Weird ipod touch buying

i have an ipod touch 4th gen and when i try to buy and or try to upgrade an app it makes me type in my apple id in twice then makes me type in my security code in then it wont accept it plus u bought from the app store before can you guys please tell me whats wrong?thank you

please someone reply this is serious

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    Even odder yet, I don't have HangMan installed and never have. The iPod shows up in the iPhotos menu as a "device" with a camera icon. All told, there are seven images.
    Anyone else have this in iPhotos? Any ideas what the heck it is?

    See here:
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows
    Also maybe here:
    iPhone - not enough access privileges: Apple Support Communities

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    See your local apple store if its still 1 year old, unless you got Apple care. It's probably a wiring issue.

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    Call Apple.
    Hope you didn't "jailbreak" it or else they may not be able to help you for free.

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    I am trying to get minecraft for my iPod touch. When I put in my apple ID it says that I have to verify that I can buy it. I click ok I pulls up a site ask me for my apple ID and then I put in my security questions. After that it ask me some weird question like Who Is your favorite teacher and another question like what is your least favorite car model. I did not set those as my secure questions. So can u please help me

    Forgotten Security Questions/Answers
    You need to contact Apple by:
    1 - Use the Express lane and start here:
    then click More Products and Services>Apple ID>Other Apple ID Topics>Forgotten Apple ID security questions.
    Apple - Support -form iTunes Store - Contact Us
    2 - Call Apple in your country by getting the number from here:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    3 - Use your rescue email address if you set one up
    Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    For general  information see:
    Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions

  • IPod Touch Graphics Weirdness - Status Bar mirrored at bottom of screen!!!

    Okay, this is VERY weird and I have no idea what's going on - This morning when I woke up, I grabbed my trusty iPod Touch (4th Gen, 32GB with iOS 5) to check my calendar and noticed that the Status Bar (if I'm calling it the right thing - the white bar at the very top of the screen that shows the time, battery charge, WiFi signal,etc) was not only at the top - but also at the BOTTOM of the screen too!
    The mirrored Status Bar has the correct time and battery life as the top and the time updates just as it should. I can also see the lock icon when I first turn it on. However, to the extreme left the bottom bar is sort of "washed out" and is so white that I can't make out the word "iPod" that shows on the top bar. In fact, it's also sort of translucent as I can see the dock, icon name and part of my wallpaper behind/thru it! I also just realized something else weird - if I pull down the Notifications panel, I can see the notification panel sort of "scrolling" thru the bottom Status Bar!!! I hope I'm explaining this well enough - but it's like..I dunno, like the ideo memory for the top of the screen is being mirrored over the bottom of the screen too - I can see what should be there as well, it;s like it's overlayed or something. The Notification panel is especially weird since it totally obsured the top status bar as it's being pulled down - and this is exactly what the bottom status bar area shows me - what's in the section in the top bar is prescisely what is showing in the bottom bar section!!!!
    It stays displayed along the bottom no matter what app I'm in, even a full screen video, game, lock screen, etc; nor does it disappear when rotating to landscape mode - it still stays in the exact same place (tho in landscape it's now on the right side as it were). I have soft reset, synched, etc but it wil not go away. As I said, I deleted all recently installed packages, but I didn't install anything the night before (remember I just found it this way this morning) - i.e. I wasn't doing anything weird or experimental or anything remotely like that with my beloved little iPod (never JailBroken it or any of that stuff - am happy as it is and never been tempted to do anything like that to it). I also have never used any of the AV Out cables or whatever they are called that allow you to mirror an iPod screen on a TV or monitor or whatever - never used anything but the sync cable (now at my sisters), my Belkin charge auto charge cable, and that's it (I'm mentioning all this since I see other people asking this sort of thing for other problems when I was trying to find anyone else experiencing/ed this issue).
    I have not tried a factory restore yet, and wanted to post here before I go that route to see if this is maybe something Apple has seen before and can offer a quick and easy fix. Otherwise I'm guessing a hard/factory reset is the only way to go - I'm a bit worried about this since (of course) my sync cable is no longer here - gave it to my sister the last time she was in town and have just been using my charge cable (no sync capabilities, just power) since I don't really need it with iOS5's wonderful WiFi Sync. I do use iCloud - but if I hard reset/factory reset, will iCloud restore the synching info so I can sync all my apps and music & videos back via iTunes from my Laptop, or will I need to buy another sync cable? IF factory reset is the only way, please let me know (anyone that knows!) what I'm in for in regards to restoring from iCloud if anyone here is experienced with that. I know my non-iTunes music and videos are not backed up in the Cloud, but as long as it restores the ability to sync wirelessly with iTunes on my Laptop that's fine. Asuming, of course, that a factory reset will even fix this Status Bar oddity - I'm really afraid it means my little iPod's internal board is going fry-happy or something awful like that. :-(
    I tried taking some screen snapshots (home + power off) to post, however the camera roll just displays a standard beautiful looking screen, no double bar - not sure what that indicates. However after some fiddling and emailng to myself,  I do have a couple pics posted below. I apologize for the lack of quality - I took them - and don't laugh - with my Android Phone (yes, I have every intention of upgrading to an iPhone 4S as soon as I can - having a bit of enforced financial conservatism going on at the present unfortunately - which is one of the main reasons I'm so worried my beloved iPod Touch 4 is having issues as it's either very close to warranty expriration and can't afford another right now, and really don't want to have to rely on my Android Phone for everything I do on my iPod Touch - there truly is no comparison!).
    If anyone has any ideas or has seen something similar please let me know! I did search the Apple forums prior to posting this, and even googled the web but could find nothing like this ever happening to anyone else. I absolutely love my iPod Touch and would be uterly lost without it, so I'm hoping with all my might that this isn't some sign of a bad board or something in my beloved little beautiful iPod Touch!
    Thanks in advance for any assistance, suggestions, etc!!!
    Message was edited by: NewtonDKC (embarrassing spelling errors corrected and a couple additional discoveries added!) :-)

    I understand the various methods - I was just worried because I've never restored via iCloud - from the limited experience I've had thus far, I'm impressed! But of course if Apple does it, it's going to be the best experience possible! :-)
    And as you may have guessed from my now having iCloud restore experience, it is due to me going ahead and trying a reset to factory settings/wiping it clean. And unfortunately - the bottom bar is STILL THERE! <much argghhing! and %^$#@*&^%$'ing loudly>
    I did try wiping it a couple of times, but no joy. At this point, I'm guessing this means there's something majorly wrong with the graphics subsystem and/or main board? It's not a screen issue as it's working fine - in fact it's working double-time displaying two things at once - dimensional transcendentalists take note! <grin>
    So unless anyone else has some fantastically bright ideas, I'm guessing this means I need to call Apple next? I'm guessing one of these pages has the appropriate contact info - I'm just not at all looking forward to being without my favorite gadget in the history of gadgetdom (and as you can tell from my username, I've been a fan of Apple Gadgets for quite awhile now!).
    Anyone know if Apple offers any advanced replacement options? Or if there's anyway to tell if my Touch is stil under warranty? I can't remember the exact purchase date but probably coming up very soon - have they been out a year? Sorry if thee questions are silly, as I said, I'm a newbie to Apple Support - first Apple product I've ever owned that broke!
    Thanks for any info for anyone coming in late to the fun, and/or for any tips on who/what to call and ask about.
    Wish me luck! :-0

  • Buying a Ipod touch

    Hi, i am wanting to buy an ipod touch which one would you reccomend and can you tell me a bit on how they are a like to live with

    I have the 32GB iPod Touch and I absolutely love it. I have not experienced any of the bugs that some have written about on these boards. Of course, you should consider a number of things before investing in this incredible device.
    First, of course, is price: the family of Touches is very expensive when you consider the limited amount of memory that you get in each model, compared to other iPod models. If you are looking for the most bang for your buck, then look to the iPod Classic because you can get an incredibe amount of storage on those devices and you can still listen to your favorite music and watch vids, etc.on a familiar looking iPod.
    Of course, if you want the Touch for its Wi-Fi abilities, please note (as others have said above), you must have access to Wi-Fi connections and/or hot spots where you can get online for free. I must admit, I love the ability to access the internet and my emails from anywhere (provided that I have access to a Wi-Fi connection). If you do not have access to Wi-Fi and/or hot spots, then this may be an impractical investment for you.
    Lastly, how much data do you intend to store on your device, being ever mindful that your library of music, pics and videos may expand in the future. For me, the 8 GB and 16 GB Touches were simply impractical because I didn't want to spend all that money on a very cool device if I couldn't store all of my data on it. When the 32GB version came out, I jumped all over it because that fits my needs just fine. The price is pretty steep, but if you can fit it into your budget and the Touch really suits your needs, then I absolutely recommend it.
    If you have owned any iPod in the past, the biggest adjustment is getting used to accessing your music without the familiar click wheel. That felt weird for a couple of days, but I quickly adjusted and became accustomed to the Touch's interface. It really, truly is an incredible machine! I wholeheartedly endorse getting one if you can make it work for your needs and your budget.
    Read these boards for more input on the iPod Touch and its pros and cons. I found these boards very helpful in making my decision. Good luck!

  • IPod Touch Weird Accessory

    I just bought an iPod Touch a week ago and came with all the necessary accessories -- the headphones, the USB connector, the iPod itself, the polishing cloth, the transparent stand, manuals and everything. It also came with this weird, white, dock or something. I don't know how to describe it. It's a white, oval thing. It looks like you can make the iPod Touch stand on it, but I can't make it work. It's like a holder, it has holes on the bottom, and, man i'm really confused. What is it? I can't describe it properly as I don't know how to use it.
    This is not really a big deal, but if any of you guys can help me out on this I would really appreaciate it. THanks!
    Message was edited by: Corey Miano

    It's a dock insert. If, in the future, you should buy an Apple dock (or a dock from a third party that uses the same system), this insert would customize the fit of the dock for your particular model of iPod.

  • TS2634 My ipod touch will no longer play in both my docking stations, Bowers and Wilkins mini zeppellin and a Logitech, yet it plays in my car.  Is the ipod about to die?  Do I repair or buy another? It's only 2 years old!  thanks!

    My ipod touch will not play music in my Bowers and Wilkins mini zeppelin nor my Logitech.  Yet, it plays in my car.  The music can be heard playing in the ipod itself.  It is only 2 years old.  Should I repair or just buy another?  Thanks!

    Did it start not working after updating the iPOs on the iPod? SOmetimes updating an iOS breaks compatibility.
    You can try the standard fixes:
    - Reset. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory defaults/new iPod.

  • I have a 3rd generation ipod nano. I upgraded to lion. I tried to buy an audio book and download it to my nano like I have done at least 50 times before. Now the dialog box states that I need an ipod touch for the same function. MacBook Pro 2008 w/ m.trac

    I have a 3rd generation ipod nano. I recently upgraded to Lion which is causing lots of issues. Aside from that, I went to the Itunes store to purchase books like I have done at least 100 times before with no problems. Now I can by the book and get it to my computer, however when I tried to download the book to my 3rd generation ipod the dialog box informed me that to download any new audiobook purchases I would need an ipod touch. My ipod nano 3rd generation serves my purposes just fine. Why should I be forced to buy something I do not want just to continue something I have always done seamlessly? I know this is more of a rant than a question but I am sure someone else out there has had this happen to them. Maybe you could share your thoughts on how to work around this issue if possible?

    I forgot to add the last obvious and crucial step I had taken - plugging a different iPod into my system. It was also not recognized. That was the final proof I needed to determine if the problem was device or system. But now what?
    I truly appreciate any help I can get!
    Thanks again...

  • My ipod touch is all of a sudden not letting me do anything that requires my password. I can buy apps or anything. I put in my password and it gives me an error and says try again later. It works fine if I am accessing the store thru my computer. Help?

    My ipod touch is all of a sudden not letting me do anything that requires using my password. I can't buy anything and I can't check my purchases. Every time I put in my password I get an error message and it says try again later. This has been happening for 4 days now. I can play my existing games just fine. I can access my itunes store through the internet just fine with my password, but just not on my ipod touch. I sent an email to the itunes support store 3 days ago and have not heard back from them. Does anybody have any suggestions on why this is happening all of a sudden after having the ipod for almost 2 years?

    Something you can try is resetting it all Settings > General > Reset > Reset all settings. Or go to Settings > Store &amp; sign out &amp; log back in. Another thing you can do is restore your ipod. This has happened to me but the only thing i did was that i created a new account but try doing the things above i just told you. :)

  • I have an Itunes account with all My apps, and music from my Ipod touch, If i buy an Ipad will all the Apps and music download automatically or will i have the choice to download the ones i want to my Ipad?

    Im planning on buying an Ipad. I already have an itunes account for my Ipod touch with a bunch of music, and apps. When i buy said ipad (and i connect it to my account) will all the apps/ music automatically download themselves or will i be able to choose the apps/ music that will go to the ipad?

    You can choose which apps to install. App Store > Purchased > Not on This iPad.

  • HT1296 Hiya, I am thinking of buying my first Apple Ipod the new 32gb Ipod Touch. Will I be able to import the music that I currently have in the form of CDs and other music not purchsed from Itunes and if I can how do I go about doing this? I have heard

    Hiya, Im thinking of buying my first ipod the Ipod Touch 32gb model. Will I be able to transfer the music I currently have stored in the form of CDs and already on my laptop onto the Ipod and if yes, how would I do this? I have heard from some friends that Apple and Itunes is notoriously limited in the types of formats that are accetable? I dont want to pay £249 on an Ipod only to find that Im locked into buying all my music from Itunes and I cant use the music that Ive already paid good money to buy from other sources. Many thanks for any help and advice that you may give me?

    Many thanks JEM24 for your help.  Ive just spent the best part of six hundred pounds on a new Sony Rx100m2 compact camera, so I have no interest in the Ipods camera at all really. I doubt Ill be watching many videos on it as Im very lucky in that I have a good Android tablet. Its more as a stock music player that Ill be buying the Ipod for, if indeed I do end up buying one. I dont like the idea of paying the exorbitant amount added for more memory space that Apple along with most other companies charge. In fact I read an article on this very subject just yesterday in the tech section of Flipboard. It stated in the article that in the case of the Iphone  the actual cost of each additional  gigabyte of storage  to Apple et al is something in the order of 60p.. This is certainly not reflected in the price us the customer has to pay at the till.. Its for this reason primarily that Apple in particular, because their products do not allow adding expandable memory of your own in the form of cheap to buy cards, that nobody in their right mind buys the 64gig etc Iphones..I am aware that we are discussing my potential purchase of an Ipod Touch here but you see my point. Many thanks again though for helping me.

  • I just wanna buy a new iOS device and I'm confused between the iPod touch 5th generation, iPhone 4s 8GB, iPad 4th generation 16GB and iPad mini with the retina display 16GB model. Please help me figure out.

    I have an iPhone 4s 16GB Model and I've been using it for about more than an year now. The reason I wanna get a new iOS device is because my 4s has got lots of scratches now and it's ambient light sensor seems not to work properly. Apparently, another reason is that the iLife and iWork suit are not free for me as my device is older and new devices get those softwares for free.
    I thought to go with a new iPhone 4s again but the problem is that new 4s come with only 8GB of storage and they don't support AirDrop. So next, I thought to go with an iPod touch 5th gen because of its jaw-dropping design, bigger screen, more storage and AirDrop support. Because iPod touch is phone-less iPhone and they come at affordable price, I can also buy any cheap cell phone like moto e to replace my current iPhone 4S.
    Another options that I thought a little bit on, is iPad 4th Gen and iPad mini with Retina display 16GB.
    Now, should I just stick with my current 16GB iPhone 4s, or get a new one.
    Or should I buy an iPod touch 5th gen and moto e (since iPod can't make phone calls)
    Or should I go with one of the two iPad models that I aforementioned.
    Awaiting your valuable suggestions.
    Thank you!

    Found one on best buy od%26%23174%3B+touch+5th+Generation+-+Pink/1331013.p?id=1219050712926&skuId=1331 013
    by Belkin, so a place to start.
    They're a lot more expensive, but Griffin has some of their 'survivor' cases with sealed ports, so you could cover up the ones you don't need.
    If best buy isn't an option for you, at least there's a manufacturer to look for.

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