Volume panel and subwoofer gain

last week i had install windows 7 (i had xp before) my sound card is XFI audio and i notice that since i install windwos 7 the subwoofer is not working , i remember that in windwos xp i had volume panel and there was option about subwoofer gain .
but when i install console luncher under win7 i get crackle/disturbance but without the console luncher everithing is ok.
so i am asking if there is any other option to enable subwoofer gain under win7 witout install console luncher?

are you using 5, speaker system ? i think you are not . because if you are trying this on 2. sound system , sub woofer output is not working . sub woofer output is working only on 5, or more . with that option sub woofer output is start to work .
and which x-fi product you are using ? on console launcher there is option for extra bass output . but as i said if you using only 2. sound system (i mean only left and right speaker) you will not any sound from your sub woofer (of course if you connect ?your sub woofer to sound card directly ?)
if you can give more details about your specs we can help you more better

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  • Windows 7 and subwoofer gain

    last week i had install windows 7 (i had xp before) my sound card is XFI audio and i notice that since i install windwos 7 the subwoofer is not working , i remember that in windwos xp i had volume panel and there was option about subwoofer gain .
    but when i install console luncher under win7 i get crackle/disturbance but without the console luncher everithing is ok.
    so i am asking if there is any other option to enable subwoofer gain under win7 witout install console luncher?

    are you using 5, speaker system ? i think you are not . because if you are trying this on 2. sound system , sub woofer output is not working . sub woofer output is working only on 5, or more . with that option sub woofer output is start to work .
    and which x-fi product you are using ? on console launcher there is option for extra bass output . but as i said if you using only 2. sound system (i mean only left and right speaker) you will not any sound from your sub woofer (of course if you connect ?your sub woofer to sound card directly ?)
    if you can give more details about your specs we can help you more better

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    I installed Vista x64 SP2 yesterday and now my microphone wont work because?in the control panel it says Microphone FP not connected.
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    I hope someone can help, its really annoying not being able to talk to anyone over TS.
    My specs are
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    Thanks in advance
    Message Edited by MikeChandler on 05-28-2009 03:5 [email protected]

    Excellent all fixed.
    Not as easy as we thought though.
    First had to uninstall everything via add remove programs.
    Then deleted everything I could find that related to Creative.
    I found stuff in Program Files / Program Data & Program Files (x86)
    Unfortunately I couldnt delete it all because it was in use, so had to reboot in safe mode and delete it all from there.
    Then installed the package you suggested and indeed Volume Panel and everything else works again.
    Thank You

  • Vista SP1 and Volume Panel, X-Fi

    System is Vista Business SP x86 with Soundblaster X-FI Extreme Music. Tray Icon works, but the Volume Panel doesn't open. It is a new clean install.

    Re: Volume Panel is missing with newest X-Fi driver and Vista SP< To : andyr2005
    Please READ carefully!
    Like I've said in my post, The download file "Creative Console Launcher 2.60.29" is the ONLY update that has the Volume Panel software.
    2.60.35A and 2.6.09 does NOT!, I known what for a long time.
    Thus, downloading and extract the file "Creative Console Launcher 2.60.29" to get only the Volume Panel software and install.
    Then, download and Install the latest "Creative Console Launcher 2.6.09" software.
    I've done this many many MANY times and I know what I'm doing and I'm saving time, not wasting time.
    Wasting time is installing all three updates, instead of just the Volume Panel software and the "Creative Console Launcher 2.6.09" update.
    Message Edited by freesky on 03-4-2009 08:54 [email protected]

  • Remote Panel and DSC interfering?

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    Working on IExplorer
    So I followed the steps from the instructions, added the web page to my project, added to the build, and built
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    My ni config
    # Web server configuration file.
    # Generated by LabVIEW 14.0
    # 13/06/2015 11:44:16 p. m.
    # Global Directives
    ErrorLog "$LVSERVER_ROOT/logs/error.log", level=2, anew
    TypesConfig "$LVSERVER_ROOT/mime.types"
    LimitWorkers 10
    LoadModulePath "$LVSERVER_ROOT/..;$LVSERVER_ROOT/modules;$LVSERVER_ROOT/LVModules"
    LoadModule LVAuth lvauthmodule
    LoadModule LVSnapshot lvsnapshotmodule
    LoadModule LVRFP lvrfpmodule
    Listen 8000
    # Directives that apply to the default server
    NI.ServerName LabVIEW
    DocumentRoot "C:/SMC/data"
    InactivityTimeout 60
    SetConnector netConnector
    AddHandler LVAuth
    AddHandler LVSnapshot snap
    AddHandler LVRFP
    AddHandler LVSnapshot
    AddHandler fileHandler ""
    AddOutputFilter chunkFilter
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    My ini
    server.tcp.serviceName="My Computer/VI Server"
    And so, I open my EXE, then reload the webpages, and I can see that the web server is started, because it shows the html, but I cannot link to my EXE. It says that can't find my VI
    Requested VI is not loaded into memory on the server computer
    If I close the EXE the server stops
    Remote Panel connection refused by specific server, Make sure Labview Web server is enabled
    And that's my history
    It's always hard for me to get the web page working, but this time I've spent hours without success
    I did the test in my development pc and in the target PC and is the same, on these PC's the webpage was working before using DSC.
    So any help will be appreciated
    My best regards

    The DSC Runtime Engine will be sufficient for the deploying the project to a new computer. The Run Time Engine is equivalent to the DSC Module, but you can't do any programming with it. You will need to purchase a separate license for the Runtime license for each deployment computer also. 
    What is the DSC Run-Time System and When Should I Use It?
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How do I create an excel file that has the volume output and the time at which it occured?

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    If anyone has ideas about how to do any of these three things, your help is greatly appreciated. I have the output from the syringe pump going into a line graph while I run the test with the time on the x-axis and volume on the y-axis. How would I be able to create an excel file from this information? I would like the excel file to have the time in one column and the volume at that time in the next column. I though that I had wired it correctly, however I feel that the time seems to be a little off and very exact. Attached is the block diagram of what I have done.
    If anyone has ideas about how to do any of these three things, your help is greatly appreciated.
    RATETEST.vi ‏202 KB

    Let me start by answering the specific question, and then I will provide some suggestions on the code.
    The function you want is the "Write to Spreadsheet File", which you're already using, albeit in a confusing means (more later). I was not able to find any place in your code where you're actually acquiring time information, so I don't understand your comment about the time not being exact. (I'm assuming you mean "not", even though that word was not in your actual sentence.)
    As for the code:
    As I mentioned, you're using the "Write to Spreadsheet File" twice, as well as the "Write to Measurement File" Express VI. All three seem to be logging the same information, though one of the "Write to Spreadsheet File" functions is logging some sort of volume and diameter information. Please pick one.
    You're looping around the path for one of the "Write to Spreadsheet File" functions, but not for the other two functions. Why are you looping the path in the first place?
    You' re continuously accruing data into an array to put onto an XY Graph. Please keep in mind that this means the program will slow down as it progresses as this array gets larger and larger, and LabVIEW needs to shuffle memory around. Depending on how fragmented your memory is, you may find the program will crash since LabVIEW cannot allocate a large enough contiguous block of memory for the array.
    Your wiring really needs to be cleaned up. Tip: Right-click on a wire and select "Clean Up Wire".
    In the middle of the diagram you have a case structure in which the True part has a single iteration loop that's adding 1 to the iteration and updating some local variable, and in the False part you're doing something else with it. I have no idea what you're trying to do, but surely there must be a better way to do it.
    You seem to have two tank indicators on top of each other on the front panel and then flipping the visibility of them based on some value. I would think that it would be easier to simply display both at the same time, no? As a user, I would find it somewhat perturbing to see the tanks appear and disappear.

  • Problem with mode switching/Volume Panel in multi-user environment?

    As above - using Windows 7 64-bit with an X-Fi Titanium Fatalty card.
    All works well as long as I'm the only person logged in, but if my wife logs into the computer (using Windows 7's built-in multi-user mode...'fast user switching', which is enabled by default), and then I log back in...well, the volume panel app doesn't seem to work. In fact, even using the control panel app, I can't regain control of the soundcard enough to switch modes.
    Logging her off doesn't resolve the issue, so it seems like something about her logging on (another user logging in, two volpanlu.exe running, something) is causing my instance to go haywire. [FWIW, I'm a 'standard' user on the PC, and her login is a 'limited' user]
    Note that 'killing' the task volpanlu.exe in task managed, then going to the Windows services control panel and stopping and re-starting the 'Windows Audio' service, and finally re-launching volpanlu.exe from the start menu DOES always work to resolve the problem (regardless of if she's logged in or not...this always fixes it).
    Still, that's a kinda annoyingly large set of steps to always have to go through whenever I want to change audio mode after she's logged in.
    Is there any way to fix this? Any setting I could be missing to optimize the X-Fi control panel for multi-user environments? Any of the X-Fi mod dri've packs handle fast user switching better? Any other ideas?

    GA little bit more tinkering around this, and I have some more information:
    - Once I "seize control" (the kill of volpanlu, restart 'Windows Audio' service, re-launch volpanlu), if my wife logs back in, now *she* can't change the audio mode

  • Volume Fader and Sends have only 128 Steps Resolution ?????

    Hi .
    I Notice that the Volume Fader and Send´s have only 128 Steps Resolution ?????
    To avoid of the REAL problem you can use the Gainer Plug in and you will get 0.1db Steps for Volume with mouse wheel support...
    Why is this not fixed yet...Is Logic Pro not a Professionel Music app .
    In compare to other Application like Cubase has Full mousewheel support for ALL Mixing parameter (Volume, Send, etc) with a High resolution.
    Love to Mix with Logic but put every time the Gain plug in in every track to have higher Volume resolution takes time.
    We need higher Resolution for Faders AND Sends, icl Mousewheel support !!..
    Do somebody notice this??
    G5 DUAL 2Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   WAVES, Powercore, Logic 7.2

    logic's name's been changed to protect the guilty.
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    G4 450DP   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   digidesign, motu, apogee

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    The newer soundcards (Including : Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer Fatalty Pro Series SB046A, Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum Fatalty Champion Series SB046A, Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro SB055A) no longer has the DTS and Dolby Digital Hardware decoding. Therefore you will not see these options. Just through a software level, such as the included free download of the software : Cyberlink PowerDVD Version 6 OEM DTS/Dolby Digital.
    If you have the Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer SB073A, this too includes a?free download of the software : Cyberlink PowerDVD Version 6 OEM DTS/Dolby Digital.
    Also, the Cyberlink PowerDVD Version 6 OEM DTS/Dolby Digital will only work in Windows XP SP2.
    Message Edited by freesky on 03-5-2008 07:59 PM

  • When changing headphones to 5.1 rear not working(volume panel), need to default in diagnostic t

    When I'm changing headphones to 5. in volume panel my rear speakers and middle one won't work...
    I need to run diagnostic tool where I need to chose the default option in order to get my rear and middle
    speakers to work.. I need to do this every time...
    It get's annoying as I play BF242 and then try to listen to some music ot watch an movie in 5. ...
    it takes an minute or so to do this but I would preffer not to have to....
    I'm an xfi noob so there may be an setting that is causing this... does anyone knows how to change this?
    edit: btw. the headphones(headset actually) are connected to the panel...
    x-fi platinum champion fatalty, xp
    the speakers are connected to teh x-fi card (analog)
    edit2: It seems that when changing headphones to 5. the front center, rear left and rear right are being played in headphones...
    Message Edited by foxhound009 on 06-07-2008 2:29 PMMessage Edited by foxhound009 on 06-07-2008 2:38 PM

    Quote from: Chrysomya on 29-April-13, 20:14:26
    Just downloaded a new driver for the realtek HD, will this resolve my problem? Current driver version is
    Your issue is drivers related.
    For Windows 8 use

  • Volume Panel Missing in System Bar

    I had dl and installed the following driver/application on my fresh installed Windows XP and notice that the volume panel is missing from the system bar.
    Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi series driver 2.8.003
    Creative Console Launcher 2.6.09
    Had search thru the forum and volpanel.exe in not included in the above mentioned installation package. Please advise a solution. Thank!

    & I had solved the problem by installing Creative Console Launcher 2.60.29 and follow by Creative Console Launcher 2.6.09
    It seem like the volume panel is not included in the latest installation package.
    Message Edited by kendrick82 on 07-27-2009 09:07 AM

  • Sound is unstable. Volume up and down?

    &Sound is unstable. Volume up and down?y Hi guys. I'm completely at a loss with my PCI Express X-Fi Titanium Fatalty Champion Series.
    Recently I formatted my computer and installed all of the latest drivers for my card with WinXP Pro 32, problem now is that the volume is up and down like strippers knickers!
    The volume goes up and down?with everything. Doesn't matter if I'm playing a game, listening to music or watching movies both from DVD and AVI.
    I've tried to resolve this in all 3 settings (Game, Entertainment, Audio Creation modes) with CMSS and Crystalizer turned on and off.....no difference.
    The SMV (Smart Volume Management) is disabled. I've even disconnected the front panel.
    The speakers are connected via the analogue connections.
    Any help would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi jmacguire.
    I've checked the global speaker volume as suggested and they are all set to max.
    As far as keyboard goes, I've got the Logitech g5 keyboard (without drivers installed for it).
    How very interesting..... I've just installed the drivers for it and it's fixed the problem. Typically I looked for the hardest way to fix this when the answer was so simple.
    Thank you for your fast reply to my problem.

  • Help with Creative Volume Panel

    Ok, so I just installed the latest version of my X-Fi Fatalty Champ drivers and the Creative Console. I restarted my computer and now I when I double click on teh Creative Volume panel, it doesn't open up. I can right click it and it brings up the Mode changer and all that stuff, but not the actually Volume Panel. How can I fix this? It has happened to me before but I have no idea what I did last tiem to fix it. This is really starting to get on my nerves. I could really use some help here, =/

    Hi Twiztid877,
    I am sorry but since you are not getting any help here, our Customer Support might be able to help you further.

  • My users folder has 140GB used on it, but I cannot find where it is getting that calculation. I went through all of my folders and opened them all in an info panel, and they all come out to about 30GBs. Where is the rest of the data? -Using Mountain Lion

    My users folder has 140GB used on it, but I cannot find where it is getting that calculation. I went through all of my folders and opened them all in an info panel, and they all come out to about 30GBs. Where is the rest of the data? -Using Mountain Lion

    First, empty the Trash if you haven't already done so.
    Use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper (ODS) to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the space. You can delete files with it, but don't do that unless you're sure that you know what you're deleting and that all data is safely backed up. That means you have multiple backups, not just one.
    Proceed further only if the problem hasn't been solved.
    ODS can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To see everything, you have to run it as root.
    Back up all data now.
    Install ODS in the Applications folder as usual.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Triple-click the line of text below to select it, then drag or copy — do not type — into the Terminal window:
    sudo /Applications/OmniDiskSweeper.app/Contents/MacOS/OmniDiskSweeper
    Press return. You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up.
    I don't recommend that you make a habit of doing this. Don't delete anything while running ODS as root. If something needs to be deleted, make sure you know what it is and how it got there, and then delete it by other, safer, means.
    When you're done with ODS, quit it and also quit Terminal.

  • Enable Creative Volume Panel in System T

    Hello all,?Advanced computer/server engineer here, but I can't seem to overcome the simple task of getting the system tray icon for creative up and running...never had this problem before but for some reason I can't figure it out. I have a Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum with CD install and newest drivers from creatives website. Anyone have any ideas?Regards,Malhovic

    During the installation, did you do a custom install and check the box to add the ?"Creative Volume Panel" app in the setup? If not add the app in the Control Panel/Add and Remove/Sound Blaster X-Fi , Add the "Creative Volume Panel" app there. Or maybe do a repair of the Sound Blaster X-Fi installation, this sometimes fixes the problem.

Maybe you are looking for

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