Warning: _oci_open_server: ORA-12154... ( plz... )

I use linux + php4.0 + oracle 8.1.5 ...
First, it worked very fine...no error...
Suddenly it didn't worked...
and such errors...
Warning: ociopen_server: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name
i know this error occured that TNS configuration is wrong...
but TNS is right....
Ordinaril it works....sometimes it doesn't work.....
please help me...

You are probably starting Apache as root. Make sure you have the proper environment variables defined (i.e. ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and TNS_ADMIN). Normally you'll get the 12154 error if there is an error in your tnsnames.ora file or if the software cannot find it.

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    I have installed oracle app. server Rel2 on winXP professional, after installation when i try to connect through PLSQL editor it says error ORA-12154 unable to resolver service name. I have checked for tnsnames.ora file in ORA_HOME/network/admin and i cant find it. so what to do ?

    <br>Sorry, I'm confusing, do you install Oracle database server, or Oracle application server ?</br>
    <br>Perhaps the Oracle Application Server - General is more suitable in your case.</br>
    Message was edited by:
    N. Gasparotto

  • Php3 + oracle + apache - ORA-12154

    I build php3 with oracle support, installed oracle 8.1.5 on
    RedHat 6.0 and used dbassit and netasst to configure it.
    Oracle works fine. I can use sqlplus and read table from Acces.
    But, when I try to log on oracle with php3, it does not work :
    here what i try to run :
    print "<HTML><PRE>";
    $db = "WWWITT";
    $c1 = ocilogon("scott","tiger",$db);
    here my tnsnames.ora :
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = apache)(PORT = 1521))
    here my sqlnet.ora:
    NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = ittralee.ie
    here my listener.ora :
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = apache)(PORT = 1521))
    (SESSION = NS)
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (GLOBAL_DBNAME = orapache)
    (ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/oracle8.1.5)
    so what did i did wrong ?
    thanks, ronan

    You may require ODBC access to your Oracle database; this can be
    provided by Openlink Software at http://www.openlinksw.com. We
    have many clients using PHP scripts on Linux/Unix to connect
    with Oracle running on remote servers (or the same machine).
    Good luck!
    Guest (guest) wrote:
    : Ok..I think I know what's the problem is. Ok, here are 2
    : scripts, working and NOT working:
    : <? $conn = ocilogon("username", "password","DB"); ?>
    : Error: Warning: oci8_open_server: Error while trying to
    : text for error ORA-12154
    in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/oracle.php3
    : on line 4
    : WORKING: <? putenv("ORACLE_HOME=/path/to/oracle");
    : $conn = ocilogon("username","password","DB"); ?>
    : Works for me...!
    : Hope this will help!

  • ORA- 12154 Error: while php connect to oracle?

    While I use OCILogon connect to Oracle9i,show error message as follow:
    Warning: ociopen_server: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12154 in /var/www/html/inc/sev.inc.php on line 57
    most of people think of its tnsname' problem,but I modify my tnsnames.ora,and sqlplus can connect with correct username and password.
    page source as follow:
    function db_connect()
    $connect = OCILogon("system","manager","test");
    if ($connect)
    return $connect;
    return -1;
    server Env: linux red hat 8.0,apache 2.0.44,php4.3.1,oracle9.2.0
    please! Thank in advance!

    Do you have more than ONE oracle homes created?
    Does your PATH env. variable correctly references the ORACLE_HOME directory?

  • Php connect to oracle 8i,it occur ORA-12154

    Warning: ociopen_server: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12154 in /SOHU/community/bbs/html/inc/dbcon.php3 on line 4

    Do you have more than ONE oracle homes created?
    Does your PATH env. variable correctly references the ORACLE_HOME directory?

  • Troubleshooting PHP ORA-12154

    I have studied the php troubleshooting faq - I have php5+apache2 set up on what I think are two identical servers. One works, the other doesn't. Both establish ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN in the httpd script right before starting httpd.
    I have a test file where I to getenv on both ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN and print them out - they look fine.
    Then the script tries to connect to the database. In the server that fails, I get the error "_oci_open_server: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12154" as if it is clueless about ORACLE_HOME. What gives? How can I troubleshoot?

    Ahah! The trick is to make sure that the /home/oracle folder is chmod to 755 from the default 700. All the installed files are neatly 755 except if the baseline /home/oracle folder is 700 httpd can never look in there!

  • ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified (sqlplus)

    Hi All,
    I don't know if this has ever been posted, but since I've spent a week figuring it out (no joke, a week), I thought I would post it so that no one else has to waste this much time.
    "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified" from what I've seen on this site is a major problem for a lot of people, but I did not find a reference to my specfic problem.
    My Database is called "ordidm"
    userID: SYSMAN
    password: p@ssw0rd
    My specific issue was the following:
    I can....
    - Connect to the database via the client "admin assstant" GUI in Windows while supplying the userID and password using the "Database Authentication".
    - Connect via sqlplus as "/as sysdba"
    - "tnsping oraidm" passes works just fine.
    I CANNOT....
    - connect to oraidm at the dos prompt by using sqlplus, regardless of whether or not I supply all the user authentiocation information and db name on one line, or...if I just type "sqlplus" at the command prompt and then enter the userID and password when prompted. Every time I get the "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified" error message.
    Ready for this?? (some may have guessed this already) The problem is the "@" in my password. After looking closely at the trace logs, I noticed that one of the entries was...
    [09-MAR-2009 08:23:12:921] nnftrne: Original name: ssw0rd
    Remember that the format for connecting on one line at the dos prompt is
    C:/> sqlplus SYSMAN/p@ssw0rd oraidm
    or you can do the following...
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.WIN2K3>sqlplus
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Mar 9 09:08:50 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Enter user-name: scott
    Enter password:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    (BTW-I just started using the "scott" ID because from what I understand, changing the SYSMAN userID password is kind of a pain. Figured just using "scott" ID would be easier to test)
    So of course what it's doing is counting everything after the first "@" as the database name...which of course it can't find in the tnsnames.ora file. Also, contrary to some other posts I found here and there, enclosing the userID and/or passowrd in quotes does not do any good. Apparently, even when using the 2nd method...in the background, the end result is it must pass the whole thing as one long string much like in the 1st method (as you will get the same truncated "Original Name" of "ssw0rd" in the log)
    So...the question is, why does Oracle even allow "@" in the password if it will become an issue with sqlplus??? Also, if you can't (or shouldn't) use it, why isn't it documented somewhere? At the least I would expect the installer to at least warn you ahead of time that an "@" is not suggested. I don't remember it being there. Maybe it's just me and I'm just missing this info somewhere
    I sincerely hope this saves someone else a week of their life. ;-)

    user8100001 wrote:
    Hi All,
    I don't know if this has ever been posted, but since I've spent a week figuring it out (no joke, a week), I thought I would post it so that no one else has to waste this much time.
    "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified" from what I've seen on this site is a major problem for a lot of people, but I did not find a reference to my specfic problem.
    My Database is called "ordidm"
    userID: SYSMAN
    password: p@ssw0rdThere are restrictions from oracle side how should password look:
    Passwords can be from 1 to 30 characters.
    The first character in an Oracle password must be a letter.
    Only letters, numbers, and the symbols “#”, “_” and “$” are acceptable in a password.
    And password must not be a reserved word (look into v$reserved_words).
    And as You can see sysman password containt "@" - this is not allowed.
    My specific issue was the following:
    I can....
    - Connect to the database via the client "admin assstant" GUI in Windows while supplying the userID and password using the "Database Authentication".
    - Connect via sqlplus as "/as sysdba"
    - "tnsping oraidm" passes works just fine.
    I CANNOT....
    - connect to oraidm at the dos prompt by using sqlplus, regardless of whether or not I supply all the user authentiocation information and db name on one line, or...if I just type "sqlplus" at the command prompt and then enter the userID and password when prompted. Every time I get the "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified" error message.
    Ready for this?? (some may have guessed this already) The problem is the "@" in my password. After looking closely at the trace logs, I noticed that one of the entries was...
    [09-MAR-2009 08:23:12:921] nnftrne: Original name: ssw0rd
    Remember that the format for connecting on one line at the dos prompt is
    C:/> sqlplus SYSMAN/p@ssw0rd oraidAnd here You can see why this symbol is restricted as full syntax for sqlplus in this case will be:
    sqlplus username/password@oraidm
    but in Your case @symbol already is in password.
    Here can be used a small trick
    sqlplus sysman/"p@ssw0rd"@oraid
    or you can do the following...
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.WIN2K3>sqlplus
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Mar 9 09:08:50 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Enter user-name: scott
    Enter password:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    (BTW-I just started using the "scott" ID because from what I understand, changing the SYSMAN userID password is kind of a pain. Figured just using "scott" ID would be easier to test)
    So of course what it's doing is counting everything after the first "@" as the database name...which of course it can't find in the tnsnames.ora file. Also, contrary to some other posts I found here and there, enclosing the userID and/or passowrd in quotes does not do any good. Apparently, even when using the 2nd method...in the background, the end result is it must pass the whole thing as one long string much like in the 1st method (as you will get the same truncated "Original Name" of "ssw0rd" in the log)
    So...the question is, why does Oracle even allow "@" in the password if it will become an issue with sqlplus??? Also, if you can't (or shouldn't) use it, why isn't it documented somewhere? At the least I would expect the installer to at least warn you ahead of time that an "@" is not suggested. I don't remember it being there. Maybe it's just me and I'm just missing this info somewhereActually Oracle is not allowing this if You will just try to
    alter user scott identidified by p@ssword
    You will get error message (ORA-00922: missing or invalid option), but You can
    alter user scott identified by "p@ssword" - and that will work.
    These double quotes will allow to overide Oracle restrictions.

  • Bad public user name or password. ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the conn

    I tried by all means to resolve the issue, but still i am not able to configure P6 professional to my existing database.
    I am always getting error " *Bad public user name or password. ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified*".
    I am able to connect to database using pubuser or privuser via CMD.
    I also tried through Net Configuration Assistance but no success.
    Plz help me in this issue.


  • Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12154

    I try to install php 5.1.2 on a WIN2003 server and IIS6 with the OCi8 extension without success from several days.
    On my server I've a 920 oracle client and the 10.1 instant client, I copy the tnsnames.ora in the instant client's directory.
    I've declare many environnement variables :
    - TNS_ADMIN : E:\...\oracle\instantclient_10_1
    - ORA_NLS33 : E:\..\oracle\920\ocommon\nls\ADMIN\DATA
    With the php command line the oci_connect function correctly works : the php command line use the instant client's tnsnames.ora. I can query with success my database.
    When I try to load a web php script (the same as the php command line script) I have the following error " Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12154" ( oci_connect( $user , $pass, $sid ) . The $sid variable have the value of an alias declared in the tnsnames.ora.
    If I replace the sid's alias by something like this " (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xx.xx.xx.xx)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xx)" in the oci_connect function, I have another error : Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12705.
    A web page with the phpinfo function displays the following messages about oci8 extension : It seems to be correct.
    OCI8 Support enabled
    Revision $Revision: $
    Active Persistent Connections 0
    Active Connections 0
    Temporary Lob support enabled
    Collections support enabled
    Do you have any idea ? Thanks a lot

    The web server is not seeing the Oracle environment correctly. You need to set PATH to the instant client libraries. ORA_NLS33 is not used for Oracle 10g clients. Perhaps you have some library conflict with two versions of Oracle on the machine?
    These may help:

  • DNS Set Up system throw as ORA-12154; TNS :could not resolve the connect id

    While i'm creating DNS set up system throws below message
    unable to connect
    DNS Set Up for instantclient(win32- system throw as ORA-12154; TNS :could not resolve the connect identified specified.
    operationg system:xp
    dir path:C:\Oracle\instantclient10_2
    TNSNAMES.ORA(C:\Oracle\instantclient10_2\NetWork\ADMIN) Contants
    YourTNSName =sankar
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST =localhost)(PORT =1521))
    (SID =sankar)
    dir contains:

    user7197586 wrote:
    I have been created one DBLink it's created but when i am trying to access the data through the link it's raise error as
    "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified"
    created this above dblink
    Kindly Suggest to wau out.
    When using a dblink, the database with the link is acting as a client to the remote database ... exactly like sqlplus running on the db server.
    read: http://edstevensdba.wordpress.com/2011/02/26/ora-12154tns-03505/ ora-12154tns-03505

  • ORA-12154 when using Database Link

    We're running 11r2 on our servers. I have a primary db and a standby db, using Data Guard. The standby is open for read-only querying. We are not using ASM.
    The primary (and thus the standby) have a PUBLIC database link to a third db server.
    When I run a query against the database link on the primary: select * from test@MyDBlink; Everything works fine.
    When I run the same query against the database link on the standby: select * from test@MyDBlink; I get ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier.
    I check that the db link exists on the standby. It does.
    I go to command prompt on the standby and run "tnsping MyDBlink". It executes fine. It says "Used TNSNAMES adapater to resolve the alias" and sure enough, MyDBlink is referenced in the TNSNAMES.ORA.
    I also run "tnsping IP-of-MyDBlink" to doublecheck. No issues.
    What is going on that is blocking the db link on the standby? Many reports utilize that standby and I'd hate to deny them the functionality of a db link.

    893968 wrote:
    We're running 11r2 on our servers. I have a primary db and a standby db, using Data Guard. The standby is open for read-only querying. We are not using ASM.
    The primary (and thus the standby) have a PUBLIC database link to a third db server.
    When I run a query against the database link on the primary: select * from test@MyDBlink; Everything works fine.
    When I run the same query against the database link on the standby: select * from test@MyDBlink; I get ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier.
    I check that the db link exists on the standby. It does.
    I go to command prompt on the standby and run "tnsping MyDBlink". It executes fine. It says "Used TNSNAMES adapater to resolve the alias" and sure enough, MyDBlink is referenced in the TNSNAMES.ORA.
    I also run "tnsping IP-of-MyDBlink" to doublecheck. No issues.
    What is going on that is blocking the db link on the standby? Many reports utilize that standby and I'd hate to deny them the functionality of a db link.
    ThanksMost people with this problem don't understand that the dblink is just another client, no different than sqplus running on the same machine - and therefore the link uses the tnsames in the ORACLE_HOME of the database containing the link. But it seems from the steps you've described that you've grasped that. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is when you try sqlplus from the standby server you are hitting a different tnsnames than the one the database is using.

  • Sql@loader-704  and ORA-12154: error messages when trying to load data with SQL Loader

    I have a data base with two tables that is used by Apex 4.2. One table has 800,000 records . The other has 7 million records
    The client recently upgraded from Apex 3.2 to Apex 4.2 . We exported/imported the data to the new location with no problems
    The source of the data is an old mainframe system; I needed to make changes to the source data and then load the tables.
    The first time I loaded the data i did it from a command line with SQL loader
    Now when I try to load the data I get this message:
    sql@loader-704 Internal error: ulconnect OCISERVERATTACH
    ORA-12154: tns:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    I've searched for postings on these error message and they all seem to say that SQL Ldr can't find my TNSNAMES file.
    I am able to  connect and load data with SQL Developer; so SQL developer is able to find the TNSNAMES file
    However SQL Developer will not let me load a file this big
    I have also tried to load the file within Apex  (SQL Workshop/ Utilities) but again, the file is too big.
    So it seems like SQL Loader is the only option
    I did find one post online that said to set an environment variable with the path to the TNSNAMES file, but that didn't work..
    Not sure what else to try or where to look

    You must have more than one tnsnames file or multiple installations of oracle. What i suggest you do (as I'm sure will be mentioned in ed's link that you were already pointed at) is the following (* i assume you are on windows?)
    open a command prompt
    set TNS_ADMIN=PATH_TO_DIRECTOT_THAT_CONTAINS_CORRECT_TNSNAMES_FILE (i.e. something like set TNS_ADMIN=c:\oracle\network\admin)
    This will tell oracle use the config files you find here and no others
    then try sqlldr user/pass@db (in the same dos window)
    see if that connects and let us know.

  • ORA-12154 while installing Oracle 10g on windows 7

    I am trying to install Oracle 10g express edition on my machine (core 2 duo 2.93) running on Windows 7.
    The installation moves on perfectly for the 1st step and while running the 2nd step (Net configuration Assistant), it gives the ORA-12154 error.
    The contents of my configuration files at this point are as follows:
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (ORACLE_HOME = F:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    ORCL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
    And that of tnsnames.ora is:
    ORCL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
    After some googling around, I have found and installed the Microsoft Loopback adapter too (since my LAN is DHCP enabled) and also tried to turn on the firewall on my machine to check if it is not a problem with the port 1521 being blocked by the firewall.
    However, even after all that I still get the error "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified." while running the Net configuration Assistant and/or running SQL Plus to connect to the SID - ORCL.
    I can only see one service running in my services by the name : OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListenerORCL
    Any suggestions or advice on the error would be much welcome.
    Is it anything related to Windows 7 ? Because I have managed to install using the same installer on another machine which runs Windows XP and everything seems fine there.
    Thanking you all in anticipation.

    user12753151 wrote:
    Hmmm.. but then I'd have expected some installation error. I have read around that people have managed to install oracle on windows 7.
    The error displayed seems to be indicating that there is some configuration or permissions issue.Check that the user has permission to write in the ORACLE_HOME\network\admin - UAC might be blocking that.
    Install with software only, and run netca & dbca separately to create the database after the s/w install. (That's the way it is done in production anyway, so get used to it.)
    But yes - you still may have problems. Those who did fake it out on Windows 7 usually understand what to do. If you are smart enough to actually do it, my hat is off to you.

  • While logging I am getting error ORA-12154:

    I am getting this error, while logging.
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service namePls Wat I need to do,

    hi coolguy,
    my sqlnet.ora file is
    # SQLNET.ORA Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\ora92\network\admin\sqlnet.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH= (TNSNAMES, ONAMES, HOSTNAME)and my tnsnames.ora file is
    # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\ora92\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = PLSExtProc)
          (PRESENTATION = RO)
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ast16)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = sandb)
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ast16)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = SHARED)
          (PRESENTATION = http://HRService)
      )and my computer name:
    Full computer name:  ast16.astserver40.com
    Domain                  :  astserver40.comand I tested in command prompt, with tnsping which is mentioned you I am getting this error
    C:\>tnsping sandb
    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 21-NOV-20
    07 11:20:22
    Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    TNS-03505: Failed to resolve namewhere's the problem....
    Message was edited by:

  • Error while trying to retrieve text for errror ORA-12154

    I have an Oracle8 database installed and able to connect it from my Desktop running Windows 2000 Server.
    I have setup my PL/SQL developer ver 6 on my laptop running Windows XP Pro SP2 and the oracle client with Net8 service setup. Able to logon via sqlplus command.
    However, when i run the PL/SQL program and enter the logon info, it couldn't connect and prompt me this error.
    Thanks for your help in advance.
    Warmest regards,
    Tony Ang
    MSN: [email protected]

    Can you please post the error details that you are getting while connecting from PL/SQL developer.
    The error ORA-12154 is generaly TNS:could not resolve service name .
    Also perfrom these steps
    1)Verify that a tnsnames.ora file exists.
    2)Verify that there are not multiple copies of the tnsnames.ora file.
    3)In the tnsnames.ora file, verify that the net service name specified in your connect string is mapped to a connect descriptor.
    4)Verify that there are no duplicate copies of the sqlnet.ora file.
    5)If you are using domain names, verify that your sqlnet.ora file contains a NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN parameter. If this parameter does not exist, you must specify the domain name in your connect string.
    6)If you are not using domain names, and this parameter exists, delete it or disable it by commenting it out.
    7)If you are connecting from a login dialog box, verify that you are not placing an "@" symbol before your connect net service name.
    Hope this helps.

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