Live Chat Transcript: Yvette Nicole Brown (Shirley) from NBC's Community

Transcript for Chat: 'Live Chat: Yvette Nicole Brown (Shirley) from NBC's Community', Thu May 17 21:24:22 CDT 2012
9:19 PM YvetteNBrown: Hey Guys! Welcome to the chat! Let's get to some questions!!!
9:20 PM Guest-13: Yvette! This is fantastic! I just watched all 3 episodes (central time) and also chatted with Gillian! Who is the hardest to do scense with due to so much laughter??
9:20 PM YvetteNBrown: To Guest-13 Donald Glover is NOTORIOUSLY hard to be in scenes with he cracks us up!
9:21 PM Guest-27: What has been your favourite episodes to shoot and also to watch?
9:21 PM YvetteNBrown: The Law and order is my fav to watch. Flashback favorite to shoot
9:21 PM Guest-8: How did you first find out about Community (like how did you first find out about auditions for it?)! Aso you are the best...and so is Community!
9:22 PM YvetteNBrown: My agent sent me an audition notice and I went in THREE times before I was cast!
9:22 PM Guest-66: So... how about Joel in that rock magician costume...? ;D
9:23 PM YvetteNBrown: I loved Joel in that mascara and eyeliner… I told him it was sexy! Apologies to his wife!
9:23 PM Guest-89: You're my absolute favourite in the show! What were your first thoughts on the whole concept when you first heard/saw it?
9:23 PM YvetteNBrown: Thank you! I thought it was really a great script and was hoping and praying I'd get to be a part!
9:24 PM Guest-87: Yvette, do you know what the plan for next semester is?
9:24 PM YvetteNBrown: We don't know yet. We won't find out until late July when we get that script!
9:24 PM Guest-28: How much time did it take to film season 3?
9:24 PM YvetteNBrown: We filmed season three from late July until late February. 80 hour weeks… yikers!
9:24 PM Guest-105: Who's your favorite cast member?
9:25 PM YvetteNBrown: No matter who you ask this question to in the cast the answer will undoubtedly be Danny Pudi! He's the BEST
9:26 PM Guest-18: Totally loving the shows right now!!!!! Love hearing you sing. Do you guys ever randomly sing when waiting to shoot?
9:25 PM YvetteNBrown: To Guest-18 We sing all the time! We make up songs that only make us laugh. If you heard them you would find us all very strange!
9:26 PM Guest-127: i love you ms, Shirley u the best 
9:26 PM YvetteNBrown: To Guest-127 I love you back! And you can call me Yvette. It's okay!
9:26 PM Guest-42: If you could be any other character in the show, who would you be?
9:26 PM YvetteNBrown: I think I would be Senor Chang or Dean Pelton. They seem to have the most fun!
9:27 PM Guest-132: Since its community college and thats usually over in 2 years. Will you guys ever graduate?
9:28 PM YvetteNBrown: I now folks who go to community college long after two years so we could be at Greendale FOREVER! Leonard and Pierce surely have been
9:28 PM Guest-19: After watching the finale, it seems as if the finale was meant to act as a series finale if the show was not renewed. What were the emotions like on set while filming that episode? 
9:28 PM YvetteNBrown: It was a bit bittersweet. We had faith we'd be back but we were gratified in knowing that even if we weren't Dan and the writers had given us a fitting finale.
9:29 PM Guest-122: Hey Yvette, @GREENDALE_LOVE from Twitter here. Thank you so much for your amazingness to us fans. How the heck do you ever manage your Twitter account??? We're always bugging you
9:29 PM YvetteNBrown: LOL! You guys are great! For all of your loveliness there's only one or two bad apples and as you now if you follow my feed, they're politely reprimanded and blocked and kindness is restored!
9:29 PM Guest-112: I heard you once had a contract w/Motown. Do you ever think about going back to singing?
9:30 PM YvetteNBrown: I think about it sometimes. But my motown/Biv 10 days were back when I was a teenager. If the right opportunity came about I'd sing a little ditty or two. Until then singing as SHirley is enough for me!
9:30 PM Guest-69: How excited are you about the 13 episodes NBC ordered for the fall?? When I found it was like a really early Christmas gift! 
9:31 PM YvetteNBrown: We were OVERJOYED! It was Christmas for us too! And we're really excited about the move to Friday's. It's a more relaxing time slot over there! LOL!
9:31 PM Guest-79: Hi Yvette!! I own Season 1&2 on DVD and all the commentary and special features are hilarious. I love that you guys include that stuff. When does Season 3 come out??
9:32 PM YvetteNBrown: Thanks! We have a great time doing the commentaries! Season 3 will be out later this summer! And you can pre-order it on…the wording may be weird but the link works! Also seasons 1 & 2 are on sale right now! Gotta love Best Buy!!!
9:33 PM Jason-BBY: You can preorder Season 3 now at
9:33 PM Guest-149: I've always thought Shirley was just a great character, but in season 3 she has been especially awesome! Are there any Shirley moments or episodes that you would classify as your favorite? Lame question, I know, but it's what I thought of. Thanks for being so awesome and you and all the cast are definitely role models to me! Keep being great. 
9:34 PM YvetteNBrown: Not lame at all! I love EVERY opportunity to work with Malcolm-Jamal Warner and also working with Joel McHale! I also enjoy delving into Shirley's darker side. She's fiesty… and SCARY!
9:34 PM Guest-94: Thanks for taking the time to do this, Yvette! We're all really excited that Community has been renewed for a fourth season, but are you at all worried that it won't get a back 9 episodes?
9:36 PM YvetteNBrown: Guest -94… stay in the moment! 13 episodes is great! let's rejoice in that. If the back 9 is meant to be, it will be. Lots of viewers and high ratings will assure it, though… so Communies/Human Beings… tell two friends about the move to Friday at 8:30 in the fall, will ya?
9:35 PM Guest-42: I find that I keep saying "That's nice!" like Shirley -- have you picked up any of your character's mannerisms/sayings?
9:35 PM YvetteNBrown: LOL! "That's Nice" is actually a Yvette saying. I ad-libbed it in the pilot as Shirley and it sorta stuck. So I'd say yes… sorta? To that question.
9:36 PM Guest-30: Who's the wildest on set?
9:37 PM YvetteNBrown: Donald Glover, HANDS DOWN!!!
9:37 PM Guest-132: I love bestbuy! How often do you go to bestbuy & What's your favorite section to browse in Best Buy?
9:37 PM YvetteNBrown: I go to Best Buy all the time! I just bought a fridge and TV there… on triple points weekend! SCORE!!!
9:37 PM Guest-124: Community is now known worldwide. How do you feel about that? (kisses from Brazil, by the way)
9:38 PM YvetteNBrown: Kisses TO Brazil! I think it's awesome! I hope to visit some of the other countries "Community" is playing in someday!  
9:38 PM Guest-102: Hi Yvette, thanks so much for what you do! That finale was excellent. What other projects are you working on right now? Anything in the works for the future with Dan Harmon or the other cast members of Community?
9:39 PM YvetteNBrown: Thanks so much! I just finished working on the "Percy Jackson" sequel! Which was Awesome! And I still do a voice on the "Pound Puppies" Cartoon on the Hub network! Listing everyone else's projects would be TOO lengthy! They're all even more busy than me! Talented folks!!
9:39 PM Guest-63: Yvette, how do you get into character? Do you do anything in particular?
9:40 PM YvetteNBrown: I think of my mom and Miss Piggy because those are the two folks I patterned Shirley's voice and/or mannerisms after. I think I owe them both money now!
Guest-205: Hello, you were so amazing in tonight's episodes! The last one brought tears to my eyes! I was wondering, with which member of the cast do you have the most fun working in scenes?
YvetteNBrown: I love them all for different reasons. Gillian (Stink) because she's SO present. She's a very generous actor. Ali because she's just so good at everything. Danny because he's pure love. Donald, Ken & Jim because they're pure fun and Joel because of our awesome sexual chemistry! LOL! Oh, and Chevy because he's a legend.
Guest-146: Does the cast improv any lines? If so who's do you like the most? Great job this season! Season 3 is my favorite.
YvetteNBrown: We all improv from time to time. But Donald's make it in the show most often… followed by maybe Jim's. 
Guest-196: The show does many parodies of famous movies and TV shows. What favorite movie/TV would you like to parody next season? 
YvetteNBrown: I'd LOVE a muppets parody! 
Guest-180: Do you know when you start filming season 4? I love the show! And Shirley!
YvetteNBrown: If things are the same as the previous three seasons, we should go back to begin season four the last week of July.
Guest-122: What has been your favorite episode of Community so far?
YvetteNBrown: Law and Order
renanwho: Hey Yvette! You're doing an amazing job on Community. I also loved you on Drake & Josh! Do you listen to Childish Gambino? If you do, what's your favorite song? Love from Brazil.
YvetteNBrown: Of course! Be Alone and any other song where Donald sings in falsetto. It's dreamy!
Guest-13: I just want to say thanks for following a journey that led you to be part of such a brilliant piece of work Community brings so much laughter into my life. You are amazing. Shirley is such a great character, and you bring so much lovely spirit to her. (We chatted a tiny bit previously about the group I started on Facebook "Keep Community on NBC") LOVE you guys! You are Streets Ahead in my book. -Korrie
YvetteNBrown: Thanks Korrie! xoxo
Guest-87: Yvette, how do you feel about those Jeff/Shirey shippers?
YvetteNBrown: I think it's hilarious and never going to happen! LOL!
YvetteNBrown: Although that Joel is super cute and charming.
Guest-70: Why do you think it was important to do a Musical for this season's Christmas episode? What was it like to work on it?
YvetteNBrown: I think it was just something fun to do and Christmas was the best time. I think it was the goal of the writers to do "Glee" type episode at some point and season 3 was it! And we all had a ball filming it! everything was so festive
Guest-205: If you could be on any other TV show, currently airing or long gone, which would you pick? 
YvetteNBrown: That's easy… Cosby Show! 
Guest-276: Hey Yvette you are a Christian woman like Shirley
YvetteNBrown: Yes, i am! Hopefully a bit less judgmental, though.
Guest-132: To piggyback off of Guest 42's question. Have you picked up on any of your costars mannerisms/sayings? If so who & what?
YvetteNBrown: I've started using chapstick and that's Danny's FAVORITE thing in the world next to his family.
Guest-146: I have to the ladies in the cast enjoy it when joel takes off his shirt? Or is it just me?
YvetteNBrown: Yes, we ladies enjoy it. And some of the guys do too, I suspect!
Guest-258: Do you have any awesome plans for the off season?
YvetteNBrown: I'm an awesome sleeper! So I look forward to sleeping a LOT!
Guest-253: I'm sorry for not joining the chat earlier, I've been crying a lot thanks to the finale. How was shooting it, Yvette? Was it as emotional to you as it was for us? Hugs from Venezuela!
YvetteNBrown: Hello to Venezuela! I hope those were happy tears! Yes, the last day of every season has been emotional to some extent, but we always know that we'll see each other over hiatus…or when the show ultimately ends so it's not truly sad, sad. Just "See ya soon" sad.
Guest-124: How was it being such a badass in the pillow fight? 
YvetteNBrown: I love when Shirley gets to show her RAGE! I don't know what that says about me. LOL!
Guest-312: who thought of the video game episode? that was GENIUS and so unlike anything else out there right now! love Community!!
YvetteNBrown: Dan Harmon was the genius behind that!
Guest-228: Any advice you could give to an aspiring actor such as myself? Garrett again.
YvetteNBrown: I wrote a long blog about breaking into the business on my website and on facebook. Hope it helps!
Guest-27: If you could write an episode, what would you like to see the characters, especially Shirley, do?
YvetteNBrown: I'd write an episode where the girls get the work together. I miss the capers we used to get into in the first season.
Guest-307: I watch Community just because I want to see you acting, I love yoy since Drake & Josh! Helen (l) Hugs from Argentina!
YvetteNBrown: Hugs TO Argentina! Thank you, Sweetie! I had a blast working on Drake & Josh. I'm so glad you enjoyed our silliness. Those guys (cast/crew/staff) are family to me just like the Community gang!
Guest-102: Do know the tv show Twin Peaks from the 90s? I think Community could do a great parody/reference to that show. I'm sure Abed knows all about it. ;D
YvetteNBrown: Great Idea! I've heard fans have started figuring out which of us should play who. That'd be great!
Guest-82: As a Christian, I love how Community shows both the bad and good sides of learning to live out our faith. How do you think Shirley has grown as a Christian over the course of the show?
YvetteNBrown: I like that too. Lord knows Christians aren't perfect. I'd hate to play one that thought she was. LOL! Shirley has softened these past few seasons and learned how to love unconditionally the way God encourages. 
Guest-63: When I went to Paramount Studios for a tour, you were nice enough to say hi to me and my friends! I want to thank you for that, definitely made my day! Love you as Shirly, you are absolutely hilarious! 
YvetteNBrown: Aww, pumpkin! Thanks for that kind message! It was my pleasure! Hope you enjoyed the tour!
Guest-84: Yvette, I have to say, I always think you look great and snappy in your clothes, whether on the show or from your Twitter. It makes me feel better knowing larger ladies can rock the looks and that I shouldn't be afraid to either. The world needs more beautiful celebs like you. :'D
YvetteNBrown: LOL! Larger lady for the WIN!!! I'm literally chuckling at that description. Thank you. Sincerely!
xmen4ever8290: Do you know why the last episode of this season seemed like the series finale? It breaks my heart thinking that my favorite show is going to end! Would you ever do a Community movie?
YvetteNBrown: Basically we didn't know what the future held for the show. Dan and the writers wanted to make sure you guys had a satisfying end if it was the end. But happily….blessedly… it wasn't the end! YAY! And sure I'd do a community movie!
Guest-87: Yvette, who would be your ideal guest star for next season?
YvetteNBrown: I've been hoping for Sandra Bullock. But after Malcolm-Jamal Warner and Betty White I don't wanna be greedy.
Guest-269: Hey Yvette! Follow you on Twitter and you seem like a genuinely nice person. Love you in Community and loved you in Drake and Josh! Do you ever see either of them anymore?
YvetteNBrown: I see the Drake & Josh gang all the time. A lot of them are working on iCarly and Victorious. And I visit those sets all the time.
Guest-316: Greetings from the UK! What has been your favourite musical scene in the show thus far? I loved the "Finally Be Fine" number from the start of season 3. - Ash
YvetteNBrown: I loved "Sensible Night" from season one! I thought the lyrics Dan Harmon wrote were hilarious!
Guest-243: Hi Yvette, it's Taylah here! . You know I was a big defender of the Jeff and Shirley "evil friendship of awesome", and I was SO HAPPY to see it making a comeback this year! It feels like this season rather than being evil together they kinda bring the best out of each other and understand each other a lot (beautiful scene between the two of them in this season finale!) Have you liked this shift on their relationship or do you prefer when they're a bit meaner together?
YvetteNBrown: Hey Taylah!!! I love the shift because it means we get to play together more often… it took this long for us to have more episodes together because we were so TOXIC before! LOL!
YvetteNBrown: NEWSFLASH! Joel just tweeted taht "Six Seasons And A Movie" is trending worldwide! Thanks to those of you who made that happen!!!
YvetteNBrown: Further newsflash… sorry for typos!
Guest-122: Did you ever dream that Community would be such a big thing?
YvetteNBrown: I hope that folks would love to watch our shenanigans but I never dreamed we would be blessed with so many folks that would don felt goatees, sing in country-wide flash mobs and vote in online polls until their fingers bled. That's a blessing I never could have imagined and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you guys! Communies ROCK!!! 
Guest-374: Yvette, you are amazing. i truly love you and your character and you have an amazing voice. everything youve done for to show is truly inspiring. Community will be remebered as the greatest, most ambitious show in TV history. you wont believe the amount of fans the show have here in Israel. now, if i may ask, do you think the show appeal to a certain crowd? and besides, what is next for you? thank you for everything.
YvetteNBrown: Thanks for all of that and HELLO to Israel! I don't think the show appeal to a certain crowd. I think every type of person and group is loved and made fun of on community. That makes it a show for EVERYONE! When everyone's a misfit, no one is!
Guest-146: I love what the ladies wear on the show! Any chance at getting a clothing sponsor...who wouldn't run out and buy britta's leather jacket!...ok well I would, I'd run.
YvetteNBrown: Be forewarned, Britta wears a lot of Prada! LOL! Most of my clothes are from anthropologie, Rachel Pally or Macy's. Alison wears a lot of Urban Outfitters on the show. Happy shopping!
avadakedalek: Hey! I love your work, Yvette! You are so beautiful inside and out! I am so glad that I get this chance to talk to you! It is such an honor! I'm so glad to know that you still hang out with the Drake and Josh cast! I was wondering how your faith is affected with fame? 
YvetteNBrown: Thanks! Nice to talk to you too! My faith guides my career. Every decision is filtered through that lens. I want to make good decisions and be a part of work that uplifts and makes folks happy.
Guest-299: What's been your favorite of the deens crazy costumes?
YvetteNBrown: I love the "Can-can-cancelled" outfit! He looked lovely!
Guest-285: Any pranks you've pulled or been a victim of on set? I love you!!
YvetteNBrown: Donald has been the biggest prankster. The season 2 DVD outtakes show him doing an entire take of a scene with his bum exposed. Everyone knew except me. And they were all waiting for me… Prudy McPrude…to notice.
Guest-294: Yvette, you're awesome and I love you and everyone on Community! Who's your favorite couple pairing on the show?
YvetteNBrown: The Dean and Jeff for sure!  
Guest-149: As sort of an addition to the question on religion, I just wanna say Shirley as a character, and you (based on stuff I've seen on Twitter) are very inspirational to someone who struggles with faith and how to reconcile it to my personal beliefs and stuff like that. So thanks for that. Any advice to someone who struggles with the occasional crisis of faith? -Tyler
YvetteNBrown: Just be still and know. That's biblical. I've known God to always be peace. Chase peace above all things and you will always find God.  
YvetteNBrown: God bless you, Tyler!
Guest-269: As a fellow former Midwesterner, do you get back to Ohio very often?
YvetteNBrown: I do! I try to get back to Cleveland at least two times a year. I was just back last week speaking to the kids at my old high school, Warrensville Heights High! I had a blast!!!
avadakedalek: Oh. my brother told me to ask you if you would marry him? He's loved you since Drake & Josh. Oh boy. 
YvetteNBrown: Sure. As long as he's over 30.
Guest-27: All the way from Australia, Were you surprised at the cult status Community has reached around the world? 
YvetteNBrown: Hi TO Australia! Yes, I continue to be SHOCKED by it! Sidebar: I hope to visit Australia someday… it's one of my big dreams.
Guest-358: What was your favorite part of these last three episodes of community?
YvetteNBrown: I don't wanna be spoiler-rific… because some folks in the chat haven't seen all three episodes yet. But the 'heist" episode was a favorite to shoot.
Guest-122: What are your favorite shows to watch other than the ones you've been on? Haha
YvetteNBrown: I love Scandal, Revenge, Blue Bloods, Veep, Girls, Once Upon A Time, 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, Hot in Cleveland… I could go on and on...
Guest-110: Hey Yvette. What has been your biggest moment since you've been in Hollywood? I'm sure there's many, but what comes to mind right away? <3 Mia M P.S. I'm loving all this love you're getting from all over the world! AWESOME 
YvetteNBrown: I think going home to talk to the kids at my old school because it meant I had accomplished something big enough for them to have me back and for the kids to listen. Going back to speak was something I dreamed about when I was still in school. What an honor to be able to share your journey with the next generation. There's nothing like it. 
Guest-30: Are you tired?
YvetteNBrown: Right now? Or in general. Right now I'm good. Thanks for asking! When we're filming 16 hour days 5 days a week… YES!
Guest-124: Okay, I need to know this: I know you all are amazing actors, but HOW can you keep a straight face when Donald/Troy is crying/freaking out? I wouldn't be able to do it, so congratulations on that lol (and on everything, really)
YvetteNBrown: Who says we do? Often the take that makes it on the air isn't the best take, it's just the one they could use. And not just Donald. Jim Rash and Ken Jeong have been known to crack us up too. The tag where the dean is singing to Troy and Abed they had to cut away from each of us before we laughed when they edited it. I'm still almost lasting in my take. 
Guest-13: Do agree with Gillian that it is almost impossible to keep a straight face when Jim Rash is delivering his lines??
YvetteNBrown: Yep! Jim studied with the Groundlings he is comedy GENIUS! No telling what he will say or do. 
Guest-294: Who is your favorite musical artist? And, on a random note, how do celebrities feel about dating fans?
YvetteNBrown: Are you asking me out? Are you over 30? tee hee… favorite musical artist of all time? That's hard. SO many Gladys Knight, Ledisi, Switch, New Edition, The O'jays, Jason Mraz, Lauryn Hill, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Cece Winans, Donna Summer… who we just lost today (may she rest in peace). So many!
Guest-269: I see from IMDB that you have had a lot of guest starring roles on television shows. Any role in particular your favorite or is there one that stands out to you?
YvetteNBrown: The one I'm playing now: Shirley!
Guest-146: what was it like on set after Jim won the oscar? And how do you feel about the show being shut out at the emmy's?
YvetteNBrown: I was overjoyed for Jim! So well deserved. And I think everything happens for a reason. I'd love for the show to be recognized in some way by the awards system… but with the fans we have, asking for awards on top of that love seems a bit greedy. 
Guest-335: will there be more andre?
YvetteNBrown: I hope so! But Malcolm has his own show on BET, that's why we only had him for one episode this year. If possible, I hope we can have him back next season. I love when he's on set!
Guest-412: Yvette, I remember hearing you say that everyone know's its "#sixseasonsandamovie" But you wanted it to be "Four Seasons & A Graduation" Why is that? 
YvetteNBrown: I didn't say I wanted that, I said I'd be happy with that. Danny and I were filming a "please save our show" video for USA Today and that's just something silly we came up with as a consolation prize. Like "C'mon! At least let us graduate!" LOL! It was seriously said. Either way, whatever is meant to be, will be. 
avadakedalek: Are you feeling any better? I know you had a crazy day with twitter today... I was worried! Don't let anyone bring you down! God bless you, beautiful You are such an inspiration, and I know I said this already but a great role model to women like me!
YvetteNBrown: Aww, thanks! I am much better. And please know that no matter what I tweet I'm always okay. It's just twitter. I just don't understand rudeness… especially from strangers. It's just easier to be nice. My tweets are meant to just remind folks of that. And it's my goal to always be kind when I get them TOLD! Lol!
Guest-180: I remember seeing you in "The Office". What was it like to work with Rainn Wilson? Sidebar: Community is the best TV show I've ever seen.
YvetteNBrown: Rainn was such a generous actor. He's super funny but his gift is that he's not selfish. He wants everyone else to get as many laughs as he does. And that's not always the case with super funny folks. I loved working with him and Steve Carrell good folks! 
Guest-405: Greetings from the Philippines! I love you. I love the show. We're still on season 1 and 2 here though. 1st season in the morning, and at night. Believe it or not, I find myself saying "Thats nice" almost everyday. What was the most difficult thing you did in the entire series and why? - @jasonreyes00
YvetteNBrown: Hello TO the Philippines! Thank you! The most difficult thing to do is to keep a straight face when my cast mates are SO hilarious. I have ruined MANY takes with giggling!
Guest-319: Your singing voice in the holiday episode a few years back was extraordinary. Any chance we will get to hear an album from you? 
YvetteNBrown: Aww, Thanks! I really only sing now in the shower, in my car and in the pew at church unless an acting role calls for it. So though I'd never say never, it'd have to be a word from God that got me behind a mic professionally again. LOL!
Guest-122: What is something random about you that not many people know?
YvetteNBrown: I love puzzles. They are so relaxing! Whenever I get a few days of uninterrupted freem time I'm doing a puzzle. Corny, I know! LOL!
Guest-349: Hey Yvette! love Shirley and the show. Malcolm-Jamal Warner was very cool in the episode he did for this season. Question. What is your all-time favorite episode of the Cosby Show?
YvetteNBrown: The one with Gordon Gartrelle shirt! Denise tells Theo to tuck it in and he says thru clenched teeth "It's tucked into my SOCKS!" Comedy GOLD!
Guest-400: Loved Shirley in facial hair. Again. Are you afraid the writers might find reasons to put Shirley in a beard the same way they put Jim Rash in bizarre costumes. And how about a Best Buy kiosk at Greendale.
YvetteNBrown: I think I make a fine looking man just as Jim makes a pretty woman. That's the reasoning behind it… I think? LOL! And a Best Buy kiosk at Greendale would be awesome as long as I got to use all the goods they sold for free! LOL!
bricatfree: Love you and love the show! (Side note: Could you tell Donald that I'm in love with him?! Hahaha) Do you think Annie and Jeff should be together (eventually)? 
YvetteNBrown: Consider it done! LOL! And I think Greendale is more about the relationship of the whole study group with each other. Aside from that any pairing is in the hands and minds of Dan and the writers. I have no preference.
Guest-14: First, thank you for representing the BBW out in the world. I'd marry you if I could. Second, any hopes on Malcolm Jamal Warner returning next season?
YvetteNBrown: Are you over 30? Seriously, thanks! And I hope Malcolm will be back. We'll see!
Guest-124: I would like to thank you for being so sweet to your fans! It's amazing that you're taking your time to answer our questions, I wish every celebrity were like you! Lots of sucess to you and the show, because you both deserve it. 
YvetteNBrown: Aww, shucks! That was sweet! It's the least I can do for all you guys have given to us! It's not a small thing that you love and support us as you do! We're all so grateful. A Q&A is nothing compared to THAT! God Bless!
Guest-334: Any hidden talents you have?
YvetteNBrown: I can curl my tongue like 3 or 4 different ways. And my left wrist was broken so I can bend my left thumb in directions it really shouldn't go. How's that?
Guest-233: What's your favorite costume you've had on? also what's your favorite that a castmate wore? Thanks for a wonderful season!
YvetteNBrown: My favorite is "Sam Jackson/Jules" from Pulp Fiction. Of the others… Gillian's (Stink's) squirrel costume from halloween season one is pretty stinkin' cute… see what I did there? Stinkin' cute!
Guest-79: If you had to go back to college and could only bring one member of the cast with you, who would it be?
YvetteNBrown: Danny. Because he's cuddly. And he'd sing songs and dance for me when I was stressed out by classes. He's like a toy!
Guest-319: What's one assumption people make about you that you wish they wouldn't?
YvetteNBrown: That because I'm kind that I'm dumb, weak or foolish. I promise I'm NONE of those things.
Guest-30: Did you have dinner yet? Anyway, love to you, the show, and every contributor to the show, and I hope you have a good night. 
YvetteNBrown: Mom, is that you? tee hee. Yes, I had dinner before I started the chat. I was well fed and well rested before I started the chat. LOL! Thanks for the message and I hope you have a good night, too!
Guest-269: When you mentioned puzzles earlier, did you mean like crosswords ones or jigsaw ones?
YvetteNBrown: Jigsaw, baby! Thought Crosswords and Suduku are fun too. But Jigsaw puzzles are my thing!
Guest-294: Yvette, I just want to thank you so much for doing this. You seem like such a genuinely nice person and the fact that you are taking time out of your day to talk to fans is awesome. Thank you <3
YvetteNBrown: My pleasure, darlin!
Guest-371: Love Community and You! Do you know what's going on the outtakes this season? i really love seening how you guys interacting and play with each other
YvetteNBrown: Aww, love you back! And we never know what the cameras have caught until we see the bloopers on the DVD when you guys do… unless it's something that needs our approval…like Donald's bum being out. They sent that to me in advance to make sure I was okay with that being on DVD.
Guest-79: Who messes up their lines the most while shooting?
YvetteNBrown: we all are guilty of that. But Ken Jeong probably makes himself laugh the most, thus messing up his own lines. LOL!
Guest-319: If Shirley was given her own spinoff, what would you want that to look like?
YvetteNBrown: Shirley and Andre raising their kids. I bet that household is dysfunctional! LOL!
Guest-16: Do you think you guys could pull off a live episode with all of the off-camera shenanigans from Ken, Donald, Jim, and the rest of the goofball cast?
YvetteNBrown: We would never survive it! We all laugh TOO much at each other as it is. A live episode would be 22 minutes of all of going "Sorry. Okay. Pull it together. Here we go. We can DO this! Focus. And a one two three…" it would NEVER work! But that said, I'd be game to try and mess up LIVE repeatedly for all you guys to see! LOL!
Guest-400: When I watch episodes for the 2nd or 3rd time I look for things the cast does in the background. There's usually a funny action or something bizarre going on. Is that written in the script or is it something the cast and the director work out on set.
YvetteNBrown: It's usually something we're doing to make someone else who's on camera laugh. Like "Chang tongue" that Ken does. He does that in the background of numerous scenes just to see if we'll notice. It's on full display in the courtroom in the Law and Order episode. 
Guest-363: Hi, Hey, what's up, who's you're favourite character on the show outside of the study group? I love Garrett & Vaughn was great as well.
YvetteNBrown: I really like Vicki, played by my buddy Danielle. She's fiesty and unpredictable. And she's a perfect example of how our show works. If you're on once you're almost sure to return. Greendale is like that. Danielle had one line in the election episode and has done like 10 episodes since. I also love Leonard. That Richard Erdman is a national treasure! Charley Koontz who plays Fat Neil is a favorite too. We've been blessed with our guest stars and co-stars! Ooh and Luke Youngblood as Magnitude… i could go on and on! Wait, I did! LOL!
Guest-334: Which place would you most want to go for a dream vacation, and who would you take with you?
YvetteNBrown: I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, Paris or Australia. And I'd probably take my mom especially if it was out of the country because she has a passport that's stamp-less right now and that HAS to be fixed!
Guest-418: Which is you favorite Halloween episode?
YvetteNBrown: I really loved the ghost stories from this season. It was a lot of fun shooting all the vignettes and we got to hear "Daybreak" by Michael Haggis for the first time. And Heaven knows that's been the gift that keeps on giving!
Guest-390: Hi Yvette! I love Community! What is a typical day on the set like?
YvetteNBrown: Starts at 5;30am for the girls on Monday and goes for about 16 hours with lots of laughs and foolishness in between! That's the short version.
Guest-196: If you could make a Shirley sandwich. What would be on it? Thanks again for doing this!!!! Six seasons and a movie!!!!
YvetteNBrown: Pepper or Jerk turkey by boarshead. spicy hummus on potato bread. Simple.
Guest-233: Thinking of doing a squirrel costume like Gillian's. Any advice?
YvetteNBrown: Get a wonderful costume designer like our fabulous Sabrina to get it made for you!
Guest-412: What's your favorite Shirley moment on the show. And what do you think is the best thing about Shirley's personality? 
YvetteNBrown: Any moment with Andre. And I love that Shirley is so loving and forgiving. She's truly a good egg… flaws and all.
Guest-426: Has being Shirley ruined "that's nice" for you?
YvetteNBrown: Not at all. I actually just said it while I was driving the other day when someone let someone else merge
Guest-319: Love you, Yvette! What's your favorite food?
YvetteNBrown: Bacon!
Guest-149: I know it's not a question, but I'm probably going to have to leave soon, so I just wanted to send my gratitude =) Jumping on the bandwagon here a little bit to thank you for everything. For your time here today, and for all the awesome stuff on the show, and just for being awesome! #sixseasonsandamovie
YvetteNBrown: Thanks for chatting! 
Guest-180: Are your fellow cast members still making fun of you during the DVD commentaries? Have you heard if there will be Blu-ray releases? Thanks so much for talking to us!
YvetteNBrown: Always! And we don't know about a blu-ray release yet. Fingers crossed!
Guest-269: The fact you said jigsaw puzzles makes me love you even more! Are you a 1000 piece gal, or more or less pieces?
YvetteNBrown: I do 1000 pieces if I've really got time to focus. But 750 is my usual.
Guest-416: Why do you call Gillian Jacobs stink?
YvetteNBrown: I'll never tell!
Guest-196: What is the one food you CANNOT live without?
YvetteNBrown: potatoes
Guest-370: If you could be another character on the show (man or woman), who would you want to play and why?
YvetteNBrown: Probably Troy. He has a beautiful mind!
avadakedalek: I love how Community is so relatable! I am a weird combination of Shirley and Annie for sure, but I know that everyone can find a little bit of themselves in all of the characters. I saw in a clip that you know about the fan art and fiction from the fans? Do you have a favorite piece that you have seen?
YvetteNBrown: I know about the fan fic, but I don't read it. I'm saving all that for when the show ends and I miss the Greendale gang. As for the fan art, it is AMAZING! I see it all and I try to retweet as much of it as I can!
Guest-319: What lasting legacy do you want to leave as a person?
YvetteNBrown: Kindness, joy and faith. If folks thought of me as a person who did her best to embody those three things I would feel like my life was well spent.
Guest-387: Howdy, it's Chels725 from Twitter. Just wanted so say the eps were great tonight & brought me to tears! Congrats on a wonderful season. 
YvetteNBrown: Thanks, Chels!
Guest-294: How did the whole "Daybreak" thing start?
YvetteNBrown: I think they just looked for a smooth jazz kinda song for the scene and "Daybreak" won out. That it's been featured over and over is a testament to how much we, the cast, love it. Every other time you've heard it, I don't think it's been scripted. 
Guest-82: Favorite animal?
YvetteNBrown: I was born in August, so I've gotta go with lions.
Guest-335: will you and troy have an arc together?
YvetteNBrown: Gosh, I hope so. I've been begging for that for three seasons. The only time Troy and Shirley have spoken to each other away from the group is in the first season paintball battle. How crazy is that?! 
Guest-244: Congratulations on another wonderful season Yvette. Any idea if we'll see a season 3 soundtrack? I'd love to hear full versions of the songs from the Christmas/Glee episode.
YvetteNBrown: Good question. I don't actually know. But that would be great! I'm rooting for it!
Guest-376: What's your ideal ending for Shirley? Love the show!
YvetteNBrown: A degree she's proud of and a loving family life.
Guest-334: What do you like to do in your free time? So cool chatting with you. Coolcoolcool!
YvetteNBrown: Nap! And spend time with family and friends. The simple things!
Guest-79: Who do you think was the funniest guest star this season?
YvetteNBrown: Way too many to name. But John Hodgmand sticks out as a favorite!
Guest-418: Loving your tweeter feeds. How was the dialogue like during you Dungeon & Dragons episode, did you make stuff up?
YvetteNBrown: No, it was all scripted! But we did have fun acting out what they wrote!
Guest-449: which character from the show could the world most use more people like?
YvetteNBrown: I'd say Shirley, of course. She's very loving and wants what's fair for everybody. 
YvetteNBrown: But I'm biased… lol!
bricatfree: Thank you so much for doing this, Yvette!
YvetteNBrown: No, thank YOU guys!
Guest-435: my name is yvette brown
YvetteNBrown: Hi, Yvette Brown!
YvetteNBrown: Guys, this has been a blast! Thanks for taking time from finale night to hang out with me! Please remember that Best Buy has got some great deals on season one and season two of the show and you can pre-order season three and be the first to have it when it comes out later this summer! Thanks to Best Buy and Sony Pictures Entertainment for setting this up! Have a great night guys! I'm off to watch the THREE new episodes from tonight!!! Can't Wait! GOD BLESS! xoxo Yvette

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  • Live Chat with Yvette Nicole Brown (Shirley) from NBC's Community

    Check out the live chat transcript here!
    Attention fans of NBC's Community TV series.
    Join us for a Live Chat with Actor Yvette Nicole Brown who plays the part of Shirley on NBC's Community TV series!
    The Chat will take place this Thursday, May 17th from 9:30 - 10:30 CST, the same day the season 3 finale airs!  This is your chance to ask Yvette all about her role in the show and get one last taste of Community as the season closes out.
    All questions are moderated and answered in a queued format on a first-in, first-out basis so be ready when the chat starts!
    Bookmark this page as we will update it with info on how to join the chat when it goes live on Thursday!
    Buy Community Season 1 & Season 2 on
    Pre-order Community Season 3 on
    Community synopsis
    From Dan Harmon ("The Sarah Silverman Program") and Emmy Award winners Joe and Anthony Russo ("Arrested Development") comes "Community," a smart comedy series about a band of misfits who attend Greendale Community College. At the center of the group is Jeff Winger (Joel McHale, "The Soup"), a fast-talking lawyer whose degree has been revoked. With some help from his fellow classmates, Winger forms a study group that eventually learns more about themselves than their course work.
    Also among the series stars who comprise the group are comedy legend Chevy Chase ("Chuck") as Pierce, a man whose life experience has brought him infinite wisdom; Gillian Jacobs ("The Book of Daniel") as Britta, the 20-something dropout with something to prove; Yvette Nicole Brown ("Rules of Engagement") as Shirley, a sassy middle-aged divorcée; Danny Pudi ("Greek") as Abed, a pop culture junkie; Alison Brie ("Mad Men") as Annie, a high-strung perfectionist; Donald Glover ("30 Rock") as Troy, a former high school football star trying to find his way, and Ken Jeong ("The Hangover") as Señor Chang.
    One word best describes the unfolding of
    Yvette Nicole Brown's career, and it is:
    serendipity (noun)
    1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
    2. good fortune; luck; blessing.
    Yvette landed her first television role - - a two-episode gig playing Toni Childs' sister, Sherri, on GIRLFRIENDS - - by chance. Casting director Robi Reed called her in to audition from a post card submission. Yvette had no credits and no agent. That stroke of serendipity at the beginning of her career, taught Yvette that you never know how God is going to move in your life and career. Booking a series regular role two months later, on the first pilot she auditioned for further proved the point. That show, ABC's THE BIG HOUSE, only lasted a few episodes; but that experience proved to be a blessing as well. Through it, Yvette learned the transient nature of the business and to always "travel light".
    Yvette has since appeared (and often recurred) on shows as varied as ENTOURAGE, CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM, THE OFFICE, THAT'S SO RAVEN, HALF & HALF, SLEEPER CELL, HOUSE, TWO AND A HALF MEN, THAT 70'S SHOW and BOSTON LEGAL - - where she got to perform "Big, Blonde & Beautiful" from Hairspray. It was a bit of a homecoming because Yvette is no stranger to singing. She was managed by Michael Bivins (of New Edition and BBD) and signed to Motown Records when she was just a teen.
    Younger viewers may know Yvette from her recurring role on Nickelodeon's "DRAKE & JOSH," where she played movie theater manager, Helen Ophelia Dubois.  Landing that role was another serendipitous experience. The role of Helen was to be a one-time role; one that Yvette auditioned for while on hiatus from THE BIG HOUSE. That one-time role turned into four years of employment and introduced Yvette and her silliness to the best group of fans in the!  The cast of DRAKE & JOSH recently reunited in 2008 for the holiday movie, "Merry Christmas: Drake & Josh," a film that broke Nickelodeon viewership records when it was seen by over 8 million viewers the night it debuted. It has since gone on to become an annual holiday favorite.
    Yvette is also the voice of the tough, sassy and smart Cookie on The HUB’s “Pound Puppies” which begins its second season in June, 2012.  The “Pound Puppies” are a team of fearless dogs whose sworn mission is to find homes for lonely puppies.  They only look like regular dogs.  In fact these pooches are dogs of action who match up pups with loving families while they keep the humans at Shelter 17 clueless.
    Yvette has also had a successful career in commercials. She's appeared in over 40 national spots. You may have seen her in ads for BIG LOTS, PINE SOL, CITIBANK, FIBER ONE YOGURT, DAIRY QUEEN, HAMBURGER HELPER, ARROWHEAD WATER, HOME DEPOT, COMCAST, LG and DiGIORNO'S PIZZA to name a few.  Yvette has also been immortalized in puppet form as "Mrs. Lewis, from downstairs" in a series of NIKE spots alongside puppet versions of Kobe Bryant and LeBron James.
    In addition to her commercial and television work, Yvette also has a burgeoning film career. She made her film debut in the romantic comedy, "Little Black Book," working alongside Brittany Murphy and Oscar winners, Holly Hunter and Kathy Bates. Her next film, Michael Bay's futuristic thriller, "The Island" put her on the set with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. Supporting roles in other films including "Dreamgirls" and "The Kid and I," - - where she first met and worked with one of her childhood heroes, Henry Winkler - - soon followed.  In 2008, she was in the box office hit, "Tropic Thunder" (directed by Ben Stiller) where she worked with Matthew McConaughey; as well as the family film, "Meet Dave" where she realized a childhood dream by sharing the screen with Eddie Murphy.
    In 2009 and 2010, Yvette could be seen on the big screen again in the family film, "Hotel for Dogs" starring Emma Roberts and Don Cheadle, the romantic comedy, "The Ugly Truth" starring Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler, the indie hit, "(500) Days of Summer" starring Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt; as well as the action thriller, "Repo Men" where she played against type and shared the screen with Jude Law and Oscar winner, Forest Whitaker.
    Currently, you can catch Yvette every week on the single-camera comedy, COMMUNITY, which airs Thursdays at 8pm/7c on NBC. The same Thursday 8pm timeslot that was once home to the hit NBC comedies: FRIENDS and THE COSBY's that for blessed? 
    In addition to her work on Community, Yvette can also be heard as the voice of "Cookie" on the NEW animated series, POUND PUPPIES; which airs weekly on the HUB Network (formerly Discovery Kids).
    A proud native of East Cleveland Ohio, Yvette currently resides in Los Angeles California.

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  • BioShock 2 Live Chat - Transcript

    Transcript for “BioShock 2 Developer Chat”, Tues Feb 2 2010 (Part I)
    Aaron-GS: Good evening and welcome to our BioShock 2 developer chat! Tonight we have with us Jordan, Melissa and Zak from 2K Marin.
    Aaron-GS: This chat is queued and moderated, so please allow the developers some time to review and respond to your questions.
    Aaron-GS: Please also refrain from asking complex, multi-part questions to be fair to other participants.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Hi. I'm Jordan, and I'll try to refrain from asking flattering questions to myself.
    Zak-2kMarin: Hey everybody! Really cool to get the chance to talk to actual Bioshock fans -- looking forward to you questions. Fire away. Give Jordan the hard ones.
    Melissa-2kMarin: Hey all - I'm Miller and I'm less funny than Jordan and Zak
    Guest-12: To all three: What would you say is your favorite aspect of Bioshock 2?
    Melissa-2kMarin: I think my favorite part of the game is watching players discover new combinations of Weapons and Plasmids in Multiplayer (MP). There are so many different ways you can use the Plasmids in the match to help you win like using Winter Blast on doorways to block players from escaping you.
    Guest-66: Is there multiplayer?
    Melissa-2kMarin: Yes
    Guest-27: Hi guys! Thanks for this awesome opportunity. How will the matchmaking system in multiplayer work? ie. will it have a local search or pick whoever has the better connection, regardless of distance?
    Jordan-2kMarin: For me it's probably the extension of the argument about player choice (particularly within shooters) that the original posed. In BioShock 2, not only do you have the freedom to make story-altering decisions, but that freedom defines you. So by Act 3, the broad strokes of the story are all about you.
    Melissa-2kMarin: Matchmaking takes 3 things into account - ping, skill level and your Rank in game. The system tries to match you with other players with similar values for those 3 things. Additionally we have Private Matches so you can play with your friends regardless of differences in Rank but you won't earn ADAM to rank up.
    Guest-59: Geez, idk what to ask. hmm. I know! Thanks for making a great game! Will there still be houdini splicers? :3
    Zak-2kMarin: Yep, we brought the Houdini's back! Plus, we now have that Plasmid in MP, so you can use the same hit-and-run tactics yourself.
    Guest-43: What was it like to develop the multiplayer? Was it a challenge considering it's the first time you have made a multiplayer section of a game? (I assume)
    Guest-58: Was there more focus on the single player or multiplayer?
    Guest-65: how much of a challenge was it to come up with a new creative way to add more in depth story line and game play this time around?
    Zak-2kMarin: We actually had full teams working on each portion -- the 2k Marin studio on SP and Digital Extremes on the MP side. The big advantage for this is the BOTH were the main focus, just for different teams. Lot's of communication back and forth, but both sides were primarily concerned with making MP or SP as good as possible.
    Guest-45: What was the most difficult part you found when going back to Rapture and creating BioShock 2?
    Melissa-2kMarin: MP was a really interesting challenge but in a good way We had to look at all the things that were truly 'BioShock' and figure out which ones worked for MP and which didn't. For instance, you can't have 8 Weapons equipped at once in MP like you do Single Player - trying to choose between that many Weapons would get you **bleep**ed - so we gave the player 2 Weapons slots in each loadout so they can switch between Weapons faster. Also tech wise, MP wasn't even part of the engine when we started. The tech team at Digital Extremes did an amazing job of getting MP working and making it great.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-65 ... a big fat drug-addled screaming one. We had sort of a two-audience challenge this time, building new unknown territory into the Rapture mythos for veterans of the original, while introducing the setting to people who were unfamiliar. So our best strategy is the sort of double-entendre, i.e. the introductory levels serve as a crash course in Rapture, but they're filled with references and layered meaning for people who know the first game intimately.
    Zak-2kMarin: Trying to recapture that first feeling of discover and mystery that we all got from coming over that sea wall and seeing Rapture for the first time. It's a hard act to follow, but we really focused on trying to get that mix of wonder and foreboding back into Rapture, without totally rebooting it.
    Guest-74: As Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy clearly influenced and formed the basis of Rapture in the first game, can we expect to see any other philosphical viewpoints explored in the second iteration? Obviously without spoilers
    Guest-12: Can we expect secret achievements besides the story specific ones?
    Guest-14: Who gets to wear the Delta suit that was supposed to come in the Uber edition? Like is it the same person at the Splicer's Unite and the video of unboxing the collector edition, or is it shared? (As well as how fun is it to be wearing it)
    Jordan-2kMarin: Dr. Sofia Lamb, our primary antagonist in BioShock 2, is sort of a union between philosophy and evolutionary psychology. To get an idea of how her mind works, check out the works of John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, and Richard Dawkins.
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-12... Yep, there are a ton of secret achievments and trophies! Some of them are focuses on totally mastering specific systems or gameplay, but there are some other ones that just reward clever or interesting behavior -- Like the famous "Irony" achievement from Bio1.
    Jordan-2kMarin: (also, if you do so, congratulations, you're a nerd)
    Guest-84: Is there one underwater section, or are there multiple ones throughout the game?
    Jordan-2kMarin: There are several of varying lengths, which help break the pace.
    Guest-35: What system should i get it for!Trick question lol! DLC will 360 get before ps3!
    Jordan-2kMarin: I think Guest-35 may be a splicer.
    Zak-2kMarin: We recomend you get them all.
    Guest-39: Compared to the development of Bioshock 1, which was originally for Xbox 360 and PC before being ported to Playstation 3, this time around you've obviously developed the game from the beginning across all three consoles. Did this cause any issues/ limitations between versions?
    bnogradi28: I am very well informed about BioShock 2 due to many previews. So my question is about beyond BioShock 2's release, the DLC. Can you give us info about this. Are you panning on having challenge rooms like the first or added story? And, will Digital Extremes be producing any DLC for the multiplayer like skins and maps? (PS loved the first, I be in line at midnight!)
    Elizabeth-2k: There are a couple different people who have worn the Delta suit - and yes, it's very fun to wear it (although the drill is very heavy and quite intimidating as you can imagine.)
    Guest-86: Did multiplayer have a story from the beginning, or was it a decision that was made much later in development?
    Jordan-2kMarin: Story integration was always part of the design, but setting it in the 1959 Rapture Civil War sort of emerged over time.
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-39 ... It was actually pretty smooth. We had the experience from porting Bioshock 1 over to PS3 at the studio and nearly everybody has all three platforms sitting on their desks. We're constantly running the game on all three.
    Melissa-2kMarin: bnogradi28 - Yes we will have DLC!!! But we unfortunately can't talk about the specific details right now.
    Guest-82: One of my favourite parts of the game was the audio diaries and ghostly images that appeared in places will there still be the same quantity of diaries/strange events?
    Guest-32: Who is responsible for the development of Something In The Sea?
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-82 - We have a similar density of those kinds of events in BioShock 2, if anything, there may be a few more audio diaries per level, and unlike the original, you meet several of our main characters face to face.
    Melissa-2kMarin: Something in the Sea is the awesome brainchild of our community manager Elizabeth Tobey
    Guest-85: Can we in Boston expect anything else for Splicers Unite? Do you guys have anything planned for PAXEast in March?
    topdawg116: Hi, I'm a student studying at Rochester Institute of Technology majoring in Game Design & Development. I was wondering if you had any tips or secrets of being successful in the games industry. Thanks!
    Elizabeth-2k: Splicers Unite has moved west - our last event is happening on February 8th in San Francisco.
    Guest-59: Will you guys be watching TV for your launch trailer tonight?
    Guest-89: can we see Delt's feet if we look down or can we see a refelction of ourself if we look in a mirror?
    Guest-42: To all three: Would you say Bioshock 2 multiplayer is competitive enough to lead to tournaments, clan gaming, and even MLG?
    Guest-43: For the multiplayer did you take inspiration from other multiplayer games while making it? What kind of ideas did you expand on or bring into the MP that we havent seen before?
    Guest-23: Did you plan on meshing the Mark Meltzer plot into any portion of Bisoshock 2?
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-23 A - wait and see.
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-89... Feet / reflections for Delta is actually something we played around with for a while, but we ultimately made the decision that we wanted to focus on more of the stuff the player would see all the time. Delta does have a shadow at all times, though, which leads to some pretty cool freakouts when you come around a corner and see it looming ahead of you.
    Guest-65: How conflicting was it to make a visual point to show andrew ryans side as opposed to sophia lambs side, since the civil war started 3 yrs prior to bs1?
    Guest-45: How do you all feel about having worked on this project; it now being such a large influence in so many people's lives?
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-65 - well the Single Player component takes you to all-new locations, many of which were either where Lamb's followers were hiding out, or are one of her properties, et cetera. So while we made sure to showcase Ryan's ideas in the intro levels, we sort of circumvented that issue by taking you on a sort of "backstage tour" with the SP campaign.
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-45... It's pretty humbling. We've all been heads down on the project for a pretty long time, so coming up for air finally and seeing how big and how excited the response is has been fantastic. Knowing how much every loves the world of Rapture has kept us pretty honest throughout the whole project, though. We can wait to see how people really react to the final game!
    Melissa-2kMarin: Guest-43 - Definitely. Multiplayer fans know what works and we didn't want players to quit the game before they've even started. We spent a lot of time looking at other successful MP games and pinpointing the aspects that worked (accessible and clear UI to get into matches quickly or connecting with friends easily). We tried to make sure that we provided those elements in BioShock 2 MP. In terms of new ideas, the BioShock gameplay is completely unique to our MP mode. There is nothing else like it out there
    Guest-35: Is there going to be a underwater MP level!
    Melissa-2kMarin: Guest-35 - Well technically they are all underwater But there is no MP underwater combat.
    Jordan-2kMarin: She's sassy.
    Guest-81: Seeing Heavy Water made an awesome looking Big Daddy costume, can we expect more Bioshock items for PlayStation Home?
    Jordan-2kMarin: We haven't announced anything yet so no definitive answer on that one, but if we did, it'd be based on fan response to our fancy duds.
    Guest-131: Who would win in a fight: Two Big daddies Vs. One Big Sister?
    Guest-149: How much influence was taken from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? And what other influences added to the story arcs in Bioshock 1 and 2? Such as novels that would be interesting to read and connect to both games.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-149 ... check out the 2k Forums, there's a thread in the BioShock General Discussion area all about reading material that may interest the arch-nerd audience.
    Guest-86: I just wanted to say "thank you" to everyone for your hard work and dedication! You guys rock!
    Melissa-2kMarin: Thank you and thanks to you guys for coming on and asking good questions
    Guest-82: In regards to something in the sea will there be any way for us fans of it to play it offline or be able to go through it again to pick up pieces we may have missed or just to be able to run through again at our own pace?
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-131 ... This is actually something that you can try out for yourself in the game! (With the Hypnotize Plasmid) My money would probably be on a Big Sis, though. They can heal themselves back up by absorbing health from other Splicers, so Big Sisters can put up a heck of a fight. And she's fast! So, a Big Sis vs. 2 Bouncers would probably end up with the Big Sis standing at the end, but a Big Sis against 2 Rumblers might be a more even fight.
    Guest-89: ahhh sad to see that was pulled how about when we use the scout plasmid will we be able to 360 check ourself out aka delta? does he have a 3D model to look at while in ghost/scout mode?
    Elizabeth-2k: Something in the Sea will remain online after release - don't worry about that. Every part of it is still there. There's also a fan-run BioShock 2 wiki that has a fantastic timeline if you wanted to use that to catch up.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-89, yes, you can see yourself in ghost form, and boy does he look confident. He looks like he's dating the entire Ryan's Raider's cheerleading squad ... and all the players.
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-89 ... Yep, there's a "Dealta Body" left behind when you go Scouting. It's a little ghostly though so that it isn't such a sitting duck for other Splicers to find. The Decoy Plasmid also uses a Delta model!
    Nastadon: Did you guys want to get rid of backtracking? Or did it just sort of happen based on the level design?
    bnogradi28: Will the desicions in BioShock 2 be more effective into the storyline instead of the harvest or rescue which led to different ending videos. Will there actually be different gameplay depending on descisions. And, would you kindly give me a free UBER edition?
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
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    Transcript for “BioShock 2 Developer Chat”, Tues Feb 2 2010 (Part III)
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-42 ... 2K Aus is basically Marin's sister studio. They did a ton over the course of the project ... tech, levels, animation, effects, the whole shebang. We were really lucky to work with them again, because they were so close to the first game. The Siren Alley and Fontaine Futuristics levels were primarily done out of Aus (including that awesome flooding sequence we showed in Siren Alley). We [heart] 2K Australia!
    Melissa-2kMarin: BioshockBigdad - There are 7 modes in MP - 5 base modes plus 2 variations. The 5 base modes are Survivial of the Fittest (FFA), Civil War (TDM), Capture the Sister (variation of CTF), Turf War (Control territory points) and ADAM Grab (hold onto the Little Sister the longest). The 2 variations are Last Splicer Standing and Team ADAM Grab.
    Guest-85: "Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?" Is Bioshock2 as quotable as the first? Answer quickly, "would you kindly." Thanks a lot for answering our questions!
    Guest-212: Were there any specific other viral campaigns that Something in the Sea was inspired by?
    Guest-45: Will there be any liquor/snacks lying around Rapture for Delta to consume this time around, and will they have the same effects?
    Guest-71: Do you guys think you will do a "Game With the Developers" thing? I remember hearing that one was done for Left 4 Dead 2 and thought it would be neat to go head to head in multiplayer with the creators!
    Melissa-2kMarin: Guest-71 - that would be cool to do though I would probably get my **bleep** kicked
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-85 - actually, only the Internet can answer that question. Wait a few months after release, and see if anyone's quoting Little Sisters in debate class, then posting on in triumph.
    Elizabeth-2k: Guest 212: There were quite a few that inspired me - you can probably guess a few. I'm a pretty big nerd and love this kind of stuff, so I had a lot to draw on. With a world as rich as BioShock 2, though, you have so much material to work with to begin with.
    Guest-175: Rapture, it's full of not only Art Deco but multiple art forms. To what lengths did the artists go to develop such beautiful areas?
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-45 ... Yep -- there's still a lot to eat and drink down in Rapture. All those Splicers have to live somehow. We actually added a bunch of new ones that the citizens had to resort to over ten years at the bottom of the sea -- distilled water, homemade medicine, and the like. These have some similar effects to Bioshock 1 -- restoring a bit of Eve or Health.
    bnogradi28: Is there any minecarts in the game?
    Zak-2kMarin: bnogradi28 ... Almost! We couldn't geta real minecart in, or a snowy level where you slip around and have to race a penguin, but Ryan Amusements does have little mini-bathyspheres that ride around on tracks for the Journey to the Surface ride in that area.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-175 - we have a healthy balance of fine art snobs and bearded, shirtless Outsider Art nutjobs who paint exclusively with anger. For reference, they'd pull from the more fantastical hybrid tech of something like Brazil, to very detailed books about corporate logos of the 30s ... all the way to footage of the Titanic wreck.
    Guest-149: Will all the weapons/plasmids from Bioshock be making a return?
    Guest-192: Does BioShock 2 have many "jump" moments? Like in med pavilion where the thuggish Dr. Grossman appears behind you after you look at the painting?
    BioshockBigdad: Im hearing alot about Lamb the main evil villian in Bioshock 2 but are there anymore lead villians that you can inform me about?
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-192... Heck, yes. That kind of "cat in the bushes" scare moment is a classic and something level designers love to pack into their levels when you're not looking. Rapture's still a dangerous place and they'll be plenty of surprises LIEK RIGHT BEHINGD YOU AGAEIDGSDN
    Jordan-2kMarin: We've got to hold some back for Scooby Doo reveals.
    Guest-202: can we chose conversation responses to ai characters? or is
    Chronic_Alchemy: One more thing! What's the max amount of kits & Eve you can carry in Single Player? So far it only looks like 5... :[
    Zak-2kMarin: Chronic_Alchemy ... Yep, the default number of First Aid and Eve Hypos you can carry was lowered to 5, but they restore more when you use them. We wanted to capture a bit of the "strength" of being a Big Daddy by having you be a bit more durable and not have to heal quite as often. You'll still be doing it plenty thought -- Brute Splicers and Big Sisters pack a punch. Oh, and there are Tonics you can find / purchase that raise this number.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-202 - there are no dialogue trees in BioShock, we want to keep you immersed, and slowing you down to lock verbal horns with a guy like Andrew Ryan would really kind of ruin the intended pace & momentum of the piece. We're not by any means elitist about them in other games, they just don't fit the bill for BioShock.
    Guest-87: How does a Big Daddy go about eating? Delta in particular.
    Guest-127: Hey, will there be more upclose visits with characters in Bio 2 like meeting Andrew Ryan than in 1? Thanks.
    Zak-2kMarin: It's really messy. You don't really want to know. Actually, we were really, REALLY close to having a audio diary in the game on this exact subject, but we decided it was too rich, too deep of a mystery to spoil.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-127 - Yes, several more. We put a lot of effort into those, although they're not frequent enough to become annoying. They're kind of apex confrontation moments w/ key characters.
    FrenchRapture: Hello! ( I'm a French fan ) In the collector, why did you choose a vynil? It's a very old support...
    Guest-85: Last question for me: Is the launch trailer (debuting tonight) going to be the opening cinematic of the game?
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-85 - no.
    Jordan-2kMarin: :0
    Jordan-2kMarin: The intro is its own animal.
    Zak-2kMarin: FrenchRapture ... There are record players all over Rapture and it seemed like the most fitting format to deliver the soundtrack on. So far, people have been pretty excited about it!
    Guest-255: What is the main language Bioshock 1/2 were programmed in? What languges would you reccomend learning for a student heading to the games industry?
    Guest-158: Will there be funny Easter Eggs like the Pacman "Wheel of Cheese" from BS1
    Zak-2kMarin: The game is mostly written in C++. This is pretty standard accross the industry, so you can't go wrong with a solid foundation in it. Good luck!
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-158: The real question is, how many of them are genuinely intended, and how many do you guys just make up in your heads, allowing us to later say, "nudge wink oh yeah we're super clever"
    Guest-149: Will all the weapons and plasmids from the first Bioshock be making a return?
    Guest-123: Was there any one thing in BioShock that you thought, "Oh! I'd love to do more/learn more about that!" that you were able to add into BioShock 2?
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-123 - I was always interested in humanizing the warped father-bond between Big Daddies and Little Sisters. It became the player's core (initial,anyway) motive for crossing the city, his mission in life. Our themes touch pretty heavily on family in a broad way.
    Guest-266: will you guys join the multiplayer with us to once the game is released?
    Guest-175: Voice acting question! (I'm running out of ides >.<) From what I understand, Ken the clown's voice is actually Ken Levine. If anyone of you could have voice acted in BioShock 2, what would you have been? (Personally, I see Jordan as a book critique, Zak as a shoe shiner, Melissa as a artist and Liz as a scientist ^_^)
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-175 - this is only a partial answer, but I actually do have a single line in BioShock 2. It'll be interesting to see if the fans can figure out which.
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-149 ... Except for Sonic Boom, all the original Plasmids are returning in some form, though they all level up as you buy upgrades and some of them change pretty substantially in funcition. Basically, everyone who played Bio1 has ONE Plasmid that was their favorite and we knew we couldn't leave anyone out in the cold. Weapons are a bit trickier -- because you're a Big Daddy now, a lot of the more traditional weapons from Bioshock 1 didn't make a lot of sense. (Subject Delta would look a bit silly holding a pistol.) Beyond that, we really wanted to free up you left hand, so that you could use weapons and Plasmids at the same time, so all weapons had to be designed to work one handed and fit with a Big Daddy. That said, I think we've got a good enough spread of weapon types (and a bunch of great new Alternate Ammo types) that you won't be missing Jack's weapon set. And if you do, most of them are in multiplayer.
    Melissa-2kMarin: Guest-266 - I don't know if we will have any official event but I definitely plan on playing at home when the game comes out to see what crazy combos people come up with
    Guest-45: Going off of my previous question regarding liquor and snacks: does this mean we have the pleasure of seeing a drunken big daddy?
    BioshockBigdad: Is there a person in side of the big daddy suit I always wondered about this. lol i guess a dumb question BUT I MUST KNOW.
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-45 ... Subject Delta's tolerance is a bit higher,but yeah, you can be a drunk Daddy.
    Jordan-2kMarin: BioshockBigdad - yes, we can say definitively (now, as it's sort of central to our story) that Big Daddies were once human, and in BioShock 2, you're sort of a man trapped inside a monster, questing to recover your sole human connection.
    Guest-192: If i remember right, there was a plane in one of the preveiw videos? Was that a referance or something else?
    Guest-202: are there any ways i can get the tracks from the vinyl on my se in any other way? i really want to listen to them but have no way to play it. allthough i agree it fits the game.
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-192 ... Good catch! We kind of like to leave things like that for the fans to decide, but you can probably make some safe assumptions there.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-202 - the original game's score is available in the Download section of the Cult of Rapture site. Those are the tracks on the vinyl. The BioShock 2 score is also in the SE, on a CD.
    Guest-224: Hello again! Do you think a multilayer mode big daddy fight? For an example, big daddy fight or team big daddy fight? Thank you.And i didn't see my first question replied If i'm wrong sorry
    Guest-71: Do the various vending machines still make music and the occasional comment?
    Guest-87: Which character do each of you relate to the most?
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-71 ... For a while, the Ammo Bandito did not talk. And there was MUTINY on the team. Both he and the Circus of Values clown are back, but they're a little worse for wear after all that time.
    Jordan-2kMarin: For me it'd probably be Sinclair. Lamb voices a lot of utilitarian ideas I'm interested in, but I'm way, way too selfish to live them the way she does. Sinclair is a moral relativist, like most of us... he's self-interested but not predatory ... has a soft spot for humanity and doesn't begrudge them their shortcomings. He's just, uh, willing to cross several lines I'd probably stop short of.
    Melissa-2kMarin: Guest-224 - You are able to play as a Big Daddy (the Rosie model) in many of the modes and fight with the rest of Splicers. Playing as a Big Daddy is a very different experience - you are a lot slower and have less combat choices but you are much more powerful than the average Splicer. For balance reasons, its best to have 1 at time in the match
    Guest-254: Will we get to see some sane people in Rapture? I heard there were rumors about the splicers having **bleep**ed all of them in the first Bioshock game and I'm assuming that ten years later, they're pretty much non-existant.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-254 - Yep, several of our major characters are unspliced this time around.
    Melissa-2kMarin: Guest-87 - I relate most to an MP character - Naledi. She's a total tomboy and swears a lot
    Zak-2kMarin: Oh good one.
    Guest-149: Now I have to ask specifically, will we see the Crossbow again? Or just in multiplayer? Thanks for the answer regarding weapons. And thanks to all of ya'll for asnwering questions.
    Jordan-2kMarin: We're gonna have to coerce Melissa into dressing as Naledi at some Splicers Unite event.
    Guest-192: Are there new vending machines or are they just the same?
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-192 and Guest-271 ... We did play around with adding new machines or changing the Ammo Bandito / Circus of Values for a while, but they were just such iconic parts of Rapture to everyone that we couldn't get them out of the game.
    Guest-231: Are the invent machines returning for Bioshock 2?
    Melissa-2kMarin: Guest-149 - The crossbow does return in MP. For SP it couldn't really work since its too small for Delta. Instead he gets this kick-**bleep** Speargun that is AWESOME. You can headshot Splicers into the wall and leave them their as a trophy to your skills. That's not to say the Crossbow in MP isn't awesome too
    Guest-266: will the 2kmarin staff celebrate once the game is released? a big party ?
    Jordan-2kMarin: More of an afterparty. First, the blood orgy.
    Guest-254: Will we get some more background information on Tenenbaum and her life with the rest of the Little Sisters prior to the events of Bioshock 2?
    H00n: When a player hits max level in multiplayer, what happens next? Will they be able to "prestige"?
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-231 ... The U-Invent and the crafting system that went along with it is one of the few things that we did cut from Bioshock 1. We had so many other improvements / changes (New Hacking / New Research / Plasmid Upgrades / New Weapons / Etc.) that there just wasn't room to give the U-Invent the time it needed to get into the game. It's not something we did lightly, but there is still plenty of good stuff to loot and find in Rapture. Just a lot fewer Steel Screws and Rubber Hoses.
    Melissa-2kMarin: H00n - something really cool that is spoileriffic and can't be revealed
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-254 - A little bit, although Tenenbaum is very focused in her return to the city. She sees the creation of new Little Sisters as the ultimate traumatic echo, her own greatest sin, repeating again as if nothing was learned.
    Guest-45: Is there any talk in BioShock 2 regarding a possible reversal of the Big Daddy-ification process?
    Guest-12: A question for all three: Harvest, or save?
    Zak-2kMarin: Guest-12... I always Save. I'm pretty sure these other two jerks harvest. I think.
    Jordan-2kMarin: Guest-45 - Sinclair pitches the idea to the player as a hypothetical. But that's as much as we can say now.
    Melissa-2kMarin: Guest-12 - Save - I like the gifts
    Jordan-2kMarin: Harvest or Rescue? Bah. Try Adopt, then suicide, then coldly abandon as they cry outside the Vita-Chamber.
    Guest-87: Is Fontaine truly, 100% dead?
    Zak-2kMarin: Man, thanks everyone! This has been really cool. Lot's of great (and tough!) questions. Hope you enjoy the game and we'll see you on the forums! (When I get off my butt and start posting, which I TOTALLY will do this week.)
    Jordan-2kMarin: Thanks for your questions, all. I dare you to start wearing blue butterflies to work, school, or the exercise yard in your correctional facility.
    Melissa-2kMarin: Thanks for all the questions people (sorry we couldn't answer every one of them). Hope to see you all online in MP next week
    Elizabeth-2k: Thanks guys! See you on the forums (and in Rapture!)
    Aaron-GS: That's all the time we have for this evening! Thank you everyone for being here, and a big thank you to Jordan, Melissa, Zak AND Elizabeth!
    Aaron-GS: A transcript of the chat will be posted in the Gaming board in the next 24 hours.
    Aaron-GS: Happy gaming!
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
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  • StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Live Chat Session - Transcript

    Transcript for "StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Developer Chat", Thurs July 15 2010 (Part I)
    Aaron-GS: Good evening and welcome to our StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty developer chat!
    Aaron-GS: Chris Sigaty from Blizzard Entertainment is currently online with us and he's here to answer your questions about the game! Dustin Browder will be joining us shortly.
    ChrisSi: Hello everyone!
    Aaron-GS: This chat is queued and moderated, so please allow the developers some time to review and respond to your questions.
    Aaron-GS: Please also refrain from asking complex, multi-part questions to be fair to other participants.
    Aaron-GS: The queue is now open, so ask away!
    sillyup20: Regarding future balance changes, will you guys continue to patch SC2 after release to ensure balance of all 3 races?
    ChrisSi: Yes, it's definitely important to us to ensure that the game remains balanced after launch. We will make patches as needed to address balance issues after launch
    Guest-16: For the Campaign experience, will there be variation for future play throughs?
    ChrisSi: Yes, one of the things we're really excited about with the campaign of Wings of Liberty is that players can make choices as to which missions to do next, what technologies they want to upgrade their army with, and so on. We think there's a lot of replayability in this huge campaign (29 missions) and players will get a ton of play time just with the campaign and some replayability
    Guest-46: What is the devs' relationship with the 2.0 team?
    ChrisSi: We work very closely and we're in constant contact with the team. The launch of StarCraft II and is very much a team effort at Blizzard.
    Guest-81: Will Kerrigan have a large role in Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty?
    Lamonte: How many 1v1 multiplayer maps will be available for launch? And how will user created maps get put into the 1v1 map pool?
    ChrisSi: yes she definitely plays a large role in the story. but how exactly that plays out, you'll have to play to see
    DustinB: I think it's about 10 maps in the 1v1 queue. As we see great community maps we will take them internally, fix them up to match our map making standards (if necessary) and add them to the pool.
    Guest-19: Will you be doing an overhaul of some of the SC2 sounds, in particular, the siege tank and the hydra death and the marine death sound? Many of the fans are concerned that the audio side of Starcraft 2 will not be up-to-date and on-par with the graphics, animations and multiplayer experience
    Aaron-GS: The queue has been temporarily closed to allow Chris and Dustin some time to answer questions that have already been submitted.
    Aaron-GS: Thank you for your patience.
    DustinB: The sounds you hear in the beta are largely final. We will continue to update sounds in patches and of course in our two expansion products, Heart of the Swarm and Wings of Liberty.
    Guest-73: Will you please stop nerfing Protoss? Much love from Aiur.
    DustinB: The Protoss are now only slightly ahead of the other two races according to our numbers. But I think the nerfs for the Protoss are done for now. However the community continues to learn and we will buff and nerf as needed.=)
    pureWasted: Do you have any plans to make units such as Reapers and Zerglings more viable in the late game?
    DustinB: We continue to watch the balance in the game. Zerglings and Reapers do have some uses in the late game in some match ups, and we are waiting to see if they have more use once the community learns more about the game or if they fall off user build orders all together. We will not be doing any more patches in beta and we will be waiting at least several weeks after launch before we do any additional balance patch work (unless we see something really broken). In many ways the balance is in the hands of the community now for a while. We will see what kinds of strategies people come up with, what they learn to do with what they have and we will make decisions only after we learn a lot more about how the game plays with ALL of our fans playing.=)
    Guest-64: Could you go into more detail on the Zerg campaign for Heart of the Swarm? What new features can we expect?
    Guest-82: Hello, do you plan any new changes with the mothership? Alot of people feel that it's price is not worth it. Also, how about the ultralisk? I think the ultralisk should be able to at least walk over the zerglings. Thoughts?
    DustinB: We are not going to any changes on the Mothership in the near future. Internal debate rages about this unit, I have been told by several people both inside and outside of blizzard that the unit is far too powerful. The Ultralisk needs a lot more testing before we know how good he is or is not in his current state. I have heard complaints both ways on this unit, that he is way too powerful (mostly against Protoss) and way too weak (mostly against Terrans). But we shall have to wait and see.
    Guest-93: Will there be any significant changes between phase 2 beta and the launched version?
    DustinB: We are not going to make major changes to game balance bewteen beta and launch. We will be fixing bugs and improving game perfomance and stability.
    Guest-29: With certain maps being biased to certain races, are you planning on remaking the maps or just releasing other maps to play ladder matches that are balanced?
    DustinB: There are always going to be maps that favor one race over another. We try to strike a good balance between these maps. If there is a map that is VERY unbalanced we will pull it from the match making pool (like Incineration Zone in Beta 1). If a map needs small fixes to make it better we will make those, though in most cases I think we would just put new maps into the mix.
    Guest-89: QXC wants to know if you have plans to tweak Reapers and Battlecruisers so that we see them more in competitive play
    DustinB: We do not have plans on Reapers or Battlecruisers at the moment. That may change after the game goes live and as the community gets more time with the game. I think Battlecruisers are fundamentally vulnerable in PvT and TvT (Void Rays and Vikings) though they could be tweaked to have use in TvZ.
    Guest-104: Dustin, is this really you?!​rtrait_goliath_mercenary ^^
    Guest-80: With respect to Battle.Net, will there be automated tournaments a la Warcraft 3 and if so will they have rewards such as portraits or decals?
    ChrisSi: that is a mysterious resemblance, Guest 104!
    DustinB: We do have plans for automated tournaments, but they are a little ways off. Look for these in the future. We are pretty geeked up about getting to put them in (and play them ourselves). =)
    Guest-85: What classic/new units will we play with in the campaign that didnt make the cut in the Multiplayer game? Eg; firebat, medic, what others?
    DustinB: I don't know that I remember the full list. Here is what comes to mind.=) Medic, Firebat, Vulture, Wraith, Science Vessel, Goliath.
    Guest-70: regarding balance changes, how are you basing your balance changes? do you look at the diamond league statistics in a certain region, base them off tournament play, or what? do you guys at blizzard follow the competative tournament scene and base some balance changes of tham?
    Guest-88: Do you plan to add any new units in future expansions that would be available to use online/multilayer?
    DustinB: We look at stats on all regions and all leagues. We emphasize the importance of balance in the Diamond League as well as pulling stats from our top 1% of players. These are the numbers that need to be as close to 50/50 as we can get them. We do try to make sure that Bronze players don't get much worse than 55/45 in any matchup. In addition we look at tournament play and study those games to see what we can learn about how people are playing the game now as well as how they may play it in the future. David Kim and Matt Cooper (our balance designers) spend pretty much their entire day playing games and watching others play games.=)
    Guest-122: Cross realm play.. Why did you not include it? There has virtually been no lag.
    DustinB: That's something we want to get to in the future. There are some technical and business challenges for us. We do offer our players different ways to buy and play StarCraft 2 in different areas of the world and we need to work out cross realm play so it is fair to all of our fans around the world.
    sillyup20: Will future expansions of SC2 lead to new units in the Mutliplayer?
    DustinB: Yes.=) We will add more units. How we will deal with the games growing complexity is the really interesting challenge that we don't yet have the great answer for. We don't want to have 15+ units per race in the game, so we need to think of something clever that will allow us to add new strategies to the game without making the game too complicated.
    Denthar: are the stats on the units in the campaign going to have the same stats as those in muliplayer?
    DustinB: Mostly yes, but there are some exceptions. We do have some of the units that start weaker in the campaign and get stronger as you buy upgrades for them or gain additional abilities through researching alien organisms and artefacts. In general though there are so many new and crazy units in the campaign that you will find it a very different experience from multiplayer combat.
    Guest-151: Are there any features where you won't need a persistent internet connection such as editors or campaign?
    Guest-41: Do you feel there is room for new units to come (or come back) in the future ?
    ChrisSi: There is an offline mode where you can play the campaign, skirmish against AI or challenge mode w/o needing to be connected to (Guest 151)
    DustinB: Yes, we will be dealing with the issue of new units in the expansions. I doubt we will add new units or bring back old units in patches, but anything is possible.
    Guest-166: Can we expect significant changes for each "episode" gameplay wise? (I.E. radical new unit functions, gametypes or innovative maps?)
    DustinB: We are going to do more in the expansions to add new strategies for the fans. I don't know what those will be yet.=)
    Lamonte: You said your map making standards, what are blizzards map making standards?
    DustinB: It is a long and complicated list. In many cases it comes down to simple bugs. In user made maps there are often many small mistakes like areas of the map where units can get easily stuck or trapped, or mistakes in mineral and gas placement, that sort of thing. Generally when we put a map into the matchmaking pool we clean up a few of these bugs before publishing it to Battle.Net
    Guest-124: Can we expect new Blizzard maps as well as user-submitted (turned official) maps? If you could ballpark it, how long should we expect new features & additions from Blizzard for SC2?
    DustinB: yes, we will add user made maps. I expect we will be adding features and custom maps in many of our patches between expansions and obviously we will be adding lots of stuff in the expansions themselves.
    Guest-70: as you may know, there are no 1 supply units in the zerg race at the moment and the zerg is lacking their "swarm" aspect. what are you guys looking into to bring the "swarm" back to the zerg?
    DustinB: Well the Zerglings are .5 supply.=) I know many of our Zerg players were annoyed that we made Roaches 2 supply. We just couldn't justify a 1 supply Roach when we took a look at his stats and we watched and played a ton of Beta games. It was not balanced. We really think the "swarm" aspect of the Zerg comes not from the supply cost of some of their units but from the vast amount of resources they often have at their disposal because they find it so easy to expand. In addition with Spawn Larva the Zerg can easily save up a large amount of production, allowing Zerg forces to attack with a large army, lose that army and then rebuild it very quickly and attack again with a similar force. It feels very "swarmy."
    Guest-172: Can you give us any info about Blizzards plan for E-Sports in the west?
    Guest-190: Will there be a snow tileset in the campaign?
    DustinB: No. We will be doing snow in the future. Sorry. =(
    Scytone: What is your take on EMP? Do you feel it is to strong? are there any plans to change it?
    ChrisSi: esports is very important to us at Blizzard and especially for SC2.We do plan on releasing a patch in the months after launch to address the needs of pro tournaments and eSports, so as we get closer to that we'll have more news to share about our plans for eSports overall (Guest 172)
    DustinB: EMP is necessary for Terrans right to defend against Protoss. I also think it might have more use that we are currently seeing against Zerg (but I could be wrong about that). We have nerfed its radius in the past and we can do so again if necessary. We don't believe (currently) that it is a problem.
    Guest-48: Concerning the ladder promotions system, what further clarity can you provide to us on exactly how this works? I've heard that it works based on some sort of interval system, if so, what sort of intervals? I think many people feel left in the dark on how this works and might like a 'progress bar' for promotions or something similar.
    DustinB: The Battle.Net team has been hard at work on this system throughout Beta-1 and Beta-2. It does currently check every so often to see that you are in the right league. I don't know what the current times are that it checks. I know they are talking about doing some updates to those checks so that they happen more often.
    Guest-215: WIth the new expansions, will current units change in any way?
    DustinB: Current units will change if we think of ways to make them more fun and they will change if we need to alter the balance to deal with anything new we add to those expansions.
    Guest-93: Send: Some phase 2 patches took away some of the social features on battle net. Such as being able to join a friends game simply by right clicking and 'joining game'. Or being ablbe to see other peoples friends through your current friends. Making it easier to connect with friends is really important. Do you plan on brining back these features along with others (chat channels?)
    Guest-81: Are you happy with the Ultralisk? Do you see it as a end game unit that the zerg can use effectively? Compared to the other races end-game units, does the big bug need another buff? Or do they neeed a super bug that's bigger?
    DustinB: I have only had a few great Ultralisk experiences myself. I have seen some truly amazing Ultralisk games and I have seen some total disasters. We are going to "wait and see" on him and see how he does in the coming weeks before we do anything else to him. Remember that in many cases the players find lots of clever ways to use units that don't seem at all obvious to us inside the studio.
    ChrisSi: We're goign to be watching closely how players use the social functionality in and continue to refine the system and make it easier and more intuitive to do things like invite players to games and so on. As for chat channels, there'll be a post-launch patch that will include the ability to have private chat channels. is very much a living service so you can expect that we'll constantly be making feature additions and improvements to meet the needs of players (Guest 93)
    Guest-149: Do you anticipate further tweaking terran mech or the build time of barracks and gateways?
    DustinB: If necessary. We don't have any plans today.
    Guest-177: Do you plan to rotate the map pool for the ladder, if so will user made maps have a chance to be put in the ladder map pool?
    DustinB: Yes.=) This is a popular question. We will add user maps as we become aware of them.
    Guest-200: There are rumors that there is a LAN enabled professional edition available for professional tournaments to reduce latency... Is this true and will it be available for pro-teams to practice?
    Guest-197: Will there be anymore Zerg soundscape changes before retail? – Wankey
    DustinB: I don't believe there are any changes planned before we go live. Sorry. =(
    Guest-102: Are there still plans to implement an invite only "pro" leauge above the diamond league after launch?
    DustinB: Yes. I don't have all the details, but we do plan on having a "Pro League" that works a little differently from our regular leagues.
    ChrisSi: any rumors you've heard about a "pro edition" are just rumors. We've made no official announcements about that. We will address the needs of pro tournaments and eSports in a patch in the months after the release of SC2. (Guest 200)
    AVBenedetto: Zerg player here. I will gladly trade Roaches for Lurkers in multiplayer, any chance of seeing Lurkers before the expansions?
    DustinB: Not likely, though anything is possible. It's not a Roach trade though. It's a Roach+Baneling trade. When we were testing the game with Lurkers we found that their splash and Baneling splash overlapped quite a bit. For sometime the Lurker was Tier 3 as a result (and siege range) but in that position he was easily spotted by detection (since it is so common in Tier 3) and he wasn't really a "Lurker." Also remember that without Dark Swarm, Lurkers don't have quite the same level of use that they did in SC1.
    Guest-136: Do you believe that StarCraft 2 will be able to reach a similar eSports scene success in the US and/or Europe as Brood War has had in South Korea, including multiple multimillion dollar teams and games broadcasted live on tv daily?
    DustinB: No idea. I hope so.=) It certainly is a fun game to watch (as I'm sure most of you know). What nations and communities will embrace it is largely up to our players and fans. We didn't create esports, our fans did that. =)
    spychi: how many new units have been done for campaign only?
    DustinB: I'm not sure on the exact number. I believe it's about a dozen?
    Guest-153: With updated Terms of Use for new Bnet, it was mentioned you needed Blizzard permission for any type of Esports activity. This of course makes sense, but when I personally contacted support to get the needed paper complete through email or fax. I was told they had no information on this and was given Blizzards Corp. mailing address. Can you save people who are doing Esports Livestream / Ustream showmatches the trouble and let us know how to contact to get this permission Please?
    Guest-275: Will there ever be a toggle function for Unit life bars?? Or a way to make Unit life bars smaller??
    DustinB: There is a toggle for unit life bars. We don't have a way to make them smaller. That sounds like a good suggestion.
    ChrisSi: If you're interested in setting up a tournament and getting appropriate licensing for SC2, contact [email protected]
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

    Transcript for "StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Developer Chat", Thurs July 15 2010 (Part III)
    Guest-393: Do you have plans to change the custom game list? I ask this because sometimes I search for a game I like, but its not that popular. Therefore its on the bottom of the list and no one joins the game.
    ChrisSi: I can't speak to that issue specifically but if there is a major problem there we will address it in due time. As you know we are committed to patching even older games like SC and Diablo when necessary. At the moment a lot of attention is focused on this launch, so pelase be patient =) (Guest 334)
    DustinB: Again, this is an area that we will be working on in the coming months.=)
    Guest-340: Would it be plausible to see a "StarCraft HD" in the next five years? We'd all love to see the original game "digitally remastered" along the same lines as timeless movies like "Gone with the Wind", "Cassablanca" or the "Wizard of Oz". We don't enjoy them' films on ol' projector reels these days, no sir! -- We've got VCR's now! *spits*.
    DustinB: That would be pretty cool. Currently we have no plans for such a project. =(
    Guest-281: Recently, StarCraft Legacy wrote a really great article regarding the community's concerns with the new and we know that is going to evolve - but what is the reason for some of the stuff the community thinks was so basic not being included in release? What's the best way to give you guys feedback? We the hardcore, are a highly underused resource!
    DustinB: Oh, we are hearing you guys, don't worry about that.=) We are going to keep working on it as fast as we can. Stuff that isn't in there is stuff we just didn't get to. Keep sending your feedback though, and we'll try to address it as fast as we can.
    Guest-294: Will there be seasonal SC2 ladder resets, similar to WC3 and WoW arena?
    DustinB: That's the plan. Though I don't know yet when the first season is going to end.
    Guest-400: Do you plan on including good and balanced fan made maps (if made) in some of the future ladder map pools?
    DustinB: Yes. =) Also, I answered this one like ten times already.=)
    DustinB: To Guest-156 That's the plan. I don't know exaxtly what new sorting methods will be used in the future, but it's an area we can work on.
    Guest-337: Is Terrible Terrible Damage going to be a cheat code?
    DustinB: Wait and see.=)
    Guest-73: What is your favourite unit and race, and who would win in a 1v1 match between you two (directed to both)?
    DustinB: As the Game Director I don't have the luxury of having a favorite. I play Random unless I am testing something specific. Chris Sigaty doesn't get quite the play time I do. I would totally pwn that noob.
    ChrisSi: oh I think Dustin would have an advantage over me.
    Guest-156: Do you have any information for us on the custom game selection menu? Will new ways to sort through games be made available Soon^TM? The popularity system has its drawbacks.
    DustinB: That's the plan. I don't know exactly what new sorting methods will be used in the future, but it's an area we can work on.
    Guest-389: How exactly does the current Galaxy Editor differ from the version at launch?
    DustinB: We have made some UI improvements as well as stability improvements. More importantly you will have access to all the art in the campaign.=)
    Guest-298: In multiplayer games, are there any plan to implement a counter that would show the supply and resources of your allies? This is something that the community has been asking for a while. It would be extremely useful when one of your ally leave. I remember reading an interview with Dustin that said that the team thought that such a counter would be used to flame your allies but have you considered the possibility of letting players chose if they want to show the counter or not (kinda like you can...
    DustinB: It's certainly something we can talk about for a future patch. I do think there is going to be flaming no matter what we do, so maybe we can find a nice spot to put this info in the UI.
    Guest-70: The Force Field spell seems to be an extremely strong spell and in the recent patch, they have been buffed by decreasing the amount of Force Fields needed to trap or block a unit. It is even possible to trap Roaches in between 2 Force Fields. What is the reasoning for this change?
    Disease: Will the game ship with multiple languages on one DVD or at least with an option to switch the language?
    DustinB: Yeah, that buff happened because we fixed a bug where Zerglings on creep could actually "run past" a line of Zealots that were blocking a choke point. We have a new fix that will come out in our first patch that will make Force Fields work like they did before AND zerglings will still not be able to run past Zealots. In other words, we didn't do it on purpose, it just happened when we fixed something else. Sorry. =(
    Guest-284: Can we set difficulty of campaign? Or is there normal mode and then after we finish it we unlock other difficulties like Hard in WC3 if I remember correctly?
    DustinB: You can change your difficulty on a per mission basis. So if you start on Casual and it seems to easy you can start the next mission on Normal or Hard. You can play any difficulty at any time without having to beat the campaign.
    Guest-282: Will there be a way at release to customize your key binds, or at least move the F keys to a more convenient position?
    DustinB: Yes, you can do some key rebinding.
    Guest-346: I want to say a BIG "thank you" to you guys and everyone at Blizzard for making these games that millions and I want to play! And for a light-hearted question; What are we more likely to see first, the third expansion to Starcraft 2, or Diablo 3? =)
    ChrisSi: Disease -- you should buy the language version and region that you want to play in. The ability to switch language and which language you want to switch to is going to vary from region to region.
    Guest-419: Resend: Will you be conducting more chats like this one anytime soon, as it seems that direct, public communications between the devs and the community is sparse (reading our posts on the forums/fansites doesn't count, I'm referring to a two-way dialogue)
    DustinB: Thanks dude.=) As far as the race between us and D3 goes who knows? If you are a fan of our games you know how we opperate. It will be done when it's done. Not the best answer for our fans, but the right answer for the games.
    ChrisSi: Guest 419 - we do conduct Twitter chats with fans from time to time. Recommend you add yourself to the official StarCraft facebook and/or twitter accounts so you can be informed when the next one happens. Thanks!
    Guest-29: What is the most popular race being played in the beta?
    Guest-366: With regard to the Oceanic / Asia region, coming from the Philippines I am still contemplating which version to buy (right now I have better ping to LA servers). Has there been any update regarding the traceroutes on the forums, which version would Australian / Philippine players buy to experience better multiplayer experience (read: less lag). Thanks.
    DustinB: Terran. That may be because they are the default race, or because they are the most "understandable" race (they look human) or it may be because people think they are the most powerful. Not sure why.=)
    Guest-82: I really miss "20 minute No Rush" titles on custom games, with this new you can't do that, is there anyway we can impliment that? Also, any news on clan chat and general chat?
    DustinB: yeah, I hear you on the "no rush" games. I don't have a solve for you in the current UI. No news on Clan or General chat, but it is on the list of big important things we have to do, that is for sure.
    Guest-314: There appears to be a significant input delay when using keyboard commands in custom maps that is (probably) unrelated to latency that has remained since Warcraft 3. Trying to play games on using arrow keys to move for example, is impossible. Is your team aware of this issue and are there plans to fix it?
    ChrisSi: Guest 366 -- we are always trying to work with local ISPs to improve routing to servers. I'd strongly encourage you to play in the SEA region as our goal is to build up strong regional communities of players. By putting down servers in the region, we are committing to providing the best play experience for you there.
    DustinB: We are very aware. Last I heard they were working on it but it was a hard problem. I don't know if a fix is incoming or possible. We shall have to wait and see what the engineers come up with.
    Guest-211: Have you watched any SC2 beta tournaments? If so, who is your favorite player?
    DustinB: I have watched many. I don't know if it would be right for me to say my favorite.=) I like players who have good manners, play creatively and try new stuff a lot.
    Guest-470: Dustin, when i first read about the new AI, which Sc2 would introduce, I thought you would be more inventive. I would love to recommend your AI-team some readings on planning AI... I see that you already read up on steering behavior for the zerglings (which results in poor movements by ultralists, but that's another story). (Master in AI @ university of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    DustinB: Sorry if you don't like our AI. I think it's pretty challenging and does a really good job of being aggresive and keeping you on your toes. Try Insane if you have mastered Very Hard.=)
    Guest-397: Is there going to be a single-player demo like there was for the original shortly before or after release?
    DustinB: We are working on something, but it is still a little bit in the future to know exactly when we will have it ready.
    Guest-258: Will there be a way to view replays with my friends within Currently the only way (that I know) to view them concurrently is to send him the file, and we both click start at the same time =\. Its sort of a hassle.
    DustinB: One day yes, not for launch.=( It is a good feature and we are going to try to get it as soon as we can.
    Guest-364: It seems to be that in terran vs anything. terran is called the favored match up in polls and in major tournaments. even pro players changing to terran because of the imbalance. does blizzard feel there is an imbalance?
    DustinB: I haven't seen numbers that prove this to me yet. I have also had players tell me that Protoss are the most imbalanced. Polls we don't really respond to, we don't know who is in them or if they are accurate. If we start to see a large number of terran players dominating the high end tournaments we will certainly do something. Currently I don't feel there is an imbalance, but as always we are open to new data.
    Guest-173: Considering the limitation of 1 account per purchase of SCII, it makes it very difficult for players to play their 'off' races competitively without losing their rank for their 'best' race. If having multiple accounts is not possible because of spam, and repeatedly playing against bronze-level to feel 'pro', etc, etc, Could it be possible to implement 4 different placement match sets of 5 for each individual race? (P T Z and Random?) So we can play all of them and improve our entire SC play, sti...
    Guest-194: how come the US didnt get an open beta? I cant wait 11 more days =(
    DustinB: Yeah. I know exactly how you feel. I don't know what the fix is yet for this issue. We'll try to think of a good fix that makes everyone happy.
    Guest-347: You mentioned, in relation to the balance of TvZ, that although you feel Siege tanks might be too powerful vs. Zerg generally, the "stats" don't back that up because the win rate is close to 50/50. Taken to the extreme, isn't it possible that, say, Baneling busts are OP vs Terran early and Siege tanks are OP vz Zerg in the mid-to-late game? Therefore Zerg would win 50% of the time on Baneling busts, and Terran would win the other 50% of games that make it to the mid-game. Obviously this is an ex...
    ChrisSi: Guest 194 -- Hang in there! Sorry you didn't make it into beta but it won't be long before you can play. Hope to see you soon on!
    Guest-53: You said the campaign will be available offline and that campaign progress is kept serverside. Will users be able to earn Achievements while playing offline? Are game saves going to be saved locally or on the server?
    DustinB: Yes, that is possible. But we don't just use the stats. When we are playing, we find that experienced Zerg players are doing well in both tournaments and in high end play. And our testers and balance guys are crushing with zerg. As far as ZvT is concerned we are waiting for more data. I feel like there is a problem but we haven't seen the proof yet. We need to know what to do before we make a fix. So we are going to keep watching it.
    Guest-86: 1 ghost emp could possibly whipe out VERY MANY archons , and of all of their life but a puny 10 hitpoints, also with giving up psistorm do you even see archons as a useful unit , PvT anyways ? *P.S. how longs the Q+A gonna last ?*
    DustinB: EMP does not do 100% damage to shields. Archons have some shields remaining when they get hit.
    ChrisSi: Guest 53: If you're not connected to you can't earn achievements. And obviously if you want to access cloud file storage to save your campaign progress you'll need to be connected online to do that as well.
    Guest-363: Are there any plans to standardize the in game time with the actual game speed we play on? IE give us correct APM for the fastest setting and in game time regaurding unit build times, and other references to time that arent on the speed that is played on.
    DustinB: Yeah, this is an issue we have to address. I'm not sure what fix we decided for this off the top of my head. Sorry.=(
    Guest-454: What do you guys plan on doing about the exceeding number of smurf accounts currently occupying the Bronze league, I messed up my placement matches and now it seems like theres no way out. :[
    DustinB: We will promote you out of Bronze if you win games. It takes 30+ games in the current version of the system. Also, I highly suggest to players in Beta-2 to NOT intentionally throw their first 5 games. I now some players who have done this and then been frustrated that they can't just win their way out quickly. The system is conservative right now (though we are talking about some changes) and it will only promote you after it is pretty sure it knows where you belong.
    Guest-73: It seems that the new and improved AI heavily favours ranged units and in mid to late game, melee units become weak against them. Do you feel that this is the case and tweaking needs to be done?
    DustinB: that is not feedback that I have heard. But we can certainly look at it.
    Guest-283: Any plans to get group replay watching out in the near future? The community would love this and it would be great for team players. What about things like drawing across the replay screen, etc?
    Guest-473: Is StarCraft 2 going to be pay to play on Latin America?. Game voices are on Latin Spanish like WoW?
    DustinB: Not in the near future, but as soon as we can. That would be a ton of fun.
    Guest-340: Relic's RTS 'Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor' allows you to swap out specific units in a melee game, allowing for some greater variety in a matchup. Could we see this feature in future expansions? If not the complexity of mix & match armies, perhaps simply custom unit artwork (earned through tournaments or other promotional elements)?
    DustinB: It's a cool idea. If it makes sense we could do something like that. The most important thing for StarCraft is always going to be the game balance. That will help determine what we are and are not willing to do in the expansions.
    Guest-303: Do you feel the ladder placement system is successful? I went 4-1 in my placement matches and was placed in silver. Also, will the magic number of placement matches still be 5 after release?
    ChrisSi: Our players in Latin America still ahve the option of purchasing an unlimited play client directly from us. We do have the ADDITIONAL option (for players who want it) to buy a lower-cost box that has limited play time. You can then buy additional play time if you like. So it's up to you which way you want to go. And yes the game will be fully voiced and localized in Latin American Spanish (not Castellano).
    DustinB: We have found that 5 matches is enough to place most players somewhat close to their correct league. If we want to be more precise we have to wait until almost 35 matches to know for sure where you belong (and that's too long). So we are going to keep it at 5 and then promote as necessary. The current system is a little bit conservative with promotions. We are looking at possibly making it a little bit more aggresive with promotions for launch. But that may or may not happen depending on the work involved.
    Guest-199: Do we have to expect to servers to be laggy on the first day of release or are you guys REALLY ready for launch?
    DustinB: I hope we are ready. We have certainly put in the work to BE ready. I THINK we are ready. OK, now you are making me nervous with this question.
    Guest-397: A year or two back, I believe it was mentioned that we could mix and match tilesets (say, you could use the dirt or grass from Agria or Bel'Shir, but could also include terrain from a tileset such as Korhal or Shakuras). From what I've heard, this was not possible in the Beta. Is this one of the UI improvements you mentioned? If not, why was it removed?
    Guest-167: How is the sp campaign replayability wise? Are there incentives for doing the missions/campaign again aside from collecting achievements? Maybe branching mission paths or choices in the campaign that affect how the rest of the campaign will play out?
    DustinB: I don't think this feature was removed. But I haven't used the editor in some time. If it's out it may be a mistake.
    Guest-446: Forgive me if this has already been addressed, but will there be a SINGLE top league? I love having multiple Bronze->Platinum, but we NEED to know who is the best. Either Diamond or a new bracket above diamond should exist as single top 100 league. Please?
    DustinB: Eventually we are planning on a "Pro League" that will include the best players only.
    Guest-419: Why are the patch notes always incomplete? Why not disclose all the changes up front? Also, will you host any tournaments at BlizzCon with well known commentators in the community DJing?
    DustinB: Because we are making patches too quickly and we screwed up and forgot to put some stuff in. Sorry. =(
    AVBenedetto: Can Void Rays lose their charge when they change targets like they did ages ago? Pretty please with spidermines on top?
    ChrisSi: Guest 167: There will be some different mission branches throughout the campaign that tell the sidestories of certain characters like Tosh or Dr. Hanson. There will also be a couple opportunities there for your choices to affect the fate of certain sidestories. Between the branching mission paths and the ability to customize your army through single-player only units and tech and mercenaries, we think there's a good amount of replayability built-in to the game.
    DustinB: I think Void Rays are doing pretty well in the balance of the game right now. No plans for such a change (which is a pretty big nerf).
    Guest-132: You mentioned that larger/"pro" maps are for pro players and tournaments. Does that mean we won't be seeing any more maps the size of Lost Temple in the 1v1 ladder map pool?
    Guest-449: Are you planning on having the servers live for midnight launches in the US?
    DustinB: No, Lost Temple will be in that pool. Desert Oasis is in there too (and is pretty big). Some of the pro maps from Broodwar could almost be 3v3 maps. And they are often very technical maps with all kinds of height differences and complex layouts. They are AWESOME for pro play, but can be a little intimidating for many.
    Guest-280: What are your plans for the 1st expansion in terms of campaign and how will it be different to the hyperion stuff and how missions work in SC2 WOL
    ChrisSi: Guest 449: Yes, if you go and buy your box at midnight in the US, we're planning on the servers being ready for you to install and play when you bring that box home
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
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    did you all change SIM? any time you change SIM with cash on tap....welcome to a world of pain! i have an s6 edge en route with a new sim and im not looking forward to it!  the s6 shop page states the phone is compatible with cash on tap and it probably is.  the problem is few people at EE understand how cash on tap works/how to fix it.  there is EE customer services, behind them 2nd line technical who deal with corporate stuff mainly - they will be able to contact the right people to fix it if you can somehow manage to get through to them. Ask to be put through to David Boyce in technical support or someone on the same team as him.  The only person I found who understood and was able to fix the issue! **apologies in advance for name dropping him** then there is cash on tap customer services that EE customer service will probably transfer you to - they can "refresh" your account - will probably do nothing but worth a try the company that can actually fix it are another 3rd party that run the provisioning of the SIM - i don't think there is a way to get in contact with's ridiculous took me 2 weeks of daily phone calls to get it fixed last time. 

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    Keep trying Chat.  There is a noticable lack of uniform training in the
    Chat operators.  They can reset the activation counter.  Also, you could
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    to do it, then they should be able to tell you how to open a case.

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