VLO2N header details - TEXTS tab - change mode.

Hello All,
have a requirement .
once you are in VL02n - outbound delivery change-header details
and invoice has been created for the outbound delivery it wont open Text tab in change mode.
i need to to make it in change mode.
for the corresponding permit number.

When you implement SAP Note 1565880, the texts in an outbound delivery can no longer be changed after the goods issue has been posted. This SAP Note provides a user exit that allows you to adjust the ready for input status of texts customer-specifically.

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    Sorry, i could not follow your issue. Please explain in detail.
    You have a pricing procedure with 2 condition types, PR00 and FD00. When you create a sales order do you want both condition values to be given manually or only one of them?
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    Dear Javali,
    Have you tried the function module 'CREATE_TEXT' ?
    Check and revert back.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    In VOTXN tcode
    select delivery header and click on text types here u can mainatian the text types
    here u can maintain the text id's and these are stored in VBBK objects

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    Issue was resolved. According to my resesarch i found some information as mentioned below for your knowledge:
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    Please reference and follow the following documents (already mentioned in the note referenced above).
    Note: 269129.1 - How to Implement Printing for Oracle Applications: Getting Started
    Note: 269129.1 - Building a Printer Initialization String for Oracle Applications
    Note: 269129.1 - How to Test an Initialization String Outside of Oracle Applications

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    Edited by: Matt on Nov 12, 2008 1:20 PM

    Hi ,
    Use bapi bapi_po_getdetail .
          purchaseorder   = is_ekko-ebeln
          item_texts      = c_x
          header_texts    = c_x
          po_header_texts = it_header_text
          po_item_texts   = it_item_text.

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    Edited by: SRINIVAS1234 on Jul 23, 2011 11:35 AM

    Hi SRINIVAS1234,
    you can close it as answered and add your personal solution just to let people know how it can be handled. You can also close questions as unanswered but this implies that your problem is still existing.

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    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Ankush,
    Make sure that header conditions are marked as header only and same for item condirions in m/06
    try creating a new PO after making these changes

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    iBA should be approached like this:
    layout in landscape
    edit in portrait
    - -  check in both on your device
    Use the 'disable portrait orientation' option (Inspector/Document) for layouts you just don't see working in any manner but landscape.

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    Go through the documenattion of the FM u can get the details.. and also where used list

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