• Want my old "Pantone solid Coated" swatches.

Hello -
Since we made the update of Adobe® CC (coming from old CS5), lot of my colleagues complain
about the LAB pre-visualization of the PMS color (in color palette  ->  vs. CMYK before).
Is there a way, a place we are could download the old version of the "Pantone solid Coated" (thus not the "Pantone+" one).
NB. We don't really use this last new Pantone colors.
Thank you…
- Dimitri

Hello Monika -
Thanks for your advice…
I did it already, but the problem is that Illustrator (CC) won't let you the option to see the CMYK conversion. It shows the old PMS color with a small LAB icon (no more with a CMYK small icon).
Have a nice day…
- Dimitri

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    Hello everyone,
    I have a problem with CS5 Pantone+Solid Coated library.
    In CS4 this library contained Spot CMYK colors.
    In CS5 these colors are Spot LAB and darker.
    Does anyone has the same problem?

    When I pick some PMS Coated color, in Color Panel last simbol is LAB.
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    The root issue is when I open Panton+Solid Coated menu - the colors are presented in LAB mode and they are darker then usial.
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    In CS5 these right colors are in Panton Solid to Process menu and if I create new artwork I pick colors from here.
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    PMS 2028 (and the list you describe) are not in the current Pantone lists in Illustrator CC (or earlier AI versions).
    But you can make a spot color of your own choosing, and call it whatever you want (such as Pantone 2028). You may need to fake or guess on the actual color (in RGB or CMYK), but if you're separating for an actual (non-digital) printing press, your faked color won't make any difference, as the proper ink formulation for your spot color is what actually goes on the paper when it is printed.
    If you're not separating for a traditional printing press, then what is the point of needing a specific Pantone color? Other than being used for ink formulations on a (non-digital) printing press, Pantone is an old, useless model, attempting to extend its relevance beyond the pull-date by forming software alliances with such as Adobe, etc.
    For non-traditional printing, rather, develop the colors you want according to your specific output device, be it a photo printer, CMYK digital press, etc. -- If you really "like" PMS 2028, then develop that color (probably in RGB/HSB) for your specific output device.
    Lastly, if you are printing to an actual printing press, and also need the 2028 color in your pre-press (digital) proofs, then you will need to develop it for your proofer (your specific non-press output device), probably with the caveat to your client that it is a color "approximation." Then use any spot color (titled, "Pantone 2028") for separations, as the actual ink will provde accurate color.

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    the numbers are different significantly. I attached the example of how I converted PMS 424C to CMYK to illustrate.

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    So below the assigned profile is Coated Fogra39 with a Relative Colormetric Intent and BPC turned on (the slight differences are because of the way the 3 programs round):
    I think InDesign has a problem with color conversions via the Color panel, so I'm showing the InDesign Sep Preview panel with All Spots to Process checked in Ink Manager on the right. Changing the document's CMYK profile assignment doesn't reliably produce the correct conversion via the Color panel—looks like a bug and I haven't checked CC to see if it's been fixed.
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    The tool bar's Color Picker does make the correct conversion, so I think the problem is limited to the Color panel
    The simplest approach is to leave Pantone Solids as spot colors and use Ink Manager to make the conversion when you export or print.

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  • Problème d'affichage des couleurs PANTONE solid Uncoated Différence entre les versions CS et CC ?

    Bonjour à tous,
    Je suis graphiste et travaille beaucoup en flexographie donc, sur illustrator et souvent avec des Pantones en U (PANTONE solid uncoated ou opaque non couché).
    Sur mon ancienne version CS, lorsque j'avais mes couleurs Pantone U à l'écran, celles-ci apparaissaient comme les teintes en C (PANTONE solid Coated, généralement utilisées en Offset), ors, depuis la version CC, les teintes en U apparaissent "fade" voir complètement différentes.
    L'affichage se fait mal et j'ai remarqué une chose : lorsque j'ai ma référence couleur sélectionnée (je prends comme exemple le Pantone 1797 U qui est un rouge vif) dans la fenêtre "couleur" (d'illustrator), sur les anciennes versions CS, à côté du carré de couleur il y avait le petit icône carré "CMJN" (qui est un carré divisé en 4 coul primaires) sauf que sur illustrator CC, il n'y a plus le petit icône "CMJN" mais l'icône "LAB" et effectivement, par défaut, la fenêtre couleur ne me propose plus l'équivalent CMJN mais LAB.
    Ceci à une incidence sur la couleur car hier, j'ai reçu un document sur lequel la référence Pantone apparaissait correctement avec l'icône CMJN dans ma fenêtre "couleur". En ouvrant mon nuancier, je me suis aperçu que seule cette nuance importée avait cette équivalence CMJN. Toutes les autres nuances en ton direct de mon nuancier étaient en équivalence LAB (je ne sais pas à partir de quel version le document reçu a été fait). Le plus surprenant, lorsque j'ouvre un nouveau document et que j'importe le graphisme reçu en P.1797 U (avec la bonne teinte d'affichage), ce graphisme se remet en couleur d'affichage "fade" et erronée.
    Avant avec la version CS : Pantone 1797 (en C ou en U) la conversion CMJN était : C0 M100 J100 N4 (ce qui est exact par rapport à un VRAI nuancier Pantone Color Bridge qui donne bien les bon % de CMJN
    Maintenant avec la version CC : Pantone 1797 U =  C13,52 - M80,34 - J59,29 - N1,31 (donc plus RIEN à voir avec la teinte d'origine) et en Pantone C idem : Pantone 1797 C =  C11,65 - M91,01 - J76,32 - N2,06 (là aussi, cette conversion est fausse).
    pour illustrer mes propos, j'ai fait des copies d'écran à partir du document reçu (avec Pantone 1797 U nickel) et (avec Pantone 1797 U actuel sur ma version CC) :
    ma fenêtre "couleur" à partir du document reçu (avec Pantone 1797 U nickel) :
    ma fenêtre "couleur" à partir d'un document créé sur mon ordi avec ma version CC avec le même ton direct prit sur mon nuancier PANTONE solid uncoated :
    On peut s'apercevoir que l'icône en couleur (en dessous de 100%) est sur le 1er en CMJN par défaut et sur la deuxième image en LAB (le carré avec un rond grisé indique que c'est un ton direct).
    Comment avoir PAR DÉFAUT l'équivalence en CMJN (comme sur la 1ere image) et non en LAB (voir 2ème image) ? Est-ce lié à la version CS ou CC ?
    Comment résoudre ce pb d'affichage ?
    Autres copies d'écran (avec un double clic sur ma couleur P.1797 U afin d'avoir les options), toujours à partir du document reçu et d'un document créé sur mon poste de travail :
    - Sur le document reçu, la couleur s'affiche correctement et les indications sont : une conversion CMJN par défaut dans la fenêtre d'option de couleur :
    VERSION OK avec couleur vive qui ressemble à la vraie teinte sur un nuancier Pantone papier.
    - Sur mon document (créé sur mon poste de travail), la couleur s'affiche mal et les indications sont : une conversion LAB par défaut dans la fenêtre d'option de couleur :
    et même si je passe en CMJN (dans le menu déroulant de l'option de nuance), le résultat est bien différent du document reçu. les pourcentages CMJN n'ont rien à voir avec la réalité ni avec les anciennes couleurs Pantone U :
    Ce problème est le même dans Photoshop et dans InDesign : Dans les attributs de couleur (toujours en prenant le Pantone 1797 U), dans les palettes couleurs ou option de ton direct, etc, l'équivalence est en LAB par défaut... alors qu'elle était en CMJN sur les anciennes versions.
    COMMENT RETROUVER CETTE ÉQUIVALENCE CMJN PAR DÉFAUT (dans la fenêtre couleur) à côté de la couleur Pantone choisie ???
    Je ne parle pas du petit menu déroulant qui propose une conversion de la couleur Pantone en CMJN, RVB ou LAB.    Je parle vraiment du mode de conversion par défaut en LAB (type info qui s'affiche sur la fenêtre "couleur" lorsqu'une couleur est sélectionnée)... POURQUOI CES INFOS SONT EN LAB PAR DÉFAUT ? J'aimerai avoir l'équivalent en CMJN comme sur les anciennes versions CS.
    Attention, je ne parle pas non plus de la fenêtre "options de tons directs" ou il y a normalement possibilité de "choisir les définitions de couleur pour les tons directs du fabricant".... j'ai cliqué sur "utiliser les valeurs CMJN des catalogues quadri du fabricant"... D'ailleurs, même en cliquant sur l'autre option (en LAB), cela ne change rien à mon soucis d'affichage et au fait que le logiciel propose par défaut une équivalence en LAB dans la fenêtre "couleur".
    Y-a-t-il un réglage à faire ou est-ce que la version CC est par défaut avec des infos "d'équivalence LAB" sur les couleurs ???
    Je désespère un peu... beaucoup, svp help ! Cela me pose des soucis avec les BAT envoyés aux clients qui ne retrouve pas leur couleurs... J'ai beau expliquer que la teinte Pantone choisie s'imprimera correctement, ils ont du mal à comprendre et cela devient difficile lorsque je dois convertir des illustrations CMJN en Pantone U, je dois vraiment me base sur le nuancier papier, je ne peux plus me fier aux couleurs d'écran... embêtant quand même. Heureusement j'ai un nuancier Pantone color Bridge qui me donne les équivalence mais...
    Merci d'avance si vous avez la réponse.
    Olivier T - Côté Graphic

    In CS 6 may be, but not in my CC... Even if I click on CYMK, the color
    does not change and the equivalent is made in LAB by default (to see
    small icon LAB on the "color" window next to the 1797U which stays by
    default on LAB even if CMYK is marked) in " options of nuance ", the LAB
    is by default.
    Then, in " options of nuance ", if I make CMYK, here is the result
    openly (frankly) nobody, no ?
    I already had to try your system but it seems that CC does not want to
    give me of good colors Pantone U in the screen.
    Then, I know in the printing that my color will be printed well, no
    worries but this display of screen is too bad it's a pity!
    It is not a progress but that is the way it is it is CC !
    Bye & thank's a lot for all
    Le 24/02/2015 16:19, Ton Frederiks a écrit :
          Problème d'affichage des couleurs PANTONE solid Uncoated >
          Différence entre les versions CS et CC ?
    created by Ton Frederiks
    <https://forums.adobe.com/people/Ton+Frederiks> in /Illustrator/ -
    View the full discussion

  • Indesign CS4 Pantone color book, Solid Coated giving the wrong color

    I am trying to add a Panton color to my swatches panel. Under Swatches I am selecting "New Color Swatch -> Color Type: Spot ->Color Mode: Solid Coated". What happens next is get a box where I can type the Pantone number I would like ... to the left of this box it reads "Pantone DS". So all of the color choices I might make are not for "Solid Coated" but rather for "DS". I have no idea what "DS" is and it is not what I selected. I selected "Solid Coated". Once again, I am using Indesign CS4 on a Mac Pro ... still running OS 10.4. Can someone please assist me?
    Thank you in advance.

    Thank you for your response. I have checked the pulldown menu several times. I have checked again as of reading your response. It seems that no matter what Pantone choice I select under the Color mode I get your second window that you posted. On top of that, I have captured the window that comes up when I initially start the add new color swatch .... it looks like this ....
    Please notice that the Pantone DS is already beside where you would key in the Pantone number, even though the color mode I am in is CMYK. This does not change when I switch to Spot as shown below.
    So I do not believe there is something flawed about my method. It seems as if the Pantone Color Book information is missing for everything else other than the Process Coated.

  • Pantone Plus V2 Swatches

    Are the Pantone Plus V2 Swatches available for download for CC2014?

    In your bottom capture the 187 swatch is from the the legacy Pantone library where solid color swatches were defined as CMYK. Here I'ved saved the old pre CS6 coated library and 187 is defined as a spot color but with CMYK values:
    Starting with CS6 the solid swatches are Lab definitions and if you chose to convert them to process CMYK, the conversion is color managed Lab to CMYK and the results will depend on your document's CMYK profile and not a Pantone set value. If you select the swatch and look at the Color panel you can see the definition is Lab and the type is Spot:
    If you don't want a color managed conversion for CMYK simulations use Pantone + Color Bridge, those swatches are defined as CMYK and the Type is Process

  • Pantone solid to process conversion using Adobe Illustrator CS5

    Hello everyone.
    I´m having a little problem converting a solid color to process using the Adobe Swatch Libraries.
    I own a Pantone Color Bridge Coated and Uncoated set books and I chose the color 3262 C for a client of mine.
    On the book the equivalent process color for this solid one is C 76 M 0 Y 38 K 0.
    But, when I select the same solid color on Adobe Illustrator, and I ask to convert to process, the software is giving me different CMYK coordinates. The software is showing the "correct" process color equivalent to 3626 C is C 78 M 0 Y 32 K 0.
    Ok, now my questions:
    - Which one I should consider as the most accurate solid to process conversion? The book or the Adobe conversion?
    - Maybe my Adobe Illustrator is not updated? I downloaded the digital Libraries from Pantone web site and I´m still getting this mismatch.
    - Maybe the book is not updated ? I just bought the "Pantone Plus Series" this week - it´s the most update book of Pantone!).
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Well, I think I found my answer. And it´s easier than I thought.
    I contacted the Pantone suport and they just realize I was talking about other book.
    I have the Pantone Color Bridge Books. But not the standard ones. I have the Plus Series (with the green cover). This is the most updated books from Pantone.
    The Plus Series has different CMYK equivalents, because in this edition they unified the European and the North American CYMK standards.
    And of course, because of that, the Adobe swatches libraries was outdated.
    Then I just downloaded the new PANTONE PLUS Digital Libraries for Adobe on Pantone´s web site. Now I can pick the right color, just selecting the Pantone+ in the swatches libraries. Here is the link: http://www.pantone.com/pages/Pantone/Pantone.aspx?pg=20721 (you have to be a registered member to download it).
    Now I have the same both CMYK coordinates from the book and from the Adobe conversion.
    Thanks to everyone who tried to help!

  • Do I need the Pantone Solids books anymore?

    Anyone using Pantone Color Bridge swatch books which offers web and 4C process simulations of all spot colors? I haven't had a new pantone book in at least 15 years and decided this is the year I update.
    My thinking is that since I rarely print spot color anymore, color bridge and the cmyk books (both in coated and uncoated) might be my best choice. However, though 90% of what I print is 4C digital or offset, people still request pantone colors not realizing that almost everything prints process. Pantone Essential includes spot, bridge and cmyk process. Basically, I'm on the fence regarding getting the pantone solids books which seems redundant these days in the age of short run digital printing as needed. I haven't printed LH, Env and BC solid offset in many years. Envelopes are just about the only thing I still print in PMS colors. But having said that, I print many many short run envelope jobs on my digital press (Ricoh 651EX).
    I would appreciate any feedback, pro and con. Thanks.

    people still request pantone colors not realizing that almost everything prints process...
    Basically, I'm on the fence regarding getting the pantone solids books
    I think designers often use the Pantone system as an alternate to color management, and that would work if they were always printing solid inks which of course they are not. So we see many threads about Pantone colors either printing or displaying incorrectly.
    The Pantone Bridge colors are single CMYK process builds and how closely they simulate the solid ink printing in Pantone's solid ink formula guide, depends on the 4-color press conditions—the color builds are device dependent. It isn't clear what device or press conditions the Pantone Bridge colors target, but I would bet it's not your Ricoh 651EX. So you could print a Pantone Bridge swatch chart from your Ricoh 651EX and reference it rather than the Pantone solid swatch book and get more reliable color.
    The alternative is to make color managed conversions from the Pantone Solid+ Lab (device independent) colors to your press profile. Whether that works depends on the accuracy of the press profile and the understanding that some colors or considerably out-of-gamut. Also using Ink Manager's Spots to Process to make the conversion can be problematic if the color is a tint. See this thread—Re: Ink Manager Bug/Problem?

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    wumbo6 wrote:
    when i chatted with the cisco support guy he walked me through manually changing all my settings.  yea i tried power cycling.
    Can you tell what is the IP address of the router? the printer and the NAS?
    Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.

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    See this KB article to learn how the new Search Bar works - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/search-bar-add-change-manage-search-engines-firefox
    If you want the old Search Bar scheme back do this.
    Open up '''about:config''' ''(typed in the Location Bar)'' and toggle this preference to '''''false'''''
    Then restart Firefox.

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    I Cash angled the Apple ID and password on my IPad but now cannot download any apps because it wants my old ID and password. It does not recognise the change of ID.

    Have you tapped on the id at the bottom of the Featured tab in the App Store app - when you do that you should get a popup with options for 'View Apple ID',' Sign Out', 'iForgot' and 'Cancel'. Tap on the 'Sign Out' option and log out and then log back in

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    1. I foolishly agreed to install IOS6. Woke up: my phone told me it had a number of fatal errors
    2. Did a RESTORE in iTunes
    3. Did a second RESTORE
      now I have 45 apps missing -- the apps that make the phone so dear to me --
    please help

    I'm in the same boat. Updated to ios6 without doing the research first.
    Now I have things that won't sync correctly.
    Went to the Apple store, they were acting like they didn't know how this could be done.
    They make it seem like you can do anything in the world on an iPhone... except get rid of ios6 and go back to 5.1.
    There has to be a way this can be done. With what seems like so many people upset about the new upgrade, either Apple is gonna step up to the plate with a solution or the people are gonna find one.

Maybe you are looking for

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