Volume in iTunes

The volume in my iTunes varies goes louder and softer without me controlling it. Its very frusterating, any ideas?

im getting the same probs...did you solve this?

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    Timerift wrote:
    When I try to play a song though it just starts skipping to the next song and then the next one.  Unless there was a song local on the machine it just keeps skipping to the next and to the next.
    I think this may be a clue to the problem. When you purchased the MBA did you restore any of your personal data from a prior backup? In particular, did you restore any prior data in the Music folder?
    Or, did you simply launch iTunes and enable iTunes Match?

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    First check and make sure the volume in iTunes is up. At the top of iTunes where you see the play button, to the side of that is a slider bar, this is the volume make sure its slided all the way to the right. Next check your EQ setting. in the lower right corner of iTunes look for the lil button with the vertical slider bars, hit it and it will open the EQ setting, by default its on "Flat" you can change it to Rock,Dance, ect ect whichever sounds best to you while playing a song

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    I can't control volume in iTunes with keyboard

    Yes nachit, I have the same problem.
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    So, I went into System Preferences and reset the volume from the slider in there.
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    But were's the fun in that?
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    What next?

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    WHAT THE HECK! eversince I updated my itunes... My laptop keeps on crashing, i try to change the volume on itunes and it doesnt even move, and I quit Itunes but apparently it won't ever quit... I lost all my  paper work cuz it crashed 4 times this week.

    Try disabling the computer's antivirus and firewall for the network problem.
    Also for the original problem try the following if Ana's suggestions does not work
    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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    Does the sony minisystem have its own volume control?
    If so, it sounds to me like your computer is getting stuck thinking that the minisystem is still connected, which would be the cause of your issues. There is a switch inside the headphone jack that gets flipped when headphones are connected, and that switch might be getting stuck in the "on" position. You may have to take the computer in for service in order to get that straightened out.

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    Bonjour, et bonne année, ah, oui, votre pilote de carte graphique date de 2008!
    J'ai fait une recherche sur "Driver Nvidia"
    Dans leur site, j'ai entré le type de carte, une 9XXXM pour portable, le systeme d'exploitation, et j'ai trouvé celui-ci: http://www.nvidia.fr/download/driverResults.aspx/70289/fr
    Maintenant, certains portables ont deux cartes, mais seule une est listée ici.
    En espérant que cela vous aide!

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    uniT these tracks play fine iN iNclude: the sony mp3 player iN the car, WMP11, wiNamp, my Sansa player, my RCA player,
    Any iDeas?
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  • Is there ANY way to fix lousy volume on iTunes songs?

    I've tried everything, it seems. Various songs purchased from the iTunes store (and some transferred from CDs) have seriously weak volume -- not just in "quiet" passages but often the entire song. Yes, I've tried boosting the volume in the iTunes "Get Info" menu, but the effect is insufficient. Raising the volume enough to play in a car can produce awful distortion and won't compensate for those quiet passages in classical music, soundtracks, or pop songs from the 1930s-1950s. That can be fixed only with a sound processing application.
    I have tried the third party software recommended elsewhere in these forums, and none of them work on Apple's "Protected" music. I did have success with Sound Studio 2.2.1 about two years ago. But I had to replace it with version 3, and it just doesn't seem to work. It won't open iTunes music unless it's first transferred to a CD. And then I haven't been able to load the edited songs back into the iTunes Library. iTunes either fails to find the edited music or it substitutes the original unedited version.
    Within the Sound Studio application, the music sounds beautiful after applying the Normalize and Compression filters. But I cannot get iTunes to accept those versions even after saving them under different names.
    To date, I have spent considerable dollars and hours trying to fix about two dozen 99-cent songs, without success. I don't want an iTunes refund on my 99-cent songs; I just want to be able to listen to them in my car.
    I suppose copyright concerns may be at the root of this problem, but who else except a buyer is going to fix these old songs to make them worth even 99 cents?
    I'm a big fan of iTunes. It has made it possible to restore a music collection that previously wasn't available to me, and most of it sounds great. But I wish I could find a way to fix that handful of old favorites. Does anyone have a solution to this?

    I'm happy to report that Sound Studio has corrected its part of the problem, and an updated version is available on its web site: freeverse.com/soundstudio/
    I also discovered that attempts to adjust individual song volumes in the Get Info menu won't work if the Sound Check option is selected in Preferences (duh!).
    Further good news is Apple's announcement of an arrangement to offer unprotected versions of BMI music in the iTunes store for an extra 30 cents per song. It would be well worth it, in my opinion, if all the music companies agreed to the arrangement, thereby streamlining the task of transferring problem songs to editing programs like Sound Studio.
    One minor glitch remains. To differentiate between original and edited versions of a song, I usually append a number to the name. But when I import the edited version back into the iTunes library, iTunes automatically changes the name back to the original. I can tell the difference by referring to other clues in the library file, but not in the abbreviated iPod menu. I could delete the unedited version from the library or, better, create playlistys consisting of only the edited versions.
    Thanks to all who contributed to this discussion. I hope others benefit from it as I did.
    P.S.: I did download Max, which works fine for its intended purposes.

  • Why is the sound quality and volume in itunes so different than when I use other media players

    This is an issue which has been vexing me for some time. I've researched it all over the web and have not found a worthwhile answer. Some other posts on these forums have asked similar questions without successful answers. But, none the less, I will try...
    I have spent a lot of time over the last two years trying to get my itunes library organized as well as getting good digitized versions from my vinyl records as well as CDs. I was pleased with my results and then I added the songs to itunes. I could not believe how inconsistent the sound quality was. Invariably the volume is always lower. [Please do not post a reply such as: Check the volume controls in itunes proper as well as in itunes preferences (i.e., Sound Check, Sound Enhancer) & the Volume Adjustment in the Information pane under Options for particular songs.] I tried all of those means of adjusting volume. They do NOT work.
    There is something more insidious at work in itunes which prevent good sound reproduction. I will give an example. I have played Frankie Valle and the Four Season's song "C'Mon Marianne" on the OS X system sound (i.e. clicking the play button to the song file when selected on the desktop or wherever it resides) as well as in Amadeus Pro. The song sounds great. When I play it when it's in the itunes' library the first part of the song is too lound and then when Frankie Valle starts singing his voice is at a significantly reduced volume.
    I have edited the foregoing song in Amadeus Pro to a very high volume (i.e., Effects>Amplify), reloaded it into itunes and it still does not inprove the volume of Frankie's voice in the song, even though the rest of the song is somewhat louder. I have played with the Equalizer in itunes to no effect. It just does not work.
    Now, I would glading move away from itunes and use another media player. However, I have other Apple devices through which I listen to music. And the only way I know of to listen,e.g., on the iphone is through itunes.
    The other related problem with itune, or should I say iCloud, is icloud match. The icloud Match has taken great sounding music and given me back music of an inferior quality, even though it is a Matched AAC format.
    I'm am sorry if I am a little peeved about this issue. If anyone has some suggestions or input to a solution, I will be eternally grateful. Thanks a bunch.

    You are welcome. Glad my good fortune was helpful to you.
    Time Keeper

  • Determining song volume crashes iTunes 7.7

    Hi there! I just submitted this as a bug report. Does anyone have any workarounds, or fixes? Thanks!
    After determining the volume of about 300 or so songs, Windows reports "iTunes has stopped working". No particular kind or group of files is affected - by restarting iTunes, it can usually check the volume of the song that had appeared to make it crash. However, after another 300 or so songs, it crashes again before it can finish the entire library.
    This is on the x64 edition of Windows Vista Ultimate.
    The problem details are:
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: iTunes.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 487517e1
    Fault Module Name: iTunes.exe
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 487517e1
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 004e9444
    OS Version: 6.0.6001.
    Locale ID: 5129
    Additional Information 1: fd00
    Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
    Additional Information 3: fd00
    Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
    I thought I should also mention that I have tried to remedy the problem by removing all traces of iTunes and Quicktime, then reinstalling. I also tried installing Quicktime from the standalone exe. Creating a fresh user account did not help either.

    I also have the same problem. I have iTunes 8 and when it's says it determining the volume on my podcasts it stop and tells me the iTunes has stopped work. There go my 78 podcasts!!

  • Ipod mini appears as "New Volume" in itunes

    After using my new ipod mini in itunes successfully, the ipod suddenly stopped appearing as "Mary's ipod" but instead is now "New Volume" and is not recognizing any songs on the mini. I can seemingly load music into the "New Volume" but this is not connected to my actual ipod as none of the new songs show up in there. I have checked that I have the latest updater and itunes, and when I got to File --> Update ipod, the latter is greyed out. Any ideas?

    This is what you do to change "New Volume" back to "Mary's iPod". When "New Volume" is connected to your computer, double click on it. The cursor should appears, you should be able to backspace on your keyboard, erase "New Volume" and type in "Mary's iPod" and then press "Enter".

  • 'Determining Song Volume' crashes iTunes in Vista

    Hello all. I have just purchased a new Vista machine, and all updates are installed on it. My first app to install was iTunes but when I drag & drop music into the library, iTunes crashes. This also occurs whenever I restart iTunes. I have figured out that when I disable cound check in the prefs, the issue disappears. Like I say, it's running on a clean install machine, but I've re-installed three times now with no success. Cany anyone help?!?

    I also have the same problem. I have iTunes 8 and when it's says it determining the volume on my podcasts it stop and tells me the iTunes has stopped work. There go my 78 podcasts!!

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    I have recently purchased several songs from the iTunes store, but when I try to play them on my iPod nano, the volume is too low. is there anything I can do about this?
    thanks in advance.

    Is it worth the $40?
    That's not something anyone but you could answer. It should give you much more control over your gain settings, but value is in the eye of the beholder
    Could I use all my instruments
    at once
    You couldn't record them to separate tracks, no. But anything you could plug into it could be "pre-mixed" and recorded to a single track (or using pan controls, mono instruments could be recorded to 2 tracks)
    or use the features with garageband, like the
    gain and stuff?
    I'm not sure what features you're referring to.
    And would it really increase the volume?
    It should. Others in this forum use this exact mixer very successfully, though I do not have this one myself.

Maybe you are looking for

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