Web Objects Migration

Dear Team,
We are doing bw upgradation from BI3.1 to BI7. I know queries to be migrated like we can directly open in BI7 QD and save but I want to know whether Web Templates needs to migrate, then how to do it.
Best Regards,

Migration of Web Teplates
832713 - Migration of Web templates from BW 3.x to Netweaver
Front End Migration strategy
Here's the migration strategy: Rolling out the New SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Frontend Tools
Hope it Helps

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    hmmmm, wondering if I understood you correctly:
    first try the file association - right click on one of the movie files (you should tell as well with extension) then 'open with' menu then go to 'choose program' and then choose one of them and coach the box "always use the selected program to open this kind of file" in your example 'window media player'.
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    If it is a name resolution I would try either replacing the server name in the script with the IP address or making an entry in the local host file of the machine trying to play back the script
    If you try one or both of those approaches does the script play back?

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    What if you use a script and use a image with the video name and the "x" I´m using the google logo as example.
    var widget = document.querySelector("[id*='Widget'],[id*='Web']")
    var ronanImageTitle = document.createElement("img");
    ronanImageTitle.setAttribute("src", "https://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo11w.png");
    ronanImageTitle.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute; z-index:100; top:0; width:50%");
    $(ronanImageTitle).fadeIn( "slow" , 0);
    $(ronanImageTitle).click(function() {
    $(ronanImageTitle).fadeOut( "slow" , 0);

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    In the published folder, I noticed a SWF called stagewebview. I guess this file has got something to do with Web Object interaction. When we link to published HTML file, this SWF is getting called automatically. But in your case since you are linking to published SWF file, the web object interaction SWF is not getting called. So, is it not possible for you to link it to HTM file?

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    I can't use the web object when it only loads under very special circumstances. Moreover, I found out, that checking the "Scale HTML content" checkbox in the publish window  results in a totally misplaced web widget in those browsers that support the web object. It then looks like this:
    I use this option regularly, so this is really a problem for me.
    I hope you can tell, what I can do to get the web object running. I simply can't believe that this  is the standard behaviour and that everybody else is experiencing the same problems. There must be something I can do to get it running.
    I hope you can help.
    Best Regards

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    Thanks a lot,

    You might want to try posting this to the Oracle8i JVM forum.

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    Hi BubbaRB and welcome to the forums.  I love it when people have great questions regarding integration.. and this is an area that Adobe Captivate needs to be better at!  It would be nice if the stock web page widget in Cp 7 had the ability to substitute Cp user variables in the URL to make for dynamic rendering of the web page, but unfortunately that's a limitation of the stock widget.
    The web page widget on CaptivateDev.com is capable of variable substitution in the URL.  You just need to enclose the variable with double dollar signs $$cpQuizInfoStudentID$$.
    This widget works for SWF and HTML5 output for Cp 6 and 7 and there's a free trial available.

  • Web Object Widget non-functional?

    Hello again!
    So I'm trying to use the web object widget to pull up a surveygizmo survey (which provides handy web links, HTML embeds, java embeds etc.), but it's not loading up. It works only when in previews within Captivate. Once published, it does not work. I have tested it both in our LMS (Cornerstone), and on SCORM Cloud. I've gone even further to change it to the default Bing.com to see if I can even bring anything up with the web object and again tested it on SCORM cloud and even Bing.com wouldn't come up.
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    This seems like a similar question - http://forums.adobe.com/message/6142119#6142119
    I haven't run into the problem you have, but it sounds like it won't show any Web site once you've published, right?
    Is there perhaps some issue with the LMS? Or are you saying it also does not work when you upload it to SCORM Cloud?
    I recall I ran into a problem with a Web Object when I had checked off the "Scalable HTML content" during publishing. I don't remember the specific issue, but there was a problem with that. 
    Best of luck!

  • Web object not resizing with presentation

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    I'm using a flash widget, so I cannot publish as HTML5.
    Thank you for any help or assistance.

    Hi there, unfortunately I don't have the answer but I'd like to support your question as I'm having exactly the same issue.

  • Web object widget

    I have a web object widget which I have linked to the following webpage http://permissions.cla.co.uk/titlesearch.html  When I go to view my project the web object does not appear?

    Thank you!  Only been using Captivate a couple of months.
    So, just to confirm.  I am unable to view the webpage in normal project view mode - I have to go to view in web browser mode to see the web object?

  • Unwanted border in Web Object

    Whenever I use the new Web Object in Captivate 7 I get a grey border on the bottom and right side. And I have the Border option unchecked. I've tried re-sizing the either Web Object or the web page I'm loading, but that doesn't help. Is there a fix or work-around for this?
    Also, when I play this on an iPad the border thickens up. Sveral pixels wide.
    Message was edited by: steverb2

    Here are a few examples of how the Web Objects border problem shows up on an iPad. I used various border settings for both the Web Object and the Project Skin. These are full screen screenshots from an iPad.

  • Web Object web page underneath Captivate

    I have a video embedded in a web page. That web page is then inserted into a Web Object. The video controller has a full-screen button. Like this:
    When full-screen is activated the video appears BEHIND the Captivate web page like this:
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    Hello Steverb,
    I think by Windows explorer you mean Internet Explorer.
    Can you tell me the version of Flash installed along with the version of Internet explorer on your computer ?
    Are you trying to open a swf file or a .htm file ?  Please open .htm file and then check.
    Please create a blank project with only one slide with webobject interaction and see if you are able to reproduce the issue.
    Thanks and Regards
    Himanshu Satija

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    how do i correct this issue? thanks

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    how do i avoid this odd behavior? thanks.

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