Website - Type Error#1009 and 1039

I'm currently working on editing the pages on my website but for some reason these errors are apearing. Also some of the text that should be on the .swf disapears. Any help will be apreciated
This is error I am getting:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::SimpleButton@40692fa1 to flash.display.MovieClip.
          at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
          at flash.display::Sprite()
          at flash.display::MovieClip()
          at Create_fla::MainTimeline()
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::SimpleButton@40692f41 to flash.display.MovieClip.
          at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
          at flash.display::Sprite()
          at flash.display::MovieClip()
          at Create_fla::MainTimeline()
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::SimpleButton@40692ee1 to btnWhiteAreaClose.
          at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
          at flash.display::Sprite()
          at flash.display::MovieClip()
          at Create_fla::MainTimeline()
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
          at Create_fla::MainTimeline/frame10()
I assume the issue is on Frame 10 which is where the coding is located so this is the coding for that frame.
WhiteBlock.visible = false;
btnCloseLarge.buttonMode = true;
aPicArr[0] = new Array();
aPicArr[1] = new Array();
aPicArr[2] = new Array();
aPicArr[3] = new Array();//large image
aPicArr[4] = new Array();//large image captions
aPicArr[5] = new Array();//number of images per menu item
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
var incoming_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
incoming_lc.client = this;
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML); 
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("create.xml"));
function showreel(ShowReelName)
          var DoTween:Tween;
          outgoing_lc.send("lc_bkgnd", "setBlackout", "Dark");
          DoTween = new Tween(create, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0.05, 0.5, true);
          if (placeholder)
                    placeholder.alpha = 0;
          var i:Number;
          for (i=0;i<clientCount; i++)
          showreelPlayer.alpha = 1;
          showreelPlayer.source = ShowReelName
          WhiteBlock.visible = true;
          DoTween = new Tween(WhiteBlock, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
          DoTween = new Tween(btnCloseLarge, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
function btnCloseShowreel_Press(event:MouseEvent):void
          btnCloseLarge.visible = false;
          WhiteBlock.visible = false;
          showreelPlayer.alpha = 0;
          var DoTween:Tween;
          outgoing_lc.send("lc_bkgnd", "setBlackout", "Light");
          DoTween = new Tween(create, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0.05, 1, 0.5, true);
          if (placeholder)
                    placeholder.alpha = 1;
          sm.buttonMode = true;
          DoTween = new Tween(sm, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.5, true);
          var i:Number;
          for (i=0;i<clientCount; i++)
          DoTween = new Tween(WhiteBlock, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          DoTween = new Tween(btnCloseLarge, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          DoTween = new Tween(btnCloseLarge, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          DoTween = new Tween(ArrowRight_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          DoTween = new Tween(ArrowLeft_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
function LoadXML(e:Event):void
          xmlData = new XML(;
function ParseImages(textInput:XML):void
          var clientChildren:XMLList = textInput.clientDetails.children();
          var clientInfo:XML;
          var childName:String;
          var clientName:String;
          for each (clientInfo in clientChildren)
                    //trace( + "=" + clientInfo.text());
                    childName =;
                    switch (childName)
                              case "clientName":
                              aClients[i] = clientInfo.text();
                              aPicArr[5][i] = j;
                              case "image":
                              aPicArr[0][j] = i;
                              aPicArr[1][j] = clientInfo.text();
                              case "image_lrg":
                              aPicArr[3][j] = clientInfo.text();
                              aLargePict[j] = clientInfo.text();
                              case "caption_lrg":
                              aLargeCapt[j] = clientInfo.text();
                              aPicArr[4][j] = clientInfo.text();
                              case "caption":
                              aPicArr[2][j] = clientInfo.text();
                              //trace("(122) i,j: " + i,j);
          clientCount = i;
          /*for (i=1;i<clientCount+1; i++)
          /*for (i=1;i<aLargePict.length;i++)
                    trace("133:" + i,aLargePict[i]);
          for (i=0;i<clientCount; i++)
                    var cl:MovieClip = new ListName;
                    cl.ClientName.text = aClients[i];
                    cl.y = 245 + i*20;
                    cl.x = 150;
                    cl.buttonMode = true;
                    aClientInstance[i] = addChild(cl);
//(parent.parent as MovieClip).ShowAddressLine();
function btnLeftArrowPress(evt:Event):void
          //trace("Got left arrow");
function btnRightArrowPress(evt:Event):void
          //trace("Got right arrow");
function btnArrowRight_LrgPress(evt:Event):void
          //trace("Got ArrowRight_Lrg");
function btnArrowLeft_LrgPress(evt:Event):void
          //trace("Got ArrowLeft_Lrg");
function btnClientNamePress(evt:Event):void
          var fmtDown:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
          fmtDown.color = 0xD7CE60;
          var fmtOut:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
          fmtOut.color = 0xFFFFFF;
          var st_target:String;
          var st_client:String;
          st_target =
          for (i=0; i<clientCount; i++)
                    st_client = aClientInstance[i].name.substring(8);
                    if (Number(st_target))
                              if (Number(st_client) + 1 == Number(st_target))
                                        CurrentMenu = i;
                                        aPicList.length = 0;
                                        k = 0;
                                        for (j=0;j<aPicArr[0].length; j++)
                                                  if (aPicArr[0][j] == i+1)
                                                            aPicList[k] = aPicArr[1][j];
                                                            aPicCapt[k] = aPicArr[2][j];
                                                            aPicLarge[k] = aPicArr[3][j];
                                                            aPicCaptLarge[k] = aPicArr[4][j];
                                        if (aPicList.length > 0)
                                        aClientInstance[i].alpha = 1;
function showFirstImage():void
          var TweenArrow;
          loadChild(ImageDir + aPicList[k]);
          if (LeftArrow.alpha == 1)
                              TweenArrow = new Tween(LeftArrow, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          LeftArrow.buttonMode = false;
          if (aPicList.length > 1)
                    RightArrow.buttonMode = true;
                    TweenArrow = new Tween(RightArrow, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
function showNextImage():void
          var TweenArrow;
          if (k < aPicList.length)
                    loadChild(ImageDir + aPicList[k]);
          if ((k +1) == aPicList.length)
                    RightArrow.buttonMode = false;
                    TweenArrow = new Tween(RightArrow, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          if (k >0)
                    LeftArrow.buttonMode = true;
                    if (LeftArrow.alpha == 0)
                              TweenArrow = new Tween(LeftArrow, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
function showPrevImage():void
          var TweenArrow;
          if (k > 0)
                    loadChild(ImageDir + aPicList[k]);
          if (k < 1)
                    LeftArrow.buttonMode = false;
                    TweenArrow = new Tween(LeftArrow, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.5, true);
          if (k < aPicList.length)
                    RightArrow.buttonMode = true;
                    if (RightArrow.alpha == 0)
                              TweenArrow = new Tween(RightArrow, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.5, true);
function loadChild(childSWF)
          ContentLdr = new Loader();
          pcLoaded.alpha = 1;
          request = new URLRequest(childSWF);
function loadLargeImage(childSWF)
          ContentLdr = new Loader();
          pcLoaded.alpha = 1;
          request = new URLRequest(childSWF);
function showProgress(evt:ProgressEvent):void
          percentloaded = (Math.ceil((evt.bytesLoaded/evt.bytesTotal)*100));
          if (pcLoaded != null)
                    pcLoaded.text = percentloaded + "%";
function contentLoaded(loadEvent:Event):void
          if (placeholder != null)
                    TransitionManager.start((placeholder as MovieClip), {type:Iris, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:0.5, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:5, shape:Iris.CIRCLE});
                    TransitionManager.start((imageCaption as MovieClip), {type:Fade, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:0.8, easing:Strong.easeOut});
          placeholder = new MovieClip;
          placeholder.x = 351;
          placeholder.y = 153;
          sm = addChild(placeholder);
          sm.buttonMode = true;
          imageCaption.CaptionTxt.text = aPicCapt[k];
          TransitionManager.start((placeholder as MovieClip), {type:Iris, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.5, easing:Strong.easeIn, startPoint:5, shape:Iris.CIRCLE});
           TransitionManager.start((imageCaption as MovieClip), {type:Fade, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.8, easing:Strong.easeIn});
          ContentLdr.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,showProgress );
function LIcontentLoaded(loadEvent:Event):void
          if (LI_holder != null)
                    TransitionManager.start((LI_holder as MovieClip), {type:Iris, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:0.5, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:5, shape:Iris.CIRCLE});
                    TransitionManager.start((LrgImageCaption as MovieClip), {type:Fade, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:0.8, easing:Strong.easeOut});
          LI_holder = new MovieClip;
          LI_holder.x = 70;
          LI_holder.y = 60;
          largeImage = addChild(LI_holder);
          LrgImageCaption.CaptionTxt.text = aLargeCapt[k+1];
          TransitionManager.start((LI_holder as MovieClip), {type:Iris, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.5, easing:Strong.easeIn, startPoint:5, shape:Iris.CIRCLE});
           TransitionManager.start((LrgImageCaption as MovieClip), {type:Fade, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.8, easing:Strong.easeIn});
          ContentLdr.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,showProgress );
function smallImagePress(evt:Event):void
          var DoTween:Tween;
          outgoing_lc.send("lc_bkgnd", "setBlackout", "Dark");
          DoTween = new Tween(create, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0.05, 0.5, true);
          if (placeholder)
                    placeholder.alpha = 0;
          sm.buttonMode = false;
          DoTween = new Tween(sm, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          imageCaption.alpha = 0;
          header.alpha = 0;
          var i:Number;
          for (i=0;i<clientCount; i++)
                    aClientInstance[i].alpha = 0;
          WhiteBlock.alpha = 0;
          WhiteBlock.visible = true;
          DoTween = new Tween(WhiteBlock, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
          DoTween = new Tween(btnCloseLarge, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
          //ArrowRight_Lrg.alpha = 1;
          //ArrowLeft_Lrg.alpha = 1;
function btnCloseLarge_Press(event:MouseEvent):void
          var DoTween:Tween;
          outgoing_lc.send("lc_bkgnd", "setBlackout", "Light");
          DoTween = new Tween(create, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0.05, 1, 0.5, true);
          if (placeholder)
                    placeholder.alpha = 0;
          sm.buttonMode = true;
          DoTween = new Tween(sm, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.5, true);
          LrgImageCaption.alpha = 0;
          header.alpha = 1;
          var i:Number;
          for (i=0;i<clientCount; i++)
                    aClientInstance[i].alpha = 0;
          DoTween = new Tween(WhiteBlock, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          DoTween = new Tween(btnCloseLarge, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          WhiteBlock.visible = false;
          DoTween = new Tween(btnCloseLarge, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          DoTween = new Tween(ArrowRight_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
          DoTween = new Tween(ArrowLeft_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
function setMenuAlpha()
          aClientInstance[CurrentMenu].alpha = 0.6;
function First_LargImage():void
/*for (i=0;i<aLargeCapt.length;i++)
          trace("430: " + i,aLargePict[i],aLargeCapt[i]);
          var TweenArrow;
          var DoTween:Tween;
          DoTween = new Tween(btnCloseLarge, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
          loadLargeImage(ImageDir + aLargePict[aPicArr[5][CurrentMenu+1]]);
          //trace("(436) " + aPicArr[5][CurrentMenu+1], CurrentMenu, aLargePict[CurrentMenu],aLargeCapt[CurrentMenu]);
          if (k == aLargePict.length)
                    ArrowRight_Lrg.buttonMode = false;
                    TweenArrow = new Tween(ArrowRight_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
                    ArrowRight_Lrg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,btnArrowRight_LrgPress );
                    ArrowRight_Lrg.buttonMode = true;
                    TweenArrow = new Tween(ArrowRight_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
          if (aPicArr[5][CurrentMenu+1]>0)
                    ArrowLeft_Lrg.buttonMode = true;
                    if (ArrowLeft_Lrg.alpha == 0)
                              TweenArrow = new Tween(ArrowLeft_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
                              ArrowLeft_Lrg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,btnArrowLeft_LrgPress );
          k = aPicArr[5][CurrentMenu+1];
function Next_LargeImage():void
          var TweenArrow;
          if (k < aLargePict.length)
                    loadLargeImage(ImageDir + aLargePict[k]);
          if ((k ) == aLargePict.length)
                    ArrowRight_Lrg.buttonMode = false;
                    TweenArrow = new Tween(ArrowRight_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.8, true);
                    ArrowRight_Lrg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,btnArrowLeft_LrgPress) ;
          if (k >0)
                    ArrowLeft_Lrg.buttonMode = true;
                    if (ArrowLeft_Lrg.alpha == 0)
                              TweenArrow = new Tween(ArrowLeft_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.8, true);
                              ArrowLeft_Lrg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,btnArrowLeft_LrgPress );
function Prev_LargeImage():void
          var TweenArrow;
          if (k > 0)
                    loadLargeImage(ImageDir + aLargePict[k]);
          if (k < 1)
                    ArrowLeft_Lrg.buttonMode = false;
                    TweenArrow = new Tween(ArrowLeft_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.5, true);
          if (k < aLargePict.length)
                    ArrowRight_Lrg.buttonMode = true;
                    if (ArrowRight_Lrg.alpha == 0)
                              TweenArrow = new Tween(ArrowRight_Lrg, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.5, true);
                              ArrowRight_Lrg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,btnArrowRight_LrgPre ss);
The only other coding runs from frame 1 through to 9 which is here:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var request:URLRequest
var ContentLdr:Loader;
var placeholder:Sprite;
var LI_holder:Sprite;
var percentloaded:int;
var aPicArr:Array = new Array(3);
var aClients: Array = new Array();
var aClientInstance: Array = new Array();
var aPicList: Array = new Array();
var aPicCapt: Array = new Array();
var aPicLarge: Array = new Array();
var aPicCaptLarge: Array = new Array();
var aLargePict: Array = new Array();
var aLargeCapt: Array = new Array();
var i:uint = 0;
var j:uint = 0;
var k:uint = 0;
var clientCount:Number;
var targetClient:String;
var ImageDir:String = "images/";
var CurrentMenu:Number;
var outgoing_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
var sm;
var largeImage;
TransitionManager.start(header, {type:Fade, direction:Transition.IN, duration:0.8, easing:Strong.easeIn});

As far as the 1034 error goes, it is indicating that somewhere in your codse you are trying to treat a button symbol as if it is a movieclip symbol.  You are likely the only one who is going to be able to find where.  It is possible that the recommendation below might help find which lines it is happening for.
The 1009 error indicates that one of the objects being targeted by your code is out of scope.  This could mean that the object....
- is declared but not instantiated
- doesn't have an instance name (or the instance name is mispelled)
- does not exist in the frame where that code is trying to talk to it
- is animated into place but is not assigned instance names in every keyframe for it
- is one of two or more consecutive keyframes of the same objects with no name assigned in the preceding frame(s).
If you go into your Publish Settings Flash section and select the option to Permit debugging, your error message should have a line number following the frame number which will help you isolate which object is involved.

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    This is a bug in the code running on the news site.  The content provider will need to fix this on their end.

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    Please refer to the forum post :
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  • Error   1009 and I don't know what to do exactly, plz help me

    I wish that you could help me
    I am a beginner in actionscript 3.0, and I have a main swf file, with a menu and several buttons, when I click on each button, a new swf should be loaded, and the menu is resized and goes to the top left of the page, and if I click on the menu, it should come back..
    the problem is that when I click on the first button, everything works well, but when I click on another button, I get this error:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Il est impossible d'accéder à la propriété ou à la méthode d'une référence d'objet nul.
        at s_fla::MainTimeline/s_fla::__setProp___id0__Scene1_texte_2()
        at s_fla::MainTimeline/s_fla::frame2()
    I understood that the problem is due to the file which is displayed before it has been loaded.
    I also found that I have to use the function Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, but I don't know where to put it??
    could you help me please?
    here is my code:
    function size(e:MouseEvent):void{
        menu_mc.buttonMode = true;
        menui_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showmenu);
        menu_mc.button01_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, size);
        menu_mc.button02_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, size);
       menu_mc.button03_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, size);
    addChild (cliploader);
    function size(e:MouseEvent):void{
        menu_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showmenu);
        menu_mc.button01_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, size);
        menu_mc.button02_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, size);
        menu_mc.button03_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, size);
        removeChild (cliploader);
    menu_mc.button01_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadpage);
    menu_mc.button02_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadpage);
    menu_mc.button03_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadpage); = "file01.swf"; = "file02.swf"; = "file03.swf";
    function loadpage(e:MouseEvent):void{
        cliploader.myldr.source =;
    please tell me what to do exactly
    P.S: cliploader is a UI loader which is present on the scene
    in my swf files, I have flvplayback which loads a flv files, and I think this is the source of the problem, because I have tried the same thing with a simple swf file which maybe loads quickly, and I didn't get this error
    thank you in advance

    I think that the error is in the file that I want to load, in this file I have a flvplayback that I named myplayer, which is in the third frame, and because the video doesn't stop even if I move to another frame, I had to add this code in the third frame
    next_btn.visible = true;
    prev_btn.visible = true;
    myplayer.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, stopPlay);
    function stopPlay(e:Event)
    myplayer.stop(); this is line 7 on frame 3
    when I publish this file, it works
    but when I try to play it from the menu in the main swf file I get the error, how can I fix it please?
    can I make this manually, or I'll have the same problem?
    as I said, I tried to load different swf files from the main menu and I didn't have this problem (because there were no video players), so I think the problem is caused by the video player?
    thank you

  • Beginner: type error #1009 Please Help!

    I'm creating my first flash site in CS4 and I'm getting this message in the output window when I test my movie:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at Portfolio_fla::MainTimeline/frame273()
    Portfolio.fla is the name of my flash file. Anyone know what this means?
    I have only very simple code at frame 273:
    bHome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goHome);
    function goHome(evt:Event) {
    bPortfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goPortfolio);
    function goPortfolio(evt:Event) {
    That's it. The bHome button works if I just have that code by itself, but when i add the bPortfolio code, I get the #1009 error when I test the movie.
    Thanks in advance for any help! I'm so frustrated and lost.

    Just so you have an idea of what the 1009 error represents... the 1009 error indicates that one of the objects being targeted by your code is out of scope.
    This could mean that the object....
    - is not in the display list
    - doesn't have an instance name (or the instance name is mispelled)
    - does not exist in the frame where that code is trying to talk to it
    - is animated into place but is not assigned instance names in every keyframe for it
    - is one of two or more consecutive keyframes of the same objects with different names assigned.
    If you go into your Publish Settings Flash section and select the option to Permit debugging, your error message should have a line number following the frame number which will help you isolate which object is involved.

  • Running Windows 7, all versions of Firefox beyond 3.6.0 will not access websites, showing Error 404 and displaying only the portion of the URL that follows the domain name

    Choosing any of several dozen bookmarks, Firefox will show a screen reporting Error 404 and display only part of the complete URL (whatever follows the slant mark beyond the domain name). When going to a new site, such as provided by a Google search, the initial page may show up but clicking on links within that page again brings up the 404 error. My only solution has been to uninstall whatever new version of Firefox has been automatically downloaded and then re-install version 3.6.0, which works.

    A possible cause is security software (firewall) that blocks or restricts Firefox without informing you about that, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox.
    See [[Server not found]] and [[Firewalls]] and
    See also

  • Error 1009 and apple id

    I have iPhone 5
    I upgraded the OS 7.2
    1 - I get some time error 1009
    2 - Can not I use the Apple Store
    I resed your Apple ID

    resed id but message time out
    i have iPhone 5
    I upgraded the OS 7.2
    1 - I get some time error 1009
    2 - Can not I use the Apple Store
    I resed your Apple ID

  • Adobe Muse Type Error: #1009

    I have just bought single app subscription - Adobe Muse. But during use I get constantly this error. Man what is going on? Pretty bad that I have paid for the app and now can't use it :/

    Hi Robos,
    Can you please send your .muse file to [email protected], along with a link to this thread? If your file is too big for email (larger than 20mb) you can use a service like Adobe SendNow or SendThisFile. Please also send the MuseLog.txt file that should be in your documents folder.

  • FMS causes error 1009 in OSMF player

    I have written a program to publish the audio and video data to the FMS. I am publishing the video data to FMS in live mode and trying to play back via OSMF player.  When i start publishing video data in the livepkgr application folder of FMS files like .bootstrap, .control, .meta are getting created. But when i try to playback via OSMFplayer i will get error 1009 and one intersting thing what i have observed is after 7 minutes this error won't come and OSMF player starts playing properly. Can you please give the solution for error 1009 which comes only for first 7 minutes?

    I tried to playback my file as you suggested
    1. I tried to playback the file before publishing it. Player gave 2032 errror which was expected.
    2. I started publishing the my file then the player started saying "stream not found null" for 9-10 minutes.
    3. I was still publishing the video content. After 9-10 minutes the player started playing the contet that i was publishing.
    4. Same thing was happening with OSMF player also.
    One more thing is once the player starts playing the video content for a stream name, then the player never gives any error even i stop and start the publishing the video content.
    For Ex: I pubished video with stream name "rtmp_video_1". Above steps 1,2 and 3 happened. Then i stopped publishing. After some 2-3 minutes again i started publishing with same stream name  "rtmp_video_1". The player didn't give any error and started playing immediately.
    What i am thinking is that, FMS is taking some time (9-10 minutes) to make a stream available for video players to play. I have read some where that, when a player requests for a partucular stream with its stream name, the FMS does stream name to index conversion. When this conversion fails its sends error message to the player and player throws the error messages at the user. I don't know what is going wrong. Is something wrong with the way in which  i am publishing the video or something is wrong with the FMS? Please let me know.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Getting error #1009 desperately need help

    Ive created a search engine in flex no to elaborate and it
    works to a certain extent. the timeline is i input a word and hit
    the search button it sends the word to a php script that looks in
    the database for entries in a table that match then returns the
    values of the rows to the php file and spits out an xml file. The
    xml is then parsed by the search engine and the nodes are put into
    an array collection whos data is then used by my itemRenderer to
    populate a list component.
    Now the problem i have is that if i input a search word that
    i know has more than one entry in the database all the code works
    the search works and it populates the list properly. However if i
    input a word that has only 1 or no entry it get the error #1009 and
    i cant figure out why. i kind of understand if the arrayCollection
    has nothing in it since its a null object but when i know theres an
    entry it makes no sense why its spitting that error out.. heres my
    mxml code for the search engine..Thank you in advance to any who
    can help me..

    Would you be able to elaborate on how to go about it..ive
    tried putting it into and xmllistcollection and a couple of other
    ways but i still get either the same result or i get another error
    because of a failed coercion i believe..thanks for the help so far
    any other help would be appreciated..

  • Muse is not opening - Error #1009

    After saving my work in Muse, I shut down the program.  When I tried to re-open it, the program reported an error - #1009 and would not open after I pressed Dismiss all/Continue buttons.  Any help would be appreciated. 
    I can send the MuseLog file to someone if it would help.  If yes, where should I send it?

    Please send your the error log file to [email protected] along with a link to this topic so we can check out your file. If your file is > 20MB, use a filesharing service like SendThisFile or Adobe SendNow.

  • Error #1009 when switching scene or frame.

    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
              at map_fla::MainTimeline/limit()
              at map_fla::MainTimeline/moving()
    here is my code
    backS1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goS1);
    function goS1(Event):void{
            gotoAndStop(1, "Scene 1");
    F5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, gotoF5);
    function gotoF5(Event):void{
    var toR:Boolean=false;
    var toL:Boolean=false;
    var toU:Boolean=false;
    var toD:Boolean=false;
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, notClick);
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onClick);
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moving);
    function onClick(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
        switch (event.keyCode) {
        case Keyboard.RIGHT :
        case Keyboard.LEFT :
        case Keyboard.UP :
        case Keyboard.DOWN :
    function notClick(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
        switch (event.keyCode) {
        case Keyboard.RIGHT :
        case Keyboard.LEFT :
        case Keyboard.UP :
        case Keyboard.DOWN :
    function moving(event:Event):void {
        if (toR) {
        if (toL) {
        if (toU) {
        if (toD) {
    navU.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goU);
    navD.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goD);
    navR.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goR);
    navL.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goL);
    navC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goC);
    function goU(Event):void{
        map.y += 25;
    function goD(Event):void{
        map.y -= 25;
    function goR(Event):void{
        map.x -= 25;
    function goL(Event):void{
        map.x += 25;
    function goC(Event):void{
        map.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
        map.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
    map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Drag);
    map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, Drop);
    map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, Drop);
    function Drag(Event):void {
    function Drop(Event):void {
    function limit(o:MovieClip) {
       if (o.x + 364.5 < 500) {
           o.x = 500 - 364.5;
       if (o.x - 364.5 > 50) {
           o.x = 50 + 364.5;
       if (o.y + 309.5 < 375) {
           o.y = 375 - 309.5;
       if (o.y - 309.5 > 25) {
           o.y = 25 + 309.5;
    when I run my code, it's going well. the problem when I switch to another scene or frame it shows error #1009 and become lagging. but the code can still running. I dont know where the problem is. I'm totally noob. ty in advance.

    One way would be to remove the event listener that calls the moving function whenever you leave the frames where map exists...
    stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moving);
    Another option would be to test for the existence of map in the moving function before you execute any code that targets it.

  • I just installed firefox as a broser. everytime I click on any website a pop up window named "java script application" and states "exc in ev handl:type error: oSAPLg. o root. log is not a function"

    I just installed firefox as a broser. everytime I click a website the following pop up window opens. "exc in ev handl: type error: oSAPLg.o root. log is not a function. How do I correct this.

    Please see solution in
    for "McAfee Site Advisor".
    (Windows): For best results you should uninstall '''McAfee Site Advisor''' from Control Panel > add/change programs (Programs and Features). Reboot the system. Then Reinstall from and reboot the system. When installing refuse other suggested (crapware) applications.
    <br><small>Please mark "Solved" one answer that will best help others with a similar problem -- hope this was it.</small>

  • Downloading 4.0 onto XP it takes a long conection process, with boxes on unresponsive script and a java scipt app saying type error and is all very annoying so what can I do I want the old firefox back a

    I downloaded Firefox 4.0 replacing an earlier Firefox version. I have XP on my computer. When I now click on the Firefox icon after a time a window saying Unresponsive script and underneath script chrome etc comes up. I then press stop script and another window comes up Java Script application and type error. Eventually I get on to the internet but it's all very frustrating. I wish I had ignored the request to download 4.0
    Please help

    I can assure you that the sympton is indeed identical. For as the computer got worse, eventually it refused to start up and made 3 beeps. It has done this before, but today more times than before (just like when it first had this problem). Where-ever you go on the internet, it will tell you that the 3 beeps suggest the RAM is at fault. So, the same 3 beeps, means the same problem, which is the RAM.
    With that in mind, I re-ask my question with the same reasoning and justification; am I still covered under warranty? (Reasoning/Justification: Considering the original problem was not entirely fixed, though something else was to make the MacBook Pro last a little longer before the reoccurance of this problem).

  • New to action script and getting: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a nu

    I am getting this message in the output tab for buttons that I am trying to create.  Here's the code:
    function goHome(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    function goAbout(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    function goBusiness(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    function goContact(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    function goArchives(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    function goBioTech(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    function goRealEstate(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    function goTechnology(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    function goEnergy(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goHome);
    about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goAbout);
    business_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBusiness);
    contact_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goContact);
    archives_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goArchives);
    bioTech_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBioTech);
    realEstate_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goRealEstate);
    technology_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goTechnology);
    energy_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goEnergy);
    I ran the debugger and got this:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at peakInsights_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()[peakInsights_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:48]
    I guess it's telling me there's a problem with line 48 but what?
    The home, about, business, contact, and archives button works. On the business page there are the remaining buttons biotech, technology, real estate, and energy. when i test it; i get the finger but the buttons don't work. this is my first flash site so I'am new, new.

    I followed the steps and read some of your comments on the same top topic in another thread. When I put it on the first frame it was okay but the next button on that page had the same problem.  So what I am guessing is that I have to either create a document class or put the actions where the buttons are.  Am I understanding that correctly?  In the other thread in which you helped someone else; there was so comments about document class.  I found a tutorial on it and the way I understand it is that it you can put you actions in an external document.  But you have to include in the event listener the frame in which you want that action to happen.
    Thaks for your help.  And patience.

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