VSL Concert Guitar & Kontakt 2 question

As I will soon change my old Mac for a new Intel Mac, I'm investigating about music softwares, requirements etc. My main question here is :
If I choose Logic Express as sequencer, can I use the VSL Concert Guitar (Horizon Serie) through Kontakt 2 ? (VSL C.Guitar come's in EXS 24, NI, Halion or Gigastudio format)
An other question : will an iMac with 3 GB RAM be enough for say : Logic Express + Kontakt2 (with VSL C.Guit loaded) + some HAlion S. Orch ?
Many thanks for any help
eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

Hello WH
Hey ! Your French is good ! Can I ask a little bit more about Logic & sampling : Every day I'm reading tests, asking, looking about my (near ((-;) futur small home studio and it's quiet not so easy to adjust hardware + softyware with a modest budget ! So two main questions are still open :
1° Logic Express or Pro ? 2° How many instruments (virtuals instruments) can I have to play at the same time in Logic (Exp or Pro) using Steinberg HSO + VSL Guit ? Of course I think a full orchestra will maybe not be possible with an iMac and 3 Gb RAM !
I'm aware that having no experience in this field make's me asking some naive questions. But I have to ask and clarify things so as to be able to make the correct choice for harware & softwares... I want to use my home studio in 2 main domains : 1° composing & arranging for small or large ensembles using virtual instruments and/or soundbanks. 2° Composing with audio or - audio + virtual instr + synthesis - like electro-acoustic music. Recording is not so important to me; if I be able to record one real instrument at a time it's ok (so I think to use a simple firewire audio interface). For music writting I use Sibelius 4 (I ordered Sibelius5 and wait to get it) and one first thing I would be able to do : creating the audio for a personal composition called "Trivarnas" for an octet (8 classical guitars) using Sibelius > to midi > to Logic > audio (VSL Guit).
So you see a little what my musical orientations are. If you can give some more advices or things that I should take in account, it would be appreciated.
Here is an idea how my home sutio will look - any idea about ?
- iMac 20" - 2,33Ghz - 3Gb RAM - 250 Gb HD - a 2°LCD 20" monitor.
- M-Audio FW 410 or Solo - M-Audio audio monitor BX5a - M-Audio
midi keyboard Keystation 88es.
- Sibelius 5 - Logic Express( or Pro ?) - Halion Symph Orch - VSL Concert Guit
- others ? (later)
eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

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    I was tested Kontakt player 2... and also Crish hein horn...
    Kontakt 2 is included?
    you got a great deal because Kontakt 2 very good and works fine with Logic.
    on Kontakt2 try to use floder dearching function...
    But you are a legit crisHein owner so you will be able to ask for Original Support Service...
    Maybe you just need to update your Kontakt2 and Player to the leates version!!!
    if they are only PPC apps... you nned Universal binary update!
    ask to your seller!

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    This definitely has me stumped as I'm unsure as to why your guitar can be heard, but with none of the channel strips plugins applied to the sound.
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    Message was edited by: xSlamx

    I have a total now of 4 interfaces - I recently purchased a FOCUSRITE SAPPHIRE 6 USB - it's amazing quality and I only paid $149 for it at my local Guitar Center. I use it with my Guitar and everything sounds fantastic - they say the preamps are really high-quality for Mics too... I recommend it. I have a firewire interface too but the Sapphire is my man baby now - don't let the USB 1.1 fool you - it works flawlessly with my Mac and my Windows 7 machine too. It also comes with a selection of software including Ableton Live Lite and 4 really nice Focusrite plug-ins too.

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    -Altiverb 6 (Regular)
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    Advance thanks.

    there is no other special software or hardware other than a reasonably powerful computer and plenty of storage. VSL is a pretty detailed library so if you load very large libraries your macbook pro and 4 Gb could struggle, although that can be mitigated by a fast external drive. and you can optimise your library quite a bit.
    altiverb is fantastic but space designer is very good also - though look around for some other IRs other than the stock logic ones. i have the results of altiverbs stage postioning algorithm and i must say that sounds really fantastic and would help realism greatly for you.
    so i would suggest:
    - stage positioning from altiverb
    - space designer that comes with LP8 pro and put a little platinumverb after it.
    be prepared to do some optimisations with your current setup. but while you are about it...
    with logic pro, you can make your scores sound as they look. you do this by manipulating midi data in the environment. its very easy - easier than it sounds anyway.
    you can use program changes, or now with LP8, because certain meta data can be chased, you can actually use the dynamic markings and symbols to change the articualtions on an instrument.
    say you had a violin part. the first bar is tremelo, the second pizz, and the third stoccato. instead of having a different track for all these articualtions, you can set things up so that you could drag a tremelo marking onto the note and that would switch the VSL instrument to play tremelo. then you could type in pizz with the text tool, you would have to assign it a value in order to distinguish it from the other text-meta markings such as 'arco' or 'sordini' or whatever. but then IT would change the instrument to play pizz. in the third bar you can drag a stoccato note onto the page and the instrument would change to playout stocatto.
    and the thing is, while you could do that in previous versions of logic, they wouldn't chase. that means now if you stopped the sequencer in the third bar where the instrument had been switched to playing stoccato, and then started it in the second bar around half way through, logic would chase the last meta value - pizz - and so it would switch to pizz.
    so that means you can make your score look exactly right and have it sound exactly right with incredible detail. i don't think any other DAW allows this with such detail.
    i currently use EXS based instruments and program changes to make the switches. thats because i was doing this before 8 when meta values didn't chase. but i plan to make the conversion as soon as i get some down time and update my templates. it works extremely well, and with the EXS, you can have 128 articualtions for one instrument. i currently have 11 in my 1st violins which is about as much as i need.
    some people may advise you that your setup will choke as being not powerful enough - but i would take that with a pinch of salt. i was running very large mock-ups on my old G4 with less than 2GBs of RAM. the key is to optimise and not run vast quantities of things you don't need. i think you won't lose much by trying on your current rig first. but the EXS is much more CPU efficient than 3rd party soft instrument plugs such as VSL, so it could possibly push your machine a bit.

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    Would you also recommend to use a preamp?
    Many many thanks for your help!
    MacBook, Powerbook 17", iPod 4G, LaCie HD   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Why to jump from one track to another?
    Simply create a folder with all the Channel strip settings and assign two key commands of your choice to navigate forward and backward.
    And yes, you can assign that command to a MIDI controller (or pedal) too.
    About monitoring have a look at the reference manual page 211.
    Before to buy a preamp try using the Hi-Z input from your Edirol.
    Anyway, six tracks with six plugins on each track are not an issue for your macbook.
    Power Mac G4/533 PowerBook 12   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Problem is, sometimes I hear the guitar, sometimes I don't. Sometimes there is a second of delay between my strumming and hearing the sound. Sometimes, chords get amplified, but single notes do not. Is this due to the choice of amp and amp settings?
    Is the way I have connected the guitar not right? Do I need something like a MXL iBooster?
    Right now, it seems a lot easier to use my regular amp. But being a Machead, I want to make it work

    As you have noticed correctly, just plugging an electric guitar into the Mac normally doesn't lead to stellar results - the level of an unamplified guitar is just not high enough to provide a good signal. You'll be much better off if you bring the signal up, with a pre-amp, a mixing console, or an audio interface.
    As for your other problems: hard to diagnose from afar. GB does tend to have a lot of latency, see this entry for tips to reduce it:
    If your signal is cutting out completely, I can only assume that your connection is faulty in some way.

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    does anyone know how well, or even if, native's guitar works with logic. would you rewire to a channel or would it plug into the drop down option menu. i just read a review on guitar rig 2 and it looks like something i could get use out of and would like to use with logic.

    loaded a demo and works super sweet.....power hog though....a simple rack eats about half your cpu.....going to want until i upgrade to my p-mac.

  • **Easy Question** GarageBand '09 Guitar Lessons

    I have been learning to play the Guitar for some time. I have seen the first lesson and it is fantastic. However, I tried to download lesson number 2 and it is 331 MB. Now, to most of the world that may seem pretty ok but in South Africa, where the Internet is expensive and bandwidth really *****, it will take forever.
    I was wondering if I can purchase a "Full version" of GarageBand?
    If i buy iLife '11, does it mean I will have all the lessons for all the instruments?
    Does any one have any advice on how I can overcome this?

    resh wrote:
    If i buy iLife '11, does it mean I will have all the lessons for all the instruments?
    i'm afraid not, you'd still have to D/L the lessons
    Does any one have any advice on how I can overcome this?
    about the only thing i can think of is if you have an Apple Store you can get to with your computer, perhaps you can D/L on their bandwidth buck

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    Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    xSlamx wrote:
    the recording level slider is grayed out and I can't adjust it.
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
    I assumed {the track fader} was just for volume and not the actual recording level.

Maybe you are looking for

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