VueBean.getStrings() extracting only page one

Autovue Desktop Deployment 20.2.2
in a multi page word doc, and also in multi page PDF, vueBean.getStrings() returns only the text on page one
the java docs claim it returns an "array of all the strings in the file"
is there a way to get it to do so?

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    Or as simple as this may sound, look for a button at the bottom of the page that says "Continue" or "Next". Sometimes you can overlook or miss those things on the smaller iPad screen.
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    Well, I rebuilt the entire workbook... that was a few months ago and so far, the problem hasn't resurfaced. It really wasn't fun to do, but whatever glitch there was in the file, I eliminated it.
    I think I should mention that I am using Office v.X, NOT Office 2004. I got a new Intel iMac this week and yesterday when I opened up my files, it opened up the test drive (a JOKE of a program if you ask me) Anyway, some of the very minor issues I had with Office v.X were solved in the 2004 version. (When opening up large multi worksheet files without Excel being already opened, the tabs have white text) Anyway, I am still going to wait for the universal version to come out, but it seems that the newer versions may have fewer glitches (as is to be expected)
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    I don't think you really mean animations (unless you have a placed SWF file) because things created with the Animation panel don't work in PDF. Nonetheless, you're talking about some kind of interactivity which is set to happen On Page Load.
    So when you return to that page, of course the interactivity loads again.
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    This seems to be a commercial product. For the best chance at finding a solution I would suggest posting in the forum for HP Business Support!
    You can find the Commercial Laserjet board here:​p/bsc-413
    Best of Luck!
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

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    Hi td,
    Welcome to AppleDiscussions and the AppleWorks forum.
    "no matter how many times I ask the printer to print ALL pages, it will only print one at a time, so I have to manually print page 18, 17, etc...."
    My memory says the same as Yvan's.
    If the printer dialogue has a checkbox labeled "Collate", make sure the box is checked, even if you are printing a single copy. If memory serves, this suggestion was made in connection with HP printers.
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    Generally all you need to do is fill in an appropriate Album Artist. For more details see my article on Grouping Tracks Into Albums, in particular the topic One album, too many covers.

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    This forum is focused on consumer level products.  For the Designjet you may have better results posting in the HP DesignJet forum here, that is where the DesignJet experts can be found.

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    Hi -
    Thank you for the reply:
    1. The "Adobe Acrobat" forums ultimately point back to "Adobe Reader" - and this forum. There doesn't appear to be any separate forum for "Adobe Acrobat".
    2. Thank you for the suggestion about Lifecycle Designer.
    I tried to download LifeCycle Designer, but the link pointed to exactly the same "ar 8.1.2" download I'm currently having the problem with. Do I need "Lifecycle Enterprise"?
    3. I've tried multiple different versions of Acrobat Reader 8.1.x, and even Acrobat 8/Pro. They all show only one page: no errors, but no data, either.
    Acrobat 6 and 7, however, show a full 28 pages. Even Linux shows all 28 pages (and reports no errors or warnings in the .pdf). Do you have any idea what could account for this?
    Thank you in advance

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    Hi, Marshall.
    No, being on a Mac shouldn't affect this issue.
    I never saw a report submitted to our File Conversion Issue Form, either with the name or email address "marshall". Did you submit it? If you'd like us to investigate this further, please submit a copy of your PDF to this Form, referencing this forum post.

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    Hello colt1,
    Are you using Bluetooth or USB cable to connect to the printer?  Did you install from the disc, or from the online program?  When it sits there and doesn't print, does it eventually give error messages, lights flashing, etc.? 
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       In the print preview, there are several pages displayed, but when I try to print on the paper, all the pages are printed only on one paper and it leads to overlap. It looks ugly. Anyone can help me with that, thank you very much. By the way I use smartform.

    If your problem was with Adobe forms, i would recommend you to check the subforms content to be flowed. But this is not likely in this forum, right? Good luck ,Otto

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