WebSharing with Snow Leopard

I activated Web Sharing and my Macbook and created a website with iWeb. I am able to see the Welcome page on the same Macbook but encounter challenges when I try to access the site from a different Macbook via the Internet.
The site tries to load but eventually times out.
Any assistance would truly be appreciated,

You have to enable port forwarding on your router.
Read the manual of the router :

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    Hi b,
    Have you restarted yet?

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    Look, I realize you might have to get your machine working, so this is how you revert back.
    Restore proceedure to pre-Security Update 2012-001 v 1.0 & v 1.1
    #1 Backup your personal data off the machine.
    Backup files off the computer (not to TimeMachine). If you don't have a external drive, get one and connect to the USB/Firewire port and simply drag and drop copy your User folder to the external drive, it will copy all your files. It's best to have two backups of your data off the machine when trying to restore.
    Disconnect all drives now to prevent any mistakes from occuring.
    #2 Reinstall OS X 10.6 from disk
    Get out your 10.6 install disk and make sure it's clean and polished (very soft cloth and a bit of rubbing alcohol, no scratches) If your disk is borked, you'll have to order a new one from Apple with your serial number.
    Hold c boot off the 10.6 disk (wired keyboard, internal optical drive), use Disk Utility First Aid to >Repair Disk  of your internal drive  (do not format or erase!!), Quit DU and simply re-install 10.6.
    Note: Simply reinstalling 10.6 version from disk (without erasing the drive) only replaces 10.6.8 with 10.6.x and bundled Apple programs, won't touch your files (backup anyway)  or most programs, unless they installed a kext file into OS X itself. (only a few on average do this)
    #3 Update to 10.6.8 without Security Update 2012-001 v1.0 or v1.1
    Reboot and log in, update to 10.6.8 via Software Update, but EXCLUDE THE Security Update 2012-001 by checkinig the details and unchecking the blue check box.
    #4 Reinstall any non-working third party programs
    When you reboot, make sure to reinstall any programs that require kext files installed into OS X, you'll know, they won't work when you launch them or hang for some reason as they are missing the part they installed into OS X.
    If for some freakish reason you get gray screen at any time when booting (possible it might occur when you reinstall older programs), hold the shift key down while booting (Safe Mode, disables kext files) and update your installed third party software so it's compatible with 10.6.8.
    That's it really.

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    Dear Nathan,
    Many thanks. To the best of my memory, that is how I got where I am today. Initially I had one failed setup, then discovered compatibility mode and ran using it.  The result was not an obvious failure, but something was not there because not only were some drivers missing (wi-fi, trackpad, ...) but (much to my disappointment) the 3.1 update would not run. It complained that 3.0 wasn't there. If I hardwired to my home network, the machine would do almost everything I wanted, but the graphics were slow and clumsy. That is when I hunted around for the NVidia driver and downloaded it from NVidia. And that is where I stand now.
    My son found this link http://www.simplehelp.net/2009/01/15/using-boot-camp-to-install-windows-7-on-you r-mac-the-complete-walkthrough/
    which has instructions claiming to do the install straight to Win 7 without using compatibility mode.
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    I appreciate your interest in  this problem, and if you are up for reading the process at the link my son found and commenting, I would be grateful.
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    While we all have MacBooks in this forum not all of us use Boot Camp. There's a Boot Camp Support Community where everybody uses Boot Camp. You should also post this question there.

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    If you're referring to desktop icons, right click on the desktop > Show view options > check "show item information".

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    here can I get a version of Safari 5.1 that is compatible with Snow Leopard 10.6.3?
    Not possible. You need to update to v10.6.8
    Click your Apple menu > Software Update
    Or update using the this download > Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo
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    Hi there,
    I found that Time Machine in Mavericks will sort it all out for you. You shouldn't need to buy another backup drive, unless you have insufficient space left and can't afford to delete whats on there. It should just work fine.

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    Even longer story short, IT wiped my computer, reinstalled SL, I brought in my hard drives, they worked with them to have them all "Read Write" again, and said I had to use Time Machine as a backup. They blamed the entire mess on Silverkeeper.
    So, the semester went on, I've been using TIme Machine ever since and I hate it. Hate it. I want my Silverkeeper, or some other such backup that gives me one file, and all my records kept in that file, in a visual manner. I hate these dates, with the multiple folders, and the threat that it will throw away old files (I just resurrected a file from a Quark doc made in 1994!). But IT has me too afraid to use Silverkeeper. Personally, I think something went wrong with the first install, then IT screwed it up even more by opening up Terminal and "fixing" the code, and they refuse to admit they have ever made a mistake. BTW, I've been using Macs for 22 years and have never experienced anything like this. I have done more system upgrades myself than I can remember, I have troubleshooted my own machines for years, and kept them humming beautifully.
    It's summer, and I want a different backup. Please help, or let me know if I dare brave my old favorite once again. If there is a utility that I have to buy, I will. I'm so fed up and frustrated with the interface on Time Machine, I'm ready to go back to the bad old days of manual backups.

    Are you using the latest version of Silverkeeper? - v.2.0.2 is stated to be compatible with Snow Leopard.
    If it's messing things up you could try asking LaCie Support for assistance.

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    I have an imac with snow leopard. I do not have enough memory to get lion.
    I switched my mail  to icloud and now my ipod touch has icloud.
    i can receive mail on my ipod touch and through the icloud web site, BUt I cannot receive mail on my mac directly any more. There is an exclamation point on my mail in box and also an ! on .mac.
    Can anyone help me with settings so I can receive mail again directly on my mac?
    <Edited by Host>

    See this Apple note on troubleshooting icloud mail: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS4002
    You may have seen this page already: http://www.apple.com/support/icloud/mail-notes/

  • Tons of problems with Snow Leopard

    Made this post over at my blog but I figure this would be a better forum for it in hopes we can get some of these issues resolved... it seems like Apple has pulled a Microsoft and released what appears to be a beta version of Snow Leopard! Inexcusable bugs are appearing left and right, and the supposed "improvements" have actually hindered my computer performance and productivity...
    This really surprised me. After years of releasing amazing OS upgrades that seemed to make the best OS even better, it seems like Apple has taken 2 steps back with Snow Leopard. I can't tell you how upset I was to realize I was experiencing many problems that I previously only saw on PCs.
    After one of the many bugs popped up again on my computer, I got frustrated and started combing the internets for a list of known bugs in the OS and the inevitable slew of Apple users registering their disgust. Unfortunately, my search didn't turn up anything but positive reviews of the OS and very limited complaints on a few message boards. To this end, I'm posting this entry to try and help other users who are experiencing similar issues and hopefully get Apple to clean up this mess of an OS.
    Below I've created (and will be adding to) a list of problems I've experienced in OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard. I encourage everyone to list your Snow Leopard issues in the comments as well, in hopes we can create a master list of problems.
    I am using a 2 GHz Black MacBook (Core 2 Duo) with 2GB of RAM. Keep in mind Leopard (OS 10.5) was running flawlessly on this more than capable machine. I am currently running the latest Snow Leopard build, 10.6.1. I upgraded 10.5 with the retail version of Snow Leopard, integrating my current apps into 10.6 (did not do a clean install). I've organized my issues below by application. This post is less about third-party applications and more about Apple apps/built-in OS features, as Apple is fully accountable for these pieces.
    • Airport is now incredibly slow getting past the "searching" status message and into what was known as "scanning" status in 10.5 (now called "Looking For Networks…" status message). This issue occurs most often when I revive the computer from sleep. I have to turn Airport off and on again, then wait an inordinate amount of time to get past the useless "Searching…" message.
    Volume and Sound:
    • I rely on my volume control icon on the toolbar. I change my system volume dozens of times every day (due to my job)... previously, I could click the volume icon then simply roll the scroll wheel on my two-button mouse to adjust the volume. Now, I have to actually move my mouse down onto the volume slider area before my scroll wheel works! What gives? In allowing the user to fine-tune the volume levels, Apple removed this functionality for some reason? This is a real pain for me as the extra second it takes to do this really adds up by the end of the day.
    • Sound now starts stuttering for no reason? When I wake my computer up from sleep and I have headphones or speaker plugged in, the audio stutters greatly. I have to unplug then re-plug my speakers or headphones to fix the issue! This is a problem I saw on many PCs due to sound cards not playing with Windows nicely, but was NEVER an issue I experienced using OS X.
    • The Mac OS startup chime plays on my MacBook external speaker when I startup, even though I have speakers or headphones plugged in! It also does not matter if I had my system volume on mute when restarting • the OS seems to now decide what volume my system should be at when I start up!
    • Defaults to 64-bit mode silently, and this breaks most plug-ins (my issue was with download manager iGetter, specifically). I had to manually Get Info on the app, then switch back to 32-bit mode, which it seems Apple has not designed Snow Leopard to support properly?
    • Freezes and crashes more often, most often when running Flash video. This occurs when I open multiple videos on YouTube, for example.
    • Hogging memory even more than it used to (1GB of RAM to run the app?? Really?)
    • Apple seems to have completely removed the functionality or sortable sub-folder listings? For example, if I choose to sort my stack by "Date Modified", the initial list of folders in the stack appear by date, but all my sub-folders appear in Alpha order, and there is no way to change this! Come on Apple, why remove this?
    • Freezes completely when I go to "Export…". My Export opens on the Facebook tab of the dialogue box, and it seems the issue occurs when iPhoto can't find the source image. Rather than an error message though, I get the color wheel of death.
    • When I search from a Finder window, sometimes I get the new feature of sortable results columns to work, but sometimes I don't. Seems arbitrary when it works and when it doesn't.
    System Preferences:
    • More of an annoyance, System Preferences now has to restart the first time I click on any third-party preference in "Other". Some work, most don't.
    • In previous OS X upgrades, Apple gave me the option to "Backup and Install". This option was not present on Snow Leopard, so not sure what a user can d if they do not have a Time Machine backup and their install fails.
    • Preview slows down considerably when opening multiple files.
    • Entourage froze up when I tried to simply delete one of my email accounts. The Accounts window went blank and the application froze.
    • Slower than ever, Photoshop is running at a snail's pace.
    I hope everyone can contribute to this string and get Apple to fix these problems.

    I can address some of these:
    Safari defaults to 64-bit mode silently, and this breaks most plug-ins (my issue was with download manager iGetter, specifically). I had to manually Get Info on the app, then switch back to 32-bit mode, which it seems Apple has not designed Snow Leopard to support properly?
    All applications, to the best of my knowledge, will run in 64-bit if they include 64-bit code. With most you'll never notice, but if an application supports plugins, then you have to pay attention to whether the plug-in is available in a 64-bit version. More and more are becoming available, but not all. If you have plug-ins that aren't, you need to set the app - Safari or whatever - to 32-bit mode. This is not a bug; it's necessitated by the conversion to full-time 64-bit support. The developer of iGetter claims that an update for compatibility with Safari in 64-bit mode is under development but no time frame has been given.
    Snow Leopard is perfectly capable of running 32-bit apps. You just can't mix them, running a 32-bit plugin in a 64-bit app.
    Freezes and crashes more often, most often when running Flash video. This occurs when I open multiple videos on YouTube, for example.
    Have you installed the latest version of Flash? Flash is almost always a bit problematical, but I've had no problems running Flash content on any site with SL.
    Hogging memory even more than it used to (1GB of RAM to run the app?? Really?)
    This may just be an issue of not being clear on how Mac OS X allocates memory. This article may provide some insight:
    More of an annoyance, System Preferences now has to restart the first time I click on any third-party preference in "Other". Some work, most don't.
    This is normal if a preference pane has not been provided in a 64-bit version.
    In previous OS X upgrades, Apple gave me the option to "Backup and Install". This option was not present on Snow Leopard
    Actually it was called "archive and install" and was removed as an option as no longer necessary. The normal installation creates all necessary new files and more robustly replaces old ones, so having an archive of the old system folder was deemed to no longer be needed.
    so not sure what a user can d if they do not have a Time Machine backup and their install fails.
    To restore completely from a full Time Machine backup, you erase the disk using Disk Utility from the menu in the Installer, then choose to restore from a TM backup.
    Preview slows down considerably when opening multiple files.
    Seems to work OK for me. I've had as many as twenty open with no noticeable slowdown. But you may be opening much larger documents than I have.
    Entourage froze up when I tried to simply delete one of my email accounts. The Accounts window went blank and the application froze.
    Impossible to offer any advice here without knowing what version of Entourage you're using, whether it's been fully updated, and what type of email account this was.

  • When I try to enter a time machine with Snow Leopard backups Lion I get an error code -6584 ... how to fix?

    I had a first gen time machine with backups all on Snow Leopard.
    This died (power supply), and I bought a new time capsule, because to fix the old one would cost nearly the same amount.
    Since, I have started using Lion, and backed up onto my new time capsule in Lion.
    Unfortunately, there was a file I deleted that I really need for a Logic Audio project, that is only present on the old time capsule.
    I got the old time capsule fixed, so it powers up. I even extended my current wireless network with it. I can see inside it -- all the data that I dragged onto its HD in the past is present, and the "Sparse Bundle" containing the data for the time capsule save-states is present too.
    Now, when I try to "Enter" my old time capsule, I get this error message:
    I tried entering the time machine via WiFi and via ethernet, to no avail.
    Can anyone help me to access these old save states on my old "snow leopard" time capsule?
    I was thinking maybe I need to try to access it from a machine with Snow Leopard?
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    I have the same issue. Does anybody know why this has happened

  • My XP printer no longer works with snow leopard over the network

    My XP networked printer (Samsung 4200) no longer works with snow leopard after Mac update.  Printer hooked up to XP and can access it through network.
    When I print it requests that I to authenticate the printer with a user name and password but it's not password protected. I don't have a password, but I tried all the usuals anyways. 
    It worked fine a couple days ago, and I've tried everything since.  I've reset my printers, turned off both computers.  Plugged the printer directly into the Mac - didn't work at first but downloaded a new driver Splix - 2 (Samsung doesn't make an OS X driver for this printer) and got it working.  Reinstalled Bonjour on the PC, which can't even see a printer now.  Any help would be hugely appreciated.
    THanks in advance.

    helpthismacuser wrote:
    When I print it requests that I to authenticate the printer with a user name and password but it's not password protected. I don't have a password, but I tried all the usuals anyways. 
    Connecting from a Mac to Windows is password protected. If you tried to connect to a shared folder on Windows you would also be prompted to enter your Windows credentials. So when you do print next time, enter your Windows user details and password. If XP has no password then set one - it is bad practise to have a Windows computer without a password. And updates to Mac OS X expect you to have one set in the Windows computer.
    If for some reason you don't want to set a password in XP then enable the Guest account and you can use this on the Mac when you get the prompt (either select Guest or type it in).

  • Printing Password NO LONGER WORKS with Snow Leopard!

    Ive searched this forum and most people have the opposite problem I do. They want to disable password requests when printing, but I want them!
    With Leopard, I was able to set up our networked color printer on every mac and students who logged in with their Active Directory accounts would then try to print but fail because they weren't part of the user group that were allowed to print to our color printer. When the password screen showed up, all I had to do was type in my account name and password, and the student's work would print. This was perfect for our lab set-up so we could supervise printing.
    However, with Snow Leopard, this feature no longer works. The password box pops up but it doesnt matter what name/password is inputted, anything will print. By anyone. Yikes. My IT is not too happy and Im trying to find a way to fix this.
    I saw Kiraly's tip on using Server Admin tools but it didnt work for us. Error 14071 something.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    It could be falling back to Kerberos authentication, where passwords aren't needed every time. I'd suggest telling your IT people to disable kerberos on the Windows Server. If Windows is allowing users to access services with the wrong username and password, then that bug needs to be sent to Windows as a security vulnerability.
    Otherwise, if they narrow it down to a problem on the Mac side, tell them to submit a bug to Apple.

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