Wavy, screeching CRT? Weird, I know! Help if you can.

Ok, so I just LOVE the quality of my built-in eMac speakers. (They could be a bit louder though...) I've had a few problems with them however. I bought my eMac off eBay and the seller stupidly sent it using FedEx. FedEx ***** at delivering computers in good condition. I have a huge crack going from the DVD drive to underneath the left speaker. UPS did MUCH better with my iMac G3, only making a small crack next to the Apple on the back.
Anyway, I also received it with the left speaker detached and floating around in the case. Can't be good, right? Right. I opened up the eMac (It looks really cool with the big piece of white plastic!) and took a look. The speaker had broken off its screws and fell back. I superglued it back in place and it works fine to this day. (It's been with me for at least a month or two now.) Another problem with the eMac is that the left side of the front cover is bulging out. So while I was looking at the speaker, I decided to take a look at that too. Turns out that ALL the screws holding the cover to the front are broken. No way of pushing the case back into place so it won't bulge. I've learned to live with it since I can't really tell from the front anyway.
Ok, with all that out of the way, lets get to the REAL problem. When I have my sound turned up enough so it shows three curves coming out of the speaker in the menu bar, my screen seems to wiggle on the left near the bulge. You can sort of imagine how freaky it is. It only happens with pitches in the mid-range, but since I'm a total GarageBand fan, it gets annoying.
I have heard that many eMac CRTs are faulty, but there is only one other problem with my screen.
The other problem is that when you put the display on 1152x864 or 1280x960, it makes a HORRID screeching noise. Very high pitched, and it CAN'T be good.
So help me out... why is my screen screaming at me and shaking itself? When I use external speakers the shaking problem goes away. It is vibrating in the case? do I need to re-glue the speaker in again?
Thanx in advance Apple fanz! APPLE FTW. MICROSUCK *****.

Michael is absolutely correct about the packaging issue; the only way that sort of damage could occur in shipping without being immediately apparent from the condition of the box is if FedEx repackaged it before delivery. That's not really part of their reputation (inexplicable delays and casually leaving expensive packages lying in the open unsigned for, maybe, but not going to such length to hide damage).
While dealing with the issue through eBay, be aware that even with an eMac in perfect condition, complaints about screen shaking in the lower corners of the CRT display with the speakers on high volume are (or where) common. It normally appears only at maximum volume and is due to the magnetic field from the speaker coils overwhelming the shielding that's in place around the speakers. (The shielding is fairly minimal, not surprising given the extremely tight space constraints and the eMac's original design as an education model for use in schools.) The eMac you have certainly has the shielding out of place and loose, so the screen interference will be more pronounced and at lower volumes. A possible kludge workaround is to use headphones (or shielded external speakers) instead of the speakers, since plugging a device into the headphone port should disbale the internal speakers.

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    Hi timinbovey
    That's a temperamental Tiger is it not? I've heard hard shutdowns can cause problems, but that is pretty unforgiving.
    There is little point trying to reinstall without first attempting to correct the 'Invalid B-Tree Node size' error.
    So your Tech Tool pro disk was no help. Hmm.
    The fastest and most expensive option would be to buy DiskWarrior which could fix the corrupt file structure on the disk.
    Before that you could try and start in FireWire target disk mode where you put your iBook's HD on the eMac's Desktop, then insert the Tech Tool pro disk into the iBook and running it from the iBook's drive see if it can see the eMac's drive and perform a repair on it.
    regards roam

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    Contacts are designed to be synced to a supported application on the computer or a cloud service.
    Pictures taken with the device are designed to regularly be copied off the device to a computer as would be done with any digital camera.
    If you have failed to use the device as designed it may be too late to recovery anything.
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    View > Show Sidebar
    Then it should work just the same as on your old computer.

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    AppleSueIn HunterCreek

    I am afraid there is no solution.
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    1. App Store / iTunes Store - the Android Play Store houses everything in one, but on the iPhone you have the App Store for apps and games, and the iTunes store for everything else, right?
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    4. When you browse through the Featured apps, or Top Charts on the App Store, it presents the apps in a list format each in small/medium size with icons and a small amount of information displayed. HOWEVER, when you use the search function, it displays the app results full-screen. i.e. browsing through the results each app takes up the whole screen, and you swipe along to see the next app. If there are hundreds or more results, it makes it awful to browse through the results of the app search....
    5. is there a way to change the display format of the search results? i.e. in list format and show multiple results on one page, scrolling along or down? I would really, really like to do this.
    6. And can you filter the search results at all?? You don't seem to be able to filter the search results by category or price, or anything. Is this right?
    I am finding app store pretty horrific to use, so any tips would be much appreciated.
    Next questions (and bless your patience if you're still with me here),.....
    7. Newsstand. So I can search for newspapers and magazines in newstand, and in the App Store, and then they will automatically be put in Newsstand? However, I downloaded BBC News, and a couple of other newspaper apps, and they are not in Newsstand?
    ...I can't move anything out of Newsstand onto my phone, i.e. The New York Times, and I can't move anything into Newsstand that's on my phone, i.e. the Guardian app? Is this right?! (I realise I'm giving away all my reading choices here). Surely this can't be right?
    8. Notifications. If something is updated/downloaded et cetera, I get a little red circle at the top right of the app with a number in it telling me there's been some *activity* in that app and to go and check it out. That's fine. But I have a had one of these notification bubbles above my Newsstand app for days now, and I don't know what it refers to or how to make it go away. I've opened Newsstand, and I've opened every newspaper/magazine that I've brought into newsstand, and it hasn't disappeared. Is there any place or way to determine what the notification refers to? If I'm calling it a 'notification' in error, please forgive me and correct me . Short of deleting every magazine in my newsstand, I don't know how to get this red bubble gone. Please help bubble-free me.
    9. MESSAGES. This has astounded me. There are no drafts whatsoever in iPhone time messages? So if you go to compose a new message, if for any reason you can't or don't want to complete the text message at the time, if you leave whatever you have written is gone?
    10. If this is the case, is there an alternative text messaging application that I can use, that would allow this functionality? I'm not talking about whatsapp, which I have, or any kind of messaging platform that uses internet and requires the receiver to have the same app. Just straight text messaging that uses the text allowance given by your service provider. Is there an alternative to this, that allows drafts and the normal functionalities provided for text messages by other phones?
    11. Is there a way to search sent messages alone?
    12. Sometimes my text messages appear green, and sometimes they appear blue. Is there a reason for this? (This is a minor question, please feel free to pass over it if time is scarce)
    Finally, and nearly there.
    13. The push button at the bottom of the screen takes you out of apps, and if you push it twice it takes you to all open apps. Is there no way to actually close an open app when you exit it? Or if you want to actually close an app, any and every time, you have to push the iPhone home button once, then you have to push it twice, and then you have to swipe the app to close it. IS that right?
    14. Or should I not be worried about multiple apps being open in the background? How much battery/resourches does it actually use?
    15. I know that I can close multiple apps simultaneously, or at least three, by swiping three up at the same time. Is there any way to simply close all apps at the same time? Or any app I can download that will do this?
    16. Airdrop. I have a Macbook pro that's less than a year old, and the iPhone 5c is brand new. I can't get Airdrop to work. I've put them both as discoverable to everybody or contacts only, I've turned the wifi on and off for both, bluetooth on and off for both, every different combination possible, and there's nothing. Nada. Guidance?
    17. Specifically, if I can't get it to work, who do I go to? Can I take my macbook and iphone to an Apple store? Can I get customer support? I want to use the airdrop feature as I've figured I've paid for it, but I don't know who to access the support for doing so, or which would be the most effective.
    Really and truly finally:
    18. My bluetooth seems to be turning itself on all the time. Even when I've turned it off. Why oh why?
    Thank you very much.

    1. Yes. App sotre has Apps and Games. Itunes has everything else.
    2. Podcasts are also found in the iTunes store. (The Podcast App only plays them, but is not a store)  You can search by title, and using the More button at the top filter by type. Select Podcast.
    3. Ebooks can be found in the iBooks App. Its a separate App and store.
    4, 5 and 6.unfortunately no, no and sadly no.
    9.  Nope, Messages is treated like a chat as such no drafts.
    10. There are many Apps in the store for SMS messaging. 
    11. Spotlight search searches everything. You can go into Settings->General->Spotlight search and deactivate everything except messages to search for messages only.
    12.Yes.  Green messages are standard SMS  messages. Blue messages are iMessages. Apple's messaging service.  If the user is not using an Apple device or is not registered with iMessage it will send an SMS. Otherwise it will use iMessage over the internet to save on SMS costs.
    13. When you exit an App most will close. When you get to all open Apps swipe the App screen shot to close it manually. 
    14. Most Apps in the Multitasking list aren't actually running. As such they don't use battery. Only Apps set to background tasks will continue to run via the Background App refresh setting.
    16. Correct Airdrop at this point is only between iDevices.  or between Macs. You can't Airdrop between a Mac and an iDevice.
    17. You can take your Phone to an Apple Store for support form the Genius bar if required. You also have 90 days phone support.
    18. Airdrop uses Bluetooth. and you may have another App that needs it.
    You may want to take a look at the manual for specifics:

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    Currently, I have bouth Windows XP and Windows 7 installed, so I know the microphone is working when I am switching up between the OS, because it still works good on Windows XP.
    If you can help please tell me.
    I am using Windows 7 64 bit, I made sure the flexijack settings in the Audio controll panel are set to microphone and not line in, in the Windows 7 audio controll I have set the microphone volum to maximum and made sure it is configured properly.
    Thank you for helping.

    Originally Posted by tav2000
    Hello everyone.
    I have a problem with my microphone. After i bougth Creative's sound card "Sound blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio" and installed it, everything was allright and my microphone was working great, but this was when I used Windows XP, when i started to use Windows 7, it suddenly was very weak and i almost didn't heard it.
    Currently, I have bouth Windows XP and Windows 7 installed, so I know the microphone is working when I am switching up between the OS, because it still works good on Windows XP.
    If you can help please tell me.
    I am using Windows 7 64 bit, I made sure the flexijack settings in the Audio controll panel are set to microphone and not line in, in the Windows 7 audio controll I have set the microphone volum to maximum and made sure it is configured properly.
    Thank you for helping.
    Hi tav,
    While waiting for other forum members to post..
    Perhaps you havent installed the latest drivers yet? (link HERE)

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    Thanks B

    with recent updates to quick time i can no longer open. footage recorded on the FS-H200. ive tried the HDfile converter from focus with no success. help me if you can were losing money, clients and now my hair!!!
    Never heard of the unit until I saw your reference. Unfortunately, you did not mention which format/file type was used for recording, the application you are trying to open it with/in, or give any indication of your intended work flow, so it is somewhat difficult to know where/how to begin trying to determine possible workarounds here. Can you post a sample file for testing/examination along with additional information regarding your goals?

  • PLAYLIST PROBLEM--Help if you Can!

    Okay, so I just got an iPod Nano 4th Generation and I know nothing.
    I had a number of music and other audio files in my iTunes Library, all together in the main playlist as I didn't know how to make separate playlists.
    When I plugged my iPod in, I thought it might let me select which tunes I wanted from the Library playlist by checking them, BUT NO, it just sucked every bit of audio (that it understood) onto the iPod whether I wanted it there or not.
    Then, I thought I would be smart (never try to outsmart a machine!) I thought I would create a separate playlist for the audio I DIDN'T want on my iPod, and leave what I DID want in my iTunes Library. I managed to create a playlist, and got some of the tunes from the Library to the new Playlist, although there was some audio (phone messages and other files which were not tunes) it didn't seem to like and although it was in the iTunes Library would not transfer to the new playlist.
    Then, it played a DIRTY ROTTEN TRICK on me. I had a tune I wanted in the new playlist but NOT the Library or iPod, so I deleted it from the iTunes Library and IT TOOK IT OFF THE NEW PLAYLIST, TOO! Now, what's the point of having separate playlists, if you can't have some things in one, and some in another?
    Meanwhile, the best way (really, since there are not many tunes on it) I see of getting the unwanted audio off my iPod is just to Refresh--since I tried the instructions (as far as I could make them out) for deleting individual tunes, and it didn't work, so to heck with it--trouble is, now the iPod copy of the one tune is the only copy I have! So is there a way I can:
    1. Get this audio OFF MY iPOD, (since there doesn't seem to be a way to recover deleted audio in iTunes--is there?) into the iTunes playlist in which I want it in but NOT my main iTunes Library and
    2. Get the other audio out of my main library to the new Playlist
    so I can at least start all over? Also, once I get things on the iPod the way I want (ha) can I put tunes already on the iPod into another Playlist and delete them from the main Library playlist, so it doesn't copy them all over the next time I try to put something on my iPod? Thanks for any helpful suggestions!

    if I don't want it on the iPod I delete it straight out of the library
    Then you don't need to tick *Sync only checked items*.
    I'd like to keep the albums as playlists, you know, in case anything happens to this iPod or I get another.
    Don't know what this means. If you get another iPod, just plug it in whether you have playlists or not.
    You don't need to keep individual playlists for each album. iTunes menu View -> Show browser to see each individual Genre, Artist and Album.
    You don't need ANY playlist to put everything onto the iPod.
    Just select the iPod in iTunes, click the Music tab and select *Sync all music and playlists*.
    And you can use iTunes without the iPod.

Maybe you are looking for