WebService - Multiple arguments problems

Hi everyone,
I need to call a method of a given Webservice which is
described by the following code in the WSDL file :
<s:element name="loadWorkspace">
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="nServer"
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="sWorkspace"
When the WSDL is parsed, and when I call
MyWS.LoadWorkspace(0,"MyWorkspace"), the second parameter is not
caught in the trace. Here is the result :
3/30 17:0:29 [INFO] SOAP: Asynchronously invoking SOAPCall:
param:loadWorkspace1 0
param:LoadWorkspaceResult plop
3/30 17:0:29 [INFO] : Invoking call LoadWorkspace
loadWorkspaceResponse :-1
Someone can help me to call this method with the two
arguments ?

I up my topic... I realise that I also have problems passing
only one arguments...
It seems that FMS is uncompatible with WebService with
complex types.
Is there a solution to adapt my application to this
Webservice ? Or, have I to re-write a compatible Webservice

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    If you're running out of columns on your main table, there's no reason the OR formula can't be placed on the Test table.
    The problem with the proposed condition: Test :: $C,"="&OR(355,360,432)
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    suvojit168 wrote:
    I tentatively made a program and found that multiple inheritance problem of C++ persists even with interfaces. Although this is definetely a special case but I want to know what is this problem known as( i know that this is perhaps known as diamond problem in C++). And is there a way out of this thing. This is not the so called diamond inheritance problem. What you have here is an ordinary name clash. And as has been noted you can resolve it by qualifying which constant you're referring to, like
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    I totally agree with you.
    The good news is.... We installed SP11.1 and the multiple approver problem is fixed. 
    We have decided to leave our production system at SP8 until this system settles down a bit.  Of course, this means we can't use many of the new fixes and features (such as UAR).  We use our sandbox system to apply new support packs and do very rigorous testing.  And our DEV system is at SP8 too.
    Good Luck.

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    It's ok my friend,  I just hope I will be able to help.
    Now to the problem. The thing that worries me the most and the reason I asked you to contact a Lenovo Repair Center, is the blue screens with the Intel Usb 3.0 installation. If the driver is correct this should not happen and most of the times it signifies a pure hardware problem, not a software one. Really, it just should not happen, period!
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    The information you give is very useful and more or less complete, but I would like to also know the model of your SSDs, both the 2.5'' and msata.
    Meanwhile, you can check either with the Linux Live cd or with Memtest86+ your ram. This does not seem to be a memory problem but it would be nice if we could exclude it from the suspects list. Many - if not most - of these problems are multifactorial and we cannot leave anything to chance..
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"!
    This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.

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        arguments = "aes-256-cbc -a -salt -in ""C:\Users\Dev2\Documents\My Stuff\OpenSSL\secrets.txt"" -out ""C:\Users\Dev2\Documents\My Stuff\OpenSSL\secrets2.txt"""
        variable = "result"
        timeout = "5">
    <cfdump var="#result#">
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        arguments = "list-standard-commands"
        variable = "result"
        timeout = "5">
    <cfdump var="#result#">
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        arguments = "version"
        variable = "result"
        timeout = "5">
    <cfdump var="#result#">
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    "muskiemania" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gc0pk0$jfb$[email protected]..
    >I am playing two video clips back to back. I have a few
    things which I need
    > do in between clips, so what I am doing for each is
    adding a handler for
    > VideoEvent.COMPLETE, at which time i want to call a
    function which takes
    > multiple arguments, like this:
    > video.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE,
    > private function myFunction(var1:String, var2:String,
    > {
    > video.removeEventListeners(VideoEvent.COMPLETE,
    > }
    > I've already figured out that getting rid of event
    handlers that trigger
    > anonymous functions is impossible. Please don't tell me
    that it's
    > impossible to
    > remove them if functions require more than 0
    Any function that you add via addEventListener should expect
    exactly ONE
    argument, the event. And 99.958% of the time, you can take
    that event
    object and figure out exactly what you need to know.

  • Send multiple argument to backend method

    Dear All,
    I am trying to send the multiple arguments to backend server method using Remote Object. At the backend I am using Weborb for .net
    private function initWebOrb(event:AppEvent):void
        weborbCallback = event.callback;
    var method:String = event.data.method as String;
    var data:Array  = event.parameterdata;
    var op:AbstractOperation = remoteDataObject.getOperation(method);
    op.addEventListener("result", getListResultHandler);
    op.addEventListener("fault", onerrorweborb);
    op.arguments =data;
    but It shows the error unable to find method with name "Testmethod"  and the given argument types  at Weborb.Util.MethodLookup..........
    I have also tried.
    private function initWebOrb(event:AppEvent):void
       weborbCallback = event.callback;
    var method:String = event.data.method as String;
    var data:Array  = event.parameterdata;
    var op:AbstractOperation = remoteDataObject.getOperation(method);
    op.addEventListener("result", getListResultHandler);
    op.addEventListener("fault", onerrorweborb);
    I also tried to send the data as object
    var data:Object  = event.parameterdata;
    Note: I change the argument type accordingly while dispatching this event.

    try this
    int parameter=0;
    <f:invoke var="${bpmobject}" methodName="oper" retAttName="op" retAttScope = "Page">           
                   <f:arg value=<%= parameter> type="int"/>
    the name of bpmobject passed in the arguments form ...
    edit : http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13154_01/bpm/docs65/taglib/f/arg.html
    Edited by: cealex on Jan 24, 2010 5:34 AM - :pass "parameter" Parameter :)

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    I want to split a string on multiple arguments instead of only one.
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    Igor_Pavlove wrote:
    And the pattern class looks quite useful as well, need to look into that one as well.Well, it defines the split("[/s.,?!:;]") argument thing. The docs for split() refer to it in the "see also" part and by talking about regex.

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    ArrayDescriptor r_desc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("R_ARRAY", connection);
    ARRAY read_array = new ARRAY(r_desc, connection , r_id);

    apexlearner wrote:
    Can we able to pass multiple arguments in a single ArrayDescriptor, instead of creating multiple ArrayDescriptor obeject.
    ArrayDescriptor a_desc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("A_ARRAY", connection);
    ARRAY app_array = new ARRAY(a_desc, connection , a_id);
    ArrayDescriptor r_desc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("R_ARRAY", connection);
    ARRAY read_array = new ARRAY(r_desc, connection , r_id);Does this have anything to do with APEX? Looks like Java.

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    public static void main (String[] args){
    }so that it can read multiple arguments separated with space in a single line?
    java myprogram username password host
    java myprogram2 ipaddress port

    public static void main (String[] args){
      int index = 0;
      for(String arg : args) {
        System.out.println("args["+(index++)+" = "+arg);

  • Problem Calling a WebService multiple times

    Hi Guys,
    I am a relatively new user of DS 12.2 doing a proof-of-concept to call an in-house WebService for a batch of customer records - lets say 1000.
    The WS has an input schema where it's parameters are within a nested table such that it can be called for many customers in a single call if desired. WS input schema (made-up example)=
    --$REQUEST_SCHEMA **added by DS on import
    I have successfully been able to create a Data-Flow that builds the input-schema such that 1 WS call is made with a nested input of all 1000 customers. This works and the output from the single call is correct (many records relating to the many inputs etc). Input schema =
    - <CustVerification>
    - <Details>
    <src_nr>1234<src_nr />
    - <Details>
    <src_nr>1234<src_nr />
    - <Details>
    <src_nr>1234<src_nr />
    Now the problem - I am wanting to do this flow so that it calls the WS once PER customer i.e. 1 entry in many of the nested CustVerification structures.
    I have, again, been able to produce the correct XML schema (at least it looks correct) which repeats the Input Schema for each customer record. HOWEVER, when hooking this up to the function call of the WS as before, I either get only 1 single call like before with the last entry in the file run through it..... or, after playing with the query's input schema to add an extra root level and changing FROM clauses to map to the function call schema I then get a huge ACCESS_VIOLATION dump which mentions "LoadDFXML::put_string()+2427 byte(s)" and other such XML-related but non-helpful messages.
    New input schema is:
    - <CustVerification>
    - <Details>
    <src_nr>1234<src_nr />
    - <CustVerification>
    - <Details>
    <src_nr>1234<src_nr />
    - <CustVerification>
    - <Details>
    <src_nr>1234<src_nr />
    So.... am I missing something simple in how I call a WS multiple times as opposed to once with multiple inputs? Could this be a setting/property somewhere? IS this linked with how I do a QueryTransform in a certain way to get the function called the right number of times? Anything else??
    Thanks for any advice/help.

    Thanks for the responses guys.... I actually got past the error with a change to the NRDM structure (as mentioned in the first reply, I think a small problem here really changes things).
    So - what I had to do to get this working properly was to add a new 'dummy' level into the structure - this kept it clean to denote that the 1 large bulk of messages were going to be sent through the WS many times. So - structure looks like this:
    - <ROOT>
    - <CustVerification>
    - <Details>
    <src_nr>1234<src_nr />
    - <CustVerification>
    - <Details>
    <src_nr>1234<src_nr />
    - <CustVerification>
    - <Details>
    <src_nr>1234<src_nr />
    Then, in the Output schema for the function call, I had to create a dummy extra schema level also - say 'WS_Call', and put the function call within this structure. The FROM mapping has to be set so that both the input_query level AND the input_query.root level are mapped to the WS_Call schema.
    And then it works!
    Summary -- its a bugger.... but playing with the structure levels (and adding your own at times) and FROM clauses can work!

  • VC  7.2 webservice multiple rows output - problem

    I found a wiki which tells about solving the problem about a webservice output.
    i am having a ws with multiple rows as output, but in VC I am getting only the first row.
    I found a solution, but I am not able see the options given to  Add fields.
    please suggest me.

    solved myself
    the output of the webservice I had like below
    node be returns field1, field2, field3
    I was selecting a as my entry point(current node as context), so the table was showing only the first row.
    The solution is, make b node as your entry point(current node as context), it will show all rows.

  • Transactional WebService, non-XA problem

    I have build a transactional web service and it is working fine on if the client and service are on same domain. If they are not am getting the following error:
    Exception thrown from bean; nested exception is: Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.1 (Build b60e-fcs (12/23/2008))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot add non-XA Resource to global JTS transaction. Error Code: 0.
    This is my service
    public class EJBService {
    private EntityManager em;
    public void addDiscount(@WebParam(name = "discountCode") String discountCode,@WebParam(name = "rate") double rate)
    DiscountCode code = new DiscountCode(discountCode.charAt(0));
    public void UpdateDiscount(@WebParam(name = "discountCode") String discountCode,@WebParam(name = "rate") double rate)
    DiscountCode code = (DiscountCode) em.find(DiscountCode.class, discountCode.charAt(0));
    }And this is my client code
    EJBService port = service.getEJBServicePort();
    //out.println("Initial number: " +port.getBalance());+
    +port.addDiscount("B", 10);+
    +port.addDiscount("S", 44);+
    +}catch(Exception e)+
    +out.println("An error occured, transaction abortedd.<br/>"+ e.getMessage());
    } I am connecting to derby database and using the sample database. I have checked the sample code for WSIT many times and I didnt know what is the problem here.
    Please Help.
    Thank you.

    xxxxx wrote:
    we create 2 pools, both the pools are created but the problem occurs when you start
    some transaction.
    Here there is an EJB transaction and this throws a known exception of weblogic
    "java.sql.SQLException: Connection has already been created in this tx context
    for pool named <first pool's name>. Illegal attempt to create connection from
    another pool: <second pool's name>"
    we want to use more then one non xa drivers and use weblogic connection pools
    at the same time.. any help is appreciated.Hi. this is an EJB/transactional integrity issue. If you get non-XA connections,
    then the transaction coordinator will collude with the JTS driver to ensure that
    any given transaction can only really use one JDBC connection, so we can guarantee
    the commit or rollback will be atomic. Without 2PC, we would otherwise have to commit
    on both connections. If the first succeeded, and the second commit failed, we
    could not recover.
    If you really need to talk to multiple DBMSes, or even just one DBMS but as
    different users, then there is a way, with some risks you will have to accept.
    You can connect to any DBMS at any time if you use a non-TX datasource.
    This will give you a 'raw' pooled connection, whith the transaction coordinator
    knows nothing about. You can use this as you wish, but be very sure to close this
    connection in a finally block, else it will never get back into the pool. ALso note
    that any work you do on this connection is in your hands. If the EJB tx rolls back
    we won't do anything with this connection, so if there's any update you did, it's
    totally up to you to undo them, or respond in whatever way you need to in error

  • Calling a webservice multiple times..

    Hi All,
    We have a requirment in which we are mapping a node "XXX" of an IDOC structure with a web service. Multiple occurences of a node "XXX" in IDOC are possible (1..9999). The web service is nothing but an array. At present there is a limit of 20 records per web service call. The records can belong to one or more "XXX" nodes. It is recommended to fill the array as far as possible. My mapping is working fine if there are upto 20 occurences of "XXX", but if there are more than 20 occurences of "XXX", the webservice should be called again to accommodate the remaining data. This is where I am getting problem.
                        Can anybody have an idea how can we implement this?

    >> As changing the SAP standard IDOC structures is not recommended.
    It is not required to change the IDoc structure, only modification needs to be done in the program that generates the outbound IDoc to create an IDoc with only 20 records i.e split the record and create a new IDoc for every 20 records.

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