Way to change edit media key icon application?

Is there a way to change the icon (application) in the menu under media key? Irritates me that I can change this setting. Media key is perfectly usable key. There must be a way

Sorry i never heard anyone succeeded in changing that. May be possible with future Firmware....Hope never dies
btw are we talking about X6?
Previous Phones: 6600, 7610, 6230, 6230i, 1100, 1112, N70, N73, N95, N95 8GB, 5800XM, 5230, C5, iPhone 3GS, SE Xperia X10, N900, N8, SE Xperia Arc
Current Phones: Nokia N9, iPhone 4

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    This is the first time I've seen that on these forums.
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    V.K. wrote:
    no, you can not change the sizes of icons you get when you click on a stack in the dock. there is no way around this. this question is asked pretty frequently though and it looks like a nice feature to have. you can leave apple feedback requesting it
    P.S. do note that there is a scroll bar on the right when you click on a stack and you can use that to scroll through the stack.
    Thank you V.K., I've sent them my feedback!

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