Web Player Issue

I had to purchase a new laptop with XP running IE 6.0. I am
unable to download the 2004 web player due to the following error:
Error downloading content file.
Internal error: Time out.
When I click OK to close the error box, I then get a pink
Error Loading message with pink progress bar.
Any suggestions?

Additional info... Finally, I get a Plugin LaunchApp message
as follows:
"The process cannot access the file because it is being used
by another process."
The download window is the only window being used at the

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    What you are trying to play has failed to download and can no longer play.
    Thanks in Advance

    I'm not sure why it does this but it's SO VERY ANNOYING! 
    But you can easily fix this issue with a few clicks...   Go into safari Preferences and click the Extensions tab.  DISABLE the 2 DIVX Extensions within extensions tab.  This is allow Safari to play the videos in QT like it should.
    Not really a fix but atleast you can play the QT videos on Apple's Site!
    BTW, If you get a Permanent fix Please Update the Post so I to can have sanity once again when drooling over new apple needs!

  • Adobe Flash 10.1 web Player Crashes when Activating Webcam

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    I installed 10.1 Adobe Flash Web Player for Firefox, IE, and Chrome. We have applications we use where it activates the webcam and the mic and now when I click accept the flash player always crashes. I have made all the changes asked of me from the support forum including uninstalling the flash player and reinstalling it. I also tried installing the 64bit flash player and using IE 64 bit on my laptop and it still crashes. It prompts you to allow flash to activate my mic and webcam and when I click accept it always crashes. This did not happen with the previous version of flash. I have looked for new drivers for my computer and there are none, I have tried so many times to fix this with no luck. Can anyone please help me as I did not have this issue until 10.1.
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    Hello there.
    If you're having a problem with a specific plugin, you need to contact its author for support. If you have problems with all your plugins, then it's a different matter. Is that the case?

  • Web Service Issue - Security or Coding problem? *HELP*

    Hello all - I am stuck on a particular problem, which I've posted under flash player but also will post here in the event that it's my issue, and not a security/player issue.
    I have built a video player in Flash/ AS3 which communicates with WSDL web services using the as3webservice code package from wellconsidered. The player makes a call at startup to check a user's progress in a series of videos, and updates that progress by talking to the web service as the videos are played back.
    Tested locally, it works flawlessly. As soon as the player is uploaded, however, the web service' hangs' - so no fault is produced, but it seems to just never connect. This is presumably because the SWF is on one server, the web service on another. I've tried uploading it to two different servers, both different than the web service server. I'm trying to avoid moving the web service to the same server that hosts the SWF.
    I've tried adding a crossdomain.xml file to the root and subdirectories of the server that hosts the web service:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
        <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
        <allow-access-from domain="*"/>
        <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*"/>
    I've also tried playing with the SWF publishing options (Local Access only vs. Network only options), but no solution seems to help. I know it's not just the web service i"m using, because public web services (such as the ones found on webservicex.net) don't connect either.
    I'm at the end of my rope, and am wondering if this is a Flash Player security issue, or something I need to reconsider from my side (such as using a different web services package).I am wondering if a crossdomain.xml does not help, what other possible areas do I need to look at? If there is an article someone could point me to, or a simliar situation they've been in, i'm iopen to all suggestions.
    Thanks so much...fg

    You can generally check what the player is doing from the browser by using firefox with the firebug plugin. For example you can see the crossdomain permission requests or other urlrequests and responses. This is a useful way to debug as it sometimes shows issues or at the very least means you can eliminate one potential cause of the issue if there are no obvious problems there.
    If you don't have firefox/firebug, then (if you can) post a url with the swf in it that exhibits the error and I or someone else can check it for you and report back.

  • Linking Facebook to a different Spotify Account using Web Player

    Hello, I couldn't seem to find an answer to my specific issue. I only use Spotify at work (don't have a PC at home). However, due to restrictions at my work place, I can only use the Web Player. I had an account back in the day that was linked to Facebook but I can't seem to figure out how to unlink Facebook from that account and link it to my new one that I've paid for Premium with. I know people say click on Preferences, but I don't see that option on the Web Player. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks!

    Try the steps linked to disconnect from Facebook

  • Get web player to work when flash is click to play

    The latest firefox, and my chrome at work have now made flash "click to play" due to the numerous security issues with flash. However, Spotify web player requires flash to run. When flash is set to "click to play" the web player complains that flash is not installed and shows a dialog requesting you install flash. I found this work around:1. from developer tools, find an object named "player.swf"2. this object has width and height set to 1. Change this to 100 for both.3. you should now see a large flash box in the top left hand corner of the screen.4. you can right click and run flash from this box.5. also, right click the dialog box, and choose inspect element. 6. edit the display: block to display: hidden. This should hide the dialog box that asks you install flash. spotify web player should now run fine. This is a temporary solution though. You have to do it every time you login or refresh the page, which is a huge pain.Flash should not be required for the web player. Google play music does not require it, for example. Spotify, you need to fix this. Flash will increasingly be disabled in browsers or made click to play before being deprecated. PLEASE FIX.

    Youtube doesn't require flash player anymore--hasn't for a while now. Try a different browser, for starters.

  • Third party DVD player issues

    Recently, I have come across an issue playing back DVD's with
    VLC or XBMC. When I start playback of the DVD, it plays the first
    segment ( the studio leader at the beginning) and will then just quit.
    Apple's DVD Player works fine (quality is crappy and can't get surround
    tracks out of it). Yet, when the DVD is ripped to the hard drive and
    played from there, it is works just fine.
    Also, this happens when the DVD is played back from an internal
    or external drive.
    Has anyone else seen this issue or do I have a unique problem?

    My unit is a 2010 MacMini with HDMI. (see list)
    The quality issues with Apple DVD player vs. other solutions are certain
    scenes have a graininess akin to noise on old analog tv's that aren't
    present on the other players and severe banding in gradients that
    do not appear in other players, at least when they were working.
    As far as the audio, selection in the DVD's menu itself just makes no difference.
    Tried all the combinations of messing with Audio MIDI setup, third party
    plugins like Perian, none of which work for Apple's DVD player. This was
    the other reason for going to third party players, the higher quality video
    was just a bonus.
    Your point has been taken that it may be a software issue with the third party players.
    Some update at some point may have broken them, be it OSX or their own.
    I've beaten the Apple DVD player issue enough, let's just consider the topic dead.
    The audio issues with it are spread over many, many threads across the web, with
    no silver bullet solution to all.
    As for BluRays, play them back all the time on my Mini. Either with
    PowerDVD 10 in a Bootcamp windows7 when I want full DTS-HD or
    TRUE HD decoding (decodes these to up to 24 bit,192kHz 7.1 since the
    Mini chipset does not have the "protected" path for pass through of
    these technologies) or a MakeMKV/XBMC combo in OSX. The OSX
    solution doesn't give you the fancy menus and all or HD audio if present,
    but if I only want to watch the movies it's fine. If I ever do want the other
    nonsense, I just use PowerDVD 10. And please note this is BluRay disk
    in player, not "ripped" or transcoded.
    I do appreciate your help, but was primarily curious if others had issue
    as well.
    Message was edited by: woodmeister50
    Message was edited by: woodmeister50

  • Newbie needs help: Authorware Web Player for Intel Mac OS X

    Hi guys,
    Complete newbie here in need of assistance please.
    I am using a Intel MacBook Pro 3.1 (early 2007) running Leopard OSX 10.5.8
    Have paid to do basic computer Microsoft Office course via net. College still uses MS 2003 and so I bought Office for Mac 04 as I was told all
    I needed to be able to do this course was to be able to open office docs via email.
    Have just received the course book and page 2 tells me to download Macromedia Flash and Authorware Web Players 5 and 7.
    Flash loads without a glitch. Went to Adobe-Downloads-Web Players page, scrolled down to Authorware player which lists both a compact and a complete version of Web Player 7 for OS X on Safari. But here's the kicker - it specifically states for Power PCs. I tried to download it anyway and
    of course it will not load. So I am apparently up the proverbial creek as far as the course goes.
    So my question is this: Has Adobe just wiped its hands of all mac users of this app once Apple changed to the Intel architecture?
    Or does anyone know of a work around or another app that can help me out of this problem?
    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as I am supposed to have started this course and unbelievably cannot get past page 2!
    Cheers and thanx in advance

      Hi everyone,
    Just thought I would give you an update on my problem. I was contacted by the lovely Matt from Adobe customer care, who was right on the ball as far as accessing my problem and was as helpful as can be. I just thought I would post his reply to my email to let everyone here know that Adobe do have a customer care line and people there to help us.
    From Matthew:
    Hello bmw14,
    First, if you send me your phone number, I can call you directly to try to resolve your issue more quickly.
    With regards to the problems you’re having, the course book is probably indicating these older Flash and Authorware Player versions simply because they were contemporary when the book was authored. The Player teams put a lot of work into ensuring that new versions can play any content that worked in the previous versions. So my recommendation is to uninstall any older versions, and just install the most recent versions of the players. These should be capable of playing any content that was authored for use by players 5 & 7 ,etc.
    Let me know if this helps, or if you’d like a call, or if we should consider the problem solved.

  • Divx web player keeps crashing all browsers; IE, Firefox, Google Chrome.

    The Divx web player stopped working for me a while back. I run Microsoft XP HE SP3 on a Toshiba Satellite M55-S139 1.87 GB RAM 1.60 GHz Proc.
    I've tried installing and uninstalling the browsers. I've tried updating/downgrading versions of divx. I've even done some registry edits a while back that seemed to work once I restarted the computer and tried it once but then after a moment of playing it crashed again. 
    Has anyone had this ongoing issue with divx web player like I have? The regular divx player and vlc can play divx but when I attempt to stream divx formated files from any site I get a browser crashing occurance every time for every browser. It always appears to be a certain dll issue in the send error report; most of the time to msvcr80.dll.  
    Let me know any additional info you may need to solve this.

    I have the same issue since updating to Lion / Safari 5.1!
    The plugin worked fine before in 32-bit Mode.
    There's nothing on the internet on this issue altough it seems this problem occurs on any Lion machine. I have encountered the same problem on a new MacBookAir that came with Lion preinstalled. So I'm guessing it has nothing to do with updating from Snow Leopard to Lion.
    Any help greatly appreciated!!!

  • Web player randomly cut off sound and stop playing after about 5 seconds.

    My web player cut off the sound and stops after about 5 seconds. The only way to get it to work again without refreshing the page it to select a different time periode in the time bar. Also it happens more often at the first 25% of the movie.
    I am using safari with add block on a Macbook pro retina (if this helps with the issue).
    What can I do to solve this.

    I suspect you are running into the following bug:
    Flash Player 11.7 Sound Playback Bug

  • Firefox Divx Web Player - Buffering 0%, Divx Web Player it prompts "Buffering: 0%" without ever playing content.

    Issue Description:
    For as long as I can remember I've been unable to play videos using the DivX Web Player. The video appears and connects however it prompts "Buffering: 0%" without ever streaming anything. I've tried to resolve the issue by uninstalling Firefox, Shark007's Codec Pack, DivX Web Player, and Firefox Addons and having them re-installed with no luck. These videos do not work in Chrome either however they do work in Internet Explorer. DivX Avi formats do play on my desktop using Windows Media Player and the DivX Plus Player.
    url: http://labs.divx.com/Webplayer does not work.
    Operating System:
    Windows 7
    Intel® Pentium ® D CPU 2.80GHZ
    Installed Memory (RAM):
    1.00 GB
    System Type:
    32-bit Operating System
    Mozilla Firefox:
    Version 3.6.6
    Divx Plus Web Player:
    Video Card:
    NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS
    Screenshot Example: http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us
    == URL of affected sites ==

    Hi everyone,
    Since it is currently not possible to play divx content using the newest version of the divx web player, I've been using the VLC media player browser plugin. The VLC browser plugin allows you to play divx content on the web; however, it does not load in the same manner as a traditional divx web player. To use it, you need to double click the video and move it into full screen.

  • DivX Web Player not appearing in Safari 5.1

    Hey there!
    Just a few days back I decided to go back to Safari (version 5.1, build 7534.48.3). However, the DivX Pro Web Player (version refuses to show up. No matter the conditions.
    I have tried disabling all of my Safari extensions. I have uninstalled Adblock as recommended by someone around the forums. I do have the latest version of Perian (1.2.3) installed. I have tried temporarily moving a few QuickTime components as recommended by Perian (http://perian.org/#support). I have tried disabling the DivX Plus Web Player HTML 5 <video> alone and re-enabling it. I have tried several versions of the DivX Web Player (1.4, 6 and the latest) I have tried everything mentioned above in both 32bit and 64bit mode. I have restarted my computer a bunch of times between the changes, just in case it would make a difference.
    It works perfectly fine within Mozilla Firefox (version 5.0.1) and Google Chrome (version 13.0.782.107 beta).
    Screenshot of Safari: http://static.madphp.org/divx-web-issues/safari.png
    Screenshot of Mozilla Firefox: http://static.madphp.org/divx-web-issues/firefox.png
    Quick Version Peak:
    Mac OS X Lion (10.7)
    Safari (5.1, build 7534.48.3)
    Mozilla Firefox (5.0.1)
    Google Chrome (13.0.782.107 beta)
    DivX Web Player (
    DivX Safari Extension (
    Perian (1.2.3)
    Any help whatsoever is highly appreciated. I realise this may not be a direct issue of Safari, but could rather be an issue of the DivX Web Player, thus me posting this both here and through a ticket to the DivX support.
    Thank you very much,

    I have the same issue since updating to Lion / Safari 5.1!
    The plugin worked fine before in 32-bit Mode.
    There's nothing on the internet on this issue altough it seems this problem occurs on any Lion machine. I have encountered the same problem on a new MacBookAir that came with Lion preinstalled. So I'm guessing it has nothing to do with updating from Snow Leopard to Lion.
    Any help greatly appreciated!!!

  • Authorware 6.0 Web Player

    I have a training application from Education Multimedia for
    Office XP that uses Authorware 6.0 Web Player. The player doesn't
    seem to work with IE7. Any idea if it can make it work? The install
    in the application just seems to hang and not do anything, it works
    fine with IE6.

    Could be a rights issue, also. The AW 6 web player writes
    files to a
    subdirectory of the Windows directory. You would be better
    off using the
    2004 Web Player, which uses the Documents & Settings
    folder of the user.
    It's backwards compatible with earlier versions of AW.
    Paul Swanson
    Portland, Oregon, USA
    "Steve Howard" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f08c3b$ms1$[email protected]..
    > >I added the mime types that were listed in the
    limilted instructions I
    > >found, no help
    > You need to add similar lines for X32 and other files
    downloaded by the
    > player ... u32, xmo, might be more.
    > Steve\\
    > --
    > EuroTAAC eLearning 2007
    > Adobe Community Expert: Authorware, Flash Mobile and
    > My blog -

  • Download Authorware Web Player

    I am trying to download the Authorware Web Player for
    viewing of training disks created by this product on a intranet
    with no internet access. Every time I go to download, it wants to
    install on my home machine which does me no good. I do not have the
    full version Authorware creator nor have a need to make training
    mediums, just utilize the viewer. Is there a link anywhere to
    download the .exe/.cab viewer so that I can through it on a thumb
    drive and bring it into work? Appreciate the help.

    Here are my suggestions, but the real solution is that we really need  Adobe to support this amazing educational product from the operating system vista and up and for any new browsers other than Internet Explorer.
    How can we do that? I have spent hours on the phone and it is impossible to get through to Adobe experts able to create this solution.
    Browser issues:
    It is recommended that you access the program via Internet Explorer.
    Windows 7 users:
    Later operating systems have higher security features. Here are the workarounds: Accessing the Demo Program - When clicking on the Demo link, a pop-up appears asking, "Do you want to run the following Authorware file?" - Click Yes. The Macromedia logo appears. Next, in the browser, click on Tools > Internet Options > Security. Uncheck Enable Internet Protection this allows the Demo Program to open in a pop-up window. Restart Internet Explorer and return to http://www.nurseeducation.org/. Now when you click on the FREE Demo link, the Demo Program will open. Once the program Demo has opened, simply recheck the Enable Internet Protection box in your browser's securty settings. If necessary you can manually download the free Authorware plugin at Adobe.com If your computer is later than 2008, you need to allow Active X controls to download. Click LOGIN on the side navigation. A BAR appears at the top of the pop up page. Click on INSTALL ACTIVE X CONTROL. Another prompt pops up - CLICK INSTALL. Now RESTART YOUR BROWSER. Return to www.nurseeducation.org. Click LOGIN. When the prompt appears, click OK. You’re now able to access the program. Still having trouble? This problem may be easily resolved, by temporarily turning off the new security settings completely. Go to TOOLS > INTERNET OPTIONS > Select the SECURITY TAB > UNCHECK THE BOX that says ENABLE PROTECTED MODE. Now just restart Internet Explorer and it will work the next time you try to log in. Do re-enable protected mode after your download has finished by just rechecking the Enable Protected Mode check box. If it still did not work it could also be that your browser’s internet options must be changed to allow this player to be downloaded. If so, with internet open go into TOOLS at the top, then click INTERNET OPTIONS, then click SECURITY and then click CUSTOM LEVEL and then change Disable To Enable wherever it says Active X files. Windows XP users: If a new window does NOT pop-up, check the task bar at the bottom of the screen. Some Operating Systems, such as Windows XP, will not permit a link to open above the program, and instead will flash orange in the task bar at the bottom of the screen. Click the orange item to open the link.
    Hope this helps.

  • Can't install Authoware Web Player

    Hello I am having issues installing Authorware Web Player. I
    have tried on numerous machines all running Windows XP with
    Internet Explorer 7. I install the product and then I go to the
    Authoware test page (also tried it through a Plato Science
    assignment which requires it to run) it sits on loading and
    eventually times out with the following error:
    "Error downloading content file. Internal Error: Time out
    http://download.macromedia.com/pub/authorware/authorware_player/webplr08/win/xtras/xmlpars e.x32"
    If I keep the screen up eventually I will get about 30 other
    pop ups spread out over an hour with the same error message but a
    different file name at the end. For example " /xtras/voxread.x32 ,
    /xtras/winfview.x32, voxdcmp.x32, swaread.x32, etc. I won't list
    out the others you get the gist.
    Any and all thoughts or suggestions in how to resolve this
    would be greatly appreciates.

    This filename is correct and the file is on the server... I
    just verified
    this by downloading it myself from that location. You might
    have a firewall
    or network blocking issue that's preventing files from being
    retrieved from
    the site. Are you inside a company network? Check with your
    IT department.
    You might also have security settings in IE set to prevent
    downloads from
    some sites. Check IE settings and make sure that
    is a trusted location. Also make sure that
    http://www.adobe.com is a trusted
    location. You might be able to revert
    these settings after running the test file depending on how
    your Authorware
    content is set up.
    If you are seeing a progress bar in the middle of the page
    that says
    'initializing' or 'loading files' then the installation of
    the Authorware
    web player is complete. You can skip the test movie on the
    Adobe site and
    try running the Authorware content. The Authorware content
    can be set up so
    that it does not use the Adobe site for xtras, following the
    installation. The the following technote for details.
    Mike Baker
    Adobe Community Expert
    mike-baker at cox dot net
    "abzinthe" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gnmuud$142$[email protected]..
    > Hello I am having issues installing Authorware Web
    Player. SNIP
    > "Error downloading content file. Internal Error: Time
    > as/xmlparse.x32"
    > If I keep the screen up eventually I will get about 30
    other pop ups ...
    > SNIP

Maybe you are looking for