35 PM YvetteNBrown: LOL! "That's Nice" is actually a Yvette saying. I ad-libbed it in the pilot as Shirley and it sorta stuck. So I'd say yes… sorta? To that question.
    9:36 PM Guest-30: Who's the wildest on set?
    9:37 PM YvetteNBrown: Donald Glover, HANDS DOWN!!!
    9:37 PM Guest-132: I love bestbuy! How often do you go to bestbuy & What's your favorite section to browse in Best Buy?
    9:37 PM YvetteNBrown: I go to Best Buy all the time! I just bought a fridge and TV there… on triple points weekend! SCORE!!!
    9:37 PM Guest-124: Community is now known worldwide. How do you feel about that? (kisses from Brazil, by the way)
    9:38 PM YvetteNBrown: Kisses TO Brazil! I think it's awesome! I hope to visit some of the other countries "Community" is playing in someday!  
    9:38 PM Guest-102: Hi Yvette, thanks so much for what you do! That finale was excellent. What other projects are you working on right now? Anything in the works for the future with Dan Harmon or the other cast members of Community?
    9:39 PM YvetteNBrown: Thanks so much! I just finished working on the "Percy Jackson" sequel! Which was Awesome! And I still do a voice on the "Pound Puppies" Cartoon on the Hub network! Listing everyone else's projects would be TOO lengthy! They're all even more busy than me! Talented folks!!
    9:39 PM Guest-63: Yvette, how do you get into character? Do you do anything in particular?
    9:40 PM YvetteNBrown: I think of my mom and Miss Piggy because those are the two folks I patterned Shirley's voice and/or mannerisms after. I think I owe them both money now!
    Guest-205: Hello, you were so amazing in tonight's episodes! The last one brought tears to my eyes! I was wondering, with which member of the cast do you have the most fun working in scenes?
    YvetteNBrown: I love them all for different reasons. Gillian (Stink) because she's SO present. She's a very generous actor. Ali because she's just so good at everything. Danny because he's pure love. Donald, Ken & Jim because they're pure fun and Joel because of our awesome sexual chemistry! LOL! Oh, and Chevy because he's a legend.
    Guest-146: Does the cast improv any lines? If so who's do you like the most? Great job this season! Season 3 is my favorite.
    YvetteNBrown: We all improv from time to time. But Donald's make it in the show most often… followed by maybe Jim's. 
    Guest-196: The show does many parodies of famous movies and TV shows. What favorite movie/TV would you like to parody next season? 
    YvetteNBrown: I'd LOVE a muppets parody! 
    Guest-180: Do you know when you start filming season 4? I love the show! And Shirley!
    YvetteNBrown: If things are the same as the previous three seasons, we should go back to begin season four the last week of July.
    Guest-122: What has been your favorite episode of Community so far?
    YvetteNBrown: Law and Order
    renanwho: Hey Yvette! You're doing an amazing job on Community. I also loved you on Drake & Josh! Do you listen to Childish Gambino? If you do, what's your favorite song? Love from Brazil.
    YvetteNBrown: Of course! Be Alone and any other song where Donald sings in falsetto. It's dreamy!
    Guest-13: I just want to say thanks for following a journey that led you to be part of such a brilliant piece of work Community brings so much laughter into my life. You are amazing. Shirley is such a great character, and you bring so much lovely spirit to her. (We chatted a tiny bit previously about the group I started on Facebook "Keep Community on NBC") LOVE you guys! You are Streets Ahead in my book. -Korrie
    YvetteNBrown: Thanks Korrie! xoxo
    Guest-87: Yvette, how do you feel about those Jeff/Shirey shippers?
    YvetteNBrown: I think it's hilarious and never going to happen! LOL!
    YvetteNBrown: Although that Joel is super cute and charming.
    Guest-70: Why do you think it was important to do a Musical for this season's Christmas episode? What was it like to work on it?
    YvetteNBrown: I think it was just something fun to do and Christmas was the best time. I think it was the goal of the writers to do "Glee" type episode at some point and season 3 was it! And we all had a ball filming it! everything was so festive
    Guest-205: If you could be on any other TV show, currently airing or long gone, which would you pick? 
    YvetteNBrown: That's easy… Cosby Show! 
    Guest-276: Hey Yvette you are a Christian woman like Shirley
    YvetteNBrown: Yes, i am! Hopefully a bit less judgmental, though.
    Guest-132: To piggyback off of Guest 42's question. Have you picked up on any of your costars mannerisms/sayings? If so who & what?
    YvetteNBrown: I've started using chapstick and that's Danny's FAVORITE thing in the world next to his family.
    Guest-146: I have to the ladies in the cast enjoy it when joel takes off his shirt? Or is it just me?
    YvetteNBrown: Yes, we ladies enjoy it. And some of the guys do too, I suspect!
    Guest-258: Do you have any awesome plans for the off season?
    YvetteNBrown: I'm an awesome sleeper! So I look forward to sleeping a LOT!
    Guest-253: I'm sorry for not joining the chat earlier, I've been crying a lot thanks to the finale. How was shooting it, Yvette? Was it as emotional to you as it was for us? Hugs from Venezuela!
    YvetteNBrown: Hello to Venezuela! I hope those were happy tears! Yes, the last day of every season has been emotional to some extent, but we always know that we'll see each other over hiatus…or when the show ultimately ends so it's not truly sad, sad. Just "See ya soon" sad.
    Guest-124: How was it being such a badass in the pillow fight? 
    YvetteNBrown: I love when Shirley gets to show her RAGE! I don't know what that says about me. LOL!
    Guest-312: who thought of the video game episode? that was GENIUS and so unlike anything else out there right now! love Community!!
    YvetteNBrown: Dan Harmon was the genius behind that!
    Guest-228: Any advice you could give to an aspiring actor such as myself? Garrett again.
    YvetteNBrown: I wrote a long blog about breaking into the business on my website and on facebook. Hope it helps!
    Guest-27: If you could write an episode, what would you like to see the characters, especially Shirley, do?
    YvetteNBrown: I'd write an episode where the girls get the work together. I miss the capers we used to get into in the first season.
    Guest-307: I watch Community just because I want to see you acting, I love yoy since Drake & Josh! Helen (l) Hugs from Argentina!
    YvetteNBrown: Hugs TO Argentina! Thank you, Sweetie! I had a blast working on Drake & Josh. I'm so glad you enjoyed our silliness. Those guys (cast/crew/staff) are family to me just like the Community gang!
    Guest-102: Do know the tv show Twin Peaks from the 90s? I think Community could do a great parody/reference to that show. I'm sure Abed knows all about it. ;D
    YvetteNBrown: Great Idea! I've heard fans have started figuring out which of us should play who. That'd be great!
    Guest-82: As a Christian, I love how Community shows both the bad and good sides of learning to live out our faith. How do you think Shirley has grown as a Christian over the course of the show?
    YvetteNBrown: I like that too. Lord knows Christians aren't perfect. I'd hate to play one that thought she was. LOL! Shirley has softened these past few seasons and learned how to love unconditionally the way God encourages. 
    Guest-63: When I went to Paramount Studios for a tour, you were nice enough to say hi to me and my friends! I want to thank you for that, definitely made my day! Love you as Shirly, you are absolutely hilarious! 
    YvetteNBrown: Aww, pumpkin! Thanks for that kind message! It was my pleasure! Hope you enjoyed the tour!
    Guest-84: Yvette, I have to say, I always think you look great and snappy in your clothes, whether on the show or from your Twitter. It makes me feel better knowing larger ladies can rock the looks and that I shouldn't be afraid to either. The world needs more beautiful celebs like you. :'D
    YvetteNBrown: LOL! Larger lady for the WIN!!! I'm literally chuckling at that description. Thank you. Sincerely!
    xmen4ever8290: Do you know why the last episode of this season seemed like the series finale? It breaks my heart thinking that my favorite show is going to end! Would you ever do a Community movie?
    YvetteNBrown: Basically we didn't know what the future held for the show. Dan and the writers wanted to make sure you guys had a satisfying end if it was the end. But happily….blessedly… it wasn't the end! YAY! And sure I'd do a community movie!
    Guest-87: Yvette, who would be your ideal guest star for next season?
    YvetteNBrown: I've been hoping for Sandra Bullock. But after Malcolm-Jamal Warner and Betty White I don't wanna be greedy.
    Guest-269: Hey Yvette! Follow you on Twitter and you seem like a genuinely nice person. Love you in Community and loved you in Drake and Josh! Do you ever see either of them anymore?
    YvetteNBrown: I see the Drake & Josh gang all the time. A lot of them are working on iCarly and Victorious. And I visit those sets all the time.
    Guest-316: Greetings from the UK! What has been your favourite musical scene in the show thus far? I loved the "Finally Be Fine" number from the start of season 3. - Ash
    YvetteNBrown: I loved "Sensible Night" from season one! I thought the lyrics Dan Harmon wrote were hilarious!
    Guest-243: Hi Yvette, it's Taylah here! . You know I was a big defender of the Jeff and Shirley "evil friendship of awesome", and I was SO HAPPY to see it making a comeback this year! It feels like this season rather than being evil together they kinda bring the best out of each other and understand each other a lot (beautiful scene between the two of them in this season finale!) Have you liked this shift on their relationship or do you prefer when they're a bit meaner together?
    YvetteNBrown: Hey Taylah!!! I love the shift because it means we get to play together more often… it took this long for us to have more episodes together because we were so TOXIC before! LOL!
    YvetteNBrown: NEWSFLASH! Joel just tweeted taht "Six Seasons And A Movie" is trending worldwide! Thanks to those of you who made that happen!!!
    YvetteNBrown: Further newsflash… sorry for typos!
    Guest-122: Did you ever dream that Community would be such a big thing?
    YvetteNBrown: I hope that folks would love to watch our shenanigans but I never dreamed we would be blessed with so many folks that would don felt goatees, sing in country-wide flash mobs and vote in online polls until their fingers bled. That's a blessing I never could have imagined and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you guys! Communies ROCK!!! 
    Guest-374: Yvette, you are amazing. i truly love you and your character and you have an amazing voice. everything youve done for to show is truly inspiring. Community will be remebered as the greatest, most ambitious show in TV history. you wont believe the amount of fans the show have here in Israel. now, if i may ask, do you think the show appeal to a certain crowd? and besides, what is next for you? thank you for everything.
    YvetteNBrown: Thanks for all of that and HELLO to Israel! I don't think the show appeal to a certain crowd. I think every type of person and group is loved and made fun of on community. That makes it a show for EVERYONE! When everyone's a misfit, no one is!
    Guest-146: I love what the ladies wear on the show! Any chance at getting a clothing sponsor...who wouldn't run out and buy britta's leather jacket!...ok well I would, I'd run.
    YvetteNBrown: Be forewarned, Britta wears a lot of Prada! LOL! Most of my clothes are from anthropologie, Rachel Pally or Macy's. Alison wears a lot of Urban Outfitters on the show. Happy shopping!
    avadakedalek: Hey! I love your work, Yvette! You are so beautiful inside and out! I am so glad that I get this chance to talk to you! It is such an honor! I'm so glad to know that you still hang out with the Drake and Josh cast! I was wondering how your faith is affected with fame? 
    YvetteNBrown: Thanks! Nice to talk to you too! My faith guides my career. Every decision is filtered through that lens. I want to make good decisions and be a part of work that uplifts and makes folks happy.
    Guest-299: What's been your favorite of the deens crazy costumes?
    YvetteNBrown: I love the "Can-can-cancelled" outfit! He looked lovely!
    Guest-285: Any pranks you've pulled or been a victim of on set? I love you!!
    YvetteNBrown: Donald has been the biggest prankster. The season 2 DVD outtakes show him doing an entire take of a scene with his bum exposed. Everyone knew except me. And they were all waiting for me… Prudy McPrude…to notice.
    Guest-294: Yvette, you're awesome and I love you and everyone on Community! Who's your favorite couple pairing on the show?
    YvetteNBrown: The Dean and Jeff for sure!  
    Guest-149: As sort of an addition to the question on religion, I just wanna say Shirley as a character, and you (based on stuff I've seen on Twitter) are very inspirational to someone who struggles with faith and how to reconcile it to my personal beliefs and stuff like that. So thanks for that. Any advice to someone who struggles with the occasional crisis of faith? -Tyler
    YvetteNBrown: Just be still and know. That's biblical. I've known God to always be peace. Chase peace above all things and you will always find God.  
    YvetteNBrown: God bless you, Tyler!
    Guest-269: As a fellow former Midwesterner, do you get back to Ohio very often?
    YvetteNBrown: I do! I try to get back to Cleveland at least two times a year. I was just back last week speaking to the kids at my old high school, Warrensville Heights High! I had a blast!!!
    avadakedalek: Oh. my brother told me to ask you if you would marry him? He's loved you since Drake & Josh. Oh boy. 
    YvetteNBrown: Sure. As long as he's over 30.
    Guest-27: All the way from Australia, Were you surprised at the cult status Community has reached around the world? 
    YvetteNBrown: Hi TO Australia! Yes, I continue to be SHOCKED by it! Sidebar: I hope to visit Australia someday… it's one of my big dreams.
    Guest-358: What was your favorite part of these last three episodes of community?
    YvetteNBrown: I don't wanna be spoiler-rific… because some folks in the chat haven't seen all three episodes yet. But the 'heist" episode was a favorite to shoot.
    Guest-122: What are your favorite shows to watch other than the ones you've been on? Haha
    YvetteNBrown: I love Scandal, Revenge, Blue Bloods, Veep, Girls, Once Upon A Time, 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, Hot in Cleveland… I could go on and on...
    Guest-110: Hey Yvette. What has been your biggest moment since you've been in Hollywood? I'm sure there's many, but what comes to mind right away? <3 Mia M P.S. I'm loving all this love you're getting from all over the world! AWESOME 
    YvetteNBrown: I think going home to talk to the kids at my old school because it meant I had accomplished something big enough for them to have me back and for the kids to listen. Going back to speak was something I dreamed about when I was still in school. What an honor to be able to share your journey with the next generation. There's nothing like it. 
    Guest-30: Are you tired?
    YvetteNBrown: Right now? Or in general. Right now I'm good. Thanks for asking! When we're filming 16 hour days 5 days a week… YES!
    Guest-124: Okay, I need to know this: I know you all are amazing actors, but HOW can you keep a straight face when Donald/Troy is crying/freaking out? I wouldn't be able to do it, so congratulations on that lol (and on everything, really)
    YvetteNBrown: Who says we do? Often the take that makes it on the air isn't the best take, it's just the one they could use. And not just Donald. Jim Rash and Ken Jeong have been known to crack us up too. The tag where the dean is singing to Troy and Abed they had to cut away from each of us before we laughed when they edited it. I'm still almost lasting in my take. 
    Guest-13: Do agree with Gillian that it is almost impossible to keep a straight face when Jim Rash is delivering his lines??
    YvetteNBrown: Yep! Jim studied with the Groundlings he is comedy GENIUS! No telling what he will say or do. 
    Guest-294: Who is your favorite musical artist? And, on a random note, how do celebrities feel about dating fans?
    YvetteNBrown: Are you asking me out? Are you over 30? tee hee… favorite musical artist of all time? That's hard. SO many Gladys Knight, Ledisi, Switch, New Edition, The O'jays, Jason Mraz, Lauryn Hill, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Cece Winans, Donna Summer… who we just lost today (may she rest in peace). So many!
    Guest-269: I see from IMDB that you have had a lot of guest starring roles on television shows. Any role in particular your favorite or is there one that stands out to you?
    YvetteNBrown: The one I'm playing now: Shirley!
    Guest-146: what was it like on set after Jim won the oscar? And how do you feel about the show being shut out at the emmy's?
    YvetteNBrown: I was overjoyed for Jim! So well deserved. And I think everything happens for a reason. I'd love for the show to be recognized in some way by the awards system… but with the fans we have, asking for awards on top of that love seems a bit greedy. 
    Guest-335: will there be more andre?
    YvetteNBrown: I hope so! But Malcolm has his own show on BET, that's why we only had him for one episode this year. If possible, I hope we can have him back next season. I love when he's on set!
    Guest-412: Yvette, I remember hearing you say that everyone know's its "#sixseasonsandamovie" But you wanted it to be "Four Seasons & A Graduation" Why is that? 
    YvetteNBrown: I didn't say I wanted that, I said I'd be happy with that. Danny and I were filming a "please save our show" video for USA Today and that's just something silly we came up with as a consolation prize. Like "C'mon! At least let us graduate!" LOL! It was seriously said. Either way, whatever is meant to be, will be. 
    avadakedalek: Are you feeling any better? I know you had a crazy day with twitter today... I was worried! Don't let anyone bring you down! God bless you, beautiful You are such an inspiration, and I know I said this already but a great role model to women like me!
    YvetteNBrown: Aww, thanks! I am much better. And please know that no matter what I tweet I'm always okay. It's just twitter. I just don't understand rudeness… especially from strangers. It's just easier to be nice. My tweets are meant to just remind folks of that. And it's my goal to always be kind when I get them TOLD! Lol!
    Guest-180: I remember seeing you in "The Office". What was it like to work with Rainn Wilson? Sidebar: Community is the best TV show I've ever seen.
    YvetteNBrown: Rainn was such a generous actor. He's super funny but his gift is that he's not selfish. He wants everyone else to get as many laughs as he does. And that's not always the case with super funny folks. I loved working with him and Steve Carrell good folks! 
    Guest-405: Greetings from the Philippines! I love you. I love the show. We're still on season 1 and 2 here though. 1st season in the morning, and at night. Believe it or not, I find myself saying "Thats nice" almost everyday. What was the most difficult thing you did in the entire series and why? - @jasonreyes00
    YvetteNBrown: Hello TO the Philippines! Thank you! The most difficult thing to do is to keep a straight face when my cast mates are SO hilarious. I have ruined MANY takes with giggling!
    Guest-319: Your singing voice in the holiday episode a few years back was extraordinary. Any chance we will get to hear an album from you? 
    YvetteNBrown: Aww, Thanks! I really only sing now in the shower, in my car and in the pew at church unless an acting role calls for it. So though I'd never say never, it'd have to be a word from God that got me behind a mic professionally again. LOL!
    Guest-122: What is something random about you that not many people know?
    YvetteNBrown: I love puzzles. They are so relaxing! Whenever I get a few days of uninterrupted freem time I'm doing a puzzle. Corny, I know! LOL!
    Guest-349: Hey Yvette! love Shirley and the show. Malcolm-Jamal Warner was very cool in the episode he did for this season. Question. What is your all-time favorite episode of the Cosby Show?
    YvetteNBrown: The one with Gordon Gartrelle shirt! Denise tells Theo to tuck it in and he says thru clenched teeth "It's tucked into my SOCKS!" Comedy GOLD!
    Guest-400: Loved Shirley in facial hair. Again. Are you afraid the writers might find reasons to put Shirley in a beard the same way they put Jim Rash in bizarre costumes. And how about a Best Buy kiosk at Greendale.
    YvetteNBrown: I think I make a fine looking man just as Jim makes a pretty woman. That's the reasoning behind it… I think? LOL! And a Best Buy kiosk at Greendale would be awesome as long as I got to use all the goods they sold for free! LOL!
    bricatfree: Love you and love the show! (Side note: Could you tell Donald that I'm in love with him?! Hahaha) Do you think Annie and Jeff should be together (eventually)? 
    YvetteNBrown: Consider it done! LOL! And I think Greendale is more about the relationship of the whole study group with each other. Aside from that any pairing is in the hands and minds of Dan and the writers. I have no preference.
    Guest-14: First, thank you for representing the BBW out in the world. I'd marry you if I could. Second, any hopes on Malcolm Jamal Warner returning next season?
    YvetteNBrown: Are you over 30? Seriously, thanks! And I hope Malcolm will be back. We'll see!
    Guest-124: I would like to thank you for being so sweet to your fans! It's amazing that you're taking your time to answer our questions, I wish every celebrity were like you! Lots of sucess to you and the show, because you both deserve it. 
    YvetteNBrown: Aww, shucks! That was sweet! It's the least I can do for all you guys have given to us! It's not a small thing that you love and support us as you do! We're all so grateful. A Q&A is nothing compared to THAT! God Bless!
    Guest-334: Any hidden talents you have?
    YvetteNBrown: I can curl my tongue like 3 or 4 different ways. And my left wrist was broken so I can bend my left thumb in directions it really shouldn't go. How's that?
    Guest-233: What's your favorite costume you've had on? also what's your favorite that a castmate wore? Thanks for a wonderful season!
    YvetteNBrown: My favorite is "Sam Jackson/Jules" from Pulp Fiction. Of the others… Gillian's (Stink's) squirrel costume from halloween season one is pretty stinkin' cute… see what I did there? Stinkin' cute!
    Guest-79: If you had to go back to college and could only bring one member of the cast with you, who would it be?
    YvetteNBrown: Danny. Because he's cuddly. And he'd sing songs and dance for me when I was stressed out by classes. He's like a toy!
    Guest-319: What's one assumption people make about you that you wish they wouldn't?
    YvetteNBrown: That because I'm kind that I'm dumb, weak or foolish. I promise I'm NONE of those things.
    Guest-30: Did you have dinner yet? Anyway, love to you, the show, and every contributor to the show, and I hope you have a good night. 
    YvetteNBrown: Mom, is that you? tee hee. Yes, I had dinner before I started the chat. I was well fed and well rested before I started the chat. LOL! Thanks for the message and I hope you have a good night, too!
    Guest-269: When you mentioned puzzles earlier, did you mean like crosswords ones or jigsaw ones?
    YvetteNBrown: Jigsaw, baby! Thought Crosswords and Suduku are fun too. But Jigsaw puzzles are my thing!
    Guest-294: Yvette, I just want to thank you so much for doing this. You seem like such a genuinely nice person and the fact that you are taking time out of your day to talk to fans is awesome. Thank you <3
    YvetteNBrown: My pleasure, darlin!
    Guest-371: Love Community and You! Do you know what's going on the outtakes this season? i really love seening how you guys interacting and play with each other
    YvetteNBrown: Aww, love you back! And we never know what the cameras have caught until we see the bloopers on the DVD when you guys do… unless it's something that needs our approval…like Donald's bum being out. They sent that to me in advance to make sure I was okay with that being on DVD.
    Guest-79: Who messes up their lines the most while shooting?
    YvetteNBrown: we all are guilty of that. But Ken Jeong probably makes himself laugh the most, thus messing up his own lines. LOL!
    Guest-319: If Shirley was given her own spinoff, what would you want that to look like?
    YvetteNBrown: Shirley and Andre raising their kids. I bet that household is dysfunctional! LOL!
    Guest-16: Do you think you guys could pull off a live episode with all of the off-camera shenanigans from Ken, Donald, Jim, and the rest of the goofball cast?
    YvetteNBrown: We would never survive it! We all laugh TOO much at each other as it is. A live episode would be 22 minutes of all of going "Sorry. Okay. Pull it together. Here we go. We can DO this! Focus. And a one two three…" it would NEVER work! But that said, I'd be game to try and mess up LIVE repeatedly for all you guys to see! LOL!
    Guest-400: When I watch episodes for the 2nd or 3rd time I look for things the cast does in the background. There's usually a funny action or something bizarre going on. Is that written in the script or is it something the cast and the director work out on set.
    YvetteNBrown: It's usually something we're doing to make someone else who's on camera laugh. Like "Chang tongue" that Ken does. He does that in the background of numerous scenes just to see if we'll notice. It's on full display in the courtroom in the Law and Order episode. 
    Guest-363: Hi, Hey, what's up, who's you're favourite character on the show outside of the study group? I love Garrett & Vaughn was great as well.
    YvetteNBrown: I really like Vicki, played by my buddy Danielle. She's fiesty and unpredictable. And she's a perfect example of how our show works. If you're on once you're almost sure to return. Greendale is like that. Danielle had one line in the election episode and has done like 10 episodes since. I also love Leonard. That Richard Erdman is a national treasure! Charley Koontz who plays Fat Neil is a favorite too. We've been blessed with our guest stars and co-stars! Ooh and Luke Youngblood as Magnitude… i could go on and on! Wait, I did! LOL!
    Guest-334: Which place would you most want to go for a dream vacation, and who would you take with you?
    YvetteNBrown: I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, Paris or Australia. And I'd probably take my mom especially if it was out of the country because she has a passport that's stamp-less right now and that HAS to be fixed!
    Guest-418: Which is you favorite Halloween episode?
    YvetteNBrown: I really loved the ghost stories from this season. It was a lot of fun shooting all the vignettes and we got to hear "Daybreak" by Michael Haggis for the first time. And Heaven knows that's been the gift that keeps on giving!
    Guest-390: Hi Yvette! I love Community! What is a typical day on the set like?
    YvetteNBrown: Starts at 5;30am for the girls on Monday and goes for about 16 hours with lots of laughs and foolishness in between! That's the short version.
    Guest-196: If you could make a Shirley sandwich. What would be on it? Thanks again for doing this!!!! Six seasons and a movie!!!!
    YvetteNBrown: Pepper or Jerk turkey by boarshead. spicy hummus on potato bread. Simple.
    Guest-233: Thinking of doing a squirrel costume like Gillian's. Any advice?
    YvetteNBrown: Get a wonderful costume designer like our fabulous Sabrina to get it made for you!
    Guest-412: What's your favorite Shirley moment on the show. And what do you think is the best thing about Shirley's personality? 
    YvetteNBrown: Any moment with Andre. And I love that Shirley is so loving and forgiving. She's truly a good egg… flaws and all.
    Guest-426: Has being Shirley ruined "that's nice" for you?
    YvetteNBrown: Not at all. I actually just said it while I was driving the other day when someone let someone else merge
    Guest-319: Love you, Yvette! What's your favorite food?
    YvetteNBrown: Bacon!
    Guest-149: I know it's not a question, but I'm probably going to have to leave soon, so I just wanted to send my gratitude =) Jumping on the bandwagon here a little bit to thank you for everything. For your time here today, and for all the awesome stuff on the show, and just for being awesome! #sixseasonsandamovie
    YvetteNBrown: Thanks for chatting! 
    Guest-180: Are your fellow cast members still making fun of you during the DVD commentaries? Have you heard if there will be Blu-ray releases? Thanks so much for talking to us!
    YvetteNBrown: Always! And we don't know about a blu-ray release yet. Fingers crossed!
    Guest-269: The fact you said jigsaw puzzles makes me love you even more! Are you a 1000 piece gal, or more or less pieces?
    YvetteNBrown: I do 1000 pieces if I've really got time to focus. But 750 is my usual.
    Guest-416: Why do you call Gillian Jacobs stink?
    YvetteNBrown: I'll never tell!
    Guest-196: What is the one food you CANNOT live without?
    YvetteNBrown: potatoes
    Guest-370: If you could be another character on the show (man or woman), who would you want to play and why?
    YvetteNBrown: Probably Troy. He has a beautiful mind!
    avadakedalek: I love how Community is so relatable! I am a weird combination of Shirley and Annie for sure, but I know that everyone can find a little bit of themselves in all of the characters. I saw in a clip that you know about the fan art and fiction from the fans? Do you have a favorite piece that you have seen?
    YvetteNBrown: I know about the fan fic, but I don't read it. I'm saving all that for when the show ends and I miss the Greendale gang. As for the fan art, it is AMAZING! I see it all and I try to retweet as much of it as I can!
    Guest-319: What lasting legacy do you want to leave as a person?
    YvetteNBrown: Kindness, joy and faith. If folks thought of me as a person who did her best to embody those three things I would feel like my life was well spent.
    Guest-387: Howdy, it's Chels725 from Twitter. Just wanted so say the eps were great tonight & brought me to tears! Congrats on a wonderful season. 
    YvetteNBrown: Thanks, Chels!
    Guest-294: How did the whole "Daybreak" thing start?
    YvetteNBrown: I think they just looked for a smooth jazz kinda song for the scene and "Daybreak" won out. That it's been featured over and over is a testament to how much we, the cast, love it. Every other time you've heard it, I don't think it's been scripted. 
    Guest-82: Favorite animal?
    YvetteNBrown: I was born in August, so I've gotta go with lions.
    Guest-335: will you and troy have an arc together?
    YvetteNBrown: Gosh, I hope so. I've been begging for that for three seasons. The only time Troy and Shirley have spoken to each other away from the group is in the first season paintball battle. How crazy is that?! 
    Guest-244: Congratulations on another wonderful season Yvette. Any idea if we'll see a season 3 soundtrack? I'd love to hear full versions of the songs from the Christmas/Glee episode.
    YvetteNBrown: Good question. I don't actually know. But that would be great! I'm rooting for it!
    Guest-376: What's your ideal ending for Shirley? Love the show!
    YvetteNBrown: A degree she's proud of and a loving family life.
    Guest-334: What do you like to do in your free time? So cool chatting with you. Coolcoolcool!
    YvetteNBrown: Nap! And spend time with family and friends. The simple things!
    Guest-79: Who do you think was the funniest guest star this season?
    YvetteNBrown: Way too many to name. But John Hodgmand sticks out as a favorite!
    Guest-418: Loving your tweeter feeds. How was the dialogue like during you Dungeon & Dragons episode, did you make stuff up?
    YvetteNBrown: No, it was all scripted! But we did have fun acting out what they wrote!
    Guest-449: which character from the show could the world most use more people like?
    YvetteNBrown: I'd say Shirley, of course. She's very loving and wants what's fair for everybody. 
    YvetteNBrown: But I'm biased… lol!
    bricatfree: Thank you so much for doing this, Yvette!
    YvetteNBrown: No, thank YOU guys!
    Guest-435: my name is yvette brown
    YvetteNBrown: Hi, Yvette Brown!
    YvetteNBrown: Guys, this has been a blast! Thanks for taking time from finale night to hang out with me! Please remember that Best Buy has got some great deals on season one and season two of the show and you can pre-order season three and be the first to have it when it comes out later this summer! Thanks to Best Buy and Sony Pictures Entertainment for setting this up! Have a great night guys! I'm off to watch the THREE new episodes from tonight!!! Can't Wait! GOD BLESS! xoxo Yvette

    Here ya go!
    If not try this link.

  • What is the easiest way to open an application from Labview?

    I need to open an application from labview and depending on a user's selection, load one out of a group of files for the application that is opened. I need to know what is the best or easiest way to open an application and load a file that is used by the application based on a selection.

    Here is the response that I got from Cognex when I asked them about how to do this. Do you understand what they are talking about?
    In order to do something like this you will probably want to look into the Display Control/SDK for In-Sight. The Display Control gets installed along with In-Sight Explorer and includes a control that can be used in an environment like Labview to communicate with In-Sight sensors while the SDK is an enhanced version of the Display Control that gives you more control and functionality. I am not very familiar with the Labview environment so I will give some code snippets in VB.Net and hopefully you can adjust them as necessary. Specifically I see 3 possible avenues to do this:
     1) Using the Display Control you have access to many of the dialog boxes that are used in In-Sight Explorer including the Load Job dialog box. You can spawn this dialog box through a line of code similar to cvsInSightDisplay1.Edit.OpenJob.Execute(). I am not certain if the Labview environment will be able to spawn and display this dialog though. 2) With the addition of the SDK (additional purchase) you can directly access sensor properties including the job. There is a method called LoadJobFile to load jobs from on the sensor and LoadJobFileLocally to load jobs from the host machine. A typical line of code might be cvsInSightDisplay1.InSight.File.LoadJobFile("myjob1.job").3) If Labview cannot handle the dialogs and the SDK is not an option for you then you may still be able to do this using Native Mode commands. Native Mode commands are sent through a socket on the telnet port (typically port 23). Keep in mind that you will need to handle the username/password prompt and response when you first open the socket before issuing any Native Mode commands. The command to load a job file from the sensor would be the Load File command which would be a string similar to "LF myjob1.job". The Native Mode commands are documented in the In-Sight Explorer help file. 

  • Error -17600 when switching from LabVIEW Development System to LabVIEW Run-Time Engine in Adapter Configuration

    I receive an error message (code -17600) while loading my test sequence after switching from LabVIEW Development System (2009 f3) to LabVIEW Run-TIme Engine using the Adapter Configuration.
    ErrorCode: -17600,
    Failed to load a required step's associated module.
    LabVIEW Run-Time Engine version 9.0.1f3.
    When I switch back to the LV development system, everything is OK, and the sequence loads and runs perfectly.
    My TestStand Engine Version is 2012 f1 (
    I'd appreciate any help on this issue.

    Hi Roman,
    There are a couple of things you can try:
    1) Determine if the LabVIEW RunTime Engine is corrupted in some way. Create a new simple VI with no sub-VIs, using the same LabVIEW Development system you used for mass-compiling the VIs. Create a TestStand step that calls this VI and ensure it runs correctly. Now switch your LabVIEW adapter to use the RuntimeEngine and choose the "Auto detect using VI version" option.
    Check if the simple VI is loadable and runs without errors in TestStand.
    If the step generates the same error, you should try a re-install of the LabVIEW development system.
    If not, its most likely that there is some VI you are using that is not loadable in the LabVIEW Runtime Engine because:
    1) Some sub-VI is still not saved in the right version or bitness. Open the VI heirarchy of the top-level VI that you are calling from TestStand and examine the paths of all the sub-VIs to check if they were in the folder you masscompiled and re-save any that are outside this directory.
    Also, when you try to close the top level VI, do you get a prompt to save any unsaved files? If so, they could be the sub-VIs that are not saved in the right version. Save all of them.
    Check if you are loading any VIs programatically and if these are compiled and saved in the right version as well.
    2) There is some feature you are using in your LabVIEW code that is not supported in the LabVIEW RunTime Engine. To check this, add your top-level VI to a LabVIEW project and create a new build specification and create a new executable from this VI.
        Right-click "Build Specifications" and choose "New->Application(EXE)".
        In the Application Properties window, select Source Files and choose the top level VI as the start-up VI.
        Save the properties.
        Right-click on the newly created build specification and choose Build.
    Run this executable (it will be run using the LabVIEW RunTime) and check if the VI has a broken arrow indicating that it cannot be loaded and run in the LabVIEW Runtime Engine.
    You might need to examine your code and find the feature which is not supported in the LabVIEW RunTime and find an alternative.
    Another thing i forgot to mention the last time around is if you are using 64-bit LabVIEW with 32-bit TestStand, then executing code using LabVIEW RTE from TestStand will not work since the 64-bit LabVIEW RTE dll cannot be loaded by the 32-bit TestStand process.
    If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consider sharing your LabVIEW code so i can take a look.

  • How can I login to a website from LabVIEW, for example to Hotmail ?

    I'd like to use the Data Socket Write VI to be able to give my
    loginname and my password from LabVIEW 6i. I really don't know how
    this VI works, and/or if this is possible.
    Thanks for your help.

    Thank you for your inquiry regarding website login. I understand that you would like to logon to Hotmail using LabVIEW 6.i. DataSocket however, is used to send and receive data between computers running LabVIEW. One possible solution is to use ActiveX events to run an internet browser window on the front panel of your VI. I assume however, that you would like LabVIEW to automate this task. Unfortunately Hotmail is a secure site using Microsoft Passport .NET. .NET is supported by LabVIEW 7.0 but the .NET control of Passport would have to be provided by Microsoft. The following link is a great resource to learn more about the .NET single-login system.
    I hope this resource helps. Let me know if you wo
    uld like more help using a browser window on your front panel using ActiveX.
    Shea C.
    Applications Engineering

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    My end-user is receiving an error when attempting to create a PDF using the Acrobat 7.0 plug-in within Office 2003 running on Windows XP SP2. (note: Distiller 7.0 works without problems.) The error message received is: "The Acrobat PDFMaker Server co

  • I get this everyday on my computer. 503 Service Unavailable I do not get this anywhere else

    503 Service Unavailable I get this everyday when I browse my blogs and other websites. All these websites can not be down. What is the problem.

  • Can't exit out of iPhoto but it doesn't seem to be importing

    I'm trying to exit out of iPhoto because it stopped importing but it still seems to think it's still importing. How do I clear it?

  • F55 S-Log & S-Gamut

    Does anyone know how to change the color space of an F55 MXF file from 709 to SLog/SGamut After Effects? Is that possible? If not, do any of you have a good workflow for working on the 4K Raw F55 data in After Effects. Convert to 16 bit Tiff in Resol

  • Keep together detail and subreport

    In my report I have a detail section that includes a subreport.  The data in the detail is patient info such as patient id, name, doctor, etc.  In the subreport are the diagnosis which could be 1 to many.  Is there a way to keep the detail and subrep