Webcam use with iBook

I have a Creative Instant webcam that I would like to use with my iBook G4. I believe that I have to download a driver for it to work, but I am not sure which one to download.
Could someone please help? Thanks so much.

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           There are a large variety of software packages used by Chemists and Biologists to view and manipulate Protein and Chemical structures in 3D. They typically have formats such as .pdb, or .mol. I have looked around and none of the software packages that I currently use allow me to export to the COLLADA (.dae) format.
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    I believe that Apple should have provided an easily way to get Pymol images into iBooks Author as VRML has been the de facto standard.  After a number of days, I have a method which works, but this much effort should not be necessary.  Anyway here it is.
    1)  Set the viewport in Pymol to 512,384 to do this in the command window type
    viewport 512,384
    Note, I'm not totally sure you need to do this.
    2) Draw you image in Pymol and output the image in VRML format, to do that
    File -> Save Image As -> VRML 2 ...
    I'll assume that you have given the file the name "pymol_output", you actual get pymol_output.wrl
    3) In a terminal window go to the folder where the above file is located and issue the following command.  This removes some stuff that messes up the lightening
    sed '9,15d' pymol_output.wrl > bender_in.wrl
    4) Next you need blender.  You can download it from
    5)  Open Blender.  In the upper right corner in the Scene section
    right click on Lamp and delete it
    right click on Cube and delete it
    right click on Camera and delete it
    Save this file so you don't have to do this every time.  I called mine empty_blender_file.blend
    6) Either open empty_blender_file.blend or continue from #5 and read in the file from #3
    File -> import->X3D Extensible 3D (.x3d/.wrl)
    this reads in the file
    7) Write out the file in collada .dae format
    File->export->collada (.dae)
    Done.  This file will read into iBooks Author and have somewhat uniform lighting.  By the way, .dae files can be opened an checked in Preview.  Its easier than going back and forth into the iPad, since you can rotate the image in Preview.
    Hope this helps, let me know if it works for you and if you have any suggestions.
    Finally someone needs to write a one step VRML and X3D to collada converter that will work with PyMol and Chimera etc.
    Have fun!

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    Keep in mind that the iBook does not support extended desktop mode. This means that you can only use an external monitor for mirroring your main display. Since the resolution of the iBook is very low (1024 x 768), virtually any display will support it.
    If you want to use an external monitor with another system later, consider getting a large CRT display, rather than an LCD. While LCDs have their attractions, such as power consumption, weight, and size, these are not the main characteristics of a good display. For another five or ten years, you'll be better off with a good CRT display. (This is my personal opinion, naturally. I was drooling over the 30" Apple Display myself, but generally, I'm not entirely satisfied with the current state of LCD technologies.)
    P.S. There's a trick to enable extended desktop mode for iMacs and iBooks: You may want to try that, too. Beware! It's highly addictive!

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    Hi Jim,
    Any Firewire (6 pin to 6 pin) DV capable CamCorder
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    10:53 PM Monday; January 22, 2007

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    In terms of control over this issue, the ranking is thus...
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    We can't do anything but prompt you to interact with Apple.

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    This is the Shockwave Player forum; your question should be posted in the Flash Player forum.

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    Just to add on,
    Henry is right, here is a forum from MacFixIt: page=0&view=expanded&sb=5&o=31&fpart=
    They have a link to AsanteTalk
    I hope this helps,

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    nope just plug it in. and it just works. your ibook should have the software for it already. but if it doesnt it will just call it "VGA Display" and give you 3 resolution sizes 640X480, 800X600, and 1024X768. but if it finds the software then you will get the bigger resolution sizes. i have used an ibook g4 with projectors all the time. its just that the ibook will mirror your display(show whats on the ibook's screen and the projector). if you want Extended Desktop you will have to download the hack for it.

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    ibook 900mhz,640mb,40GB ice dual USB   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    You'll be able to connect your iBook although it will NOT be bootable. The Mac OS X version on Intel systems is different to that of the PowerPC systems.

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    +wondered If I could just use my laptop as a screen and transfer all the information to the mac mini and run off of the mac mini.+
    This question comes up about once a week.
    No Mac is designed to replace a monitor and keyboard.
    You can, however, connect two Macs with an ethernet cable and using that network connection do screen sharing. But you probably won't like the results for anything except very casual use.
    You'd still have to use a real monitor, keyboard, and mouse to setup your new Mini.
    Once set up, you'd run a VNC program like Chicken of the VNC on your old Mac, and you'd have Screen Sharing active on your Mini. This would let you control your Mini with the iBook's screen, keyboard, and trackpad.
    But as I said, you probably won't like the results. Budget for a monitor.

Maybe you are looking for

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