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Welcome to the NI Discussion Forums! The NI Discussion Forums are a peer-to-peer support and collaboration community made up of volunteers. These boards serve as a meeting point where you can post any questions, thoughts, or suggestions you may have regarding NI products. Thousands of people worldwide – including NI engineers – can read your post and reply with their input.
Before you jump into the forums, we recommend you first read our User Guidelines to ensure the best experience for yourself and others.
If you are new here, here are a few quick tips to help you get started:
1. Have a question? Start with a search.
It's possible there is already an answer to your question within one of the forum boards.
2. Ready to make a post? Take a look at our board listings to find the most appropriate place to start your topic.
We have categories for our most active software and hardware boards, as well as additional product boards.
3. When writing your post, be sure to provide as many relevant details as possible.
Information such as product versions, operating systems, hardware used, applicable screenshots, and code files will help your fellow forum users better answer your question. You will also want to provide information on any troubleshooting you have already attempted.
While you're here, you may want to check out these special areas of our forums:
Get a VI converted by posting to the Version Conversion board.
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Have a great idea or feedback for an NI product? Visit the Idea Exchange.
Ask a forum related question in the Feedback on Discussion Forums board.
You can find even more user generated content in the following areas off of the NI Discussion Forums:
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Technical Blogs
Online User Groups
Want more information to help you get started?
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Thank you for being a part of our community! We look forward to seeing your contributions!

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    Great to have a special forum for MARS !
    Are there any best practices documents that would get me up to speed with customizing MARS to show more focused alerts? For instance until I've configured IPS events into MARS, syslog events from ASA/FWSM were not enough for MARS to conclude that a scan is being performed.
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    Great to have a special forum for MARS !
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    can you define what goes where then?
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  • Welcome to the Oracle iSetup Forum

    Welcome, everyone!
    I'm very pleased to announce a new customer forum dedicated for Oracle iSetup.
    The objective of the forum is to reach out to the Oracle iSetup customer base and establish a formal channel of communication and interaction.
    We also plan to hold regular meetings, webcasts and product update sessions, for the benefit of our customers.
    If you are an iSetup customer and interested in being a part of this forum, please post your questions here.
    iSetup Product Management and Development teams are committed to addressing your questions and listening to your feedback via this forum.
    We have provided links to the iSetup datasheet and Appcast for your reference.
    Please stay tuned for more information and updates from us.
    I look forward to your feedback and participation in this forum.
    Uma Prabhala
    Group Product Manager, Applications Technology Group
    Oracle E-Business Suite
    Message was edited by:

    hi ,
    i am santhosh i am attaching the log file of the error. I am getting this error at the extract stage.All my configuration settings are fine..
    the log was
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    AZLOADER module: iSetup Loader
    Current system time is 02-SEP-2008 01:23:33
    $Header: Loader.java 115.18 2004/01/09 20:52:41 jke noship $
    **********Initializing context**********
    Current working directory is: /dgeori/applcsf/log/DGEORI_auohsgeor02/
    **********Parsing parameters**********
    Temporary driver xml file for restart is saved to AZI116598811.xml after each api call.
    Target environment does not contain a DBC file for the central environment (auohsgeor65.oracleoutsourcing.com: TGEORI_BALANCE); therefore, the load request status cannot be updated, but the load request has been run. Check the details in this log for the results and status of this load request.
    at oracle.apps.az.loader.Utility.transfer(Utility.java:297)
    at oracle.apps.az.loader.FileManager.downloadFile(FileManager.java:503)
    at oracle.apps.az.loader.CpLoader.runProgram(CpLoader.java:90)
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(Run.java:161)
    File downloaded to /dgeori/applcsf/log/DGEORI_auohsgeor02/lreq11659881/AZI116598812.zip.
    ERROR: Unable to open the file '/dgeori/applcsf/log/DGEORI_auohsgeor02/lreq11659881/AZI116598812.zip' from the local filesystem. Verify that the file exists in the location specified and that the full pathname is correct.
    Exception thrown while reading file driver.xml from /dgeori/applcsf/log/DGEORI_auohsgeor02/lreq11659881/AZI116598812.zip
    Exception thrown while reading file driver.xml from /dgeori/applcsf/log/DGEORI_auohsgeor02/lreq11659881/AZI116598812.zip
    Loader request completed.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 02-SEP-2008 01:23:39

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    I'd like to welcome everyone to the SpeedGrade Forum here at the Adobe Community. If you are an existing IRIDAS SpeedGrade customer, we look forward to your feedback, questions and workflow challenges.
    If you are not yet a SpeedGrade user, we look forward to your ideas and suggestions for what you would like to see in Adobe's future products.
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    Hi Everyone. My name is Dara Yem. I've been in the post business for almost 14+ years and come across many cool tools at work. Avid..Syphony..MC..Smoke..Flame...and yes there was one call Jaleo SGI..(rip.! haha bad cutsomer service Jaleo have.. not to mention the SGI Onyx 2 $$$$). I just recently jump on the Adobe Premiere Pro bandwagon..(I'm still on Avid MC also) after NAB 2011. Two things that really got me was CUDA and Mercury.. I saw the demo at NAB I was like dam that Avid Nitris DX power for less than $2-4K (evil grind).. I was even more happy when I saw my Nvidia GTX285 was one of the supported GPU...now that you guys got Iridas technology I can't wait what goodies are coming...BUT please have some sort of training ready for the Iridas products... support multi-GPU...talking about process power and diffrent cards vendor...Suppor Tangeant Element /Avid Artist Series control panels..
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    nice to be featured i guess... all thanks goto Arch developers ofcourse, for making such a great distro. I only made it live...
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  • Welcome to the Widget Browser Forum

    Thanks for visiting the Adobe Widget Browser forum.
    We hope you like the product so far!
    Post any questions or feedback you have here.
    As this forum begins, I just want to describe how the Widget Browser works so you can direct questions appropriately.
    The Widget Browser works by reading zip files and XML to generate the widget and it's editable properties.
    There are 3 parts to think of when looking at issues.
    --The Widget Browsr itself: The actual AIR app.
    --The zip and the OAM file. All the assets are delivered to the Widget Browser in a zip file. With this zip has an xml file (and the rest of the assets) that describes all the properties of the widget. We call this the OAM file (after Open Ajax Metadata, which is the spec we use to build the file.)
    --The widget itsetlf. The js, css and any assets needed to actual create the widget.
    Since widgets are free, usually with MIT or GPL licenses, and the OAM format is public, the person that wrote the OAM and packaged the file might not be the same person that wrote the actual widget.
    --If there is a problem with the WB itself, that is an Adobe issue.
    --If there is something wrong with how the properties in the Configuration Panel are working or assets are missing or incorrect, that is an issue with the OAM/zip file.
    --If something is not working correctly with the widget in the web browser, that could be an issue with the actual widget code. This might be the result of the Widget Browser generating bad code due to an error in the OAM or it just might be a bug in the widget itself.
    So now that we know a little bit about the behind-the-scenes, we can be more accurate when describing issues within the Widget Browser.
    And let me say a bit about the generated HTML code.
    Most widgets have js files, CSS files and maybe some image assets.
    When you Save Widget Files or insert the widget with Dreamweaver CS5, you will note perhaps a lot of CSS in the head of the document, depending on the widget.
    All the rules added to the <head> are rules that can be changed in the Configuration Panel. CSS rules are written to the <head> so that we don't edit the original CSS file that comes with the widget. The <head> rules are the rules for the specific instance of the widget and use the cascade to trump the external rules.
    This allows for multiple widgets on a page or site with differing styles.
    Once they are on the page, you can move/delete them as you like, following all the usual rules of order and cascade, like any other web page.
    Another note about code.
    These have been designed so when you Save Widget Files from the WB, it will write out a HTML copy of the widget with the dependent files in a folder next to it. Paths are written out document relative so it will work correctly.
    When inserting in Dreamweaver CS 5, the asset folders are added to the root of the site, no matter where you page is, and paths are written with site root relative paths so the assets will work from any location.
    We can generate a FAQ as we begin to get actual FAQs.
    Please provide feedback on the Widget Browser. We would love to know what you think.
    Donald Booth
    Adobe Web Frameworks Team

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  • What happened to the search option in the Apple discussion forum?

    It's the simple things that we take for granted. Like the search option. Any info on this?

    Go to google search and in the advanced options you can limited your search to just this forum.

  • Re: iSetup and Oracle GRC. (Branch from thread: Welcome to the Oracle iSetup Forum)

    Hi Uma,
    Oracle iSetup, was untill last week unknown to me and it looks quit promising. But
    Oracle Configuration Controls Governor was mentioned in a sales presentation by Oracle GRC. I guess this is in line with Oracle iSetup, but it seems that Oracle Configuration Controls Governor is a bit more comprehensive. And as we read the 'Data Sheet' it seems to be quit appealing.
    We are currently looking at iSetup, which is 'standard' (with a patch) in EBS, but do you know if Oracle Configuration Controls Governor is already available? Or when would you expect it to be available? Because we would like to see how it works (and test it). And is that part of the special GRC suite, which has to be purchased separately?
    Hope you could help me with some information.
    Thanks in advance.
    Martin Blankendaal

    Hi Sreedar,
    As Anand mentioned in a previous post, we are in the process of finalizing a "Statement of Direction" that will articulate the differences between CCG and iSetup. We apologize for the delay in publishing this information.
    In short, iSetup would be the preferred tool for propogating configuration changes among instances, for several reasons: an extensive, supported offering of "solution sets" that span the application pillars, a robust tool and methodology that supports custom API's, solid reporting capabilities, and solid diagnostic capablities, and many more.
    CCG's strategic role going forward is to enhance Oracle's "Governance, Risk, and Compliance" offering. CCG's role would address the monitoring of many types of changes, including configuration data.
    There are many resouces to learn more about iSetup. You might start with Metalink, including note 395654.1, which links the the R12 iSetup User Guide and Release Content Document.
    Hope this helps. Please contact us if you require more information..

  • Welcome to the VirtualBen​ch discussion forum!

    Welcome to the VirtualBench discussion forum. This is a great place to ask questions and find answers on this new all-in-one, software based instrument. Please see the product support page for technical resources. 
    Katie Collette
    National Instruments

    Debrosse wrote:
    Question...I'm having a hard time finding the iOS app in the app store. When i search Virtual Bench, nothing comes up. Is there an alternative link to get to the app?
    The iOS app is not yet available, but you can request to be notified when it is published in the app store.
    Joe Friedchicken
    NI VirtualBench Application Software
    Get with your fellow hardware users :: [ NI's VirtualBench User Group ]
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    Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group
    Software Engineer :: Measurements RLP Group (until Mar 2014)
    Applications Engineer :: High Speed Product Group (until Sep 2008)

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