Webcam on Satego X200 - cannot use it with ICQ

Webcam works fine - with Cam-Software but not with ICQ.
When i take a look into ControlPanel /Scanner/Cameras it isnt
in the List.
Can anybody please help me?

I am not sure, but did you already tried to find a separate driver for that webcam? Must not be a original toshiba driver, since I think they use their software as a "kind" of driver or as a hardware access application.
If you can find out which hardware this webcam is (mostly say its a chicony) then you will have luck and can make the cam available for your whole system.

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    Hi Sahil,
    Refer below code
      FROM A017
      INTO IT_A017 " internal Table
            LIFNR IN S_LIFNR AND
            MATNR IN S_MATNR AND
            EKORG IN S_EKORG AND
    *         kschl = v_kschl AND
            KSCHL = GV_KSCHL .
      IF IT_A017[] IS NOT INITIAL.
              FROM MARA
          INTO TABLE IT_MARA" internal Table
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN IT_A017
          WHERE MATNR = IT_A017-MATNR.
          FROM MARC
          INTO TABLE IT_MARC" internal Table
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN IT_A017
                WERKS = IT_A017-WERKS.
          FROM LFA1
          INTO IT_LFA1" internal Table
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN IT_A017
          WHERE LIFNR = IT_A017-LIFNR.
    After this use READ statement and fill the data in final internal table..
    Please search on SCN for more information about how to use FOR ALL ENTRIES..
    Hope it will solve your problem..
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7
    ilesh Nandaniya

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    Andrew Butterfield wrote:
    Obviously some little glitch, but now it's working fine. Just wish I could beat it occasionally. Still, hope lies eternal...
    It is likely that in the Dock, you had a pointer to the pre-Leopard version of Chess left over from an upgrade or archive & install, so that version was trying to launch from the Dock. "Get Info" tells me that Leopard's Chess is version 2.3 & it even has a checkbox for "Open in 32 bit mode" -- something I haven't seen before.
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    You should see
    Hard Drive (name)
    Computer (Name)
    Hard Drive
    Previous Systems
    Hard Drive
    3:20 PM Saturday; December 29, 2007

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    Are you getting the problem on the wired computer or on the wireless computer...or on both computers...?
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    Kindle works just fine on my AirPort Extreme.
    You do not have an apostrophe or other type of thing like this in the name of your wireless network, do you?
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