Waiting since January 2013

Hi all,
I'm trying to get a reasonable answer in understanding why it has taken since January to sort out, what should have been a simple home move service, to quite possibly the most frustrating 4 months ever!
Back in January (2013) I was a sky TV/line/broadband customer looking forward to moving into my new home (early March). I was informed that whilst the TV could be setup easy enough, the BT Openreach engineers reported back that there was no line available for telephone or broadband.
I carried on with the SKY TV move and decided that just before the move I would be called back to re-arrange the Broadband and telephone line once the 'engineer' could test connection at the property.
March 8th - move in date ... no engineer
I received multiple emails and text messages to make sure I was present at the property but yet no engineer turned up - not even a courtesy call to say that there may/may not be a delay.
I eventually get through to the service desk who inform me that there is a delay on the installation and to expect an update / further installation on the 8th April
8th April arrives - no engineer - again I receive multiple emails/text messages making sure I'm in for the engineer to visit.
I contact Sky, who then advise that I am going to have to wait until around 26th June before another assessment can take place.
You may be asking yourself, "isn't this Sky's fault".  That's what I thought initially but then it became more and more obvious that the delay was on the BT Openreach/infinity engineers.
I thought to myself, maybe it's because I'm a SKY customer so priority would be set as low.  So ... I contacted BT signed up as a new customer and had an install date for a week later .. 16th April.
I cancelled the SKY order (but kept the TV package) so that I could progress my "faster installation date with BT"
April 16th arrives ... Guess what .... No engineer AGAIN!
I phoned all morning listening to the automated call - type in my home number and get the standard message of "your engineer will be on-site at your property today blah blah blah between the hours of 8am and 1pm"
I thought great - no delay, nothing to worry about.
13:05hrs - I thought I'd try the update again ... "we're sorry there's a delay and if you have not heard from us already, you should receive a call soon" - I never did - it took me to telephone back to request an update.
Apparently my order has been escalated and I should hear from an engineers asap .... in the next 24 hours... maybe 48 hours.
Today ... I have been back in touch with the BT service desk today and have been told that the service desk will receive an update on the line around the 19th ... possibly 20th April.  From there I can expect an installation date around the 26th April.
Can someone please tell me why not one single engineer has turned up at my property to assess the situation or better still install my telephone line and bt infiinity on any of the 3 occasions (yet one engineer visitied my neighbout the other day and said it'd be a 15 mins job, "just can't do it as it's not on my job list") !!!!
Thanks ... waiting in anticipation for a helpful response whilst using up all my 3G download limits and friend's/family broadband useage

I don't think you will get a helpful response here.
1. This is a forum for BT customers, and you're not.
2. Your problem is with Openreach.  They may be owned by BT Group, but no-one here has any control over them.
Your contract is with Sky - it's up to them to get it sorted.

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    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
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