Warp Stabilizer Cripples My Computer

Just want to know if it's normal for the system to lock up if I apply warp stabilizer. It uses about 20-26 GB RAM out of the 32 GB installed. The clips are pretty long , though - 20 minutes or so. Obviously, it handles shorter clips without locking up. But I can't do much better than 32 GB of RAM. It doesn't really crash the computer (not yet). Eventually it does it's thing, but it does freeze Premiere for periods of time.
I am experimenting with different parameter settings to several clips. I assumed that once the clip is analyzed, I could preview different parameters without having to re-analyze.
CS6, Windows 7, i7-2600 3.4 GHz CPU, GTX580 Amp! Video card.

Trying to stabilise a clip as long as 20 minutes is inevitably going to take an enormous length of time, unless there is very little movement within the frames.  It is not likely to lead to an acceptable result as the movement that is present will probably mean the excessive zoom is applied to stabilise it.
Stabilisation really only works with short clips, ideally with little movement apart from the jitter that is  to be removed.  Otherwise there is simply too much processing required.
If you persist, you will discover the other problem with the warp stabiliser - it rapidly generates enormous project files leading to Premiere slowing to a crawl.  I hate to think what will happen here with stabilised 20 minute clips.
I rarely attempt to stabilise a clip longer than 20 seconds - ideally less than 10 secends - and have long since abandoned the Warp stabiliser even though it gives good results on certain types of clip.  I stick to Mercalli 2.

Similar Messages

  • Warp Stabilizer VFX, did you know

    I have been using After Effects 5.5 [AE] for a while and this is about Warp Stabilizer is After Effects CC [Ae]. Yes Warp Stabilizer in [Ae] is about 3 times faster that [AE] and also offers some very good added features.  Sometimes you need the added features, other times you do not. 
    But did you know:
    While you cannot run multiple instances of [AE] or [Ae] on a single computer, if you have [AE] and [Ae] both installed, you can run both of them on a single computer because they are separate programs.  So now you can do two things at once including Warp Stabilizer.

    Yes, both Warp Stabilizer and the 3D Camera Tracker run as separate, external processes that send their results back to the main After Effects application when they're done.
    Details here:
    memory and storage tips for Warp Stabilizer and 3D Camera Tracker
    Regarding the speed improvements: You say that you've noticed a 3x speedup. We've found that the speedup varies a lot depending on the characteristics of the footage being processed, so I wouldn't count on it being 3x in all cases. I think that our marketing materials ended up saying that the speedup was ~80% (so nearly a 2x speedup) across all of our various tests.

  • Adobe Premiere CC 2014.2: losing rendered files when using warp stabilizer

    I am constantly losing rendered files when using the warp stabilizer. So far I have tried about every hint I could find on the web such as cleaning the cache, rebuilding the rendered files, creating additional sequences etc etc.
    Honestly I am getting tired of using a product that isnt cheap in the first place to rent and where a bug like this apparently persists over several product versions without being fully fixed (I have had this problem throughout 2014 but according to forum postings others seem to have problems with much earlier versions as well).
    I would be really grateful if somebofy has any suggestion how this can be addressed.
    I am also happy to help testing fixes - if there are any fixes available.
    Thanks a lot and Happy New Year!

    Hi Catherine,
    Welcome to the Adobe forums.
    Please try the steps mentioned below and check if it works for you.
    1. Launch Premiere Pro and create a Project, go to File menu>Project Settings>Renderer and change the Renderer to Software only mode, delete previews if you get a prompt and then try to import the clip.
    2. If step 1 fails or the Renderer is already on Software only mode, go to Start Menu and search for Device Manager, go into Display Adapters and Right click on the Graphics card to select Update driver software option, on the next screen choose "Browse my computer for driver software", then choose "Let me Pick from a list..." option and from the list select "Standard VGA Graphics adapters. You might need to change the screen resolution of your screen and once done restart the machine again.
    Launch Premiere Pro and import the clip to check.

  • Premiere Pro CC's Warp Stabilizer BUGS...see for yourself. (7.0.1 & 7.1)

    I'd love to hear from Adobe Staff on this one. Hopefully they can focus on fixes over features for the next update, especially for one it's most touted effects.
    Warp Stabilizer works great at stabilizing clips in Premiere Pro CC...but I'm beginning to learn that it's quite buggy. The two bugs below simply cripple the user experience when you use the effect a lot like we do. Here's a link to a sample project with just 2 clips (around 1 minute in length each) on two separate timelines with each clip stabilized using the Warp Stabilizer effect. It's only a sample/test project meant to show the issue which can be MUCH larger in a longer/bigger project. Relink to any longer media and you'll quickly see what happens when you have multiple warp stabilizers applied to a Premiere Pro CC project and how problematic it can be.
    See for yourself.
    Two VERY Annoying BUGS and One Unfortunate Feature:
    BUG #1: (It affects 7.0.1 and the new 7.1 Release/Update)
    1) With GPU Acceleration Enabled and both sequences open, once the timeline render bar has turned yellow, hit save.
    2) Now toggle to the 2nd sequence and you'll notice a delay/freeze as the render bar switches back to red and then yellow again.
    3) Now toggle back to the other sequence and you have the same thing occur. Then, you can toggle back and forth with no delay...until...the project saves (or auto-saves) again...and then the delay/freeze will happen all over again.
    4) Side Note: Even when you right-click on the sequence in the Project window, there's a delay. Right-click on a sequence with no Warp Stabilizers and the drop down list pops up immediately.
    What's the Big Deal?: When you have tons more warp stabilizer effects applied to multiple sequences, not only does it take a while to save, but when it does, you are forced to wait while Premiere Pro freezes momentarily. This affects AUTO-SAVE too!!! The more warp stabilizers, the longer the wait. Our sequences have delayed up to 30-40 seconds depending on how much we've used warp stabilizer in each sequence. Imagine if you have Auto-Save set to every 30 minutes or less, well that means that every 30 minutes or less you'll be forced to stop while premiere freezes up for 30-40 seconds or so (depending on how much this effect is used). Other effects do NOT have this issue.
    BUG #2: (It affects only the new October Release/Update of Premiere 7.1...this issue is NEW and does NOT occur in 7.0.1!!!)
    1) Take the above project into Premiere Pro CC 7.1 (again, this does NOT occur in the previous 7.0.1 release) and hit FILE>EXPORT>Media.
    2) You'll notice a delay while the EXPORT SETTINGS popup opens.
    3) Toggle to different "FORMATS" in the export settings window and there's more delays every time the format is switched.
    What's the Big Deal?: Again, this is a small sample project. When you have a much bigger project with lots more Warp Stabilizers applied to many more clips this "delay" can extend up to several minutes!!! Yes, on a recent project over an hour with MANY warp stabilizers applied to lots of clips, it took 7 minutes for the Export Settings window to pop up after hitting EXPORT>Media. And there was about a one minute delay now when switching formats. This occurs whether GPU Accleration is enabled or not. It ONLY occurs on Premiere Pro CC 7.1
    We obviously use Warp Stabilizer A LOT. It's a great effect. The above bugs cripple the user experience. This last issue isn't a bug, but rather a default setting on Premiere Pro's warp stabilizer that should be changed. Within the settings of Warp Stabilizer there's a section called "Method". The default setting is "Subspace Warp". That sounds pretty cool. But in practice, and we have had lots of practice (eg. THOUSANDS of clips stabilized in just the last few months alone (no exaggeration)), we've found that switching the default method to "Position, Scale, Rotation" is a MUCH more effective way to stabilize a clip. Most of the time it cuts down on that "wobble" that you might see in complex moving clips...but more importantly, 9 out of 10 times it crops the video either the same or less than when you use the default method. By "crops less" I mean that the "Auto-Scale %" is less. Of those 9 times, I'd guess 7 or 8 of them would crop in on the video less while the other 1 or 2 times there would be no change to the Auto-Scale %. Less scaling = better.
    What's the Big Deal?: Well, as cool as Subspace Warp sounds, our numbers don't lie. Again, we use this effect on HUNDREDS of clips every week. When you have to go into hundreds and hundreds of clips every week and keep switching the setting so the effect will work better, it gets old real fast. We end up wasting so much time doing this but it's worth it because the results are undeniable. Why not create a CUSTOM PRESET???! Well, that'd be nice if it worked...but it doesn't. The problem with a custom preset like that is that when you drop it on a clip, it doesn't activate/analyze the clip automatically so you have to manually go into the settings and hit analyze which negates any time saved. It's be great if the default "method" was simply changed to Position, Scale, and Rotation. Or at the very least, it'd be great if one could create a custom preset that would automatically activate/analyze the clip it's dropped on (just like the original effect does). 
    (BONUS FEATURE: It'd also be nice to have the ability to set a "max scaling %" too so you never crop in more than a preselected amount...but first things first...fixes over features.)
    NOTE: I'm on a 2011 suped up iMac running OSX 10.8.5

    [r]Evolution wrote:
    Would it help to  Render these Warp Stabaliized clips instead of leaving them in the sequence w/ the Effect applied?
    Any way to "Batch" Warp Stabalize your media before editing so the effect is not needed during the edit?
    Sounds like you guys could benefit from having your shooters use a "Stabalizer".
    Thanks for the rendering tip rEvolution. Rendering the clips does help with BUG#1, however, I'm not sure if it would truly save us any time because of the constant need to render and rerender tons of very short clips with this effect as we make adjustments to the edit. Warp Stabilizer is GPU Accelerated so playback is really smooth which is great but why does saving a project have any effect on this and cause it to freeze up? And then it works great...until the next time the project is saved. Using any other effect, there is no issue (that I've found) when a project is saved or auto-saved.
    Rendering unfortunately has no effect on BUG#2 in Premiere 7.1 (again, this bug/issue did not occur in Premiere 7.0.1)
    Regarding "batch" stabilizing...I'm not entirely sure what you mean. We do stabilize dozens of clips at a time before editing because it's imperative for us to know which clips (the sections we've pulled) will stabilize effectively. And then once the longer edit is complete we end up pulling all the best shots from that long sequence and copy/paste it to another sequence to make a 2nd shorter edit.
    To say we've gone back and forth about the use of stabilizers would be an understatement. The fact is that we've spent almost 4 years creating a unique way to shoot based almost entirely around the effectiveness of warp stabilizer. It's taken years of trial and error but our style of shooting effectively allows us to mimick and thus replace the need for stabilizers, sliders and cranes. The extra freedom allows us to get MUCH more varied coverage of live events. It's different, I know, but it's fun and rewarding having a unique style. Granted the extra work is passed on to the editing side, but it's worth it IMO especially if these issues were addressed/fixed.
    Regarding the "unfortunate feature" I mentioned, I would be satisfied knowing the default method works great for others if one were simply able to apply a custom preset of the clip with the adjusted method and it activated automatically and began analyzing the clip without the need to manually go into settings and hit analyze. That would be nice.
    Thanks again for your input.

  • OpenCL warp stabilizer renders in a small box in the top left corner

    Hi everyone,
    I have just built a new computer with the following specs:
    Premiere 8.1.0 (81) build
    i7 4790s haswell-refresh,
    16gb Corsair RAM (4x4 DDR3 1600),
    Gigabyte Z97MX Gaming 5
    2x A-Data SP920 128gb SSD
    Sapphire Radeon HD 7750
    Windows 8.1 Pro CZ
    Now I know this is a very weak configuration compared to other builds here, but I had hoped it would work fine for my amateur Full-HD workflow of clips mostly under 30mins.
    The problem is; when I enable OpenCL acceleration, then all clips with warp stabilizer become about 1/4 of the preview window; it carries over to the final render. I have tried this both with the AMD card and without it (having OpenCL enabled with the Intel HD4600). No avail.
    Now the funny part is that I used to have this same card running in my previous system; running on an obsolete Gigabyte UD3 with Core i5 750 in it and... IT WORKED! It was with the same Premiere version, running on the same OS. I've ditched that computer just a few days ago, but my new computer has this inexplainable problem.
    The build is not the issue, as I had the computer tested and everything is stable with decent temperatures.
    I am also having quite a lot of crashes while editing, but I think that's due to the infamous RedGiant suite which as I read on the forums is likely to blame. It's ok, i just need to save often. Would Neat Video be better? Does anybody know?
    Another problem is the sluggishnes and lags when my clip reaches beyond 30 mins; I don't think that's ok, my videos produced with EOS M should not be anything demanding for this setup; when I monitor the ram usage, it never gets above 8gb (and yes, I have allowed CC to use up to 13gb of the total ram); also other resources are almost idle during editing.
    The sluggishnes and lag is however even worse in SpeedGrade; over there when I move any slider, I need to wait for seconds! It somehow improves over time, but again, I just have an opinion now that this software suite is very very badly made. I am happy I am not using this to make money...
    Please correct me if I'm wrong and any links that could help me resolve the problems are super-welcome.

    Thanks for the report. We believe we have identified the issue and are working on a fix. For now the workaround is rendering in Software mode.
    Peter Garaway
    Premiere Pro

  • Warp Stabilizer Script Request

    There is an operation that is taking me looong looong time, and I would like to know if there is someone who can write me a script to make the operation faster, that would be fantastic !
    I have my edited video in the timeline, with transition applied and ready to be color corrected, but all my clips are shaky (aerials and handheld) so I need to stabilize all clips.
    So far the best a faster way I found out asking help in the forum is to move every single clip to the upper track, add some handles (1 second each side if available), select "replace with AE composition", in AE select "Stabilize Clip" and setting the options while AE analyze the clip (most of the time I just need to select "smooth motion" or "no motion" and leave everything default, once stabilized I render the clip in lossless format with a codec of my choice, then I go back to Pr, import the rendered clip and replace the original with the rendered one, push it back in place where it was before the handles creation and add the transitions again.
    It's long way.. especially for me that I work with clips that have to be 100% stabilized.
    Is it possible to make a script that makes all these operation automatic ?
    Anyone who can do it for me ?
    Thanks a lot !! that would be VERY appreciated
    Maybe it would be a lot easier if warp stabilizer was a Pr built in filter... hopefuly on next release...

    I wasn't suggesting that stabilizing won't help your shots, I was suggesting that more care be taken in pre-production to save time and money. Any mistake made in production, any shortcut, like not taking the time to properly handle or mount the camera may, and usually does cost more in time and money to fix than it would have taken to do right in the first place. Even a tiny handy cam or DSLR can be held steady if you take a moment to brace yourself, attach a weight or even attach a small tripod that you use as a counter balance and mini steadycam to the camera.
    You can't make a script that will do a round trip from AE to Premiere and back, but you can make an animation preset for stabilizing. May I suggest this workflow.
    Rough cut the sequences that you want to stabilize in PPro leaving handles on each shot. Render the rough cut to a production codec (mpeg streams from DSLR's and GoPros all the way to Panasonic P2 and XD cam take more time to decode and stabilize than a production codec or even a jpeg compressed QuickTime). A handle is a little extra footage at the head and tail of a shot so you can slide things around in editing or use transitions.
    Now bring the rendered footage into AE, create a new comp, and run the Magnum Edit Detector script in AE to detect the edits. This will detect the edits and split the footage into layers. Now create an animation preset by selecting the first layer in the comp, applying stabilize with your favorite settings. Now select Warp Stabilizer in the ECW and go to Animation>Save Animation Preset. Once the preset is saved select the rest of the layers in your comp and select Animation>Apply Animation Preset and push the button.
    Now kiss your computer goodnight and get some rest while it works stabilizing the shots. When the process is complete render your comp, bring the render back into Premiere Pro and do the final edit. Do a scene at a time instead of trying to a whole movie at once. If you want to render individual shots Magnum Edit Detector will even create trimmed pre-comps with the name of your choice for you. This will be much faster than using dynamic link on the entire sequence, it will render in less time, and you'll have more time to enjoy life.

  • Warp Stabilizer in Premiere Pro CS6

    I was glad to see Warp Stablizer in PP so that it would not require AE. However, I found it to destabilize (no pun intended) Adobe Media Encoder such that the video would fail to render and I couldn't retry without restarting the computer. After about four or so reboots, I tried removing the Warp Stablizer effect from one of my nested sequences and suddenly the render succeeded.
    FWIW, I don't know if it's related, but the sequence setting was 720p but the nested sequence that had the warp stabilization applied to only one clip therein was 1080p.
    I do have GPU hardware acceleration enabled (not that Warp Stabilizer uses it that I know of).
    Is this a known issue, and does anyone have any suggestions for a workaround other than going back to using AE a la CS5.5?
    Also, on a side note does anyone know what process I need to kill after a failed render like this so that I don't have to keep rebooting? The dynamiclinkmanager process got rid of a hung Media Encoder on exit but didn't resolve the hung Media Encoder on restarting to render.

    Have you tried rendering just that shot out to a file without the rest of the sequence?    If you can do that then you can reimport that shot in to Premiere and use it 'ready-stabilized'.
    We've exported several sequences that have lots of Warp Stabilizer clips and not seen the problem (yet!). 

  • Premiere Pro CC - Warp Stabilizer causing "Heat Waves"

    I'm using Premiere Pro CC 2014 and when I apply Warp Stabilizer to certain clips I get this weird heat-wave, shimmer-like effect. For the life of me I can't figure out why this is happening. I've tried singling out every variable that I can but nothing matters.
    You can see what I'm talking about here: Dropbox - With WS.mp4
    And here is the clip without WS applied: Dropbox - Without WS.mp4
    The clips I'm trying to stabilize are actually pretty stable already so it shouldn't be an issue for WS normally. It doesn't seem to make a difference whether they're in a 720 timeline or 1080.
    I've tried every setting in WS that I can, including 'detailed analysis' and 'enhanced reduction' on Rolling Shutter Ripple. The only thing that kind of seems to help is applying the rolling shutter repair plugin but even then it's still somewhat choppy.
    The shots themselves don't have any noticeable rolling shutter ripple (slow moving grass shot on a monopod) and they look great UNTIL I add Warp Stabilizer and they get the weird effect. Even though the clips are already pretty stable, I just want to add WS to smooth some of these clips out a little bit. When I replace the clips with an AE comp and WS in AE it's fine! But I want to figure out why this is doing it inside Premiere so I don't have to use dynamic link every time I want to use WS.
    I just got this machine, maybe that has something to do with it...I have no idea.
    System info:
    Mid-2011 27" iMac
    3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB
    OS X 10.9.5
    Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014.1
    Shot on a 5D Mk. III with either a 24 (1080p) or 60 (720p) frame rate and resolution.
    Can anyone help? Thanks

    I don't have answers for you. Sorry. But I have seen that once before on a clip I stabilized. Much like the grass shot you show in your mp4. Mine was of a guy sitting at a pool and the bright plants behind him where flickering like a heat wave/desert-like effect. Only one clip had it and it made me go "hmm...never seen that before." I stabilized hundreds of clips in that project and that was the only clip with that heat wave thing happening. I was on 7.2.2 at the time. And eventually went to 8.0.1 with no change. It didn't bother me enough to do anything about it so I left it. It was shot at 1080p60 from a Panasonic PX270. Strangely I have the same computer as you (except I have 16gb of ram and I'm on 10.8.5). That is very interesting to me that it worked great in AE. Interesting indeed. I'll follow this thread in hopes of a revelation. Fortunately, I don't see that issue much or I'd be screwed.

  • Warp Stabilizer Constantly Crashing Premiere Pro CC 2014

    I have never had an issue applying warp stabilizer to clips, now it constantly crashes my system during the analyze phase. Does not seem to be an issue with any other effects. Have the most current version of premiere CC 2014. Running Windows 8.1 Plenty of memory, etc. Has never been an issue, now it happens every time! Help!!

    I am having similar issue - without the crashing. Any clips I use warp stabilizer on do not retain their render after I close the project.
    What version of Premiere Pro? Include the minor version number (e.g., Premiere Pro CS5.5 with the 5.5.2 update).   v8.0.1 (21) build  2014.0.1 release
    Have you installed the recent updates? (If not, you should. They fix a lot of problems.) Cloud says i'm up to date
    What operating system? This should include specific minor version numbers, like "Mac OSX v10.6.8"---not just "Mac".  Windows 8.1
    What kind(s) of source footage? When telling about your source footage, tell us about the codecs, not just the container types. For example, "H.264 in a .mov container", not just "QuickTime".    mp4 from a gopro
    If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)? no error
    What were you doing when the problem occurred?
    Has this ever worked before? no
    What other software are you running? Chrome
    Do you have any third-party effects or codecs installed? No
    Tell us about your computer hardware. Be especially certain to tell us about third-party I/O hardware (e.g., AJA, Matrox, Blackmagic, MOTU).  Dell latitude e7440 8gb ram, ssd
    Are you using Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration? i dont think so
    Does the problem only happen with your final output, with previews, or both?  clips do not stay rendered in timeline after saving/close a project and reopen

  • Projects Not Opening with Multicam and Warp Stabilizer - "[..\..\src\TickTime.cpp-207]"

    Editing a sequence with multiple nested multicam clips and warp stabilizer, if I close Premiere and reopen it, it says "Premiere Pro has encountered an error. [..\..\src\TickTime.cpp-207]" repeatedly until killed by Task Manager. I have restarted the computer, cleared the media cache and deleted preferences. I can import the sequence into another project and continue editing but if I close PPro I have to create another project and import the sequence again or I get the same error. Help!

    Hi Kevin!
    That is great news. I had a feeling the issue would be gone in the Next PPro. The issue can be easily duplicated by following these steps in CS6:
    1) User warp stabilizer on several clips (like maybe 6 or more or so).
    2) Take two clips and nest them and sync them for multicam on the same timeline as the stabilized clips (NOTE: these two clips don't actually have to be sync'd...just grab any two clips, stack them on top of each other, highlight them both and right-click and choose "nest", then right-click again and "enable" multicam.
    3) Save project. Close project. Re-open project and you'll get the error.
    If you do that in the NEXT version, does the error come up? Also, just while I have you...if you go into the settings of Warp Stabilizer, what is the default "method"? Is it still defaulted to "Subspace Warp" or did they smarten up and realize the option "Position, Scale, Rotation" is actually MUCH more effeciet causing less wobble and less cropping of the video 90% of the time? Just curious.
    Coltom Media Productions,
    I feel your pain. What also stinks is that the error pops up again when you export (or I should say when you queue) up the project into AME. I originally thought the number of continues equalled the number of warps applied but that's not always the case. Although, the more warp stabilizers applied the more times you'll have to hit continue. It often goes in numbers divisible by four. Why do I know all this crazy, useless info...hours and hours of trying to "solve" the issue. Every project I do, every single week has more than 100 clips that are stabilized and multiple multicam sequences so I often have to hit "continue" on the error 300-400 times or more on EVERY project. Can't wait til the next version!
    To see more on this issue you can see the original post on it here (note that the staff has recently (and graciously) led the charge to help isolate and resolve the issue):
    And then also, it definitely made my "Top 15 list" here:
    Good luck!!!...oh, one more thing...the project will open...you just have to keep hitting continue. Sucks, but again, hopefully it'll be resolved soon.

  • What is Warp Stabilization File Extension

    When I archived my project to an external hard drive the warp stablization was no longer applied to the clips, so it appears I will be to restablize all clips.  Where are the data for warp stabilization files stored, what is their extension, and can they be archived with a project?

    We use this effect all the time and pass the project file to various computers who each have their own separate copy of the media and there are no issues or need to re-analyze the clips. It was my understanding that it's built into the project file like Jim said because when we apply the effect our project size jumps from under 1mb to sometimes 70mb or more...granted we use a couple hundred of these effects per project which brings into play all new issues (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1278013). But yeah, I've never had to restabilize clips when opening the project on a different computer with a different copy of the media, etc.

  • Help: warp stabilizer

    hi everyone,
    when i apply 'warp stabilizer' it shows 'initializing...' but no progress. when after minutes it stops without stabilization.
    when i see a tutorial i see 'initializing...(processing something)' but mind is just saying 'initializing...' and nothing happens.
    any idea how to fix it?
    thank you,

    any idea how to fix it?
    Not really since you didn't tell us anything useful - no computer specs, no operating system, not the kind of footage you are using nor your AE settings for memory handling, caches and multiprocessing. This could be anything from permission issues at the system level to file access problems with MediaCache to simply the footage being shot the wrong way and the stabilizer not detecting any patterns for stabilization...

  • Warp Stabilizer glitch

    Hey guys,
    So a friend is having me color correct her footage for a project. She gave me her hard drive so I am directly editing from the video files on her drive (a transfer would take over five hours for all the videos).
    When I go to color correct, the warp stabilizer glitches and crops the footage down to a small rectangle on the left of the screen. This has been going on for some time with my own projects, but I figured it was just a setting mishap on my part. However, she says the files look fine on her computer.
    Attached is a screenshot of the working space as well as the settings for the warp. Has anyone else had this issue? It's incredibly frustrating because now I know it's only happening on my version of Premiere.

    Although it's easier (more convenient) to accomplish the mission in After Effects, you can do it in PrPro as well:
    1. Nest your shaky footage.
    2. Within the newly  created nested sequence apply Garbage Matte onto the footage to separate the woman on the foreground. E.g. draw Eight-Point Garbage Matte around the woman.
    3. Create a Color Matte, pick e.g. R:7 G:7 B:9 to more or less match its colour to your footage background and drop this Color Matte above your footage with Garbage Matte.
    4. Copy Garbage Matte from the footage and paste onto the Color Matte, delete or disable Garbage Matte on the footage. Optionally apply Fast Blur effect onto the Color Matte and dabble with Blurriness value so as to soften (feather) Matte's edges, adjusting Garbage Matte points if necessary.
    5. Jump back to your master sequence and apply Warp Stabilizer onto the nested sequence, formerly your shaky footage. Set Stabilization to No Motion.
    6. When done, switch to your nested sequence, disable the Color Matte eyeball, switch back to the master sequence, enjoy.

  • Warp Stabilizer Stuck?

    I was trying to finalize a show and dropped the Warp Stabilizer into one of the clips.  Its about a 5 minute clip.   On my very fast computer with 16GB of memory it took 20 min to "analyze" and it has been "stabilizing" for 2 hours.  I tried getting out of the project to see if I could kill it off but when I reloaded it went right back to "stabilizing".  Is this normal?   From all the previews I knew it wasn't real time but if this is typical I can't imagine using this thing.
    I see folks commenting on the speed but nothing like 3 hours for 5 min. clip.
    What should I be expecting?   I would like to stabilize one more clip in the video but I'm almost afraid to use this thing now.

    Trim a clip to 10 seconds and try that. If it takes 10 minutes, then you know you are stuck with a 60:1 ratio and you have decisions to make.
    Also, take a look at the video. If one part of it is really, really bad, you might want to exclude that part. Perhaps if you bumped the camera. That might be part of the problem.
    Just for reference, I just stabilized 10 seconds (300 frames) in six minutes. The analysis took the six minutes, the second step was probably no more than 10 seconds, if that. I was expecting longer and looked away from the stop watch for a few seconds.
    And my PC is quite fast, thank you very much!
    So, if it is still stabilizing, you have a problem. Create a new project, use a 10 second clip. That should give you a baseline if the stabilizing doesn't get stuck again.

  • Warp Stabilizer Analyze Data - where does it really save?

    I had cut 4 episode documentary series on a macPro with CS6. I had used the Sub Space Warp stabilizer feature on many of the clips. All clips had been stabilized and I saved the project on our server with the projects files, preview files and Auto save files.
    I then got a computer upgrade to a new macPro with more RAM - graphic - and processing power.  Yay! I have CS6 and CC installed on this.
    I received the final design elements to insert into the series  ( the L3 and titles and credits ) and went to go and export the project off the server from this new computer.
    It seems that all of the clips that I have used the Sub Space Warp Stabilizer need to be re-analyzed again, as the exports had the orange banner across the clips stating that it is being analyzed.
    My question is, does Premier have to reanalyze the clips again because I have a new computer and the Sub Space warp data doesn't save with the project files but instead locally on the machine that edited the project?
    If so, can I get all the project data and cache to save with the project files?
    When I started this project, as with any project, I direct all the save elements and caches to a specific drive location, so various computers can work with the edit, and for efficiency. I don't think that the Sub Space Warp analyze data gets off the local computer drive... Am I wrong?
    Any comments are appreciated.
    Thank for your help.

    I see that now as well. Yes thank you for your reply there Snarky.
    I wonder why my exports had the orange analyze banner across the clips with the Warp Stabilizer on it.
    You figure with that data stored in the project file, it would just load up with the project,
    and when the software says "All media Loaded"  - that I wouldn't have to go back to each clip and get it to re-analyze for stabilization.
    So time consuming.
    I hope that is is an isolated incident.
    This doesn't not seem to be the case, as I am not alone.
    pass warp stabilizer between computers?
    Reanalyzing Warp Stabilized Clips
    Thank you Snarky McSnarkster

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