VM-650 and FM Radio Reception Issues

Recently bought the VM-650 and was initially happy with it, but I am finding that the FM radio reception will work for a bit on a station setting then start to hiss intermittently then with increasing regularity. Very annoying. When I try another setting with either automatic (press and hold volume up) or manual approach, it continues to happen after briefly functioning fine.  Is there anything I can do to improve and sustain a stable FM reception with this device?

I appreciate the effort, but I don't think it has anything to do with available radio frequency.  I've changed the frequency a number of times and the problem continues to surface.

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    The Treo 650 is not listed as compatible with the Ford Sync system.
    Here is the link to the bluetooth compatibility list for your Treo on the Palm website.
    Here is another link that Ford lists for compatible phones.
    For reference purposes, click on the following link for the support page for your device on the kb.palm.com webpage.
    There are links on the page to the user guide, troubleshooting, how to's, downloads, etc.

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    It could be a bit of a design flaw but it could also be affected by iOS4.. any phone with an ariel when hold against skin makes the signal drop period! The only reason its more news worthy is because its actully part of the case.
    It certainly does need fixing but a software update could help improve it for both iphone 4 and 3G/3GS. Ive heard the older models have been suffering this too.
    The reception issue didnt really bother me that much I hold it naturally in my right hand and I dont get a signal issue mainly because I noticed my finger doesnt make contact with the space between the two antennas but then if I apply a finger over the space seprating the antennas the signal does indeed drop its like the two seperated antennas cancel eachother out.
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    Personally I love the phone the camera is awesome especially the quality of the front facing camera it looks amazing as good as the 3 mega pixel camera on the 3GS.
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    Uh...there's a thread just three above your post with over 800 posts on this topic.  Read through it and you may see some ideas which may help you.......Since you didn't even look for similar threads, here's a link to the main topic on this........https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3812929?tstart=0

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    +1 same issue here.
    Not sure exactly when it started, but seems like it was sometime on or after 3/7.
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    Hi, Nate650,
    Sorry to hear about your problem with 4G. First, let me ask, have you updated your Z10 to the latest official software version? I had a similar problem with my Z10. After about an hour on the phone with CS, we figured out it was a problem with the tower near me. The problem was fixed by VZW and I have not had connection issues. You are right, though, about the Z10 falling back to 3G. Mine did before the update but not since.

  • Any other ideas on the reception issue?

    I am wanting to ask if anyone else has any other ideas on fixing the reception issue?
    I just got off the phone with an Apple "Supervisor". He agreed with me that the software update will only correctly display AT&T's signal that I am getting. He agreed that it will NOT remedy the dropped calls that alot of us are now getting with the use of the new iPhone 4. He also agreed that I either need to hold the phone differently or pay extra money either to Apple or to another manufacturer for a case that I have never used on previous iPhones.
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    Message was edited by: Denverk1972
    Message was edited by: Denverk1972

    I don't have any problems either, with or without the bumpers on... it would be nice if ATT had mentioned where in particular their network was having the issues... also I've seen a lot of reports from the UK re the reception problems and one carrier's sim card (which is slightly too big and is shorting the antenna) seems to be the culprit in some cases...
    AT&T's statement is below
    "AT&T has come through with a statement on reports the company has been capping upload speeds for iPhone users.
    In a statement we first spotted through D: All Things Digital, AT&T is describing the problem as one pertaining to a software issue.
    AT&T informs that a software defect some Alcatel-Lucent equipment has been crippling 3G HSUPA performance, and says that vendor is working on a repair, though a schedule isn’t forthcoming just right now.
    AT&T and Alcatel-Lucent jointly identified a software defect — triggered under certain conditions – that impacted uplink performance for Laptop Connect and smartphone customers using 3G HSUPA-capable
    wireless devices in markets with Alcatel-Lucent equipment. This impacts less than two percent of our wireless customer base. While Alcatel-Lucent develops the appropriate software fix, we are providing normal 3G uplink speeds and consistent performance for affected customers with HSUPA-capable devices."

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    This is Creative's reply to my question:
    "As regards to your enquiry, I would like to inform you that the reason
    of why these 2 frequencies reception are low is because the signal
    strength coming from the transmitting station are weak, especially so
    for FM9.3 as it's often in mono.
    One way to overcome this is to purchase a good and longer earphone as
    the wire itself act as the antenna for FM reception. Allows the full
    cable length run rather than twirl/coil them up.
    Appended is an article on FM RADIO RECEPTION at Mediacorp website: http://www.mediacorpradio.com/ts/reception/"
    I tried again in the open space instead of in my?house but still could not receive many channels. Quite disappointed as I chose?this over Ipod?because of this feature. Let me know if you can get a refund.

  • Nice updates/fixes but what about the reception issue?

    Don't want to beat a proverbial dead horse, but what about making the IPhone 4 a better receiver of calls? My 3Gs was the BEST phone I ever owned. I rarely had a dropped call, I was able to make and receive calls in places where no phone I had owned previously could. When I read that this phone had the best reception of any IPhone (according to Apple) I went and made the switch. Yes, I read many posts where folks say just that, great phone. I am on IPhone 4 number three and all have been plagued with reception issues, thought the first two were worse than this one. I go to the same locations every day and the 3Gs sent and received calls remarkably better. Just sayin.....

    n2speed125 wrote:
    What ps issue? I have none!! The reception issue is real and I lose signal in places where my 3GS would not.. I can hold my 3gs any way I like and still use the internet.. While using my iPhone 4 in the same place, all I get is the spinning wheel of death and it does not connect.. I've had the bumper on it since I got it and while it may help a little, it does NOT make the issue disappear..
    Just because an issue doesn't effect YOUR phone, doesn't mean it's not an issue for others..
    if you are not using a case then you are just ... idk... slow or something.
    because apple put the antenna on the outside of the phone it is easier to attenuate the signal but it also gives much better reception. i have not dropped one call on my iphone 4... i was dropping tons of calls on my 3Gs and i am in the same area.
    i have tried to attenuate the signal on my phone and cannot with the case on no matter how i hold it. if i take the case off and hold the sweet spot it drops like crazy. maybe your bumper isn't covering the antenna well enough.
    i got the incipio NGP for 19 bucks at walmart. if you put that case on and still have the issue then i think you are totally full of cr@p.
    Message was edited by: himoura

  • Re: Reception issues

    were now experiencing the same issue. No recption in the house. We were going to dump verizon but can't take phones to ATT and in no mood to buy all new phones.
    Branched from: Reception issues
    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

    You are right, nobody knows when the next iPhone will be released. Odds are almost certainly not before WWDC in June (WWDC is June 6-10) and that has been a popular forum for Apple to announce new stuff.
    Also keep in mind that at least a few news stories have said to be prepared for the next iPhone to, possibly, be delayed due to parts shortages coming out of Japan (I believe they get batteries, screens and Flash RAM from Japanese sources, many of whom have already experienced production delays or disruptions due to things like power outages).

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    Hello everyone.
    I used to have NOKIA 5200
    BUT Now i bought the more expensive NOKIA 5610
    I'm searching for any kind of help because i have a now weaker radio reception.
    i am in the same place, hearing the same radio station, but i hear a lot of interference in the 5610 that is not present when i use the 5200.
    Anyone knows if is there any SOFT FOR RADIO ENHANCEMENT or any helpy thing i can do to solve this problem?
    Thanks in advance
    (from Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    Hi Coconut,
    Thank you for the response!
    I tried everything you said - but it still didn't make any difference. Finally I had to call my service provider and she said I had to enable the QOS setting on my router. All seems to be alright now - so I guess that was it!
    Cheers and thanks again!

  • 4s reception issues

    got reception issues on my iphone 4s. At places, it keeps dropping the reception, then after 5 seconds, it comes back with full bars. Also, when I go underground (99% of the time) it keeps showing I have 1 bar of reception, when I come back out, it takes a couple of minutes to pick up the signal again. I keep having to go into airplane mode all the time to get the signal again.
    I know this isn't my sim or my provider as I've borrowed a samsung galaxy 2 and I don't have any issues there.
    Is there any way to fix this? It's really annoying.
    I'm on ios 5.1

    I'm having similar problems w/ my 4s. Have you discovered any remedies that make reception better, stronger?
    JP Bressieux

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