WAP200E Repeater problem

I hope someone out there can help me with this case. i have tried to contact linksys support without any luck.
This is the mail I sent Linksys support.
I hope you can help me with this problem. I have installed a small
network with some Linksys WAP200E access points. One of the AP's is
acting as a repeater, but it will not repeat any signals. I have added
the correct MAC for the AP to repeat in the repeating AP, and I have
also ticked the 'allow signal to be repeated' and added the MAC of the
repeater on the other AP.
The access points are not "visible" to each other, therefore I have used
an external antenna, but when I read the user guide it says that the
external antenna is only Tx and the Rx is on the internal antenna. Is
this correct? Do the AP's have to face each other for this to work?
Jon A.

Hey Jon, some further internal discussion with the WAP200E product team has identified some isue with the documentation it seems.  The documentation is slightly misleading, actually what happens when an external antenna is connected, the internal antenna switches to a single Rx and the remaining 1Tx and 1 Rx are switched over for the external antenna's use.  So the external antenna has full Tx/Rx capability and the internal antenna is only operating with a single receive antenna.  Now with that all said, it's always best to try and locate the APs so that they are facing one another, however you should get wireless signal connectivity between them even if they are not.
This leads me to ask, what other type of interferiors may be causing you problems?  Are there many physical obstructions between the two APs?  Are you aware of any other wireless devices/signals in the area that may be causing interference?  How far apart are the two APs?
Something you could try in gauging other wireless signals is using a tool on a laptop like "Netstumbler" or some other wireless specturm analysis tool and do a "walk-around" of the area to see just what other devices may be causing you problems.  I would also try to use a single wireless band (say 802.11g) instead of "mixed-mode" and then see how far you can walk around the area with a laptop running the wirless spectrum analyzer tool to help you gauge the signal strength you are getting from the main AP.  Of course any type of physical obstructions like trees, buildings, etc. are apt to cause signal degredation.  I assume the APs are mounted outside, especially the external antennas?
Sorry for the previous confusion, and the product team is aware of the documentation issue and will address that in the next publication.  Thanks for your patience and continued feedback!
Best Regards,

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    Troubleshooting 2. Direct Assistance
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    Hi Peter,
    Which firmware version are you using on the SRP547?
    If you haven't done so already, please grab the latest version from www.cisco.com/go/srp500.

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    First off, i tried almost every idea i could get to solve this on my own but now im...aaa...
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    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-family: verdana;
    text-align: center;
    background:url(back_index3.png) repeat-x scroll 0 0 #E4E4E4;
    #main_wrapper {
    width: 959px;
    margin:0 auto;
    background:url(backslice.png) repeat-y;
    #header {
    width: 959px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    padding-top: 0px;
    padding-bottom: 0px;
    #topmenu {
    width: 959px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    #body_container {
    width: 949px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    #content {
    width: 645px;
    border-right:1px solid #ffffff;
    #sidebar {
    width: 283px;
    #footer {
    background-color: #686768;
    margin:0 auto;
    border-top: 1px solid #F6F6F6;
    width: 100%;
    <html xmlns="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="3css.css" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html" />
    <div id="main_wrapper">
         <div id="header">
          <span id="header_logo">title</span>
         <div id="topmenu">
         <div id="body_container">
          <div id="content">
    content to be added
          <div id="sidebar">
    <div id="footer">
    Thanks in advance if somebody can help me out here.
    you can see an image of the problem in the attachement down thr... thnx

    <html xmlns="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="3css.css" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html" />
    <div id="main_wrapper">
         <div id="header">
          <span id="header_logo">title</span>
         <div id="topmenu">
         <div id="body_container">
          <div id="content">
    content to be added
          <div id="sidebar">
    <br clear="all" />
    <div id="footer">
    Hope this will work well

  • Method repeat problem

    Hi guys.
    have some prob with the following, appreciate the help.
    the Main Method is,
    asking the user to input a specific number, if the specific number does not match it repeats the same message input.
    i use the if statement to do this(not to sure whether it is correct,
    i want to use the while loop, but does not know how to put it)
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    it will square root the specific input number but does not pops up the input message when the input number is not the specific number.
    i think the problem lies in the if statement on where i put it or i need to use the while loop.
    below is the program.
    statements in bold is the pop up screen
    Ask user to input the number;
    IF \\ the number match
    double numbered = number(input);
    show values of square root of input  is numbered
    ELSE IF \\ the number is not match
    Ask user to input the number; \\ask the user to input in the specific number again
    public static Double number(double x)
    double squareroot = Math.sqrt(x);
    return squareroot;

    I may be opening up a can of worms here but in the few years I have been learning Java I have never used a do-while loop. Perhaps that is a short-coming of my own but your use of it looks real messy.
    I've taken the code I wrote earlier and have included the message dialogs to show you how to use the YES_OPTION. It works well and is less complicated than your attempt. There is probably a neater solution but hopefully you can take something from this.
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Checker{
         private int theAnswer;
         public Checker(){
              theAnswer = 1 + (int)(Math.random() * 100); //generate a random number between 1 and 100
         //Get input as per your earlier code
         private void getInput(){
                 //get the input from the user here;
                 String inputStr;
                int input; 
                inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null, "Enter a number between 1 and 100");
                input = Integer.parseInt(inputStr);
                validateInput(input); //now check the input
         private void validateInput(int d){
              //invalid input. Tell the user they have made an error and call getInput() again
                 if(d < 1 || d > 100){
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Number is not between 1 and 100!", "Input Error!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                 //entry is ok
                      //check if the input is the answer
                      if(d == theAnswer)
                      //correct answer given
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Correct!", "Good guess!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                      //wrong answer given
                           //let user choose whether they want to guess again
                             "Wrong answer. Would you like another go?",
                             "Guessing Game",
                             null) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
                           getInput(); //call to getInput() again as user has selected yes
                      //if the program has got here either the user has correctly guessed
                      //or the user chose not to guess again.
         public static void main(String [] args){
              Checker c = new Checker();
    Message was edited by:

  • Repeated Problems Accessing Secure Network - Which Pref Do I Delete?

    More often than not, when I awaken my 20" iMac G5 from sleep or do a cold startup, it won't connect to my home network. It's an Airport Extreme closed network using WPA encryption. I'm running 10.4.6 on my G5. When this occurs, it tells me that none of my "trusted" networks can be located, do I want to logon to one of the other local networks in my area (there are a couple).
    When I try to log on manually by selecting "Other" in the Airport menu bar dropdown menu, often it takes me 4-5 times to logon even though I know I'm entering the name, encryption level, and password correctly. The error I get is always "The selected network does not support this method of encryption" and gives me the option to try again. After a few repeats, I can get on.
    I'm figuring that I have some corrupt preferences file or files somewhere. Do I delete them (if so, which ones?)? I've done both hard and soft resets, yet the problem has recurred.
    Any suggestions for this annoying problem would be appreciated.
    iMac G5, 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    On your Mac.......
    Open System Preferences (gear icon on the dock)
    Open Network
    Click on WiFi on the left
    Click Advanced at the lower right
    Here you will see the connection order list for your Mac
    Make sure that your preferred network is at the top of the list. If it is not, drag it there.
    Click OK at the lower right of the window then click Apply and close the windows
    Restart the Mac to see if it will connect to your preferred network now.

  • Pattern repeat problem

    Hello community!
    I have a problem with a pattern / pattern origin. matter of a fact i have had this problem numerous times:
    i create a pattern. the pattern looks good, everything cool. i switch back to my actual artboard/layer/drawing surface. I create a box and fill it with the pattern, let's say in the middle of the artboard. all of a sudden the pattern originates in the middle, on the side or i don't know where... and for whatever reason i can not give it the origin that i want..?! how can i set a point of origin for the pattern without having to transform it into a path or of the kind?
    If the patten was really bad i took it and shoved it into an InDesign document, placed it as needed and printed it that way.
    But there has to be an easier way?
    Waiting for help,
    i have added these shots for orientation.
    the white part at the bottom was taken from the top and shoved in at the end of the pattern repeat o_O
    (the right image is as it should be and how it looked like in the pattern creating tool; the left image is how the pattern came out)

    The pattern's origin is positioned at the rulers' origin; (x=0 / y=0). To control its proximity to the object, align the object's top-left extent to the ruler origin, or vice-versa. To make it stick no matter where else you move the object,  expand the object's fill.

  • Nested Repeater Problem

    Hi All,
    I have a nested Repeater structure (please see attached
    code). There is an outer Repeater which contains a VBox with
    another inner Repeater inside that. I add items one at a time to
    the Repeaters to create a tree like structure that should look
    If the outer Repeater is set with recycleChildren="true"
    then the inner Repeater data is shown incorrectly, specifically it
    looks like:
    Inner0 (Should be Inner1)
    If the VBox between the outer and inner Repeaters is removed
    then the Repeaters work correctly.
    I believe there is a problem here in that when a Repeater
    recycles it's components it checks to see if each component is also
    a [nested] Repeater and if so it executes that Repeater. However,
    if the nested/inner Repeater is not a direct descendent of the
    outer Repeater (ie. in this example there is a VBox between the
    inner and outer Repeaters) then any [grand]child Repeaters are not
    Has anyone else come across this? Am I doing something wrong
    and/or is there a workaround? I may be able to fix it if I can
    force the Repeater to execute, but unfortunately the execute method
    is private.
    Incidentally, I do not want to set recycleChildren to false
    as this causes a flicker, and I need the VBox inbetween for layout
    Thanks a lot,

    Hi Chris,
    I was excited when I see your question because I am having the same issue now, but I was turned down when there is no reply to your questions. Do you happen to solve this issue after all? Your feedback will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

  • Repeat problems

    I know this one is probably a stupid error, but I am missing it. I'm trying to modify an existing script for Photoshop, and update it, but I'm having problems reading the name of the file every time.
    This snippet of code should be saved as an app, so you can drop many files on it. My problem is that it the script works properly the first time through, but fails on the second file of the group.
    I know it has something to do with the " set the savedname to my changename(fileprops)" because everything works until I process the name through the old subroutine. What is it that I'm not understanding on why this will not work?
    on open draggeditems
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS4"
    set sourcefiles to draggeditems
    repeat with thisFile in sourcefiles
    with timeout of 7200 seconds
    open thisFile showing dialogs never
    end timeout
    set docRef to current document
    set fileprops to name of docRef
    set filePropsNoExtension to text items 1 through -5 of fileprops --problem is here on 2nd file of group
    set filePropsNewExtension to filePropsNoExtension & ".tif"
    tell application "Finder"
    set filePrefix to the name of the container of thisFile
    set myTiffFileName to ((((folder of thisFile) as string) & (filePrefix & "_" & filePropsNewExtension)) as string)
    display dialog myTiffFileName
    set the savedname to my changename(fileprops)
    set myWebFileName to ((((folder of thisFile) as string) & (filePrefix & "_" & savedname)) as string)
    display dialog myWebFileName
    end tell
    close without saving
    end repeat
    end tell
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    end open
    on changename(fileprops)
    set search_string to "."
    set the replacement_string to "_srgb."
    set sum to count text items of fileprops
    if sum > 33 then
    set filepropstrunk to (text items 1 thru 33 of the fileprops) as string
    set fileprops to filepropstrunk as string
    end if
    if fileprops contains the search_string then
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
    set the textlist to every text item of the fileprops
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
    set the newname to the textlist as string
    set newname to fileprops & replacement_string
    end if
    end changename

    My guess is that the problem lies in how you're playing with AppleScript's text item delimiters.
    In the first iteration through your loop you:
    set the savedname to my changename(fileprops)
    This handler changes the TIDs to "_srgb." and does not change them back:
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
    So now, in the second iteration through your loop, the line:
    set filePropsNoExtension to text items 1 through -5 of fileprops
    Is trying to break the filename into text elements based on "_srgb." and is almost certainly doomed to fail (unless you have some really strange filemames ).
    The solution is to clean up after yourself in the changename handler - namely restore the TIDs before returning. You do have an (incorrect) attempt to restore the TIDs within the open handler, but that only gets executed at the end of the run (after all iterations of the loop) since it's outside the repeat block.
    So your changename handler should look more like:
    on changename(fileprops)
      set search_string to "."
      set the replacement_string to "_srgb."
      set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters -- save the original TIDs
      set sum to count text items of fileprops
      if sum > 33 then
        set filepropstrunk to (text items 1 thru 33 of the fileprops) as string
        set fileprops to filepropstrunk as string
      end if
      if fileprops contains the search_string then
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
        set the textlist to every text item of the fileprops
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
        set the newname to the textlist as string
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims -- restore the original delimiters now we're done with them
        set newname to fileprops & replacement_string
      end if
      return newname -- pass back the result
    end changename

  • Step and Repeat Problem in CS3-Urgent!

    I was working on a file, step and repeats was working just fine. Then suddenly within the same file it got messed up somehow.
    Whenever I type in a decimal point (say 4.5) and I move on to the next field it will default to a higher number (say 5). It is not letting me do decimal points!
    I did replace preferences (and yes I got the pop up on the start menu). And the problem is still there.
    And it happens in all files, not just the one.
    Please help, the MUST be working right or else I can't do my job!
    CS3 5.0.4 Mac 10.5.8

    Well, it wasn't. But I rebooted again (after replacing preferences) and so far it seems ok. Weird.
    I'll post back up again if I have any problems.

  • Wap200 roaming problems

    I know that there was couple of similar topics but none of them seems to be solved.
    We have 6 AP's WAP200, all of them configured with the same SSID and diffrent channels. When i walk with a terminal or a laptop it looses couple pings when roaming between these ap's. Can anybody help me with that???
    I can see that i'm not loosing the signal so terminal associates with another ap immediately but then it looses connectivity to the ip network for a bit. With laptop it is not a problem but with termianls it is a huge one because it terminates user sessions with telnet server.
    Please help !!!!

    Hi, My name is Eric Moyers. I am a Network Support Engineer in the Cisco Small Business Support Center.
    With any of the small business AP's when roaming between AP's you are going to have a small drop like you are experiencing. The main reason for this is that within the small business arena none of our AP's can do seamless roaming. The one exception is for the AP541N access points which can be clustered together. But even those will have a small drop when roaming between AP's.
    The only option for total seamless roaming is moving up to an Enterprise level of AP's that can be controlled by a Wireless LAN Controller. With that scenario Your WLC controls the roaming and keeps the clients associated without any loss of connectivity.
    I wish I had a better answer for you, but if the terminal connectivity is mission critical I would consider looking at some of the solutions our Enterprise group has in that area.
    Eric Moyers
    Cisco Network Support Engineer

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    i just got a GRAY screen of DEATH for my iphone today. i was wondering what can i do to fix it other than restoring? have anybody got this before? tyvm for your help!

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    Hello Everybody, I am new in MDM. and like to know if is possible do change data from xi over web service in MDM. I am using MDM SP4 , mySAP2005 and like to import data(Matmas) from XI to MDM. but MDM and MySAP2005 are not connected, could you give m

  • CS5 Benchmark with PPBM4

    This is a double post as many readers here do not necessarily read the Hardware forum Harm's Beta CS5 benchmark with PPBM4 is now posted!  WOW!  And all that improvement without a CUDA graphics card so when we see the Mercury Playback Engine addition

  • My iPod won't turn on and it makes an eerie beeping noise

    I took it to a Genius Bar yesterday and the iPod was working and today it went to its original state as the day i took it there and they said that it needed to be restored which it did and it was also to be charged for 5 hours, which it did, and they