Web view download link

when I ftp upload a web batch to my server and the client looks at the images I would like to give them the option to download the highres version from my server.
So where it says
Previoue Index Next
I would like to add 'Download' and the image does download.
Can anyone help there please?

Take a look at this topic here:
Maximilian Reuss, "Looking for web template with 3 link-levels" #1, 25 Jun 2008 3:34 am

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    This is related to a bug in the direct PDF output from Word 2007. I was told that Microsoft has fixed this bug in the final SP2 release (so when the service pack becomes available, this problem will not be present).
    Until then, the workaround is indeed to turn off the "Save As optimizes for Fast Web View" preference in Acrobat (Edit > Preferences > Documents, under Save Settings).
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    MicroType * http://www.microtype.com
    FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers
    "Improve Your FrameMaker Skills" live web-based training sessions

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    The SQL Server 2008 R2 Web Edition is currently available on the MSDN subscriber downloads area.
    You can try to use SQL Server 2008 R2 Evaluation Edition Media, which you can download from below link, and then provide a Web Edition
    product key.
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  • Adding Image from web or downloading linked images to iphoto

    Has never worked for me and am wondering if anyone else having same problem. Have looked for any instance of this topic and not having much success here either.
    All I've wanted to do is this:
    I've posted similar topic in automator but realize this is more likely an issue with iPhoto and not automator but who knows.
    I follow the directions of Apples own design to download photos to a folder and then transfer them into an album in iPhoto. Each time I do so, I get the follow error message:
    __Can't make «class impo» of application "iPhoto" into type boolean. (-1700)__
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    Not the way the web page says this should work.

    Not sure I can help you with Automator but here's two options:
    Hazel (http://www.noodlesoft.com/hazel.php) will watch a folder for you and import the pics to a specified album
    Right click on the iPhoto Package File in Pictures and go 'Show Package Contents' In the resulting window you'll see a folder called 'Auto Import'. Make an alias to the folder and drag it to the desktop. Pics dropped onto that folder will be imported the next time iPhoto launches.

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             response = (HttpServletResponse) faces.getExternalContext().getResponse();
             String agent = request.getHeader("USER-AGENT");
             boolean isIE=false;            
            if (null != agent && agent.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1) { 
            if (isIE) {
                fileName = URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8");
            } else {
                fileName = new String(fileName.getBytes("utf-8"), "ISO-8859-1");
            ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
            byte b[]=new byte[1024];
            int n;
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    As long as you have the serial numbers for the upgrade version and the base version(CS6 and CS5.5 respectively in your case) the programs will install fine. Download the trial version from www.adobe.com/downloads/ and install the software. During installation you may be asked for the CS5.5 serial number(after you enter your CS6 serial number). The installer file or setup.exe file is the same on the disks and on Adobe.com.

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    After that,
    re-activated after Turn off the computer.
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    You are asking several different questions. If you need to store your photos, music, and movies on an external volume, you certainly can. Any externally connected hard disk drive will work, connected either directly to your Mac or to your Time Capsule as a shared volume.
    You should not rely upon using that as a backup device though. Although you certainly may use it for both purposes, it is a better idea to have dedicated backup devices for a variety of reasons not limited to redundancy. You would not want to simultaneously lose all your pictures as well as your backup. If they are all on the same device, that could happen. Furthermore, a backup cannot back up the volume on which it is running.
    As for adding an Extreme or Express, using its LAN port for your iMac, and then enable Internet sharing so you can effectively use the iMac as a "hotspot", you can do that too, but I am unclear on what benefit you believe this arrangement would convey for you.
    An Extreme's Guest network is separate from its Main network; that is the reason for having it.

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    HTTP ERROR: 404 /support/downloads/dlm/main.jsp
    I have an adobe account and am logged into it as well.
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  • Downloading Linked Web Images

    I do a lot of photo-manipulations, and one thing I need are lots of different images to play around with. A couple of the women in my manipulations group are very good at searching out images and post new galleries of images each week. Downloading these images is a long, repetitive process (not as long as trying to search for them myself, but still hours each week if I want to snag them all).
    Automator is supposed to help deal with repetitive processes, and indeed there is a sample workflow called "Downloading Linked Web Images" on the front Automator page. It goes like this:
    1> Get current webpage from Safari
    2> Get image URLs from webpage (set to Get URLs linked from these webpages)
    3> Download URLs (where: Pictures is set in example, I set it to where: Incoming Downloads, the folder I download everything to and which is set up as a safe zone in Norton Anti-Virus)
    The workflow goes on with the following step to add the photos to iPhoto, but I stopped it here because I don't want the photos in iPhoto.
    4> Import photos into iPhoto (add to: either choose album with a pull-down menu or new album with a input box for the name, checkbox for "delete the source images after importing them")
    This workflow doesn't work, and I don't know why.
    On one of her galleries it said it sucessfully completed, but all it did was download an html file that when clicked on gave me a linking instructions page, which linked to the small version of the first photo in the gallery. (I replaced her actual name with "username" in the address to protect her privacy.)
    On her other galleries, the workflow stopped at step 2 with this message:
    AppleScript Error:
    The command exited with a non-zero status. (255)
    I have no idea what that error is.
    The steps I currently go through to download photos from her galleries are (again I've substituted "username" for her real name in all the addresses):
    1) Open gallery address in Safari. They take this form:
    2) Double click on one of the thumbnails, which opens a page with a small version of that single photo. The addresses take this form:
    3) Double click on the small version of the photo to open the large version. The large version addresses look like this:
    4) Command-click on large photo and choose "Save image to Incoming Downloads."
    5) Either hit the "back" link on the large picture page or the back button on Safari to get back to the small picture page.
    6) Either hit the back button on Safari to go back to the gallery page, or hit the "next" link on the small picture page to go to the small picture page for the next photo in the gallery.
    7) Either: a) from gallery page, repeat from step 2, or b) from small version page of next photo in gallery, repeat from step 3.
    Continue to repeat until I've downloaded all the pictures I like, or I'm totally exhausted, or I have no more time. This one person's galleries have between 60 and 300 photos each, and she updates three to five galleries each week.
    My group also has other people who put up galleries of images less often, but usually with more images. Last weekend one woman put up a gallery with 4387 pictures!
    Downloading pictures one at a time takes forever, and the process should be able to be automated. If someone posts galleries that aren't entirely new images every week, it would still be much faster to download everything and trash the pictures I didn't want.
    Does anyone know why this workflow won't work? It's one of the two sample workflows Apple has posted to demonstrate how Automator works, so I'm very surprised to find it doesn't work. BTW, I did download and install the latest version of Automator & X-code tools before trying the sample workflows.
    Can someone help?

    Not sure I can help you with Automator but here's two options:
    Hazel (http://www.noodlesoft.com/hazel.php) will watch a folder for you and import the pics to a specified album
    Right click on the iPhoto Package File in Pictures and go 'Show Package Contents' In the resulting window you'll see a folder called 'Auto Import'. Make an alias to the folder and drag it to the desktop. Pics dropped onto that folder will be imported the next time iPhoto launches.

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    I keep getting internet explorer cannot display web page when trying to download itunes. This only shows on half the page where the download link would be. My internet connection is fine.  Any idea what the problem may be?

    You won't see anything obviously related to iCloud, Jimmy. But if you go to the home iTunes Store page while logged into your iTunes Store account, you should see a Purchases link now under the Quick Links header. That's the only part of iCloud active at this time.

  • Social Sharing only links to Publication URL not Web Viewer URL

    I initially created a multi-folio app with the DPS App Builder (Social Sharing enabled per the instructions), but forgot to enable the Web Viewer on my account.
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    I have since enabled the Web Viewer, republished my Folio AND re-generated my app, and the Social Sharing button in the App will only display the Publication URL, and not the Web Viewer URLs.
    Do I just need to be patient?  It's been a few hours.
    Also: is there any way to get to the Web Viewer URLs outside of sharing through the app?

    See this thread about a Sept 27th outage which may have affected you.

  • Web Viewer links through https ?

    I'm working with a client on their DPS apps and they want to install Web Viewer features. Now I'm not completely familiar with the technical ins-and-outs of the Direct Entitlement server and its requirements, but they mentioned their IT department isn't happy with this feature running off insecure http protocols, in stead of https. (All their web services run on https.) Does this remark make sense ? Did they overlook some option in the implementation of it all ? Or is https support indeed still something to be waited for ? (Many other services of DPS are supported by https.)

    Hi Sanoosh,
    There seems to be a routine problem with Adobe on HTTPs even when it says HTTP/HTTPS in dataconection.
    follow the below post with similar issue.
    Re: Calling HTTPS Webservice error
    the final post from Otto there gives you series of steps to resolve this.

  • HT5444 why does finding the download link for mavericks have to be a scavenger hunt. why can't they simply have a downloads tab like any normal site. I love MAC, BUT WHO EVER IS MAKING THE WEB SITE IS A CREEP.

    can sombody tell me where to find the download link for the mavericks upgrade?

    Odd.... I read complaints ALL THE TIME that it's in the way of everything...
    Its in the App Store. (Mac HD/Applications/AppStore)
    Right on the front page. CAN'T MISS IT.

  • "Fast Web View" not supported in Acrobat X plug-in for FireFox/Chrome

    The Acrobat X plug-in for displaying PDFs in FireFox/Chrome does NOT support fast web view.   This means that PDFs don't display until after the entire file has been download.
    For example, try viewing this document in either IE(Windows) or Safari(Mac):
    Notice how it opens very quickly, and then you can scroll around and view all the content as the PDF content strreams in?  In Safari you can see the download progress like you used to be able to see in all versions of the acrobat plug-in.  Note also that in the IE version, although fast web view is working, you cannot see the download progress like you used to be able to... Thats an issue, but not nearly as bad as the real issue...
    Now try clicking the same link in either FireFox or Chrome (note that in Chrome you need to be sure that Chrome's PDF viewer is turned off and the acrobat plug-in is enabled).  Note that the PDF is not displayed until the entire file is downloaded.
    This feature is VITAL for viewing large documents online.  I'm astonished that this has not been reported by other users.
    Adobe -- PLEASE be sure that this gets fixed in the next update to Reader X!!  I was shocked to see that it was not fixed in 10.1.

    WHY would you want to disable this? Linearized "Fast Web View" enabled PDF are the right and proper type of document to be created.

Maybe you are looking for

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