Warning on Gen2 1TB drive failing

I have seen a few posts and now within a couple of weeks have seen the 1TB drive A1302 fail.
The drive is a WD black caviar.. I am sure posting this warning will not help many people.. other than posthumously..
These drives seem to be failing in large numbers now.. they don't all seem to fail in the same way but it is the first time a drive in the TC has become generally faulty. So if the TC goes bad it is likely that both power supply and hard drive are shot.
Store any files you want to keep off the TC today.. now.. do not wait.
The cost of fixing both TC power supply and hard disk makes it uneconomic. Just buy a new one. IMHO!

The failures you are reporting refer to problems with data contained on the drive, where Disk Utility is unable to repair the associated files or directories so that they may be read correctlty. The drive hardware is probably still working fine & not permanently damaged by the corrupted data. In most cases, if you reformat the affected drive (after recovering what files you can) you will then be able to re-use the drive. If Disk Utility is able to reformat the affected drive, the your drive has not been "bricked."
Since you described multiple failures with various drives, it's important to rule out possible electrical problems which can result from damaged/defective USB cables, or under-powered drives. Any AirPort-attached hard drive should have its own power supply, and not depend on the AirPort or a USB hub to provide spin-up power. You should also be aware that Apple has received multiple reports of similar symptoms — corrupted data and directories on USB attached drives attached to AirPort Base Stations.
Since Apple is in the very early stages of recognizing an issue with the file handling firmware embedded in AirPort Exremes (and possibly Time Capsules) you can help the effort to identify & fix this problem by reporting your issue to Apple Wireless Technical Support.
Meanwhile, run Disk Utility frequently on any USB drives used with your AirPort — particularly if you're making frequent changes to the drives' contents. (FYI — DiskWarrior appears able to detect/correct minor disruptions to a drive's contents before Disk Utility is able to spot them.) For the time being, vigilance is probably your best defence …

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    To free up hard drive space the best bet is to move data files that you don't need access to all the time. Likely candidates are music, video, and photos. Things like word processing and spreadsheet files can also be moved but they tend not to be very large and so don't free up much space. The problem with moving the above mentioned files is that iTunes and iPhoto need to know where the files are stored.
    Here's an article explaining how to move the iTunes folder. You can move the iPhoto library using the Finder but there is a slight complication. Start iPhoto, open the Preferences and click on the Advanced tab. The first option is "Copy items to the iPhoto Library". If this option is checked, copy the iPhoto library to your external folder (drag it from the Pictures folder to your external drive) and then delete it from your Picture folder. If this option is not checked, it is a bit more complicated and we'll need to talk a bit.

  • Should I return a HGST 7K1000 1TB drive that has "Pre Fail" attributes in SMART?

    I recently bought a drive from OWC (Other World Computing) and already this follows:
    smartctl 6.1 2013-03-16 r3800 [x86_64-apple-darwin12.3.0] (local build)
    Copyright (C) 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org
    Model Family:     HGST Travelstar 7K1000
    Device Model:     HGST HTS721010A9E630
    Serial Number:    JR10006PGXWHBE
    LU WWN Device Id: 5 000cca 6accd219b
    Firmware Version: JB0OA3J0
    User Capacity:    1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB]
    Sector Sizes:     512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
    Rotation Rate:    7200 rpm
    Device is:        In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
    ATA Version is:   ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 6
    SATA Version is:  SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
    Local Time is:    Sat Oct 11 17:59:57 2014 PDT
    SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
    SMART support is: Enabled
    SMART Enabled.
    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
    General SMART Values:
    Offline data collection status:  (0x00) Offline data collection activity
      was never started.
      Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
    Self-test execution status:      ( 245) Self-test routine in progress...
      50% of test remaining.
    Total time to complete Offline
    data collection: (   45) seconds.
    Offline data collection
    capabilities: (0x5b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
      Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
      Suspend Offline collection upon new
      Offline surface scan supported.
      Self-test supported.
      No Conveyance Self-test supported.
      Selective Self-test supported.
    SMART capabilities:            (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
      power-saving mode.
      Supports SMART auto save timer.
    Error logging capability:        (0x01) Error logging supported.
      General Purpose Logging supported.
    Short self-test routine
    recommended polling time: (   2) minutes.
    Extended self-test routine
    recommended polling time: ( 165) minutes.
    SCT capabilities:       (0x003d) SCT Status supported.
      SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
      SCT Feature Control supported.
      SCT Data Table supported.
    SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
    Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
      1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000b   100   100   062    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
      2 Throughput_Performance  0x0005   100   100   040    Pre-fail  Offline      -       0
      3 Spin_Up_Time            0x0007   165   165   033    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
      4 Start_Stop_Count        0x0012   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       11
      5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   005    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
      7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000b   100   100   067    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
      8 Seek_Time_Performance   0x0005   100   100   040    Pre-fail  Offline      -       0
      9 Power_On_Hours          0x0012   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       19
    10 Spin_Retry_Count        0x0013   100   100   060    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
    12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       8
    191 G-Sense_Error_Rate      0x000a   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
    192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       2
    193 Load_Cycle_Count        0x0012   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       143
    194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0002   153   153   000    Old_age   Always       -       39 (Min/Max 19/40)
    196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
    197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0022   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
    198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0008   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
    199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    0x000a   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
    223 Load_Retry_Count        0x000a   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
    SMART Error Log Version: 1
    No Errors Logged
    SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
    Num  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error
    # 1  Short offline       Completed without error       00%         5         -
    SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
        1        0        0  Not_testing
        2        0        0  Not_testing
        3        0        0  Not_testing
        4        0        0  Not_testing
        5        0        0  Not_testing
    Selective self-test flags (0x0):
      After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
    If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
    Should I return the drive? I am a bit scared because my old drive failed and this was to be a replacement.

    "Pre-Fail" is a type of statistic collected under SMART, it does not imply the drive is failing.
    You should check the "man" page at http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/man/smartctl.8.html#index to see further details.
    Since the drive has been up for only 19 hours, it should work well. The OWC warranty is https://eshop.macsales.com/service/warranty_info.cfm.
    If it is a very old drive, but has been recently put in service, it should still provide good service. OWC is usually very good about warranty. You should maintain good backups for critical data, including an on-site and off-site backup, if you can.

  • Can I replace a 1TB drive with a 2TB

    I own a first generation Time Capsule with a 1 TB drive (6,106.) The light just started flashing amber and the message with Airport Utility is "Internal Disk Needs Repair." Assuming the drive has gone south, can I replace this 1TB drive with a 2TB one, or is there a BIOS restriction.

    It is just time.. the TC were designed to run too hot for the power supply to last.
    The fan should be running all the time as indeed they do in the new versions. The supply will be on the edge and in fact what you are experiencing maybe power supply.. it depends.. if yours is Gen1 with 1TB hitachi drive I have yet to see a dead drive.. lots of dead supplies.
    If you have Gen2 they changed to WD black.. and lots of the drives are dead.. the typical WD fail 3 spin ups and then nothing. Tell me if you have A1254 or A1302.. from the bottom rubber Mat top line.
    New Green drives are lower power consumption but due to their design of spinning down whenever possible they have a bigger motor for start up.. it pulls 2A at 12V and the power supply in the early TC cannot sustain it.
    So if you replace disk you really need to replace power supply.
    I have a lot of suggestions.
    https://sites.google.com/site/lapastenague/a-deconstruction-of-routers-and-modem s/apple-time-capsule-repair
    And even repair kits.
    But the design is fully explained.. so if you want to DIY you can.
    I have had several people come to me after upgrading the hard disk and finding it then didn't work.. due to power supply being on the edge and a replacement with external 12v supply fixes it.
    But is it economic.. ?? That is the question.. If you have a Gen1 with an hitachi drive it could be worth it. As the drive could still be good.. pull it out and test it.
    Otherwise buy a second hand Gen4 with 2TB drive already in it. They sell for around $180 here if you shop well. A Gen4 is cheaper than power supply plus hard disk repair for a Gen1 or Gen2 and you get 50% faster hard disk access with the same drive... (TC are processor bound and later ones have 50% faster processor) and better wireless. Or get a new TC.. which is a big jump in price but comes with full warranty.

  • "attempting to copy to [external drive] failed. the disk could not be read"

    this is a problem on my 2x3GHz quad-core intel xeon macPro running os 10.5.7, and itunes 8.2. i have a 1TB external hard drive (firewire 800) that holds all my music for itunes. i have never had any problem with this setup before, until recently.
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    BUT a new problem now happens any time i try to add more music to my itunes library. i have always added music to itunes by setting up my preferences "add file to library" and have the itunes library pointing to my external hard drive. then by dragging the files on-top of a playlist, it sorts and adds the files to my external hard drive. i have been using this process for years without any glitches.
    now when i try to drag files into itunes, i get: "attempting to copy to [external drive] failed. the disk could not be read from or written to"
    i double checked the read/write privileges on my external drive and nothing has changed since i got it. (it's still read/write access for my user.. and i've even tried putting a "read/write" for "all" as well. no dice)

    thanks, that actually doesn't help the issue i'm having.
    but now the problem has expanded to finder and everything else. so i'm pretty sure the external hard drive is starting to go out. i'm currently attempting to back up all 700GB of info from the drive.

  • Hard Drive Failed Need Help!

    Hey guys, heres my story. My hard drive failed last week (wouldnt go past white screen), took it to genius bar, they ran Disk Warrior and it seemed to fix it. As a precautionary measure I bought a 1tb external drive and backep up my system via time machine. Today my imac froze and I am having the same problem, wont boot past white screen. I am 2 months out of my warranty and need to know what is the easiest fastest and cheapest fix since I am a college student. Also are any of these options possible?
    1) Install OS X as a clean system and use my external HD to load my system.
    2) Buy another external HD and boot up from that?
    3) Buy another internal HD and have someone install it (not sure how much this would cost though)
    If anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it.

    All 3 of those are possible however #1 and 2 are not favorable. I would suggest to first run a few tests to make sure that your hard drive is actually bad.
    1) The first test like Larry suggested is to boot up to your Mac OS install disk, but do not go through the installation process. Instead go to the Utilities Menu at the top and open Disk Utility. If your drive does not show up in the left hand column then the drive is likely bad.
    2) Insert the original iMac install disk like in step 1 but this time when you startup hold down the "d" key. This will load up the Apple Hardware Test. Run the Extended test. If it passes everything then this means your computer is ok just the hard drive is bad.
    3) However if in step 1 Disk Utility does see the hard drive first try Repairing the Disk. If this fails you might try reformatting the drive and reinstalling Mac OS X as the problem could be an issue with the system software.
    4) Which should actually be step 1 is to disconnect all of your external devices like hard drives and see if you still cannot boot. Keep everything disconnected during testing.
    The problem is hard drive failures can be intermittent. One minute it works the next minute it doesn't even see a hard drive. Good luck though and let us know how it goes.

  • Coppying lib (350GB) to an external drive failed

    Since my iMac is becomming full, while my lib grows (350GB) i thought to move the lib to an extrenal drive. This failed twice on diferrent drives,1tb.
    Story: My lib contains everything (+ masters). First I bought a WD MyBook essential (Mac journaled) and faced the problem that after fast copying of approx 1 GB the copying speed turned down tremendously (a few MBs /minute) and the remaining copying time went up to a 100 h!!. I stopped copying. The diagnose tool showed me no errors on the drive. In the shop I bought the drive they changed it to an Hitachi 1tb drive. But after installing the drive (also mac journaled) the same problem occured?
    Whats wrong?
    Is it not possible to copy such big files.
    Do I have more chance with NTFS (how to re-format)
    Is it in general a good idea to work with such a big lib on an external drive with usb 2.0.
    In former times I worked with having just the masters on external drives, but after having too much broken links, I turned to put the complete lib on the iMac (24", 640GB).

    Get FW800 drives, and let the copy operation run.  The reported copy time will drop.  It may still take a long time (but easily less than a day) to copy everything.  A 350 GB Library could have well over a million files in it.
    Do not use any drive format other than Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
    In short, there is nothing wrong.  You need a bigger pipe (FW) and more patience.
    You will likely experience faster Aperture performance if you leave your Library on your system drive and move your images' Masters to your external drive (thus changing them from Managed to Referenced).  This is a bit of an administrative hurdle (things to learn, and you'll need a non-trivial back-up regime), but you reached the point at which it is time: your Library has outgrown your system disk's storage capability.
    You might be able to run Aperture with acceptable performance with just your Masters on an external USB drive (I'd import new Masters as Managed, and move them to Referenced after 45 days or so, and leave all 5-star images' Masters as Managed), but I don't think you'll ever get acceptable performance with your entire Library on a USB drive.

  • IMovie -Problem restoring events after external hard drive failed.

    iMovie 09 – The external hard drive failed where I stored my 2012 events.  I do not have a backup copy of these events. I bought a new external drive and named it exactly the same as the old drive. Then I uploaded archived original video clips to it recreating the events.  I used the exact same event names.  However when I view the projects I made from the original events, I get “this clip’s media file is not currently available”. The file path I created should be the same as the old, so why does the project not recognize the recreated events?  Any suggestions what I could try?
    If I were able to retrieve and copy the old events from the failed drive to the new drive, would that work?
    Has anyone successfully dealt with this problem?

    That's a very interesting scenario that you've described. I've been concerned about a potential situation arising where I may need to restore Events from a backup drive. However, your situation is somewhat different in that you've had to re-import the Events to a new drive from an archive.
    My main video drive is a Maxtor One Touch III Turbo comprising two 500GB drives set up as a RAID 0. So, effectively it appears as one drive totalling 1TB, with data being written to both drives simultaneously (but not mirrored). However, if one drive fails, the other becomes ineffective as it contains only partial data about imported clips (the remaining data being on the failed drive).
    I backup the Maxtor to a portable 1TB drive by cloning it using SuperDuper. My thinking has been that, if the Maxtor fails then a simple rename of the backup drive to the same name as the Maxtor is all that will be required for iMovie to retain the linkages between Events and Projects. I hope this is the case!
    I hope you get a solution to your predicament - sorry I can't offer any useful advice!

  • LaCie 1TB Drive on it's Death Bed?

    Hello all,
    I've got a LaCie 1TB drive that I've had now for about 4 years… It's got a little space left on it ~36GB. I can copy files off of it fine but I can't copy files to it, nothing. Not even a single .jpg file without getting the following message
    "The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data could not be read or written.
    (Error code -36)"
    I've tried with countless files and copying to and from other drives and using other CPUs but this one drive won't allow files to be copied to it. I've used 3 different drive utilities and each one says that the drive is fine. But it's clearly not.
    Here are a few things I think I might have to do but just can't…
    1: Buy a new 1TB drive and transfer everything then erase and copy back. (Too expensive and unnecessary)
    2: Back up 1TB to DVD-R erase then copy back. (Too expensive and unnecessary)
    3: Erase the drive and try to recover the deleted data. (Too risky as the data is needed)
    4: Erase the drive and start over. (Unbelievable but…)
    5: The drive is 4 years old and should die this year, retire it. (???)
    Any advice on this is greatly appreciated. Also what is the expected life of a RAID0 drive setup. I know if one of the drives fail all of the data is irrecoverable isn't it?

    desioner wrote:
    Also what is the expected life of a RAID0 drive setup.
    I don't know if there's any particular "life expectancy" difference for RAID 0, but I do know that for every drive you add, you're that much more likely to lose all your data.
    I know if one of the drives fail all of the data is irrecoverable isn't it?
    Right, because it puts little parts of the files on each drive. RAID 0 is all about speed (and living dangerously). When I was using a lot of RAID 0 drives, I only put stuff on them that I felt I could lose. And sometimes I did lose it.

  • New iMac 750 GB Hard Drive Fail Smart Drive Test - Glitch or Problem

    I have a new 24" imac with 750 GB hard drive which has had problems out of the box (system crashing several times a day/unable to re-start/application crashes/general sluggishness).
    Five re-installs of Leopard (upgrade/clean install/install and erase)in five weeks when I finally used the latest version of Drive Genius and TechTool Pro (4.6.1). Both claimed hard drive problems. Specifically, TechTool Pro reported smart drive failure (see report below, please).
    This seemed to confirm my suspicions that something was flawed with my iMac from the start.
    I have returned the computer for a new hard drive.
    The Apple-approved repair shop says they've installed a new 750 GB had drive sent by Apple and when they run TechTool Pro, they get the same smart drive failure report. The techie claims this is either a glitch with TechTool Pro, or with the hard drive, but that I have nothing to worry about.
    What's your opinion?
    Many thanks for taking the time to read this.
    Saturday, December 29, 2007 1:18:12 AM US/Pacific
    S.M.A.R.T. Self-Checks <Failing!>
    Model: ST3750640AS Q
    Mount Point: /dev/disk0
    Capacity: 698.64 GB
    Writable: Yes
    Ejectable: No
    Removable: No
    Bus: Serial ATA
    Bus Location: Internal
    Revision: 3.BTH
    Serial Number: 5QD2JVNE
    disk0s2: Ma
    disk0s3: Pa
    disk0s4: Peppi
    S.M.A.R.T. stands for Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology. This test checks and reports on the status of the S.M.A.R.T. routines built into your drive. These routines monitor important drive parameters as your drive is operating. An examination and analysis of these parameters can aid in the prediction of drive failure. This will allow you to back up your data before your drive fails and the data becomes inaccessible.
    S.M.A.R.T. Self-Checks
    Attribute Normal Worst Threshold Status
    1 Read Raw Error Rate
    100 253 6 Okay
    3 Spin Up Time
    95 92 0 Okay
    4 Start/Stop Count
    100 100 20 Okay
    5 Reallocated Sectors
    100 100 36 Okay
    7 Seek Error Rate
    78 60 30 Okay
    9 Power On Hours
    100 100 0 Okay
    10 Spin Retry Count
    100 100 97 Okay
    12 Power Cycle Count
    100 100 20 Okay
    187 Unknown
    100 100 0 Okay
    189 Unknown
    100 100 0 Okay
    190 Unknown
    41 37 45 Failing!
    194 Temperature
    59 63 0 Okay
    195 HW ECC Recovered
    63 61 0 Okay
    197 Current Pending Sector Count
    100 100 0 Okay
    198 Off-Line Scan Uncorrectable Sector Count
    100 100 0 Okay
    199 Ultra DMA CRC Error Count (Rate)
    200 200 0 Okay
    200 Write Error Count
    100 253 0 Okay
    202 DAM Error Count
    100 253 0 Okay
    S.M.A.R.T. Self-Checks <Failing!>
    Tests Completed
    Threshold levels are exceeded occasionally. You should consider backing up your data from the hard drive. You should continue to check the hard drive for failures.
    S.M.A.R.T. Self-Checks <Failing!>

    Greetings, all!
    This has been my first posting, despite having owned 5 Macs over twelve years - which goes to show you how reliable they are, most of the time.
    I am very impressed with the thoughtful responses, and I really, really appreciate you taking the time to respond.
    Here's an update since my last posting. I picked up my repaired(?) iMac from the Apple-approved repair shop. The technician's report said (referring to the original hard drive Seagate ST3750640AS Q) "The drive has passed and boots into the OS without issue. Confirmed the smart status of the hard drive shows failed, but this is for an unknown attribute. This may not really indicate the drive is failing, but could be a possibility. Since all of the other tests have passed, I feel it is best to replace the drive under warranty for the customer.
    About the new hard drive, the technician wrote: I have run a third-party smart utility on the (new, replaced) hard drive again and I have found that it is failing with the same error. The Apple test shows the smart status as OK.
    I have researched this error and I have found that this attribute appears to be for temperature. Since both drives showed the exact same error, this attribute can be safely ignored for smart status. I was not able to replicate any issues with this machine other than the smart status failure so I do not think there is any other hardware failing in this machine.
    If the customer continues to have issues, I would recommend reinstalling the OS one more time. If the issue still persists after this, then the customer should bring in the computer when issues are still happening so we can try to determine the cause of the problem better.
    At first, my iMac was performing much better, but as I began to migrate data from back-up, I was not able to connect/re-establish my iphoto library, or re-establish my Apple mail accounts( both of which I have done countless times in the past without hassle).
    I decided to run Apple's Disk utility which reports it cannot repair the new drive.
    Just prior to my original posting, I had sent a copy of my posting to Micromat (TechTool Pro) asking for their opinion/advice.
    Their response was: The SMART routines are built into the hard drive by the drive manufacturer. They are proprietary and different for each drive manufacturer. TechTool Pro just reads the status of the built-in SMART parameters and reports their status. Basically, a threshold exceeded indicates that the drive has exceeded what the manufacturer thinks are proper operating parameters for it and it may be getting close to failing. For an interpretation of the seriousness of a specific attribute failure you would need to contact the drive manufacturer. A failure is a warning to be sure to keep good backups and consider replacing the drive. If you get a SMART failure on a drive that is under warranty, the drive manufacturer will typically replace the drive.
    Following are two links that might be of interest:
    I also took your (Looby) advice and called Seagate. (I also visited their web site, which recommends replacement of their hard drive under these circumstances!)
    Within a couple of minutes, the tech person agreed that this is a serious concern and I should replace the drive.
    Regarding Wiil's post, Apple's Disk utility says: smart status verified.
    The SmartReporter utility reports the smart status is OK.
    The SmartUtility application says:smart status failed. ID: #190 Unknown attribute.
    For all other posters, this was not a New Egg purchase, which was not relevant to my post. Thank you just the same.
    I've left a message for the Apple-approved store and will ask for another drive, and that, if possible, it be tested before I bring my iMac in to reduce the inconvenience.
    I'm also wondering if I should switch to a 500 GB hard drive, although that would defeat the purpose of buying the larger drive for all the video I work with ( I have another 2 Terabytes storage with external drives).
    Any further comments welcome - and thank you all again for taking the time!

  • Installing Solaris 10 on X2100 with 1TB drive

    I am trying to install the latest Solaris 10 (X86) on an Sun X2100. The installation fires up fine until it tries to set up the hard drive and then it fails with the following error message:
    The installation then stops and I go to the shell. The drive in the machine is a 1TB Western Digital SATA. Has anyone ever run into this problem or know a way to troubleshoot this? I have 10 machines that I need to configure. One would think that Solaris would easily install on a Sun box.
    Thanks for any help!

    They have an onboard RAID controller but when I looked at the BIOS setting it is not enabled to use RAID. I have 2 1TB drives in the machine and the install throughs the error I mentioned above. It appears to have partitioned the disk and set up the slices though. I know this because I can swap the drives and look at the backup drive after the install fails via format and it looks like it has the correct label on it and it.
    Thanks for any help!

  • Help! Lost all Captured Video Files Using FCE 3.5 and Lacie 1TB Drive

    Hi all...
    I was wondering if anyone here could advise me on a most dissapointing occurence...
    A few weeks ago, I started learning Final Cut Express 3.5. I began by setting my scratch disk to my new Lacie 1TB drive and loading about 5 tapes to the drive via the capture function in FCE... all went well. I then spent the next couple of days organizing all the clips and subclips into bins that I made based on the kind of clips I had shot (my first doc attempt on a local photographer).
    Editing a trailer of sorts to practice in FCE, I slowly but surely came to understand the power and functionality of FCE... things were going well. Along with the clips, I also added folders on the hard drive with still photographs, title cards made in photoshop and sound clips that I had made of traffic noises with a mp3 recorder (all sound files were converted to aiff files in quicktime pro). All these files from the hard drive were then imported into FCE and put into their own bins in the browser to keep them seperate from everything else.
    Late last night, while opening FCE for another session, the software reported that all of my video files were "offline" and "did I want to reconnect them". I'd had this warning before, but only when my Lacie drive hadn't been turned on while starting up FCE... this time it was on and I was still getting the reconnect warning.
    Now I find that ALL of my video files are gone!! The 200 GB of space they took up on the Lacie drive has been regained... either deleted by FCE or by the drive itself... I don't know which. The weird thing is, that the folders containing the sound, and still photos that i put together are still fine, both on the Lacie drive AND in FCE. You'd think if it was a faulty drive that all files would be deleted, or if it was FCE going beserk, that it would kill all bins, not just the video files...
    This issue really is difficult because I just don't know which item is at fault and I'm reluctant to try downloading all my data again because I don't know piece of hardware is killing my files... My FCE is not a pirated copy... am using a mac book pro 15" 2 years old w/OS 10.4.11.
    Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated!!!
    Thanks very much
    Take care

    Problem solved - I had deleted all the necessary preference files. I did not reinstall Quicktime, thanks for the suggestions, though. I called Apple Care. A very helpful person on the other end of the phone directed me to trash the preferences (again). No luck. He asked me to create a new user, which I had not done, the problem was still there. The fix was a reinstall of FCE HD. All's good now. Thanks, Apple Care!

  • Time Machine restore to new hard drive fails

    This is on a Mac Mini (Early 2009), 8GB RAM,  that was running the latest version of Mavericks. This all started when the 120GB hard drive began failing.  The computer was running slow so I tried to repair permissions to no avail and also to repair the disk, but Disk Utility said there was a serious error and it was not able to repair it.  As it was at nearly full capacity anyway I replaced it with a new 1TB drive.
    I am using an install DVD from Leopard (my Snow Leopard disc is damaged) to initiate the restore.  I've erased the new hard drive and formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled).   I'm able to select my from backups on my external drive and it will go through the entire process of copying everything back (1.5 - 2 hours long) only to give me a message at the end saying there was an error and it could not restore the files.  Restart and try again. (which I have, twice).  My TM backups include 6 user profiles and go back several years (and OS versions).
    I suspect there is a compatibility issue between the Leopard install DVD and the TM backup which is Mavericks.   I've searched through the pondini.org site for assistance but nothing addresses this issue.   I also have an iMac (late 2009) running Mavericks.  Not sure if I can do something through Target mode? 
    I've tried restoring the latest Mavericks backup as well as the last one I had on Mountain Lion but no luck. 
    Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

    Well my day just went from bad to worse.  Somehow I managed to erase the drive with the only copy of my backups. 
    I guess the good news is I get 10 points for solving the problem.  

  • RAID Options with (3) 1TB drives

    Hi Folks,
    Setting up a brand new XServe with Snow Leopard. I have (3) 1TB drives, as well as the 128GB SSD for the OS. Can anyone recommend the best configuration for the setup of these 3 drives? Srtiped or Concatenated? RAID 1 or 5?
    Thanks in advance,

    No one can recommend a setup other than yourself, since you're the one that knows what you plan to do with the server. All anyone here can do is tell you the pros and cons of the various options.
    First off, RAID 5 requires a hardware RAID card - you can't do RAID 5 in software alone, so unless you also have the RAID card that's not an option.
    RAID 0 (striping) gives good performance and results in a volume approximately the same size as all drives combined - so three 1TB drives will yield about 3TB of usable space.
    There is no redundancy in RAID 0, though, so if one drive fails all the data is lost because each file is 'striped' in chunks across all drives
    A concatenated array is similar except that each drive is just appended to the end of the previous one. It offers the same usable capacity as RAID 0 (e.g. three 1TB drives ≈ 3TB space), but offers lower performance (since you can't parallelize the reads/writes over multiple drives. There's still no redundancy but there is a higher chance of recovery if a drive fails (the data on that drive is gone, but data on the other drives may be recoverable).
    RAID 1 mirrors data across multiple (usually 2, but can be more) drives. Data written to disk is written to all drives simultaneously so the loss of one drive doesn't affect availability (the system keeps running off the other drives). Performance is lower than RAID 0, but you gain the redundancy.
    Available space is based on the smallest drive in the set, so using any number of 1TB drives in the array will result in a 1TB usable volume.
    So that's the back-end. It's up to you to determine which is most appropriate for your setup.
    For example, if performance is your primary driver, then striped may be the way to do, as long as you have a viable backup strategy for any data you wanted to keep.
    Striping may also be viable if available capacity is your concern - if you need 3TB of space then this is pretty much your only option.
    However, if redundancy is your concern, then mirroring seems more appropriate as long as your needs are less than 1TB. It doesn't necessarily make sense to mirror three ways, so maybe you mirror two drives and use the third for backup.
    Or maybe you need redundancy and capacity, then maybe you need the hardware RAID card to go RAID 5 (this will yield 2TB usable space, with redundancy to protect against single disk failure).

Maybe you are looking for

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