Waas Mobile Client Compression issue

We are running wmc version & everything was working fine. We have noticed that compression does not appear to be working any more, the stats in the client manager stay on 0 except compressed bytes received = 15 ratio = 0.001. These counters do not further increment, anyone seen this problem?

as i said in the original message version The wmc build is created on the server.

Similar Messages

  • A problem with WAAS mobile client

    The customer has a problem with WAAS mobile client. When he disabled WAAS mobile client - all is working, but http is not working.:-( On the server the accelerated networks are configured.The browser send the http request, but the response is not received:-( For other clients it is working. Thank you for help.

    I have WAAS mobile server version on the Windows2003 server with SP1. Client OS is Windows XP. All clients who use WAAS mobile client have WinXP on their notebooks. All clients are on the same network. This client sees this problem when the waas client is active, disabled, and for now when the waas mobile client is uninstalled - it seems like waas mobile client changed registers for IE or FireFox - so all http answers are redirected to nonexisting waas mobile client:-(
    Thank you

  • Issue Uninstalling WAAS Mobile Client on Windows 7

    I upgraded my laptop in hopes that issues pertaining to Vista would be resolved.  Those issues remained, but was going to try to uninstall and reinstall under Windows 7 and check this for grins.  I have tried to uninstall and get this error -
    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    Cisco WAAS Mobile was interrupted before the installation/uninstallation of your software was fully completed. You can rerun this wizard at another time to complete the setup of this software. (1722)
    I've tried rebooting, but get the same error.
    Any suggestions?

    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
    mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
    font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
    The quickest solution might be to try to reinstall followed by another uninstall, or to use the Windows Install Cleanup Utility, (although Microsoft has removed it from their support site with the following disclaimer). 
    This article previously contained a link to the Windows Installer Cleanup utility (MSICUU2.exe). If you were directed to this article to solve a problem installing a product other than Microsoft Office, please contact your software manufacturer for installation support on the product.
    While the Windows Installer Cleanup utility resolved some installation problems, it sometimes damaged other components installed on the computer. Because of this, the tool has been removed from the Microsoft Download Center.
    Nonetheless, here is an active link and basic instructions:
    1.     To use the Windows CleanUp utility, follow these steps:
    a.     Click Start, point to Programs, and then click Windows Install Clean Up.
    b.     Select the program that you want to remove, and then click Remove.
    c.     Click OK, and then click Exit.
    If these suggestions do not help, then perhaps a case should be opended with TAC and they could assist with gathering the installer log files.

  • AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Connection Issue

    Hello all,
    I am specifically having issue of unable to connect do VPN using AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. This issue is only happening on my Windows7 machine. All of this use to work before properly without any issue. All of sudden now I am getting below error when I initiate the AnyConnect client from last few days. The errors are as below in sequence:
    1) Posture Assessment Failed: Hotscan prelogin error
    2) An Error has occured while running HotScan. Please attempt to connect again
    Message HIstory shows below:
    Wed Feb 05 00:34:28 2014] Posture Assessment: Required for access
    [Wed Feb 05 00:34:28 2014] Posture Assessment: Checking for updates...
    [Wed Feb 05 00:34:30 2014] Posture Assessment: Updating...
    [Wed Feb 05 00:34:32 2014] Posture Assessment: Initiating...
    [Wed Feb 05 00:34:37 2014] Posture Assessment: Failed
    Wed Feb 05 00:34:28 2014] Posture Assessment: Required for access
    [Wed Feb 05 00:34:28 2014] Posture Assessment: Checking for updates...
    [Wed Feb 05 00:34:30 2014] Posture Assessment: Updating...
    [Wed Feb 05 00:34:32 2014] Posture Assessment: Initiating...
    [Wed Feb 05 00:34:37 2014] Posture Assessment: Failed
    Any idea whats causing this issue on my machine?

    What are the prelogin checks specified in your dap.xml file? Verify your client meets those checks.

  • WAAS Mobile - Client install on a biometric enabled laptop

    WAAS Mobile 3.4 client fails to install on a laptop with fingerprint authentication with the message relation to "incompatible филе". Деталс аs follows:
    Authentication Manager
    Any ideas how to sort this out?

    Please park this question for now. The installation problem was resolved by upgrading the Wave Systems Dell Embassy trust suite to ver.V2.0.0.39.
    The problem we have now is with the client failing UDP connection test. I will investigate further, unless it is a 'known' problem and someone knows a solution.

  • ADF mobile Client App: Issue about using db sequence for populating row_id

    I'm working on an ADF mobile client app POC project. In the mobile app, new record can be created, the column type for row_id is VARCHAR2(15), I used the db sequence created in MC db, converted the seq number to a string, then set row_id via initDefaults method.
    The new records are created and row_ids are set with the proper sequence numbers when first time launching the client app in blackberry simulator. But if I exit the app and re-launch the app again, I got net.rim.device.api.database.DataTypeExpection when trying to create a new record.
    Could anyone please help me and let me know what could cause this issue? What should be the proper way to populate the row_id? Appreciate your response in advance!
    Jdev/ADFMobile extension version: build 5860
    mobile server version:
    blackberry version:
    BlackBerry JDE 5.0.0
    BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators (9800)
    public class SOrgExtEOImpl extends EntityImpl {
    protected void initDefaults() {
    SequenceImpl seq = new SequenceImpl("S_SIEBELMOBILE_S_ORG_EXT", getDBTransaction());
    populateAttributeAsChanged(ROWID1, seq.getSequenceNumber().toString());
    First time launching the MC app:
    [FINE - adfnmc.bindings - BC4JIteratorBinding - createRow]
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 0 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 1 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 2 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 3 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 4 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 5 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 6 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 7 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 8 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 9 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 10 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 11 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 12 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 1 to 2010-12-20 14:58:13.0
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 3 to 2010-12-20 14:58:13.0
    [FINE - adfnmc.model - SequenceImpl - create] Database SQLite doesn't support sequences natively; creating TableSequenceImpl for
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 0 to 73501
    [FINE - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - getAttribute] Retrieved from siebel.mobile.SOrgExtEO.CreatedBy at index 2
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 2 to 1-11ZQ
    [FINE - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - getAttribute] Retrieved from siebel.mobile.SOrgExtEO.LastUpdBy at index 4
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 4 to 1-53Y
    [FINE - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - getAttribute] Retrieved from siebel.mobile.SOrgExtEO.BuId at index 5
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 5 to 1-1DG
    [INFO - adfnmc.model - MetaObjectManager - findOrLoadMetaObject] MetaObject siebel.mobile.AccountAddressFKAssoc not found in cache, so
    loading it from XML
    [INFO - adfnmc.model - MetaObjectManager - findOrLoadMetaObject] MetaObject siebel.mobile.ActivityAccountFKAssoc not found in cache, so
    loading it from XML
    [FINE - adfnmc.bindings - BC4JIteratorBinding - notifyRowInserted]
    [FINE - adfnmc.bindings - IteratorExecutableBindingImpl - rowInserted] IterBinding - AccountPageDef:AccountAddressView1Iterator
    [FINE - adfnmc.bindings - IteratorExecutableBindingImpl - notifyRowInserted] IterBinding - AccountPageDef:AccountAddressView1Iterator
    [FINE - adfnmc.bindings - RangeBindingImpl - rowInserted] AccountAddressView1
    [FINE - adfnmc.bindings - RangeBindingImpl - notifyNewElement] AccountAddressView1, index:0
    [FINE - adfnmc.ui - BBTable - newElement] relativeIndex = 0
    [FINE - adfnmc.bindings - RangeBindingImpl - setVariableIndex] Begin, AccountAddressView1, listener: oracle.adfnmc.component.ui.BBTable$1
    [FINE - adfnmc.bindings - SimpleContext$Variables - setVariable] Setting variable "row" to expression #
    [FINE - adfnmc.ui - BBOutputText - endInit]
    Re-launching the MC app:
    INFO - adfnmc.bindings - BC4JOperationBinding - execute] Preparing to execute OperationBinding id:'CreateInsert'
    [FINE - adfnmc.bindings - BC4JIteratorBinding - createRow]
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 0 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 1 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 2 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 3 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 4 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 5 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 6 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 7 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 8 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 9 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 10 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 11 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 12 to
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 1 to 2010-12-20 15:08:35.0
    [FINEST - adfnmc.model - EntityImpl - populateAttribute] Setting value at index 3 to 2010-12-20 15:08:35.0
    [FINE - adfnmc.model - SequenceImpl - create] Database SQLite doesn't support sequences natively; creating TableSequenceImpl for
    [INFO - adfnmc.ui - ErrorHandlerImpl - reportException] BindingContainer: AccountPageDef, exception: oracle.adfnmc.AMCJboException
    [WARNING - adfnmc.ui - ErrorHandlerImpl - reportException] [oracle.jbo.server.SequenceImpl$TableSequenceImpl.retrieveSequenceParamsFromDB]
    oracle.adfnmc.AMCJboException: ADF-MNC-60109: Error retrieving sequence parameters for sequence S_SIEBELMOBILE_S_ORG_EXT
    [WARNING - adfnmc.ui - ErrorHandlerImpl - reportException] oracle.adfnmc.java.sql.SQLException:
    net.rim.device.api.database.DataTypeException:Datatype mismatch
    [WARNING - adfnmc.ui - ErrorHandlerImpl - reportException] Unable to retrieve String at index 2
    [WARNING - adfnmc.ui - ErrorHandlerImpl - reportException]
    [FINE - adfnmc.ui - MessageBox - show] message=oracle.adfnmc.AMCJboException: ADF-MNC-60109: Error retrieving sequence parameters for
    [FINE - adfnmc.ui - MessageBox - show] oracle.adfnmc.java.sql.SQLException: net.rim.device.api.database.DataTypeException:Datatype mismatch
    [FINE - adfnmc.ui - MessageBox - show] Unable to retrieve String at index 2

    using 10gR2 on Sun-Solaris. Getting consistently "db file parallel read" over 35 ms as an average wait for the past few months. No performance issues as such.
    Using RAID 1+0. DB Size is 2 TB. Transactions are OLTP/Batch
    Is this metric high or normal. How to justify that..
    Looking at your results it's not really possible to say.
    db file parallel read is a request for a number of randomly distirbuted blocks, and the time for a read is the time for the last block of the set to be returned.
    Without knowing how many blocks are being requested at a time you can't really determine what constitutes a reasonable time. Given that you say OLTP + Batch, and have a large volume of scattered reads, it's quite possible that you have some queries on the Batch side doing very large index range scans - which would allow for some very large db file parallel reads.
    I take it from the use of statspack that you're not licensed for the diagnostic and performance packs; it would be easy to query v$active_session_history to get some idea of the number of blocks per request as this is given by the P2 parameter. As it is. you may be able to get a rough idea by messing about with the various "physical read" numbers in the Instance Activity section of statspack.
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Auto Discover Mobile Client Connectivity issue.

    I am currently working on getting mobility working for our lync environment.  I have followed online articles for setting up the mobility service and while I have not got a true reverse proxy put in place yet I have a question regarding the autodiscover.
    When I go to https://lyncdiscover.ourdomain.com/autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.aspx/root/sipuri=[email protected]
    I get the following results
    {"AccessLocation":"External","Root":{"Links":[{"href":"https:\/\/lyncfe-v01.ourdomain.local\/Autodiscover\/AutodiscoverService.svc\/root\/domain","token":"Domain"},{"href":"https:\/\/lyncfe-v01.ourdomain.local\/Autodiscover\/AutodiscoverService.svc\/root\/user","token":"User"}]}}The problem is that is our local internal URL not the external URL. I believe the setting comes from the Topology Builder under the Standard Front End Server for External web services FQDN as that is what is set there. My question is should that be changed to the FQDN of the edge server or the FQDN of the reverse proxy server? Also should that be the public ourdomain.com or remain the internal ourdomain.local?I hope this makes sense. I am just taking this piece by piece as I was hoping to get my android phone working internally on Wifi at the very least.Also for testing purposes I just pointed our firewall and setup nat from 80 -> 8080 and 443 -> 4443 to test that the external website was working and it is that is how I was able to get the auto discover information. I know this is not secure or ideal I am simply taking this one step at a time to ensure I get this working properly.Thank you for everyone's help.

    Ok update on my progress.
    we updated our UCC certificate that we bought for our edge server.  That certificate had the following in it
    we added
    I left the External Web Services FQDN as lyncdiscover.ourdomain.com
    I then put that cert on the Reverse Proxy server.  I then tested using testconnectivity.microsoft.com and the autodiscover test and everything passed.  This is the good news.
    Now the bad.
    When I run the connectivity test if I manually select the server and put in sip.ourdomain.com and choose port 5061 the test passes but if I choose port 443 which apparently the mobile clients use as I do not see a spot to change that at it fails stating
    The SSL certificate failed one or more certificate validation checks.
    The certificate couldn't be validated because SSL negotiation wasn't successful. This could have occurred as a result of a network error or because of a problem with the certificate installation.
    Elapsed Time: 192 ms.
    I checked the External Cert on the edge server and sip.ourdomain.com and webconf.ourdomain.com are listed.
    The Edge Pool has been configured to have SIP Access, Web Conf service and A/V service all point to sip.ourdomain.com using ports 5061, 444, 443
    Can someone point to me what I have setup incorrectly?
    This seems like I am very close to actually having this working.  Almost like I can see the light.
    Thank you,

  • AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client License issue

    I am currently using VPN Client Cisco Anyconnect VPN Client Version
    2.4.1012  for Windows 7 to connect office network.  I want to buy an "
    AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client License"  for my Galaxy SII phone.
    How should i buy it?

    Wow, that is new to me. Maybe try another reseller/partner as unfortunately Cisco don't sell direct to end user.

  • AnyConnenct Secure Mobility Client connect issue

    i am getting the following message if i try to connect to the customer network via the AnyConnect VPN Client 3.1.06073:
    "The VPN connection was terminated to enforce a newly determinated tunnel MTU and could not be automatically re-istablished. A new connection is necessary, which requires re-authentification."
    If i try to reconnect, i am getting the same message again.
    How i can fix it?
    my notebook configuration:
    lenovo t440s
    Windows 8.1 64bit
    Only Windows Firewall is active.
    I can succesfully connect to the same customer network from my another notebook with Windows 7.

    I hope those link can help you ;)

  • Waas mobile + waas appliance

    waas mobile client ---------waas appliance---------wan---------waas appliance---------waas mobile server---------------applications/servers
    What will happen in this topology?  Who is going to perform the acceleration function?
    Can waas mobile client/server talk to waas appliance?

    Hi Joe,
    Waas Mobile and WAAS are going to be both optimizing traffic in this case. 
    While  WAAS mobile will tunneled all the traffic so Optimized data is  transmitted over UDP port 1182 and session initiation and control uses  TCP port 1182.
    WAAS appliance will perform same transparent method,  by applying option 33 (0x21) and changing the tcp sequence so both WAE's  (dc and remote site) can see each other and apply optimization to the  tcp flow.
    Since WAAS mobile will have already compressed data  initially, when the tcp flow hist WAAS appliance devices I expect that  the optimization there will be minimum.
    You might  consider to have WAAS Mobile next to your VPN hubs, so remote  desktop/laptops are able to get optimization when ingress in your  network and  won't waste WAAS appliances resources  which will perform  double optimization, first in waas mobile then in waas itself.
    Hope the information helps.
    Thank you

  • WAAS Mobile - Outlook Webmail (OWA)

    While running our new instance of WAAS Mobile, we've got one issue we cannot understand.  Outlook Web Access does not work under WAAS Mobile.  If we disable it, works fine.
    We are able to ping the OWA server with the WAAS Mobile client enabled or disabled however we cannot connect to it via it's web interface.
    I've enabled HTTPS for the WAAS Mobile to optimize on the client but this did not help.  So far i'm at a loss.
    Any ideas?

    Is the session TCOP session to OWA accelerated ?
    1)  Connect to your OWA
    2) On the WAAS Mobile Client - Go to
    3) Navigate to the section Diagnostics --> TCP Sessions, Does the TCP session show up as accelerated ?
    You can also collect the sysreport from the client and server and attach it to this forum.

  • Can't send im to lync mobile client after a period of chating

    Thanks for your help first.
    I'm setting Lync 2013 server, all internal lan function are working fine, except mobile client.
    I've setup edge, reverse proxy (using IIS), FE, BE server.
    For IM between between desktop lync client, it is working fine.
    For IM between mobile lync client and mobile client with desktop lync cleint, I found the following issue:
    - between mobile lync client and lync desktop client: The IM function is working sent between both party, no matter it is initial send from mobile or desktop client, but after a random period of time, may be 5 mins or 7 mins or 10 mins, the desktop client
    will not able to send IM to the mobile client but the mobile client still able to send IM to desktop client.
    - for between lync mobile client
    the issue as above.
    - between desktop lync client
    no such issue found
    I've trouble shoot this issue a lot but still can't the root cause?
    Do you have any idea?
    Many thanks for your help?
    I know that when I testing using my mobile phone, my 3G network provider will continuous change my mobile ip address after a period time, does this behaviour will affect Lync server to find the mobile device?
    are there any method will Lync server know what the mobile client status and ip address  that let Lync server can find the mobile device effectively?

    I know that when I testing using my mobile phone, my 3G network provider will continuous change my mobile ip address after a period time, does this behaviour will affect Lync server to find the mobile device?
    Would you please tell us which edition of mobile did you use (Android, IOS or Windows Phone)?
    As IPhone and Windows Phone need push notification function but Android Phone doesn’t need.
    If possible, you can test with two Android Phone to check if the issue happen with push notification function.
    From your description above, it seems that you use 3G network on mobile to connect Lync mobile client. Please check if the issue cause by IP address of mobile, you can change network to a WIFI to have a test.
    Also, please double check if the needed ports open as Edwin provided above.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • WAAS mobile with secure access https (not VPN)

    Hi all !!! Hope everyone is well !!!
    I have a WAAS environment in place we want to deploying WAAS mobile for teleworkers. My question is, can WAAS mobile works for users that use secure access with https (not vpn connexion)
    Thanks in advance !!!

    Hi Tarik,
    First of all, let me insist on the fact the a WAAS mobile client will not interact with a WAAS appliance on the core side and that you'll need to have a WAAS mobile installed there is you want your teleworkers to get the benefit from WAAS.
    That said, let me answer your question: WAAS mobile can indeed accelerate HTTPS traffic.
    This is described on page 61 of the following document:

  • WAAS Mobile & Windows 7

    Hi All,
    I was told on this board that a new version of the WAAS Mobile client would be released in the first week of April '10. New version would be compatible with Vista & Win7 both 32 & 64 bit versions.
    I cant find the original thread to follow up so am posting anew.
    Dont see anything in the download area. Wondering if anyone knows anything about this version - it's holding up a large project we are almost done with.
    The chap from Cisco that responded was, I think, Ken - as I say, cant find the original post..

    The WAAS Mobile 3.5 release is in its final stages and is targeted for release by the end of April (this week!).

  • Windows 8 64 bit issues with Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client version 3.1.04072

    I am having an issue with the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client version 3.1.04072 on a Windows 8 64 bit laptop.
    I am able to create the VPN connection but the connection will not allow data to be transferred.
    Stats from a manual connection:
    Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Version 3.1.04072
    VPN Stats
        Bytes Received:  14375
        Bytes Sent:  0
        Compressed Bytes Received:  0
        Compressed Bytes Sent:  0
        Compressed Packets Received:  0
        Compressed Packets Sent:  0
        Control Bytes Received:  0
        Control Bytes Sent:  0
        Control Packets Received:  0
        Control Packets Sent:  0
        Encrypted Bytes Received:  7820
        Encrypted Bytes Sent:  1207
        Encrypted Packets Received:  9
        Encrypted Packets Sent:  3
        Inbound Bypassed Packets:  0
        Inbound Discarded Packets:  0
        Outbound Bypassed Packets:  0
        Outbound Discarded Packets:  0
        Packets Received:  4
        Packets Sent:  0
        Time Connected:  00:03:01
    Protocol Info
        Inactive Protocol
            Protocol Cipher:  RSA_3DES_168_SHA1
            Protocol Compression:  None
            Protocol State:  Disconnected
            Protocol:  DTLS
        Active Protocol
            Protocol Cipher:  RSA_3DES_168_SHA1
            Protocol Compression:  Deflate
            Protocol State:  Connected
            Protocol:  TLS
    OS Version
        Windows 8 : WinNT 6.2.9200
    Log from the data transmission software:
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - Application version =
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - Lodgement Library Version =
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - Connection Method =  INTERNET
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - DIS Connection Type = Automatic
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - VPN Client =  ACTIVE
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - Check Available Connections =  NOT ACTIVE
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - Windows 8 (6.2.9200 SP )
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - Language: English (Australia)
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 -
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - Connected to ISP via LAN
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - Checking for presence of VPN client.
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - VPN client found. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\vpncli.exe)
    24/12/2013 12:51:13 - The Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client application is in use.
    24/12/2013 12:51:18 - Terminating Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client in progress ...
    24/12/2013 12:51:18 -
    24/12/2013 12:51:18 - Checking Cisco AnyConnect  version.
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 - Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client (version 3.1.04072) .
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 - Copyright (c) 2004 - 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 - Config file directory:C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 -
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 - Loading profile:C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile\ELS-IMelAde-TCP.xml
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 -
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 - Initializing the VPN connection.
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 - Ready to connect.
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 - Ready to connect.
    24/12/2013 12:51:19 - Contacting ELS-IMelAde-TCP.
    24/12/2013 12:51:23 - Authenticating user.
    24/12/2013 12:51:23 - Connected to VPN concentrator.
    24/12/2013 12:51:23 - Establishing VPN session...
    24/12/2013 12:51:23 - Checking for profile updates...
    24/12/2013 12:51:23 - Checking for product updates...
    24/12/2013 12:51:23 - Checking for customization updates...
    24/12/2013 12:51:23 - Performing any required updates...
    24/12/2013 12:51:23 - Establishing VPN session...
    24/12/2013 12:51:23 - Establishing VPN - Initiating connection...
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Establishing VPN - Examining system...
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Establishing VPN - Configuring system...
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Establishing VPN...
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Connected to VPN concentrator.
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Connected to ELS-IMelAde-TCP.
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Connected to VPN concentrator.
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Connection to VPN client return code = 0.
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Connected to VPN concentrator.
    24/12/2013 12:51:24 - Connecting : Connecting to
    24/12/2013 12:51:45 - Error in ConnectToDIS - Socket Error # 10060
    Connection timed out.
    24/12/2013 12:51:46 -
    24/12/2013 12:51:46 - Disconnecting from the VPN concentrator.
    24/12/2013 12:51:46 - Disconnect in progress, please wait...
    24/12/2013 12:51:46 - Detaching AnyConnect, please wait...
    24/12/2013 12:51:47 - Detached.
    24/12/2013 12:51:47 - Disconnected from VPN concentrator.
    24/12/2013 12:51:47 - *****************************************************
    24/12/2013 12:51:47 -               END OF LODGEMENT PROCESS
    24/12/2013 12:51:47 - *****************************************************
    Issue history:
    - Previously running Cisco VPN client on Windows 8 64 bit laptop (VPN working and able to transmit data over VPN)
    - Upgrade to Windows 8.1 stopped the VPN client working
    - Refreshed system back to Windows 8 and reinstalled all software
    - Cisco VPN client would not install on system
    - Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client installs and is able to connect to VPN host
    - Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client downloads and installs software from VPN host
    - Data transmission software returns error code #10060
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    anyone found the fix for this?

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