WAAS Deployment question

I have a customer who is interested to deploy WAAS. The customer has one main data center and 12-13 branches. I know we can design and deploy core and branch optimization and acceleration. Is there any way we can optimize and accelerate branch to branch? Appreciate your help.

Thanks for your post. WAAS uses an auto-discovery process to automatically find peer WAEs between the client and server data path. There is no need to statically configure which WAEs peers with each other -- they will find each other automatically by virtue of intercepting the traffic (using inline or WCCP interception).

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    code developed in 11.1.2 will be deployed 10 10.3.5 with sherman patch and adf runtime..
    chk this
    you cannot deploy code developer in 11.1.2 to wls.. not possible..

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  • Split Directory Packaging and Deployment Question

    Hello Rob Woollen and All,
    I have a question about packaging and deployment with the "split directory structure"
    in WebLogic Server 8.1.
    Specifically, how does one go about deciding which classes to put in myEnterpriseApp/myWebApp/WEB-INF/classes,
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    I think the answer to the first part is easy enough: if there are classes depended
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    bean method and depended on by the web app. If I put that domain object class
    under myEnterpriseApp/myEjbModule, then the web app can see it by virtue of the
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    But the wlcompile Ant target supposedly compiles stuff to build/APP-INF/classes.
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    yet, but I couldn't find the answer in the documentation and tutorials. Is it
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    or myEjbModule? In general, does BEA have any recommendations in this area?

    "Randy Stafford" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for the reply. I don't have 8.1 installed yet, so I can'tempirically
    observe the example's behavior. But I downloaded the example andinspected the
    code. It answers some, but not all, of my questions.Where to start.
    In 8.1 we have made optimizations to J2EE packaging. Mostly this is about
    not having to use manifest classpath's to do sharing of of common classes.
    MF Cp's are a pain to configure. You put your classes in one location in
    the ear and then EVERY module has to have a MF CP entry pointing to that
    location, and then you actually have N number of classes loaded per module.
    The mechanism to share classes across all modules is APP-INF/lib and
    APP-INF/classes. The benefit is that APP-INF is shared across all modules.
    So to your question below you could just put it in the EJB module, BUT if
    you have mutliple EJBs that you split into seperate modules your back tot
    the same issue. So APP-INF is just the simplist solution over-all.
    Split-dir is a specified way to lay out disk your src files
    From code inspection, it looks like the JSP and EJB (therefore the web appmodule
    and EJB module) both depend on the AppUtils class, which is not inAPP-INF, but
    rather in a directory under the enterprise app directory that does notrepresent
    a web app module or EJB module. In the build file's compile target, is itthe
    wlcompile task invocation that causes compilation of AppUtils.java? Or isit
    the ant task invocation (with "build.appStartup" as the value of thetarget attribute)
    that causes compilation of AppUtils.java due to the dependency ofApplicationStartup
    on AppUtils? And what subdirectory of the build directory doesAppUtils.class
    end up in?
    Why not just put AppUtils.java in the EJB module? Both dependent moduleswould
    still be able to see it by virtue of the classloader arrangement. Doesputting
    it in outside of all dependent modules represent a convention that BEArecommends?
    Finally, why not put applicationresource.properties in the same place asits user
    "Mark Griffith" <[email protected]> wrote:
    (Rob may post later, but here is my take)
    "Randy Stafford" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hello Rob Woollen and All,
    I have a question about packaging and deployment with the "split
    in WebLogic Server 8.1.
    Specifically, how does one go about deciding which classes to put inmyEnterpriseApp/myWebApp/WEB-INF/classes,
    versus myEnterpriseApp/myEjbModule, versusmyEnterpriseApp/APP-INF/classes?
    I think the answer to the first part is easy enough: if there are
    on by, say, the servlets in a web app, but not depended on anywhereelse
    in the
    enterprise app, then those classes should go in WEB-INF/classes.
    It's the other part of the question that gives me trouble. I use localinterfaces
    on my session beans. Let's say I have a domain object class returnedfrom
    a session
    bean method and depended on by the web app. If I put that domain
    under myEnterpriseApp/myEjbModule, then the web app can see it by
    of the
    classloader arrangement.
    But the wlcompile Ant target supposedly compiles stuff tobuild/APP-INF/classes.
    What stuff? How does it decide?wlcompile has a module factory. If a directory is claimed by a module
    factory then it is compiled by that specific module compiler. The rules
    module definition follow the same J2EE formatting rules.
    would be identified as a ebj module by:
    */myejb/myejb.ejb (EJBGen file)
    then src files (*.java) will be compiled to
    would be identifid as a web module by:
    Also for webapps
    will be compiled ot
    We choose WEB-INF/src following the struts precedence.
    So a plain old module that has noting but .java files in it will go to
    If you have a jar of classes that you need to share across the entire
    you would check it into your src tree at:
    You can check out an example at:
    Hope this helps.
    I haven't experimented and empirically observed
    yet, but I couldn't find the answer in the documentation and tutorials.Is it
    looking for java source files under src/myEnterpriseApp but not undermyWebApp
    or myEjbModule? In general, does BEA have any recommendations in thisarea?

  • WLC 5508 and LightWeight APs Deployment question

    Hi There,
    Can you please wit the following question in regards to the deployment of a new WLC and new LAPs,
    I have configured and connected a 5508 WLC and 3500 series LAP.
    LAG is enabled in the WLC and successfully connected to the neighboring switch (using etherchannel) and to the network.
    The port-channel port is set to trunk mode obviously and certain vlan ids are currently allowed (3-5)
    The management interface has this IP address
    I created a WLAN with WLAN ID 3, Interface set to Management and say SSID test1
    I have connected a new LAP to the network, which switchport interface is set to access mode and assigned with vlan id 3. The LAP is able to join the WLC successfully with an IP address, such as, (assigned via DHCP).
    When I try connecting a mobile client to the wireless LAN, it can successfully detect and connect to the WLAN, created in the WLC (test1) however it gets an IP address by DHCP, in the network, which is the IP range of the management interface's IP address.
    What can I do to get the clients connecting on network I thought this would be the case since I allocated the WLAN Id of 3 in the WLAN test1 configuration and since the LAP switchport is set to access mode with vlan ID 3.

    The WLAN ID has no effect with the VLAN ID. WLAN ID is just an identifier for the WLAN.
    you said "Interface set to Management and say SSID test1" and here is your issue.
    You set the interface of the WLAN to the management. So, the WLAN will be mapped to the VLAN to which the management interface is mapped to.
    What you need to do is to create a dynamic interface with ip range in and provide VLAN ID for that interface and assign your WLAN to this new interface. This way your clients will get an IP from this specified range.

  • 10.7 client .dmg creation for deployment questions.

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    I've been doing searches online and in the 10.7 Peachpit books (client and server) and I can't seem to find the info I am looking for.
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    even a "clean" install, when booted from a USB 10.7 recovery drive, will create the recovery partition, right?
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    I apologize in advance if I am missing something glaringly obvious.
    Also, any tips on best practices for creating 10.7 client .dmgs for deployment that's any different than creating 10.6 images?
    thanks in advance.

    Using information from this site and my own scripting experience I present to you a more secure way to do it which supports munki and other deployment tools without having the password to the ODM or client in clear text on the client or on packages easeliy accessable on a http server:
    On server:
    Save the output of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to your clip board
    Then create a launchd or something so that this runs at startup
    nc -kl 1337 | xargs -n 1 -I host ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@host /usr/local/bin/setupLDAP diradminpassword localadminpassword > /dev/null 2>&1
    On client:
    Create script (to use in a package as postinstall or something):
    # Turns on ssh
    systemsetup -f -setremotelogin On
    # Sets up passwordless login to root account from server
    echo "ssh-rsa FROM_YOUR_CLIPBOARD_A_VERYLONGOUTPUTOFCHARACTERS [email protected]" >> /var/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    # installs setupLDAP
    mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
    cat > /usr/local/bin/setupLDAP <<'EOF'
    export PATH
    computerid=`scutil --get ComputerName`; yes | dsconfigldap -vfs  -a 'server.domain.no' -n 'server' -c $computerid -u 'diradmin' -p $1 -l 'l' -q $2
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/setupLDAP
    End note
    That was the code, now you just add the skeleton And to clearify what this does, first we let the server connect to the client as root even though root access is "disabled" (he has no password and therefore you can't log in as root as default). Then we create a small script to setup OD binding (/usr/local/bin/setupLDAP) but this script doesn't contain the passwords. Then the client send a request to the small socket server on the server with it's hostname, then the server connects to that hostname and executes /usr/local/bin/setupLDAP with the needed passwords.

  • JSC deployment question.

    I have a situation where after my JSC created application is deployed, I need to have the ability to access PDF files that I give the user of my application the ability to select in a listbox.
    At development time, the names and locations of these PDF files (which will be stored locally on the Sun App Server) are not known, so I cannot have JSC bundle them up with the WAR. What I do instead is have my JSC app read from a database and populate a listbox with the names of the PDF files and map those to the local URL (as soon as I figure out what that will be).
    My question is this, once I deply the app, where (what directory) do I place the PDF files under assuming that I am using the bundled Sun Application Server that comes with JSC?

    Actually, it might be better to read the PDF file directly from the database instead of placing it in the path somewhere and redirecting to it (more security if ever needed...no static files to browse to).
    Let me dig around for an exmple of doing this sort of thing and I'll try to apply it to a JSC project context and post my findings here.
    If anyone has done this before please let me know!

  • Deployment Question and non-compliant

    Hi, I have a question about deployments and non-compliant systems. Since we updated to 2012 R2 I have had many patching deployments fail with non-compliant messages. If I bring up the deployment it shows many are installed and many are Required.
    Could anyone answer the following question?
    If for example I am deploying a IE 11 patch to Windows 7 machines that does not have IE 11 installed yet would that give the non-compliant error because it cannot install the IE11 patch? This would also apply to .Net 4 and 4.5 for example. We deploy Software
    Update Groups based on Operating Systems so every month I search for every patch non-expired and not superseded for the OS in question and then make the software update group based on that. I figured if the software update group had a patch for a product like
    IE 11 that was not installed on the device yet it just would not install it.
    Any help is appreciated.

    If the update isn't applicable let's say that IE11 is not installed it will not report it as non-compliant and it will not report it as required either so you should be fine in the reports.
    -- My System Center blog ccmexec.com -- Twitter

  • Nostage, stage, external_stage; deployment question ?

    Hi, I have 2 questions:
    1 )what does these nostage, stage, external_stage exactly means ?
    Iam more or less interested in knowing about "external_stage" ...???
    2) while deploying my application, i have also seen following 2 radio buttons
    to choose from:
    *Copy this Web Application module onto every target for me.
    *I will make the Web Application module accessible from the following location:
    NOw my question is: if i have 2 physical hardware machine, a CLUSTER having
    2 managed servers on each of the boxes .....and also i have selected "no_stage"
    option then, will my deployment succeeds IF i have also choosen the radio button
    to be *I will make the Web Application module accessible from the following location:
    now when i choose stage=true, then my application is physically copied to each
    individual servers' stage directory. what would happen if i have choosen "nostage"
    along with the second radio button while having 2 physical boxes in consideration

    steve wrote:
    *I will make the Web Application module accessible from the following location:
    === no_stage;Right. no_stage says that you will handle the distribution of files.
    stage asks the admin server to do it for you.
    if the above holds true and if i select any of the above 2 options in the case
    where i have 2 harware boxes .....and iam deploying an application to 2 managed
    servers where there is no admin server running,,, then would deployment succeeds
    also, I have 2 managed servers on another harware box, where there is an admin
    up and running.
    so in the case where there are only managed servers and iam selecting no_stage=true;
    would the deplyoment succeds ?
    When you deploy an application, you are contacting the admin server
    regardless of stage/nostage etc. So the admin server has to be up to do
    a deployment.
    However, the admin server does not have to be running on the same
    machine as the managed servers.
    -- Rob
    Rob Woollen <[email protected]> wrote:
    steve wrote:
    hmm ....that is strange.
    so does it mean,
    *I will make the Web Application module accessible from the followinglocation:
    IS EQUAL TO "nostage"
    iam just recalling as i have also seen a drop-down somewhere under....server
    deployment ....where basically you can set "nostage"/"stage"/"external-stage"...
    what is the co-relation between these two places ?The initial deployment of an application takes you through an assistant
    in the console that tries to use more descriptive terms than
    stage/nostage etc. However, if you look at the MBeans directly or use
    the command-line weblogic.Deployer than stage etc is what you'll see.
    It may show up elsewhere in the console as well.
    -- Rob
    Rob Woollen <[email protected]> wrote:
    Steve wrote:
    Hi, I have 2 questions:
    1 )what does these nostage, stage, external_stage exactly means ?
    Iam more or less interested in knowing about "external_stage" ...???
    nostage says the application path is valid on all servers. This makes
    sense if you have a networked or shared filesystem. Or, if all of
    machines are identical, and you want to do the distribution yourself.
    stage asks WLS to distribute the files from the admin server to the
    managed servers.
    external_stage is a variant of stage that's rarely used. basicallythe
    admin server copies the files to the managed server, but the path on
    each managed server might be different. I believe it's just relative
    the server's staging directory.
    2) while deploying my application, i have also seen following 2 radiobuttons
    to choose from:
    *Copy this Web Application module onto every target for me.
    *I will make the Web Application module accessible from the followinglocation:
    That's a nice way of asking you staged or no stage.
    -- Rob
    NOw my question is: if i have 2 physical hardware machine, a CLUSTERhaving
    2 managed servers on each of the boxes .....and also i have selected"no_stage"
    option then, will my deployment succeeds IF i have also choosen theradio button
    to be *I will make the Web Application module accessible from the
    now when i choose stage=true, then my application is physically copiedto each
    individual servers' stage directory. what would happen if i have choosen"nostage"
    along with the second radio button while having 2 physical boxes inconsideration

  • Resizing User Profile Disks in Existing Server 2012 R2 RDS Deployment Question

    Once the initial maximum size is set and the VHDXs have been created in a Server 2012 R2 RDS deployment, will attempting to increase Collection's maximum UPD size by say.. issuing a Powershell command of:
    Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration -CollectionName MySpiffyNewCollection -MaxUserProfileDiskSizeGB 10
    over-write the existing VHDXs instead of simply increasing their size? (max size is currently 5GB)
    I'm not at a point where I can test this in a lab condition to find out, and I have not found this question asked (or at least not definitively answered) in this forum yet.

    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    We can resize the UPD file with below command:
    Resize-VHD –Path c:\BaseVHDX.vhdx –SizeBytes 1TB
    After running this mount the .vhdx file and open disk manager and there will be unallocated disk, and then you can click extend disk/volume and its done.
    You can refer following article for more information.
    Resize User Profile Disks
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

  • Authorization, deployment  question

    Hi all,
    does somebody know whether it is possible to create a VC component that can be later used from users without authentification, just as normal web page.
    And another question is how can I choose a custom link to call a deployed VC application (as webdynpro), and not use the one, generated automatically, because it is too complex (exampe: change the link http://host:port/webdynpro/dispatcher/sap.com/test~newdc_impl/OrderForm
    to something simpler)?
    Thanks in advance,
    best regards,
    Vera Stoyanova

    thanks for the answer. But what I wanted was to be able to create the custom link in CE7.1 directly. Is this possible.
    Or at least is it possible to have the part of the name I have given in VC for the development component, not with this test~ prefix (the example link is in my first post)? It is always automatically generated so.
    Best Regards,

  • After WAAS deployment network is dead slow

    Hi All
    After deploying WAAS , i.e. WAE-302 module in Cisco 2811 Router on core and edge with default setting and running wccp on the router , network is dead slow .
    Core and edge network are connected with dedicated 2MB lease line.
    License is Transport.
    I can see traffic optimizing on WAE core and Edge but netwrok is dead slow.
    Any suggestions.

    What was changed on the routers during this implementation? Only configuring the module, enabling wccp 61/62 and enabling redirection on the LAN/WAN interfaces?
    Were additional routes added? Is it possible a routing loop was introduced? Do you see a reasonable number of connections on the WAEs?
    I suggest looking at the following to see if any problems are indicated:
    On the routers:
    show ip wccp - should see most packets redirected via CEF
    On the WAEs:
    show wccp gre - look for any high counters that don't look right
    type-tail syslog.txt 50 - look for messages indicating possible problems

  • Compilation/deployment question - C++

    Hi There,
    I am about to install a new server which will run my custom software - the server is on its way. It is a dual Xeon (not dual core, two single core, x64 Irwindale processors) based hardware for my home hobby project.
    I worked for about four and a half year developing for Solaris - always using corporate provided SPARC systems. Since I was very satisfied with the O/S and the dev. environment, I decided to use that for my home project as well.
    So the question finally is, if I install my hardware in a hosting center and would like to develop/build for the mentioned box, what build machine will I have to have? I would like to create a binary on the other box and then just copy for deployment. Do I need to build one more dual Xeon box or can I use a desktop PC for that? I understand that using Java would be probably easier in this particular case but I am a C++ developer for quite some years and probably it would take more time to llearn how to write decent java software than resolving this issue. Probably...
    Thanks :)

    Sun Studio doesn't have cross-compilation, but if your desktop PC and the server have identical configuration (same OS, same patch levels) or server has later versions of OS/patches, you should be able to compile on PC and then copy binaries to the server.

  • WAAS reboot question

    Hi Team,
    I would like to ask you one question regarding WAAS boot procedure.
    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;
    font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
    Let’s say I have physical inpath implementation on the branch WAE and need to reload it (IOS upgrade). I know that in case of HW failure the WAE will “fail to cross” acting as a cable so there is no (or little) WAN outage. But is this statement true also during reload ? Is the WAE acting as a cable when it is rebooting or the location is completely cut off and the connection is established after the reload process ?
    Many thanks!

    Correct, when reloading the WAE with in-line support, the in-line card would go into pass-though mode.  Once the WAE is up, existing connections would continue in pass-though and any new connection would be optimized.

  • Service Unit Deployment Question

    When a Service Unit is first deployed to component A the life cycle calls to the service unit manager are:
    My question is when component A is re-installed what are the life cycle calls to re-install the service unit? In other words is the service unit re-deployed with the new instance of component A by:
    Or is it already considered deployed and just shutdown and re-started once the new version of this component is brought up (by init and start)?

    Currently, before you can uninstall a component, all service units deployed to that component must be undeployed. This can be achieved only by undeploying all Service Assemblies which have service units deployed to that component.
    Subsequently, after you install the new component, you must re-deploy those Service Assemblies.
    There are already plans underway to provide for "upgrading" a component, which would eliminate the need to undeploy and re-deploy the Service Assemblies.

Maybe you are looking for