WebDAV error in CPS 1.11

Bye bye Adobe. Our University offers an in-house www hosting
and editing application so I will drop Contribute, Dreamweaver and
CPS. That's a shame but I cannot spend entire afternoons debugging
CPS access.
To recap, I can configure a website connection using
Dreamweaver CS3. However the second time I attempt to administer
the website using Contribute, I am refused with the error message
"WebDAV user name or password is incorrect". I delete the _mm
folder and I can set up administration again, but on the second
attempt to logon, I am refused etc etc etc.
I think it is a problem with CPS writing some xml file into
the server sites. Not really sure, but I pay Adobe to be sure.
Adobe doesn't seem to care. No updates to CPS in two years.
As another forum user opined, we knew it was a bad thing when
Adobe bought Macromedia.

Here's a piece of the CPS logs which I believe is

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    I have loaded content using the authoring environment. The master repository resides in KM. The content gets pubshied without any errors, but I get a 404 Resource not found error when an employee tries to start the course through ESS.
    I ran a function test using the repository explorer and got the following error:
    Test aborted due to error: Failed to read file '/folder-806347554/fileA.txt'!
    -> reason: WebDAV-Error: 500: Internal Server Error (500)
    com.sap.hcm.ls.shared.repository.access.wdslide.WDException: Failed to read file '/folder-806347554/fileA.txt'!
    -> reason: WebDAV-Error: 500: Internal Server Error (500)
         at com.sap.hcm.ls.shared.repository.access.wdslide.WDRepository.throwWebDavError(WDRepository.java:2744)
         at com.sap.hcm.ls.shared.repository.access.wdslide.WDRepository.throwWebDavError(WDRepository.java:2734)
         at com.sap.hcm.ls.shared.repository.access.wdslide.WDRepository.readFile(WDRepository.java:1001)
         at com.sap.hcm.ls.shared.repository.access.DeltaVerRepository.readFile(DeltaVerRepository.java:335)
         at com.sap.hcm.ls.shared.repository.access.Repository.readFile(Repository.java:350)
         at com.sap.hcm.ls.shared.repository.tools.FunctionTest.showFile(FunctionTest.java:823)
         at com.sap.hcm.ls.shared.repository.tools.FunctionTest.runAutoTest(FunctionTest.java:328)
         at com.sap.hcm.ls.shared.repository.tools.FunctionTest.run(FunctionTest.java:79)
    From what I understand the WebDAV set up is correct. The URL is generated correctly, but the file inside the folder cannot be read, as a result the error gets generated.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Edited by: Priya Rao on Aug 3, 2009 6:20 PM

    Hello Priya,
    Please review SAP Note No. 914824 - FAQ Authoring Environment - SAP
    Learning Solution. Specfically the file types had to be added to the
    MIME repository of the IIS server. The MIME mapping and file type
    extensions that are not defined at the Mime Map node in the IIS
    Please make sure that you are using basic authentification
    Please refer to item 21 of SAP Note No. 746917 - "FAQ Content Player -
    SAP Learning Solution". Please make sure that you are using Basic
    authentification and NOT form ased login!
    Please reference the SAP Notes below:
    SAP Note No. 590060
    SAP Note No. 700695.
    SAP Note No. 724719

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    It always happened at the second and more times after IIS Manager reset. At the very first time it opens OK.
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    Please advice.
    I did not manage to add picture for the reason below
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    I'd suggest asking your question over in the Publishing section on IIS.net: 

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    "WebDAV File System Authentification
    Enter your user name and password to access the server at the URL "http://idisk.mac.com/kristinamc_tda/" in the realm "idisk.mac.com."
    My only options are to cancel and save. I press cancel and the message comes right back, so I cancel again and it stays gone for about 20-30 minutes. I have no idea how to get rid of this or why it started doing this. Since the account doesn't technically exist, I'm thinking that the password will never be correct - I've tried entering what I thought was the password, but it never accepts it. I have tried to see if removing the iDisk link on my desktop would make it stop, but I cannot get rid of it. I am trying to write a paper and this annoying error is about to make me freak out. Does anyone have any idea what I should do to fix this?

    You may also want to open Keychain Access in Applications/Utilities and delete any referrence to the earlier name.
    I would send yourself an Email with the info in to keep a permanent record in case you ever decide to activate that name again.
    A lapsed @mac.com name can be used in iChat for free so you may not want to go this far.
    11:42 PM Sunday; July 19, 2009

  • WebDAV error when doing a client push ConfigMgr 2012 R2

    Hi everyone, I am getting an error message when doing a client push, only on some DPs.
    Here is the setup:
    ConfigMgr 2012 R2 on Server 2012 R2.
    DP are on Server 2008 R2 (for the most part).
    DP are installed using the exact same way, adding the Primary Site Server to the local Admins group, then using the console to install the role, selecting BranchCache and Configure IIS.
    No PXE.
    Boundary groups are configured as appropriate.
    When initiating a client push the following errors are displayed in the CCMSetup.log:
    Failed to correctly receive a WEBDAV HTTP request.. (StatusCode at WinHttpQueryHeaders: 401)
    Failed to check url http://DPServerName.com/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/S0100003. Error 0x80004005
    Enumerated all 1 local DP locations but none of them is good. Fallback to MP.
    GET 'HTTP://MPServerName.com/CCM_Client/ccmsetup.cab'
    The installation is done but yet again, no local DP are used.
    The same scenario is actually working on other DP that was configured using the same exact way.
    Servers where not new installation and where used for other things:
    MDT Deployment Share with PXE.
    Other share.
    As far as I can tell, IIS is well configured as I am able to deploy any other software on clients and they are using the local DP. Only the client installation is causing problem.
    Anyone have any idea?
    There is a lot of post about a similar problem on ConfigMgr 2007 but all solution are to configure WebDAV, which is not configured in ConfigMgr 2012.
    Thank you guys for any tip and/or help!

    You are right about the log, here is a longer snippet of it:
    ==========[ ccmsetup started in process 5980 ]========== ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 1020 (0x03FC)
    Running on platform X86 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 1020 (0x03FC)
    Launch from folder C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 1020 (0x03FC)
    CcmSetup version: 5.0.7958.1501 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 1020 (0x03FC)
    In ServiceMain ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Running on 'Microsoft Windows 7 Professionnel ' (6.1.7601). Service Pack (1.0). SuiteMask = 272. Product Type = 18 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Ccmsetup command line: "C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /runservice /config:MobileClient.tcf ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Command line parameters for ccmsetup have been specified. No registry lookup for command line parameters is required. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Command line: "C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /runservice /config:MobileClient.tcf ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    SslState value: 224 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    CCMHTTPPORT: 80 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    CCMHTTPSPORT: 443 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    CCMHTTPSSTATE: 224 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    CCMHTTPSCERTNAME: ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    FSP: ServerSCCMPSS.Test.com ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    CCMFIRSTCERT: 1 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Config file: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\MobileClientUnicode.tcf ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Retry time: 10 minute(s) ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    MSI log file: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs\client.msi.log ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Source List: ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    \\Serversccmmp.Test.com\SMSClient ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    \\Serversccmpss.Test.com\SMSClient ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    \\dcsspsccmmpdff.test.com\SMSClient ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    \\ServerSCCMMP.Test.com\SMSClient ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    \\ServerSCCMPSS.Test.com\SMSClient ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    \\DCSSPSCCMMPDFF.test.com\SMSClient ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    MPs: ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Serversccmmp.Test.com ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Serversccmpss.Test.com ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    dcsspsccmmpdff.test.com ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    No version of the client is currently detected. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Folder 'Microsoft\Configuration Manager' not found. Task does not exist. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Updated security on object C:\Windows\ccmsetup\. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Sending Fallback Status Point message to 'ServerSCCMPSS.Test.com', STATEID='100'. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Failed to get client version for sending messages to FSP. Error 0x8004100e ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Params to send FSP message '5.0.7958.1501 Deployment ' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    State message with TopicType 800 and TopicId {40FD8A62-3E9A-41FB-8698-E9A6658A4A91} has been sent to the FSP FSPStateMessage 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Running as user "Système" ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Detected 206206 MB free disk space on system drive. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Checking Write Filter Status. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    This is not a supported write filter device. We are not in a write filter maintenance mode. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:12 4536 (0x11B8)
    Performing AD query: '(&(ObjectCategory=mSSMSManagementPoint)(mSSMSDefaultMP=TRUE)(mSSMSSiteCode=S01))' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:13 4536 (0x11B8)
    OperationalXml '<ClientOperationalSettings><Version>5.00.7958.1000</Version><SecurityConfiguration><SecurityModeMask>0</SecurityModeMask><SecurityModeMaskEx>224</SecurityModeMaskEx><HTTPPort>80</HTTPPort><HTTPSPort>443</HTTPSPort><CertificateStoreName></CertificateStoreName><CertificateIssuers></CertificateIssuers><CertificateSelectionCriteria></CertificateSelectionCriteria><CertificateSelectFirstFlag>1</CertificateSelectFirstFlag><SiteSigningCert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iteSigningCert></SecurityConfiguration><RootSiteCode>S01</RootSiteCode><CCM> <CommandLine>SMSSITECODE=S01 FSP=Serversccmpss.Test.com SMSCACHEFLAGS=PERCENTFREEDISKSPACE SMSCACHESIZE=20</CommandLine> </CCM><FSP> <FSPServer>Serversccmpss.Test.com</FSPServer> </FSP><Capabilities SchemaVersion ="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0" /></Capabilities><Domain Value="Test.com" /><Forest Value="Test.com" /></ClientOperationalSettings>' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Unable to open Registry key Software\Microsoft\CCM. Return Code [80070002]. Client HTTPS state is Unknown. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    The MP name retrieved is 'Serversccmpss.Test.com' with version '7958' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    MP 'Serversccmpss.Test.com' is compatible ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    The MP name retrieved is 'Serversccmmp.Test.com' with version '7958' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    MP 'Serversccmmp.Test.com' is compatible ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    The MP name retrieved is 'dcsspsccmmpdff.test.com' with version '7958' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    MP 'dcsspsccmmpdff.test.com' is compatible ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Retrieved 3 MP records from AD for site 'S01' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Retrived site version '5.00.7958.1000' from AD for site 'S01' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    SiteCode: S01 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    SiteVersion: 5.00.7958.1000 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Searching for a valid online MP... ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Checking the URL 'HTTP://Serversccmpss.Test.com:80/CCM_Client/ccmsetup.cab' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    PROPFIND 'HTTP://Serversccmpss.Test.com:80/CCM_Client' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Found a valid online MP 'Serversccmpss.Test.com'. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Searching for DP locations from MP(s)... ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Current AD site of machine is CDL LocationServices 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Local Machine is joined to an AD domain LocationServices 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Current AD forest name is Test.com, domain name is Test.com LocationServices 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    DhcpGetOriginalSubnetMask entry point is supported. LocationServices 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Begin checking Alternate Network Configuration LocationServices 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Finished checking Alternate Network Configuration LocationServices 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Adapter {72FC011A-9993-4CBD-B7B2-D1D56FD38711} is DHCP enabled. Checking quarantine status. LocationServices 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Sending message body '<ContentLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00">
    <AssignedSite SiteCode="S01"/>
    <ClientLocationInfo LocationType="SMSPACKAGE" DistributeOnDemand="0" UseProtected="0" AllowCaching="0" BranchDPFlags="0" AllowHTTP="1" AllowSMB="0" AllowMulticast="0" UseInternetDP="0">
    <ADSite Name="CDL"/>
    <Forest Name="Test.com"/>
    <Domain Name="Test.com"/>
    <IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/>
    ' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Sending message header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1"><ID>{B9F091E1-649D-47C4-A0AD-19508435F962}</ID><SourceHost>C006235</SourceHost><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_LocationManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:C006235:LS_ReplyLocations</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>600</Timeout><ReqVersion>5931</ReqVersion><TargetHost>Serversccmpss.Test.com</TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>MP_LocationManager</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2015-03-26T03:12:14Z</SentTime><Body Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="1080"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    CCM_POST 'HTTP://Serversccmpss.Test.com/ccm_system/request' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Content boundary is '--aAbBcCdDv1234567890VxXyYzZ' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Received header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1">
    <ReplyCapabilities><AllowRegistrationReset>direct:ServerSCCMPSS:ClientRegistration</AllowRegistrationReset></ReplyCapabilities><TargetHost>C006235</TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>LS_ReplyLocations</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2015-03-26T03:12:14Z</SentTime><Body Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="2574"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/><Hook Name="authenticate"><Property Name="Signature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roperty><Property Name="AuthSenderMachine">ServerSCCMPSS;Serversccmpss.Test.com;</Property><Property Name="MPSiteCode">S01</Property></Hook></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Received reply body '<ContentLocationReply SchemaVersion="1.00"><ContentInfo PackageFlags="16777216"><ContentHashValues/></ContentInfo><Sites><Site><MPSite SiteCode="S01" MasterSiteCode="S01" SiteLocality="LOCAL" IISPreferedPort="80" IISSSLPreferedPort="443"/><LocationRecords><LocationRecord><URL Name="http://CDLGHOST.Test.com/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/S0100003" Signature="http://CDLGHOST.Test.com/SMS_DP_SMSSIG$/S0100003"/><ADSite Name="CDL"/><IPSubnets><IPSubnet Address=""/><IPSubnet Address=""/></IPSubnets><Metric Value=""/><Version>7958</Version><Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities><ServerRemoteName>CDLGHOST.Test.com</ServerRemoteName><DPType>SERVER</DPType><Windows Trust="1"/><Locality>LOCAL</Locality></LocationRecord></LocationRecords></Site><Site><MPSite SiteCode="S01" MasterSiteCode="S01" SiteLocality="LOCAL"/><LocationRecords/></Site></Sites><ClientPackage FullPackageID="S0100003" FullPackageVersion="7" FullPackageHash="CE8C259380667F5687A01FA5365B2D2D1236BA9FC1AD4696A54D914B919D294D" MinimumClientVersion="5.00.7958.1000" RandomizeMaxDays="7" ProgramEnabled="false" LastModifiedTime="30416572;2153570688" SiteVersionMatch="true" SiteVersion="5.00.7958.1000" EnablePeerCache="true"/><RelatedContentIDs/></ContentLocationReply>' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Found local location 'http://CDLGHOST.Test.com/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/S0100003' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Discovered 1 local DP locations. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    PROPFIND 'http://CDLGHOST.Test.com/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/S0100003' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:14 4536 (0x11B8)
    Got 401 challenge Retrying with Windows Auth... ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    PROPFIND 'http://CDLGHOST.Test.com/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/S0100003' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Failed to correctly receive a WEBDAV HTTP request.. (StatusCode at WinHttpQueryHeaders: 401) ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Failed to check url http://CDLGHOST.Test.com/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/S0100003. Error 0x80004005 ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Enumerated all 1 local DP locations but none of them is good. Fallback to MP. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    GET 'HTTP://Serversccmpss.Test.com/CCM_Client/ccmsetup.cab' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.cab is Microsoft trusted. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Successfully extracted manifest file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.xml from file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.cab. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Loading manifest file: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.xml ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Successfully loaded ccmsetup manifest file. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Checking if manifest version '5.00.7958.1000' is newer than the ccmsetup version '5.0.7958.1501' ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Running from temp downloaded folder or manifest is not newer than ccmsetup. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Item 'i386/vcredist_x86.exe' is applicable. Add to the list. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Item 'x64/vcredist_x64.exe' is not applicable. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Item 'i386/vc50727_x86.exe' is applicable. Add to the list. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Item 'x64/vc50727_x64.exe' is not applicable. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    Item 'i386/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe' is applicable. Add to the list. ccmsetup 2015-03-25 23:12:15 4536 (0x11B8)
    I did double checked with a friend about my configuration and everything, just to make sure, and everything seems to be right.
    As for the use of account used to get the client, a domain join computer will not need to us the network access account if the DP is in the same domain and the same exact config on other servers is working like a charm deploying the client, same
    security and configuration.
    All default IIS security and share permission.
    Thank you guys for your suggestion and help. 

  • Webdav errors in CS4

    I'm using CS4 to connect a webdav session to an Apache web server.  I've had other users using CS4 connect to the same server and upload content via webdav without any problem.
    When I try to upload my site, most files go successfully, but several come back with the following error:
    file.jpg - error occurred - An HTTP error occurred - cannot put file.jpg.  Access denied.  The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem.  Make sure you have proper authorization on the server and the server is properly configured.


  • IPhoneSDK: Application Loader webDAV error

    I'm attempting to submit my application zip using Application Loader.
    When I click Send, it says "Verifying iTunes Connect application" quickly, then "Authenticating with the iTunes Store...". After several seconds, it then shows "An error occurred while processing the http request for the webDAV upload."
    Is anyone else getting that message? Is the webDAV server too busy? Or maybe some other issue?

    I ended up creating a new product entry on iTunes Connect and uploading directly through there. Originally, I had the invalid signature problem on iTunes Connect so I clicked the option saying that I would upload through Application Loader so that I could try uploading through Application Loader. However, once you do that, it does not seem possible to upload the app file through iTunes Connect anymore once you select that option, so that is why I had to create the new entry.
    Incidentally, Apple contacted me (because they apparently saw that Application Loader was failing to upload my app) and told me that a small handful of people are having the same problem and they are trying to diagnose it. So for now, the workaround is to just upload through iTunes Connect.

  • Portal 10 - Webdav - Error 405

    I had ERROR 405 when i try to access repository via Webdav...
    i use URL : http://<host_machine>:<port>/<portalEARName>Webdav
    i have login screen
    i authenticate witth weblogic/weblogic
    and after i have an error 405.
    My log give this message :
    <Error> <ContentManager> <BEA-415504> <Creation of
    a folder or file at the root is not allowed.>
    Documentation seems to say that "BEA repositories are WebDAV-enabled by default"
    I don't understand what happen...
    Someone have an idea ?

    The error generally happens when you are trying to create a folder at the same level as a repository.
    However, I have noticed that there are many cases where the message is logged on the console, but webdav still lets the operation to succeed.
    So, I'm not sure what's going on in your case. 405 generally indicates a resource access not allowed kind of an error, which means that the client was trying to access a directory which did not exist, or something similar.

  • WebDAV Error message when setting Properties

    I have set up Oracle Drive to allow content to be uploaded to the Portal pages. This appears to be working fine however, when I right-click on a file to set properties I only see an Advanced Properties and not Set Properties as shown in the documentation. Clicking on Advanced Properties produces the following error message
    "Advanced Properties is not supported by this server"
    Can anyone help me resolve this issue please ? Is the Advanced Properties the same as Set Properties as stated by Oracle's documentation ? Is this a version issue ?

    Well after further analysis I have been able to set the properties for the item by clicking on 'Properties'. However I am also seeing an 'Advanced Properties' item which produces the described message when I click on it. Can anyone explain what functionality is provided by this?

  • Redwood CPS job goes to status ERROR but job works completes ok in SAP

    When I schedule a particular ABAP job to run in SAP from Redwood CPS it always completes with the Error status in CPS, but the job runs okay and ends in the Finished status in SAP.
    I tried a different ABAP job and this ran okay, with the CPS status going to Completed.
    I had a look at the CPS log files for the Erroring job and there were no errors in the 'log' file but in the 'step1/spool1' file there is the line 'Processing completed with errors'. Is CPS doing a little more than SAP as regards checking job statuses and looking in the spool file for errors?
    Checked the operator messages and all it says is:
    Job 1501323 (submitted from ZGB_FI_KO8G_SETTLEMENT copy from 2009/08/24 15:34:54,250 Europe/London)) has aborted due to at least one error while running the jobs in step: Job 1501324 (submitted from ZGB_FI_KO8G_SETTLEMENT copy from 2009/08/24 15:34:54,250 Europe/London))
    - doesn't elaborate why the job has status Error.
    Is this saying the CPS part had an error or the ABAP part??

    Hi Anton
    I checked the Return Code Mapping for this system and it is empty. No post running action or a trigger has been configured.
    The first time I was having the error was after setting up a 2 step job chain. When I got the error (and the second step didn't run) I then submitted this first simple step from the job definition SAP_AbapRun in case there was an issue with the way I'd configured the chain; it still errorred though. All I am specifying is the ABAP program name, SAP job name, variant and queue to run on, and it does run okay in SAP.
    When you say "The actual error should be available in the logfile of the SAP job itself" do you mean the joblog as viewing in SM37? There are no errors in there.
    I'll have a play with the Return Code Mapping part as if CPS does search the spool for errors (perhaps by default?) and sets the status to error in CPS, I don't want it to stop the chain - although I guess I can always set the post action of step 1 to 'on error' 'continue'...

  • Business Rules 'RUL-01216' Error when using WEBDAV

    I have successfully setup a WebDav directory. Inside the ruleAuthor, I connect to a repository file, selecting WebDav, inputted the url to the Webdav folder and user credentials, and successfully connected to the webdav directory.
    Now when its time to create a new dictionary, I get this rule error 'RUL-01216: Error saving dictionary myDictionary.
    stack trace:
    Cannot perform operation. 'RUL-01216: Error saving dictionary myDictionary. Please refer to the base exception. Root Cause: WebDAV error. '
    oracle.rules.sdk.store.StoreException: WebDAV error. at oracle.rules.sdk.store.webdav.WebDAVStore.listDocuments(WebDAVStore.java:816) at oracle.rules.sdk.repository.impl.RuleRepositoryImpl._exists(RuleRepositoryImpl.java:162) at oracle.rules.sdk.repository.impl.RuleRepositoryImpl.saveAs(RuleRepositoryImpl.java:464) at oracle.rules.ra.repos.ReposManager.create(ReposManager.java:382) at oracle.rules.ra.uix.mvc.ReposEH.create(ReposEH.java:894) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585) at oracle.rules.ra.uix.mvc.BeanEH.genericHandleEvent(BeanEH.java:869) at oracle.rules.ra.uix.mvc.BeanEH.handleEvent(BeanEH.java:838) at oracle.cabo.servlet.event.TableEventHandler.handleEvent(Unknown Source) at oracle.cabo.servlet.event.TableEventHandler.handleEvent(Unknown Source) at oracle.cabo.servlet.event.BasePageFlowEngine.handleRequest(Unknown Source) at oracle.cabo.servlet.AbstractPageBroker.handleRequest(Unknown Source) at oracle.cabo.servlet.ui.BaseUIPageBroker.handleRequest(Unknown Source) at oracle.cabo.servlet.PageBrokerHandler.handleRequest(Unknown Source) at oracle.cabo.servlet.UIXServlet.doGet(Unknown Source) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856) at ..

    I just faced the same problem you have. In my case it seemed to be associated to have extra content in the WebDav address (files). If you are having this problem try with an empty address.
    Hope this helps.

  • Error connecting to WebDAV

    I have set up a WebDAV server on my Windows 7 desktop, mapping one drive to the :80 port, and another drive to the :81 port.  I am able to connect to both drives on my MBA running Mountain Lion through the browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox all work).  I enter http://myexternalip:80 (or :81), am prompted for a username/password which I enter (the admin account info on my PC) and am connected immediately.
    In order to mount the WebDAV drives in Finder, I then proceeded to the Finder window to 'Connect to Server...' and enter the same information.  I am again prompted for a username/password, which I enter.  I then receive an error: "There was a problem connect to the server 'myexternalip'.  Check the server name or IP address, then try again.  If you continue to have problems, contact your system administrator."
    I figured this may be in issue with Finder, so I also attempted to connect through CyberDuck.  However, I still cannot connect, as I get a "Login failed" error in CyberDuck.
    I am confused as to why I am able to connect to the WebDAV server via browser, but not through Finder or 3rd party apps.  Is this an issue with the WebDAV server setup on my Windows PC, or is it an issue with OSX?
    NOTE:  On my Win7 PC, I have set up WebDAV with authoring permissions granted to the admin, with Windows Authentication enabled.  In addition, I have 'Directory Browsing' enabled, and have set up ports 80 and 81 in Windows Firewall and my router to the appropriate IP address (which is set as static
    Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.


  • WebDav/PortalDrive Errors

    Hello All-
    I'm looking for any Webdav experts out there.  I getting errors moving files to CM repositories using WebDAV and PortalDrive.  I'm pretty sure it isn't PortalDrive's problem b/c I get errors both ways.  PortalDrive is helpful though because it gives a reason.  Here are the errors I'm getting: Error 1229.  An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection (when I am trying to save a file back to the repository using WebDAV); Error 87: The Parameter is incorrect (when trying to upload a doc) and, occasionally, Error 58: The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.  I've dug through the Portal logs but can't see anything obvious and as I said, these look suspiciously like errors with the protocol/connectivity.  Anyone recognize these errors and know what might be causing them?
    I'm using the latest version of PortalDrive (4.4.91 WXP) and my portal is EP6 sp14 (both EP & KM).
    Points awarded for any and all helpful answers-
    Jim Orbin

    Thanks Julian-
    Oops looked in the wrong logs.  Here's what I'm getting:  PI: 0x1019 - X_E_TIMEOUT: Operation did not finish in specified time period
    SYS: 10060 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
    I've been over the WebDAV settings but I don't see any settings that would let me extend the time period.  Is this a setting in the J2EE engine?

  • Error while loading valid, schema-related document into xdb

    Hi Mark.
    I tried to load other xml documents (ftp://ftp.tigr.org/pub/data/a_thaliana/ath1/PSEUDOCHROMOSOMES/) into the xdb.
    The documents are related to the same schema as the documents i used until now.
    I had to change the schema a bit. Three elements (protein_sequence, cds_sequence, transcript_sequence) are now stored as CLOB instead of VARCHAR2.
    My first idea was, that the new documents are not valid, but they are.
    The old documents still work. I get an ORA-00600 everytime.
    I tried to get some information from the trace file but this did not help really.
    I don't believe this will help you but i post it anyway:
    Dump file d:\oracle\admin\pdw\udump\pdw_s000_6388.trc
    Mon Jan 02 09:21:36 2006
    ORACLE V9. - Production vsnsta=0
    vsnsql=12 vsnxtr=3
    Windows 2000 Version 5.0 Service Pack 4, CPU type 586
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    Windows 2000 Version 5.0 Service Pack 4, CPU type 586
    Instance name: pdw
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 10
    Windows thread id: 6388, image: ORACLE.EXE
    *** 2006-01-02 09:21:36.218
    *** SESSION ID:(23.9078) 2006-01-02 09:21:36.187
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=/
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=home
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=public
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=sys
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=xdbconfig.xml
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=/
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=home
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=public
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=sys
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=xdbconfig.xml
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=home
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=RSCHULZE
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=PDV70
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=SCOTT
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=SCOTT1
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=SCOTT2
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=hbachman
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=pdw_biowh31
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=pdw_stage
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=pdw_tigr_chromosome
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=uniprot
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=pdw_tigr_chromosome
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=data
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=xsd
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=data
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=seq1.txt
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=seq2.txt
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=seq3.txt
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=seq4.txt
    QMHD escaped text too long: dstlen=0 dstbuf=seq5.txt
    *** 2006-01-02 09:36:57.421
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kokbgcip1], [196609], [63], [], [], [], [], []
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    calling call entry argument values in hex
    location type point (? means dubious value)
    ksedmp+327          CALLrel  ksedst+0
    ksfdmp.108+14       CALLrel  ksedmp+0 3
    _kgerinv+131         CALLreg  00000000             D3E4368 3
    kgeasnmierr+19      CALLrel  kgerinv+0 D3E4368 4BE2A94 1AF86D4 2
    kokbgcip+343        CALLrel  kgeasnmierr+0 D3E4368 4BE2A94 1AF86D4 2 4
    30001 4 3F
    qerocImageIterStar  CALLrel  kokbgcip+0
    qerocStart+265      CALLrel  qerocImageIterStar 237701B4 D3E41E0
    _kokbint+242         CALL???  00000000             81DFD20 1
    kokbeva+338         CALLrel  kokbint+0 237700B8 237700FC
    ..1.42_2.filter.9+1 CALLreg 00000000 D3E41E0
    insolev.73+164      CALLrel  evaopn2+0 237700B8
    insbrp.73+1558      CALLrel  insolev.73+0 2374A8B4 81DDFF8 1
    insrow+173          CALLrel  insbrp.73+0
    insdrv.73+1302      CALLrel  insrow+0 81DDFF8 4B584E4 0
    ..1.6_1.filter.73+2 CALLrel _insdrv.73+0         81DDFF8
    ..1.5_2.except.29+1 CALLrel _insexe+0            2374A8B4 4B58730
    ..1.2_1.filter.25+3 CALLrel _opiexe+0            4 3 4B58B24
    opikpr+512          CALLrel  opiall0+0 65 22 4B58D20 0 0 4B58DB8 9C
    20 0 0 0 0 0
    ..1.1_1.filter.34+1 CALLreg 00000000 65 14 4B59980
    rpidrus.43+167      CALLrel  opiodr+0 65 14 4B59980 0
    _skgmstack+113       CALLreg  00000000             4B590A0
    rpidru+109          CALLrel  skgmstack+0 4B590B8 D3E41F0 F618 59941C
    _rpiswu2+839         CALLreg  00000000             4B59498
    kprball+1537        CALLrel  rpiswu2+0 1EA8DD18 102 4B59414 4
    1E833D34 102 4B59414 0 59932C
    5991DC 4B59498 8
    kokbint+1766        CALLrel  kprball+0 4B59980 500
    kokbeva+338         CALLrel  kokbint+0 2374E498 2374E4DC
    ..1.42_2.filter.9+1 CALLreg 00000000 D3E41E0
    insolev.73+164      CALLrel  evaopn2+0 2374E498
    insbrp.73+1558      CALLrel  insolev.73+0 25EC7468 7D0BD90 1
    insrow+173          CALLrel  insbrp.73+0
    insdrv.73+1302      CALLrel  insrow+0 7D0BD90 4B5AD78 0
    ..1.6_1.filter.73+2 CALLrel _insdrv.73+0         7D0BD90
    ..1.5_2.except.29+1 CALLrel _insexe+0            25EC7468 4B5AFC4
    ..1.2_1.filter.25+3 CALLrel _opiexe+0            4 3 4B5B3B8
    opikpr+512          CALLrel  opiall0+0 65 22 4B5B5B4 0 0 4B5B64C 77
    20 0 0 0 0 0
    ..1.1_1.filter.34+1 CALLreg 00000000 65 14 4B5BE70
    rpidrus.43+167      CALLrel  opiodr+0 65 14 4B5BE70 0
    _skgmstack+113       CALLreg  00000000             4B5B934
    rpidru+109          CALLrel  skgmstack+0 4B5B94C D3E41F0 F618 59941C
    _rpiswu2+839         CALLreg  00000000             4B5BD2C
    kprball+1537        CALLrel  rpiswu2+0 1EA8DD18 102 1EA891BC 4
    1E833D34 102 1EA8923C 0
    59932C 5991DC 4B5BD2C 9
    qmskInsertXmlType+  CALLrel  kprball+0 4B5BE70 180
    qmskStoreXobWithIm  CALLrel  qmskInsertXmlType+
    age+526 0
    qmskStoreXob+16     CALLrel  qmskStoreXobWithIm
    qmskFlushXob+22     CALLrel  qmskStoreXob+0 4BFCFCC 4BE6698 0
    _qmeSaveContents+44  CALLreg  00000000            
    qmePreSave+2417     CALLrel  qmeSaveContents+0 4BFE790 2 1
    _qmtEventFire+259    CALLreg  00000000             D3E4368 3 4BFE8B0
    qmxiWriteXobToImag  CALLrel  qmtEventFire+0 D3E4368 3 4BFE8B0
    qmxiWriteXobToImag  CALLrel  qmxiWriteXobToImag D3E4368 4B5D418 0 4BFE8B0
    eWithHeap+82 eInternal+0 700ECBC 4B5D398 4B5D364
    4B5D384 60A09FC 4B5C37C 0 6
    D3E4368 C 4B5D418
    qmxtgGetOpqImageFr  CALLrel  qmxiWriteXobToImag D3E4368 4B5D418 0 4BFE8B0
    omXob+430 eWithHeap+0 700ECBC 4B5D398 4B5D364
    4B5D384 4B5D470 C 6 700ECF8
    qmskStoreXobWithIm  CALLrel  qmxtgGetOpqImageFr
    age+370 omXob+0
    qmskStoreXob+16     CALLrel  qmskStoreXobWithIm
    qmskFlushXob+22     CALLrel  qmskStoreXob+0 4BFE8B0 4BFF740 4B5D6FC
    _qmeInsertResRow+22  CALLreg  00000000            
    qmeInsertRes+1831   CALLrel  qmeInsertResRow+0
    qmeLinkInternal+47  CALLrel  qmeInsertRes+0
    qmeCreOrBindRes+33  CALLrel  qmeLinkInternal+0 4BFE790 60A5D14 1DFE0323 1D 0
    1 1 0 4B5D7A0 4B5D85C 0 0
    qmeCreateRes+115    CALLrel  qmeCreOrBindRes+0 4BFE790 60A5D14 1DFE0304 1F
    1DFE0323 1D 0 1 0 4B5D85C 0 0
    4B5D85C 0
    qmeuCreateOrUpdate  CALLrel  qmeCreateRes+0 4BFE790 1DFE0304 1F 1DFE0323
    Res+2232 1D 0 0 0
    qmhput+393 CALLrel _qmeuCreateOrUpdate 
    _qmhProcessRequestD  CALLreg  00000000             1DFE4398
    qmpsrun+1220 CALL??? 00000000
    opitsk+838          CALLrel  qmps_run+0 D3E4368
    opiino+698          CALLrel  opitsk+0 0 0 D3EA5C8 278A650 3 0
    ..1.1_1.filter.34+1 CALLreg 00000000 3C 4 4B5F448
    opirip+662          CALLrel  opiodr+0 3C 4 4B5F448 0
    opidrv+654          CALLrel  opirip+0 32 0 0
    sou2o+25            CALLrel  opidrv+0
    opimai+336          CALLrel  sou2o+0 4B5FE1C 32 0 0
    BackgroundThreadSt  CALLrel  opimai+0
    77E7B385 CALLreg 00000000
    --------------------- Binary Stack Dump ---------------------
    ========== FRAME [1] (_ksedmp+327 -> _ksedst+0) ==========
    Dump of memory from 0x04B56A68 to 0x04B56AE0
    4B56A60 04B56AE0 00522AC8 [.j...*R.]
    4B56A70 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [................]
    4B56A80 FFFFFFFF 0000003F 0D3E4444 01AF86D4 [....?...DD>.....]
    4B56A90 0D3E444C 04B56ADC 0283676E 0D3E4444 [LD>..j..ng..DD>.]
    4B56AA0 0D3E444C 00000000 00000000 01AF86D4 [LD>.............]
    4B56AB0 00000002 00000009 0D3E4368 04BE2A94 [........hC>..*..]
    4B56AC0 01A89F00 0D3E41E0 04B56A74 0D3E4368 [.....A>.tj..hC>.]
    4B56AD0 04B571F8 015DDE00 02775F44 FFFFFFFF [.q....].D_w.....]
    ========== FRAME [2] (_ksfdmp.108+14 -> _ksedmp+0) ==========
    Dump of memory from 0x04B56AE0 to 0x04B56AEC
    4B56AE0 04B56AEC 0078468B 00000003 [.j...Fx.....]
    ========== FRAME [3] (_kgerinv+131 -> 00000000) ==========
    Dump of memory from 0x04B56AEC to 0x04B56B0C
    4B56AE0 04B56B0C [.k..]
    4B56AF0 02836849 0D3E4368 00000003 081B3444 [Ih..hC>.....D4..]
    4B56B00 0D3E41E0 081B3444 081B3444 [.A>.D4..D4..]
    ========== FRAME [4] (_kgeasnmierr+19 -> _kgerinv+0) ==========
    Dump of memory from 0x04B56B0C to 0x04B56B28

    I have a new problem:
    Due to the changes of the schema ( transcript_sequence ... stored as clob) i got an error in a view.
    ORA-00932 : incosistent datatypes
    The error occurs in V007 in the following rows
    But in V005 there is no error althought there is the row extractValue(value(tu),'/TU/TRANSCRIPT_SEQUENCE'),
    the views
    create or replace view V007_MODEL(FEAT_NAME,
         extractValue(value(tu)           ,'/TU/FEAT_NAME'),
         extractValue(value(tu_gene_synonym)     ,'/GENE_SYNONYM/text()'),
         extractValue(value(tu_gene_synonym)     ,'/GENE_SYNONYM/@SYN_TYPE'),
         extractValue(value(tu_chromo_link)      ,'/CHROMO_LINK/text()'),
         extractValue(value(tu)           ,'/TU/DATE'),
         extractValue(value(tu)           ,'/TU/COORDSET/END5'),
         extractValue(value(tu)           ,'/TU/COORDSET/END3'),
         extractValue(value(tu)      ,'/TU/TRANSCRIPT_SEQUENCE'),
         extractValue(value(url)           ,'/URL/text()'),
         extractValue(value(url)           ,'/URL/@URLNAME'),
         extractValue(value(model)                    ,'/MODEL/@CURATED'),
         extractValue(value(model)                    ,'/MODEL/@COMMENT'),
         extractValue(value(model)                    ,'/MODEL/FEAT_NAME'),
         extractValue(value(model)                    ,'/MODEL/PUB_LOCUS'),
         extractValue(value(accession)      ,'/ACCESSION/text()'),
         extractValue(value(accession)      ,'/ACCESSION/@DBXREF'),
         extractValue(value(accession)           ,'/ACCESSION/@IS_FLI'),
         extractValue(value(accession)           ,'/ACCESSION/@UNIQUE_TO_ISOFORM'),
         extractValue(value(accession)           ,'/ACCESSION/@ANNOT_INCORP'),
         extractValue(value(model_chromo_link) ,'/CHROMO_LINK/text()'),
         extractValue(value(model)                    ,'/MODEL/DATE'),
         extractValue(value(model)                    ,'/MODEL/COORDSET/END5'),
         extractValue(value(model)                    ,'/MODEL/COORDSET/END3'),
         extractValue(value(attribute_type)     ,'/ATTRIBUTE_TYPE/@METHOD'),
         extractValue(value(att_score)               ,'/ATT_SCORE/text()'),
         extractValue(value(att_score)               ,'/ATT_SCORE/@DESC')--,
         extractValue(value(model)                    ,'/MODEL/CDS_SEQUENCE'),
         extractValue(value(model)                    ,'/MODEL/PROTEIN_SEQUENCE')
    from TIGR t,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(t)                    ,'/TIGR/PSEUDOCHROMOSOME')))                               p,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(p)                ,'/PSEUDOCHROMOSOME/ASSEMBLY/GENE_LIST/PROTEIN_CODING/TU')))           tu,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)                    ,'/TU/GENE_SYNONYM'))) (+) tu_gene_synonym,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)                    ,'/TU/CHROMO_LINK'))) (+) tu_chromo_link,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)                    ,'/TU/URL'))) (+) url,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)                ,'/TU/MODEL')))                                                                       model,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(model)               ,'/MODEL/CDNA_SUPPORT/ACCESSION')))                                         (+) accession,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(model)               ,'/MODEL/GENE_SYNONYM'))) (+) model_gene_synonym,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(model)               ,'/MODEL/CHROMO_LINK'))) (+) model_chromo_link,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(model)               ,'/MODEL/MODEL_ATTRIBUTE/ATTRIBUTE_TYPE'))) (+) attribute_type,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(attribute_type),'/ATTRIBUTE_TYPE/ATT_SCORE')))                         (+) att_score,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(model)               ,'/MODEL/EXON')))                                                                            exon
    create or replace view V005_GENE_INFO(FEAT_NAME,
         extractValue(value(tu)                ,'/TU/FEAT_NAME'),
         extractValue(value(gene_synonym)               ,'/GENE_SYNONYM/text()'),
         extractValue(value(gene_synonym)               ,'/GENE_SYNONYM/@SYN_TYPE'),
         extractValue(value(chromo_link)                ,'/CHROMO_LINK/text()'),
         extractValue(value(tu)                ,'/TU/DATE'),
         extractValue(value(tu)                ,'/TU/COORDSET/END5'),
         extractValue(value(tu)           ,'/TU/COORDSET/END3'),
         extractValue(value(tu)                ,'/TU/TRANSCRIPT_SEQUENCE'),
         extractValue(value(url)                ,'/URL/text()'),
         extractValue(value(url)                ,'/URL/@URLNAME'),
         extractValue(value(tu)                              ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/LOCUS'),
         extractValue(value(alt_locus)                    ,'/ALT_LOCUS/text()'),
         extractValue(value(tu)                              ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/PUB_LOCUS'),
         extractValue(value(gene_name)                    ,'/GENE_NAME/text()'),
         extractValue(value(gene_name)                    ,'/GENE_NAME/@IS_PRIMARY'),
         extractValue(value(com_name)                     ,'/COM_NAME/text()'),
         extractValue(value(com_name)                     ,'/COM_NAME/@CURATED'),
         extractValue(value(com_name)                     ,'/COM_NAME/@IS_PRIMARY'),
         extractValue(value(tu)                              ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/COMMENT'),
         extractValue(value(tu)                              ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/PUB_COMMENT'),
         extractValue(value(ec_num)                     ,'/EC_NUM/text()'),
         extractValue(value(ec_num)                     ,'/EC_NUM/@IS_PRIMARY'),
         extractValue(value(gene_sym)                     ,'/GENE_SYM/text()'),
         extractValue(value(gene_sym)                     ,'/GENE_SYM/@IS_PRIMARY'),     
         extractValue(value(tu)                              ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/IS_PSEUDOGENE'),     
         extractValue(value(assign_acc) ,'/ASSIGN_ACC/text()'),
         extractValue(value(assign_acc) ,'/ASSIGN_ACC/@ASSIGN_METHOD'),
         extractValue(value(tu)                              ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/DATE')
    from TIGR t,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(t)                         ,'/TIGR/PSEUDOCHROMOSOME')))                               p,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(p) ,'/PSEUDOCHROMOSOME/ASSEMBLY/GENE_LIST/PROTEIN_CODING/TU')))     tu,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)                              ,'/TU/GENE_SYNONYM'))) (+) gene_synonym,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)                              ,'/TU/CHROMO_LINK'))) (+) chromo_link,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)                              ,'/TU/URL'))) (+) url,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)           ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/ALT_LOCUS'))) (+) alt_locus,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)           ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/GENE_NAME'))) (+) gene_name,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)           ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/COM_NAME'))) com_name,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)           ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/EC_NUM'))) (+) ec_num,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)           ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/GENE_SYM'))) (+) gene_sym,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(tu)           ,'/TU/GENE_INFO/FUNCT_ANNOT_EVIDENCE'))) (+) funct_annot_evidence,
         table(xmlsequence(extract(value(funct_annot_evidence),'/FUNCT_ANNOT_EVIDENCE/ASSIGN_ACC'))) (+) assign_acc
    I have a second question.
    Usually I use WEBDAV or FTP to load the xml documents.
    There are 5 documents for TIGR Arabidopsis. Now it works to load the documents into the xdb. I usually use WEBDAV. But when I load the first document I get an error. Nevertheless the document is shredded. Because the WEBDAV error message is not meaningful, I used PL/SQL.
    I tried it like this
    insert into TIGR values (xmltype(bfilename(USER,'/home/pdw_tigr_chromosome/data/CHR1.R5v01212004wos.xml'),nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')))
    ( I deleted the expressions " xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="tigrxml.xsd" " in the document before).
    But this didn't work.
    So I tried
    insert into TIGR values (xmltype(xdbURIType('/home/pdw_tigr_chromosome/data/CHR1.R5v01212004wos.xml').getClob(),'tigrxml.xsd',1,1))
    and it worked. But it seemed to need more time than per WEBDAV or FTP ( but probably I err ). It took 1h 48m for a 74MB file.
    When I load the documents with PL/SQL the document is not shredded. At least the document has its original size when i have a look at the repository per WEBDAV and not the usual 0 bytes. But the data is correctly stored in the xmltype table TIGR
    Message was edited by:

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