VME control using Lab Windows and VME-MXI-2

Help! I need to do the following from Lab Windows CVI:
1) set the VME control signals SYSRESET and ACFAIL to both logic 1 and 0.
2) read/write memory addresses from the VME memory map.
I've not used VME before, and these don't look like trivial tasks. The VME rack is fitted with a VME-MXI-2 card and the PC is fitted with a PCI-MXI-2 card. If anyone has had experience of this before and pointers would be very useful. (I can't find much on the NI web site)
Thanks Alan

As for reading and writing memory addresses from the VME memory map, you could use functions such as viIn8, viIn16, viIn32, viOut8, viOut16, or viOut32 in the NI-VISA API. You can find the NI-VISA Funtion help at "Start >> Programs >> National Instruments >> NI-VISA >> NI-VISA Help" for Windows. Alternativelly, the NI-VISA Programmers Reference Manual is available for download from ni.com.
What exactly is your application that uses ACFAIL? ACFAIL is typically pretty unrealiable, and is a difficult signal to catch (especially over a bus extension like MXI-2). Basically, ACFAIL is asserted right before a total failure/shutdown of the chassis, so you have a very short window of time to detect the signal before it disappears.
Greg Caesar
lications Engineer
National Instruments

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    Hi Charla,
    <li> Here is a sample program how to update other fields when you select f4 help for one field.
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    REPORT zvenkat_f4_for_parameters MESSAGE-ID zmsg .
       BEGIN OF t_t001w,
         werks       TYPE t001w-werks,
         name1       TYPE t001w-name1,
       END OF t_t001w,
       t_return_tab  TYPE ddshretval.
    DATA:w_t001w      TYPE t_t001w,
         w_return_tab TYPE t_return_tab.
    DATA:i_t001w      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_t001w,
         i_return_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_return_tab.
    PARAMETERS :p_werks TYPE t001w-werks,
                p_name1 TYPE t001w-name1.
      PERFORM f4_help_for_palant.
    *&      Form  f4_help_for_palant
    FORM f4_help_for_palant.
          w_dynpfields TYPE dynpread,
          i_dynpfields LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF dynpread.
      IF i_t001w[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT werks name1
        FROM t001w
        INTO TABLE i_t001w.
          retfield    = 'WERKS'
          dynpprog    = sy-repid
          dynpnr      = sy-dynnr
          dynprofield = 'P_WERKS'
          value_org   = 'S'
          value_tab   = i_t001w
          return_tab  = i_return_tab.
      READ TABLE i_return_tab INTO w_return_tab INDEX 1.
      p_werks = w_return_tab-fieldval.
      READ TABLE i_t001w INTO w_t001w WITH KEY werks = p_werks.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        w_dynpfields-fieldname    = 'P_NAME1'.
        w_dynpfields-fieldvalue   = w_t001w-name1.
        APPEND w_dynpfields TO i_dynpfields.
        CLEAR w_dynpfields.
            dyname     = sy-repid
            dynumb     = sy-dynnr
            dynpfields = i_dynpfields.
    ENDFORM.                    " f4_help_for_palant

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    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder
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    In order to control your servo motor with the FPGA and or DIO module you will have to write drivers to control your motor and drive.  While this is possible is an extremely complicated and time consuming process.  I would highly recommend you consider using the NI 9514 with soft motion as it will provide full servo functionality and is relatively easy to use.
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    2)coming to signal  2 when its condition is true DI0 and DI1 should be false and true so that motor rotates anticlock wise direction if the condition is false
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     Plese give me some  solution i made two case structures for the two different signals but my motor is rotating only in one direction and it is just vibrating.
    Go to Solution.
    case structure.JPG ‏43 KB
    case structure.JPG ‏43 KB

    sir its working now
    Regarding oscilation 
    i am acquiring two signals at a rate of 1800 samples per second i.e signal 1 and signal 2, i am caluclating RMS for both the signals for every  1800 sample length ,when  signal 1 RMS value is greater than threshold it should give 1 and 0 for DI0 and DI1 same thing for signal 2 but  0 and 1 for DI0 and DI1.both cases true not possible as i mentioned earlier.
    the problem is  if RMS is constant and satisfies the condition the motor rotates perfectly without disturbance but  my RMS value keeps changing as i am acquiring the signal continuously and the signal also has a no constant amplitude  . that time my motor just rotates with disturbance.
    (how can i terminate the single case execution which you have mentioned earlier) 
    code.JPG ‏71 KB

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