Web-Based Notification Create?

I've seen in a few presentations that our customers can access the creation of service desk notifications online, how do I activate this feature and how will our customers access it?

Hi Gill,
you have to activate the Workcenter in SICF or in SPRO. You get the Workcenter-URL by the corresponding service.
Please have a look at the VAR area in Support Portal. There are any Documents from How to administer Work Center for your Key Users to Operation Manual and so on.

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    Hi experts,
    We don't have enterprise portal but I like to create the web based version of the existing Bex reports and which option is the best to distribute this web based report using information broadcasting?
    Can I use report designer for this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sharat
    In BI 7.0 the Queries which u devoleped can be broad casted by using two ways .
    1. Enterprise portal
    2.Web Application Designer(WAD)
    So you can choose any of the option, For the Option 1 you should have seperate server for the EP or else For option 2 you have to make some setting in the BI system to enable the Web reports..

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    Acrobat Pro can do a lot more than the PDF Pack online service.
    Try if you can do everything you need with PDF Pack; otherwise keep Acrobat Pro.

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    hello Pradeep,
    Whats the difference b/w DFF and custom DFF ?
    I'll tell the steps what I did.
    1. Application Developer > Flex Field > Descriptive > Register
    Registered a DFF for PO_HEADERS_ALL table and used Attribute2.
    2. Application Developer > Flex Field > Descriptive > Segments
    So I used the DFF in the PO form. I want to see a DFF in the PO page also when the below navigation is used.
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    Mark Kunoff
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    [email protected]

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    Thanks in advance

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  • Web Based Application Single Sign on With Enterprise Portal

    Good day Developers,
    My question is really a two part question so forgive me in advance for asking in one post as I think they are relative to each other. My project is currently exlporing the creation of functionality that will allow the following:
    1. We want to allow a secure Web Based application possessing the abilitiy to auithenticate the user into Enterprise Portal and by passing the login screen to get to a landing page/iview in our Enterprise Portal instannce.
    2. We want the abilitity to perform a check of the user and create the user in the enterprise portal on the fly if they do not already exist.
    So far in my research I've come across tools and white papers mentioning the use rof oAuth and OpenID. Is that the right way to tackle these two items. Thanks for your help in advance.

    1. You can do SSO between you application and portal using Verisign or third party authentication tool. I am not pretty sure how landing page and all will work as you mentioned.
    As portal is web based, you can deply your application in portal server. So that you will not need any other authentication tool.Also you can save effort , cost.
    2. By deploying application in portal also you do not have to concentrate on User management, which is itself a huge effort you have to put. Else you can go for third party tools like Identity management or ADS.

  • Authentication between Single Sign-On and Web based applications

    Hi everyone,
    I need to create a way in Portal 10g ( that allow me to do the following:
    Once the user is logged on Portal (against Single Sign-On - SSO) he doesn't need to retype his username/password when he access a web based application throught the portal, in my case, an ASP application (not .NET, just ASP).
    I made a test creating a External Application in SSO and after publishing this portlet (external application) inside portal.
    It worked, BUT I was prompted to inform username/password to log on the aplication.
    So, the user end up entering his password twice.
    Does anybody know a way to acomplish this task?
    The documentation I'm researching is:
    Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On
    Administrator's Guide
    10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
    Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On
    Security Guide
    10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
    Thank you very much,
    Diogo Santos.

    have figured out how to secure any HTML, ASP, PHP, CFM, etc. web page again Portal / OID using the PDK toolkit.
    Using AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) and one Oracle Stored Procedure just adding a simple Javascript call to any HTML, ASP, PHP, etc. web page can secure it via Oracle SSO (OID). Access to any secured web page will require that it to be linked from an authenticated Portal session or a page opened in an authenticated Portal session.
    This process can be easily modified to add in group security etc. This is just my starting point.
    1) Create a stored procedure
    # Make sure it has access to portal.wwctx_api.is_logged_on
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE login_ajax_check (
    display_error IN number default NULL) AS
    If portal.wwctx_api.is_logged_on = false then
    END IF;
    Exception when others then htp.p('DENY');
    2) Use this Javascript in any page you wish to secure.
    <-- Begin Paste Here -->
    var allowgo=2
    function ajaxCallRemotePage(url)
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
    // Non-IE browsers
    req = new XMLHttpRequest();
    req.onreadystatechange = processStateChange;
    req.open("GET", url, false);
    req.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT");
    else if (window.ActiveXObject)
    // IE
    req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
    req.onreadystatechange = processStateChange;
    req.open("GET", url, false);
    req.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT");
    return; // Navigateur non compatible
    // process the return of the "ajaxCallRemotePage"
    function CheckPortal()
    ajaxCallRemotePage('[Your page calling the procedure from above]');
    function processStateChange()
    if (req.readyState == 4)
    if (req.status == 200)
    if (req.responseText.substring(0,4) == 'ALLO')
    allowgo = 0;
    allowgo = 1;
    function doPage()
    if (allowgo==1)
    window.location='[Your login or error page]';
    <-- End Paste Here -->
    That's it!!! Super easy. It works great too.
    Larry Schenavar
    [email protected]

  • Registering the Web based application as a Partner Application

    Good day
    I went through the suggested documentation of registering a
    web based application as a partner application of the SSO Login Server.
    I installed the SSOSDK.JAR and went through the demo application (JSP Demo)
    which consists of the following programs :
    As per the technical documentation,I register this demo application as a
    partner application.
    1 - The source code of the papp.jsp checks for the existence of the user
    through method of ssoEnablerJspBean [getSSOUserInfo(request, response)] which
    calls method of SSOEnablerBean [getSSOUserInfo (request, response) and this
    method calls getUserInfo(p_request) of SSOEnablerBean (the same program) to
    check the existence of the application cookie.
    2 - If it doesn't exit , it redirect it to the SSO Login page for user
    authentication.Once the user is authenticated, a SSO login cookie is created on
    the client's browser and redirects back to the SSOSignOn.
    3 - The SSOSignOn program creates the application cookie and redirects back to
    the entry point of the demo application which is papp.jsp.
    My Questions are as follows :
    1 - Instead of creating a session object within my web based application to hold some
    information used between the different pages, can I define them in the
    application cookie? kindly advise? Is there any limitation for the length of
    the application cookie? If yes, what will be the risk?
    2 - The SSOSignOn program is calling a method in the SSOEnablerBean
    [setPartnerAppCookie(response, request). Within this method , it is retrieving
    the parameters values of the request object as :
    What is the role of this [urlc]? Is it hard coded? Can I change it?
    3 - In order to ensure that I am still dealing with the same user, shall I put
    the above security check procedure on each page of my weeb based application? Kindly advise?
    Thanks in advance for your prompt feedback

    Dear Paul
    I think there is a misunderstanding regarding the last correspondence.
    I am talking about the customized home page of the PORTAL and not the home page of my web based application (JSP) .So in this case, Am I able to use the customized home page which contains a login portlet instead of the default Login page of the SSO Login Server.Kindly advise!!!
    On the other hand, I am facing a problem during the surfing of the web based application.
    The web based application consists mainly of two packages :
    Package I : Bank.counter which contains a set of jsp pages.
    Package II : Bank.portfolio which contains a set of jsp pages.
    Please note that the SSO classes are residing under the first package.
    As agreed on in the third question, I am including in each page of my web based application, a security check procedure as follows :
    <%@ include file="ssoinclude.jsp" %>
    if(usrInfo == null)
    response.getWriter().println("<center>User information not found</center>");
    my jsp code.......
    Please note that all the jsp page of the portfolio package are pointing to the SSO classes as follows :
    <%@ include file="../counter/ssoinclude.jsp" %>
    if(usrInfo == null)
    response.getWriter().println("<center>User information not found</center>");
    my jsp code.......
    Once I invoke the JSP_HOME_COUNTER , it will render the JSP_LEFT_FRAME_COUNTER page and
    JSP_MAIN_FRAME_COUNTER page which invokes the SSO Login page. Once the user has been authenticate, the result of the JSP_MAIN_FRAME_COUNTER is rendered successfully. The result contains an hyperlink to the
    JSP_MAIN_FRAME_COUNTER_DETAIL page. As the user has been authenticated , this page is rendering automatically the result without displaying the SSO Login page. (Perfect as of now!!).
    Once I invoke the JSP_HOME_PORTFOLIO from the JSP_HOME_COUNTER, it runs the security procedure without any rendering of the SSO Login page (fine!!) but redirects me back to JSP_HOME_COUNTER instead of rendering the result of the JSP_HOME_PORTFOLIO.
    please note that the m_requestUrl variable in the SSOEnablerJSPBean class has been assigned the folowing value : JSP_HOME_COUNTER
    Kindly advise .

  • Web based worklist not working...

    (on wlpi 2.1 on weblogic sp2)
    I've created a process that utilizes a stateless session bean. Every thing works
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    2.) Tweaked the "startWeblogic.cmd" file (I'm in NT) to add the wlpi-worklist.jar
    file into the classpath. (this is all in the reamde file in %wlint_Home%/samples/bpm_api/jsp/)
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    So, I figured, "Must not be in the classpath (somehow)". I added my bean .jar file
    into the classpath, and then try again. I get a different error that says "Classnotfound
    error" for the EJBHelper. Same error happens on the fat client in both cases.
    I can simply take out my startWeblogic classpath changes, and restart the server,
    and the fat-client works again (but the jsp worklist doesn't not -- no surprise.)
    Has anyone been able to get the jsp-based worklist to work with a process that uses
    an EJB?

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    I am connected directly into the computer from my cable modem.
    I have tried everything. Upgarded firmware, factory default reset, setting the software again and again.
    When I run Easylink Advisor it always reads, no internet...like I said the modem is working when plugged directly into my computer.
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    Could the router be just be broken?
    It seems to be getting worse and worse.
    help please.


    Dear Sir,
    please any one can answer me as soon as possible its very urgent
    I     As oracle mapviewer Chapter 8 (Oracle Maps) says generating our own Web based mapping application we are trying to generate our own maps for our own data contains in our layers like example boundary lines and roads and etc. and we are following complete example as described in Oracle Mapviewer Document Chapter 8.
    Before this step we tried with demo data downloaded from OTN mvdemo. And we downloaded latest demo today itself from the OTN and imported into our database schema called mvdemo. And we copied all three jar files mvclient and mvconnection and mvpalette into our jdeveloper .
    II.     We created a jsp to execute the following code from oracle mapviewer chapter 8 documents
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces" prefix="af"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/customizable" prefix="cust"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/j2ee/jsp/tld/ojsp/jwcache.tld"
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/html" prefix="afh"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/j2ee/jsp/tld/ojsp/fileaccess.tld"
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/j2ee/jsp/tld/ojsp/jesitaglib.tld"
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset=UTF-8>
    <TITLE>A sample Oracle Maps Application</TITLE>
    <script language="Javascript" src="jslib/loadscript.js"></script>
    <script language=javascript>
    var themebasedfoi=null
    function on_load_mapview()
    var baseURL = " http://localhost:8888/mapviewer/omserver";
    // Create an MVMapView instance to display the map
    var mapview = new MVMapView(document.getElementById("map"), baseURL);
    // Add a base map layer as background
    mapview.addBaseMapLayer(new MVBaseMap("mvdemo.demo_map"));
    // Add a theme-based FOI layer to display customers on the map
    themebasedfoi = new MVThemeBasedFOI('themebasedfoi1','mvdemo.customers');
    // Set the initial map center and zoom level
    // Add a navigation panel on the right side of the map
    // Add a scale bar
    // Display the map.
    function setLayerVisible(checkBox){
    // Show the theme-based FOI layer if the check box is checked and
    // hide the theme-based FOI layer otherwise.
    themebasedfoi.setVisible(true) ;
    <body onload= javascript:on_load_mapview() >
    <h2> A sample Oracle Maps Application</h2>
    <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" onclick="setLayerVisible(this)" checked/>Show customers
    <div id="map" style="width: 600px; height: 500px"></div>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
    content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
    <body><h:form binding="#{backing_mapPage.form1}" id="form1"></h:form></body>
    <%-- oracle-jdev-comment:auto-binding-backing-bean-name:backing_mapPage--%>
    III.     When we run this jsp it’s giving us following Two errors
    1     Error:     ‘MVMapView’ is undefined
         Code:     0
    2     Error:     ‘themebasedfoi’ is null or not an object
         Code:     0
    Please let us know what could be problem as soon as possible. Very urgent
    Please let us know where we can find Mapviewer AJAX API’s for Jdeveloper Extention

    I currently use parameters, and they are passed from the form to the report. Report is then generated based on a function returning ‘strongly typed’ cursor. The ‘strongly typed’ cursor in my case returns a record consisting of an orderly collection of fields.
    This collection of fields is returned by another function that relies on the IF … THEN logic.
    However, the number of IF ... THEN statements is quite large (currently 64 covering all possible combinations of 6 parameters available in the form).
    I would like to avoid the large number of IF … THEN statements, and hope that there is a way of passing a string to a query, where the Dynamic SQL would in Select close and Where close reflect parameters passed by the form.
    In addition to this I would like to avoid creating and populating a table or a view dedicated to the report, because this may lead to a conflict in case of multiple users concurrently generating reports with different choice of parameters.
    Edited by: user6883574 on May 28, 2009 9:16 PM

  • How can I distribute my web-based app properly?

    I created a web-based application that contain CWGraph3D.ocx and CWAnalysis.ocx. My ComponentWork's version is 6.0. During development and compilcation, there is no problem (I developed my app. in VB6sp5). After that I use Package and Development Wizard of VB to create HTML page and its cab file. During this operation, I got the message mentioned that my CWAnalysis.ocx (only this ocx) doesn't match with the register in the registry. I just clicked on 'No' to accept this. Finally, I create LPK file to include in my html page file. My LPK file includes runtime licenses of CWArray, CWMatrix, CWComplex, CWDSP, and CWGraph3D. After I uploaded my app to web site, the other computers can load my web page, but it is the bla
    nk page because something wrongs in the components. There is no any nofication or error from Internet Explorer. So I tried to test something to find out the problem. I remove CWAnalysis and redo all processes, it doesn't work. I remove CWGraph3D and redo again, it works! So I moved back CWAnalsysis, and redo it again, it doesn't work. I assume that there are some problems in ComponentWorks. But I don't know how to solve this problem.
    Thank you.

    So the error message basically says that CWanalysis control does not match with the information in the registry. Did a re-install help any? Is this the only development machine causing the problem. One thing to try is re-installing the control, by uninstalling Measurement Studio, unregister the cwanalysis.ocx ( using regsvr32), delete the ocx file, reboot and then re-install Measurement Studio. This would make sure that the controls get installed correctly.
    Also, check out this link for dealing with issues of the Package and Deployment wizard.
    I hope this helps
    Bilal Durrani
    Bilal Durrani

  • Converting a web-based text page to XMP

    I have a live, web-based text feed that contains all of the metadata I want to capture. I want to tag this metadata to video and image files, and I want that information to stay with the video and image files throughout the production process (ie. the metadata information should be available in transcoded copies of the video files and so on).
    I'd also like to use this metadata to create data-driven graphics in Photoshop. At this stage I can get basic datasets working in PS, but I have to cut-and-paste the info from some cells into a .csv file first. Ideally I'd like to eliminate this manual step as it introduces the possibility of human error, which is what I'm trying to eliminate in the first place.
    Photoshop can't read the whole text file as a dataset because I think it's in an array (I'm not sure, I don't get it), and from my understanding datasets will only work with .csv files.
    It should be a relatively simple process to grab information from a live, web-based text feed and convert it to useable metadata, but I find the XMP SDK completely indecipherable. Apologies for my ignorance but I have no coding experience whatsoever and it seems like it's written in an alien language. Can someone please offer some advice as to how I go about this? Attached is a copy of the text file I'm trying to use.
    Thanks to anyone with enough smarts or nerd power to crack it... it's beyone me, I've wasted weeks staring at a blank page and I'm more confused now than when I started.

    what you are planning to do seems technicaly possible with our XMP C++ SDK. But you really need programming skills in C/C++ to realize this project.

  • Using project libraries for both web-based and AIR applications

    I need to develop substantial code to build both web-based and AIR applications.  Yes, they will have different features, especially when it comes to accessing files on the local file system.
    However, 98% of the code can be shared.
    I want to use a project library that can be used for both types of applications. Maybe using conditional compile when required to not use AIR API's in a web-based application.
    I found this (somewhat old) warning:
    Include Adobe AIR libraries Select this option if your library must use AIR features, such as access to the AIR APIs. Flex Builder then changes the library path of this new Flex Library project so that it includes airglobal.swc and airframework.swc. Web-based Flex projects cannot use this library.
    Do not select this option if you are writing a generic library intended to be used only in a web-based Flex application, or in either a web-based or AIR-based application.
    Does this apply to Flash Builder 4.5?

    I have found a workaround, but it's quite clumsy, involving a transfer vector (in old-fashioned terms) in the main application for each function in the AIR library.
    I have created a library for AIR classes only (fourdtext.fileOperations is there). 
    The AIR application provides "Function" values that any other code in the general-purpose libraries can use.
    It works, but it's nasty.
    In Main.mxml:
    import com.fourdtext.fileOperations.AxFiles;
    // this gets a list of native path strings, from and array of "File" objects
    public var AxGetListFunction:Function = AxGetListRedirect;
    private function AxGetListRedirect(list:Array):Vector.<String>{
        return AxFiles.AxGetList(list);
    In general-purpose code:
    var list:Array = event.dragSource.dataForFormat("air:file list") as Array;
    var AxGetList:Function = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.AxGetListFunction;
    listFiles = AxGetList(list);

  • Workflow based on created date field in opportunity?

    Hi All,
    Can we write a workflow based on created date field in opportunity that if a opportunity record has not been modified after say 90 days,what will be the workflow syntax.
    I just want an email notification to owner and owner's manager.
    Thanks in advance,

    I think you can use the WAIT workflow using Duration('P90D') then Send Email, triggering it upon save and upon modification. Make sure that the Re-evaluate Rule Conditions After Wait option is checked so that the previous WAIT would be reset upon modification.
    Edited by: marcocollado on Aug 31, 2012 5:57 AM

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