Well here is my experience; what is yours?

Several months ago I obtained a PB 12" 1.5 Ghz, SD. Still newest specs.
Added memory to 1.25 Ghz.
Returned to Apple to repair screen illumination problem (satisfactorily
repaired quickly).
This laptop now preformes perfectly and have no intention of replacing it soon.
BTW, get 4.5 hrs of battery use after 6 mo.
Less if play a DVD.
Bottom line - pleased with this PB.

While I'm sure the majority of PB 12-inch models are quality builds, mine has been something of a disaster. Two bad hard drives in less than two years. And I'm not alone--do a search for "hard drive buzz" in this area of the Discussions.
I've owned five different PowerBooks in the past 10 years, including a PowerBook 2400 that is now 7 years old and whose original hard drive still works perfectly. I wish the same was true of my PB12.

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  • Forms and validations - here's some of my ideas, what are yours?

    One of the big things still missing from the JFX space (especially where JEE is concerned) is forms and form validations. Maybe you guys have been luckier but at least 80% of the screens I've had to build in my career have been boring old forms - enter data in the fields, validate them and hit submit.
    So, I've been hacking around on this to try and get a pattern and hopefully some reusable classes for doing this in JavaFX. I have something that works but the code is verbose and less than elegant. I'm hoping some of you guys might want to kick around some ideas on this with me here. If we can come up with something that works, I'd like to either include it in [url http://www.zenjava.com/jfx-flow/]JFX Flow, or put it out as a separate open source project (whichever makes more sense).
    What I think needs to be supported:
    * Map between a normal Java bean and the fields on a form
    * Validate the data, i.e. specifying the constraints on a field and then checking those constraints
    * Show a validation summary at the top of the form
    * Highlight individual fields if they have validation errors
    * Support auto-validation, i.e. the validation highlights and messages will instantly update as the user types
    Some extra restrictions:
    * The data input will ideally be a normal bean and so it won't have observable values on it. In most projects I use, the beans are coming from the server and sometimes may be shared between desktop client and a jsp/web client, or even be a third party API so they can't be changed. End result: we don't want any JFX complexities or dependencies in our server code (design leak). This rule could be bent but only as a last resort.
    * The validations must be defined relative to the normal data bean not a JFX model or controller, etc. This is so the bean can be validated on the server as well as the client. The server must do validation to prevent dodgy data getting in (never trust a client). Ideally we don't want to be specifying the validations in two places (i.e. once for the client and once for the server) as this creates maintenance problems and weakens the integrity of the system over time.
    * Ideally the validation mechanism will be based on [url http://java.dzone.com/articles/bean-validation-and-jsr-303]JSR 303 - Bean Validations as this is quite nice. This is flexible however if there is a suitable alternative that integrates better.
    To give us something to reference in conversation, I've created a small working sample. This is only meant to be a rough starting point (at best) and I'd really like to get feedback on both the code (i.e. should we have a 'presentation model', how could bindings be better used, etc) and the general way I'm representing errors (i.e. should we use tooltips to show errors, or actually show the errors next to the field, should we use border colours or put a little exclamation mark over the field, should the fields be auto-validated or only validated on submit, etc).
    The example is a single form for editing a person. It has three fields, first name, last name and gender. When the form is blank, auto-editing is off. When the user submits the form it is validated and from that point on auto-validating is on. Error fields are highlighted with a style change, and a tooltip is added with details (I think we can do better - what's your ideas?).
    I have used all plain Java to keep thngs simple, but I'd be looking for the end result to translate to FXML as well. I've also coded everything into the one class but the eventual goal would be to have the common stuff moved out to reusable base classes, etc.
    Here's a workspace with some example code in it: http://code.google.com/p/jfxee/source/browse/trunk/jfxforms/
    Here's a running deploy of that code: http://zenjava.com/demo/form/forms.html
    (edit: I've moved the code to its own project and changed the url for the launch - the values above are the new, correct ones)
    Looking forward to hearing some thoughts on this topic.
    Edited by: zonski on 01-Dec-2011 13:41

    At Devoxx I did some straw man prototype that you might find useful (or hopeless, I'm not sure which, I did it in a hurry :-)). I followed some principles that I was influenced by years back by JGoodies, but I haven't looked at the JGoodies stuff in forever and know it isn't all the same. But anyway, like I said, I'm not sure it is actually useful but maybe there is something genius hidden in there.
    I have a Validator, which is just a simple SAM:
    import javafx.scene.control.Control;
    * @author Richard
    public interface Validator<C extends Control> {
        public ValidationResult validate(C control);
    }The idea is that it is given a Control, it will validate that control, and then return a ValidationResult. ValidationResult is actually only needed in cases of errors, since returning null indicates success, so the following is somewhat of a crock but you could rename it ValidationError or something and remove the "SUCCESS" type and there you are.
    public class ValidationResult {
        public enum Type { ERROR, WARNING, SUCCESS }
        private final String message;
        private final Type type;
        public ValidationResult(String message, Type type) {
            this.message = message;
            this.type = type;
        public final String getMessage() {
            return message;
        public final Type getType() {
            return type;
        }For good measure I threw in a ValidationEvent.
    import javafx.event.Event;
    import javafx.event.EventType;
    * @author Richard
    public class ValidationEvent extends Event {
        public static final EventType<ValidationEvent> ANY =
                new EventType<ValidationEvent>(Event.ANY, "VALIDATION");
        private final ValidationResult result;
        public ValidationEvent(ValidationResult result) {
            this.result = result;
        public final ValidationResult getResult() { return result; }
    }Because Control's don't presently have the notion of validation built in, I created a ValidationPane which is like a specialized StackPane, where there is a bottom layer, the control, and a glass pane layer. And from CSS you can style it however you like. The ValidationPane has a CSS style class set in case of errors / warnings. So without augmenting controls, the idea is that a ValidationPane subclass would exist to wrap each type of control you needed to validate. It did this because somebody has to wire up the listeners to the control to react on text input etc, and so I thought I'd like that encapsulated in something reusable, and there it was.
    import javafx.beans.DefaultProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectWrapper;
    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.control.Control;
    import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
    * @author Richard
    public abstract class ValidatorPane<C extends Control> extends Region {
         * The content for the validator pane is the control it should work with.
        private ObjectProperty<C> content = new SimpleObjectProperty<C>(this, "content", null);
        public final C getContent() { return content.get(); }
        public final void setContent(C value) { content.set(value); }
        public final ObjectProperty<C> contentProperty() { return content; }
         * The validator
        private ObjectProperty<Validator<C>> validator = new SimpleObjectProperty<Validator<C>>(this, "validator");
        public final Validator<C> getValidator() { return validator.get(); }
        public final void setValidator(Validator<C> value) { validator.set(value); }
        public final ObjectProperty<Validator<C>> validatorProperty() { return validator; }
         * The validation result
        private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<ValidationResult> validationResult = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<ValidationResult>(this, "validationResult");
        public final ValidationResult getValidationResult() { return validationResult.get(); }
        public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<ValidationResult> validationResultProperty() { return validationResult.getReadOnlyProperty(); }
         *  The event handler
        private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ValidationEvent>> onValidation =
                new SimpleObjectProperty<EventHandler<ValidationEvent>>(this, "onValidation");
        public final EventHandler<ValidationEvent> getOnValidation() { return onValidation.get(); }
        public final void setOnValidation(EventHandler<ValidationEvent> value) { onValidation.set(value); }
        public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ValidationEvent>> onValidationProperty() { return onValidation; }
        public ValidatorPane() {
            content.addListener(new ChangeListener<Control>() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Control> ov, Control oldValue, Control newValue) {
                    if (oldValue != null) getChildren().remove(oldValue);
                    if (newValue != null) getChildren().add(0, newValue);
        protected void handleValidationResult(ValidationResult result) {
            getStyleClass().removeAll("validation-error", "validation-warning");
            if (result != null) {
                if (result.getType() == ValidationResult.Type.ERROR) {
                } else if (result.getType() == ValidationResult.Type.WARNING) {
            fireEvent(new ValidationEvent(result));
        protected void layoutChildren() {
            Control c = content.get();
            if (c != null) {
                c.resizeRelocate(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
        protected double computeMaxHeight(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computeMaxHeight(d) : c.maxHeight(d);
        protected double computeMinHeight(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computeMinHeight(d) : c.minHeight(d);
        protected double computePrefHeight(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computePrefHeight(d) : c.prefHeight(d);
        protected double computePrefWidth(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computePrefWidth(d) : c.prefWidth(d);
        protected double computeMaxWidth(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computeMaxWidth(d) : c.maxWidth(d);
        protected double computeMinWidth(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computeMinWidth(d) : c.minWidth(d);
    }And finally the TextInputValidatorPane instance good for any TextInputControl. I think.
    import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
    import javafx.beans.Observable;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextInputControl;
    * @author Richard
    public class TextInputValidatorPane<C extends TextInputControl> extends ValidatorPane<C> {
        private InvalidationListener textListener = new InvalidationListener() {
            public void invalidated(Observable o) {
                final Validator v = getValidator();
                final ValidationResult result = v != null ?
                    v.validate(getContent()) :
                    new ValidationResult("", ValidationResult.Type.SUCCESS);
        public TextInputValidatorPane() {
            contentProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<C>() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends C> ov, C oldValue, C newValue) {
                    if (oldValue != null) oldValue.textProperty().removeListener(textListener);
                    if (newValue != null) newValue.textProperty().addListener(textListener);
        public TextInputValidatorPane(C field) {
    }This should also be usable as is from FXML since you can easily wrap a TextInputValidatorPane around a TextField, and CSS does all the styling, so I think it all just works. You probably need to have some library of sophisticated Validators which know how to read text from a TextField and compare against the validation annotations, but otherwise it should work well enough. Anyway, in the actual implementation I think I would omit the ValidationPane stuff completely and just build that part into the controls / skins. Like I said, this was a quick hack but seemed to get the "how do I visualize validation errors" part of the problem solved.

  • Thinking about getting a new iMac to use as the main computer.  Has anyone done this?  What is your experience and recommendations?

    We have a 2009 MBP, 2010 MBP, 2011 MBA, an IPAD 2, and several ipods.  Currently, my 2009 MBP is the main computer, holding all the music and pictures.  This has used up the majority of the available storage and definitely slows it down some.  I do back up the full computer to a backup drive and also remove the large movie files to another external drive.  I'm thinking about getting a new iMac to use as the main computer.  Has anyone done this?  What is your experience and recommendations?
    I look forward to all responses.

    Thanks for your response.  I look forward to hopefully learning something new here.
    A good share of my music was added via my CDs, but now everything is added via itunes and occasionally amazon.  Almost all my pictures and video are added through my cameras via iphoto although I have added some with the 'add image to iphoto library' function also.

  • What's YOUR Idea of an "Ideally Organized HD?

    What's YOUR Idea of an "Ideally Organized HD?"
    I've been giving this a lot of thought lately. Whereas it is obvious that OSX organizes your hard drive better than anything on Windoze, especially when you consider the power derived from using Spotlight, I have been wondering exactly WHAT, WHAT does an Ideally Organized Hard Drive look like? What are it's properties? I don't mean how it should look specifically to YOU, the single user. I mean what does an ideally organized Hard Drive look like to everyone running OSX? (which is everyone). What are some of the components of a ideally organized hard drive? What does it look like/feel like? Not necessarily in order of importance, I'll start this one off:
    An Ideally Organized Hard Drive Has These Properties (feel free to add your ideas):
    1) All the music, documents, apps, pictures and movies go into their designated locations, just for starters. You may even want to create another main Category such as I did, and call it "All Talk & Sound FX". Here's where I stick my voice, and talk radio, and verbal jokes etc. for example.
    2) There are NO identical (duplicate) files, but the thorough and profuse use of Alias files are implemented. {{{if you have duplicates, and you update the one, you necessarily have to update the other, otherwise, you don't have duplicates anymore, right? But if you use an Alias, no matter which file, original or Alias, that you update, BOTH files are updated.}}}
    3) The HD is organized for EASY Backup on a daily basis: Everything new gets placed into an "Everything New" file (call it what you want) on the Desktop, then this one folder is backed up daily, saved onto an external HD, then loaded back and now actually saved onto the HD as new stuff just once a week (in accordance to #1); this is the outcome from doing a Restore from this backed-up "Everything New" folder. Everything goes into this "Everything New" folder on a daily basis; however, Applications are installed immediately whereas everything else just gets popped into the "Everything New" folder for holding.
    4) Many files are annotated in the Get Info Window with easy to find key words and comments. Spotlight will do the rest my friends!
    5) A DMG of the HD (a perfect Clone which is achieved using your Tiger Disk--Disk Utility) is done on a weekly basis (heck, all you have to do is launch the software at night, go to bed, have an automatic shutdown on your Mac for about 3.5 hours later (for a 23GB DMG Disk Image)). {{Note that a Restore from the "Everything New" folder must be done first!, prior to making the DMG}} When this Disk Image is made, it will have All of your Preferences, All of your newly installed applications, All of your Bookmarks, All of your new additions to iCal, All of your new Addresses, EVERYTHING, and therefore these specific folders do NOT have to be backed up **separately** by using this process as I describe.
    Once a week you will Restore from this DMG (which takes an hour if you have previously verified/mounted this image), then delete the week-old Backup of the "Everything Folder", because your HD now now has all these files added to it (remember, the key here is to do a Restore from the "Everything New" folder first, before you made the most recent DMG). You can now also delete any old Disk Images that you want, because you will be making more! (I always keep 2 or 3 on hand). You can now also delete any old "Everything New" backups from your External, because you will be making more of these backups as well!
    6) Your Hard Drive should utilize the copious amount of custom icons, in order to quickly spot and identify files/folders.
    7) You have created shortcuts (Alias') on the HD, which point to spots on the External HD, (which is not only used for Backup as recently described) to facilitate the transfer of large files (example: AIFF's) to/from the external HD. My External HD has a working "Powerbook" folder where these files are saved to, keeping my internal HD at a bare minimum of growing size, yet the files are easily uploaded/downloaded between the external and internal, and viewed, when the External is attached (of course) to the internal.
    8) The hard drive lacks any sensitive material whatsoever, i.e. passwords are kept on an external hard drive, and new ones are backed up daily to the Everything New folder. Using a free program such as Password Vault also strengthens this area of security and organization. If the Passwords are kept to an external location, and yet are easily accessed by an Alias, then they are 100% safe to reside on the External, since the External would have to be attached in order for the passwords to be read.
    9) Maintenance is run routinely on the HD, using a program such as Onyx, especially before and after the disk image process. You can also schedule Onyx to run the Apple maintenance scripts automatically, when you are asleep. Also part of this maintenance would be running a program such as Disk Warrior, before and after the disk image process. Onyx and Disk Warrior go hand in hand, and although you will not "see" (visually) HOW your HD has been organized more efficiently, you will experience the benefits of using Disk Warrior (faster/more responsive), which organized your HD Directory automatically.
    10) Another nice little Utility is SpeedTools, which has a great program for Defraging files. Yes, I've found that Disk Defrag does work. Point #10 does nothing for "organizing", however I make this point because Disk Defrag does indeed help your HD to run more efficiently (thus faster).
    *** Ohh by the way, maybe I'm saying the following as a joke, maybe I'm not. But if you follow my suggestions above, you wouldn't be so paranoid about downloading the latest update to Tiger (or Leopard when that comes out) because the old "Archive & Install" option becomes obsolete. If you run into trouble NOW, using my methods, you now have the peace of knowing that you have a perfectly Cloned Disk Image of your valuable, ideally organized Mac HD, residing on an external drive and just waiting to be called into action! ***
    Finally, please note that I am not telling you how to organize your hard drive, I am only suggesting this as one way to do it, and the way that I do it. If you have something totally different from this, but it works for you, please post that. If you want to add to what I've said, go right ahead! But if you don't agree with something I've said, then by all means offer your own suggestion and be civil about it! Thanks!
    ~ Vito

    You and everyone else that takes the time to read, and understand what I said, and can benefit from this, is WELCOME! ; )
    By the way, I forgot to mention. I use "Micon" a little terrific freeware program (from VersionTracker) to make (initialize) my custom icons. I also use Graphic Converter to make my own original icons of anything I like. Don't underestimate the value in making your own custom icons-- they really stand out from the "standard old blue".
    ~ Vito

  • What are your impressions of "multi-tasking"?

    If you have iOS4 and a capable device, you should have multi-tasking and opened apps appearing in the task bar. Newer app versions are able to run in the background. In my opinion, when I close most apps (by pressing the home button), I want them to close completely, not run in the background. Aside from being a privacy issue, apps in the task bar may use battery power or if truly in a suspended mode, they still take up memory or process capability. In order to really shut them down, two additional home button clicks and then two more screen strokes are required. Not very efficient and probably leading to an earlier home button failure. Why not have some kind of screen command (tap or swipe combination?) to simultaneously shut down all apps in the task bar? The bar itself is useless if you have used many apps in the course of a day. To find what you're looking for, you have to scroll through a long parade of icons. It's a lot easier to just tap the icon where you know it is sitting in the nice folder you created. I don't get it. I realize the bar can be used for switching open apps, but this is really not that big of a deal for the vast majority of apps. Furthermore, there should be an option to enable or disable multi-tasking globally as well as for individual apps. Now that would be an improvement.
    What are your thoughts?

    I havent done any kind of multitasking on my ipod touch, im waiting to upgrade my software to the newer one. However, I couldnt agree more with that of pressing the home button many times to perform basic function to switch apps or enable the multitasking ability. I think palm adapted a better design of software than apple ever did with their IOS 4. Palm's webOS can handle full multitasking--something the iPhone can't do. Palm uses what it calls "a deck of cards model" for managing multitasking: You can view each of your open applications at once, shuffle them any way you choose, and then discard the ones you want to close. All of this is done with intuitive gestures that mimic handling a physical deck of cards. Apps remains live, even when minimized into the card view, so changes can continue to happen in real-time, even if you've moved on to another activity.
    I had the time to experience a bit of a palm web os software on an AT&T store and my impression on that software is done more elegantly than apple multitasking home pressing button system.
    P.S to NYtroutbum: you should definitely present that idea to apple by its feedback product page. Let's hope it listens.

  • Java update (3 days ago) won't let me play yahoo games anymore.  I've tried moving java security to Medium and adding web address as "permissive use".  Still nothing.  I'd really like a fix.   Really, apple?  What's your beef with yahoo games?

    Installed Java update three days ago.  Now, can't play yahoo games as it's now blocked by security settings.  Already have tried moving Java security to Medium and adding yahoo.games.com (including web address of game) as a "Permissive exception".   Also tried removing java and installing older version.  Still nothing.  Really Apple?!?  What's your beef with yahoo games? 

    all of the older update versions of Java SE 7 can be found here. If 7u45 also didn’t work with your Yahoo! games, you can choose from any of the even older versions there as well.

  • What's your Favorite Movie?

    What's your favorite movie? I always enjoyed when Harrison Ford reminded us all to wear our seat belts when flying an unlicensed refridgerator through an atomic explosion. Great line huh? Something that came to mind during my viewing of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I have silly quotes like this for most of my favorite movies I hope you enjoy them...
    The Anime Birdie

    Time for me to weigh in, and like GeraldRose, I have way too many to list, so I will explain why I like them so much!
    Superbad - I also find this to be one of the funniest movies I have ever encountered.  To top it off, I know a dude irl (well from online) who looks totally like McLovin.  Classic.  
    The Changeling  (1980) - Good, older creepy movie.  George C. Scott delivers a sharp performance as a man entangled in a mystery that truly affects his life.  One of the few movies as a kid that scared the dickens out of me, without showing anything really.
    Say Anything - I am a hard core John Cusack fan, and I loved him as Lloyd Dobler in this movie.  It also was my introduction to Lili Taylor, who I came to adore in later roles.  This might seem like a teenage love movie, but it is so much more.  I highly recommend!
    Dogfight - The late River Phoenix and Lili Taylor are a delight in this film.  Set in the 60's Phoenix plays a marine on weekend leave, who is on a mission to find the ugliest date for a contest with his fellow servicemen - a "Dogfight".  He stumbles upon Rose, (Taylor) who is not exactly how he first assesses her.  A bittersweet love story.  
    The Princess Bride - Robin Wright Penn, Mandy Patinkin, Carey Elwes, and Billy Crystal are just a few of the stars in this crowd pleaser.   It follows the story of Buttercup and her love for Westley.  This is not your traditional love story, but full of laughs and action!
    Empire Records - A genuinely guilty pleasure, full of great music and laughs.  Rory Cochranes turn as Lucas is brilliant.  Maxwell Caulfield of Grease 2 makes a delightful turn as a washed up songbird "Rex Manning". It's REX MANNING DAY!!!!  Also, one of my other faves Ethan Embry (then Ethan Randall) makes the role of Mark his own. First thing that I ever saw Seth Green in...he cracks me up. 
    All of the Austin Powers movies, All of the LOTR movies, Every Kevin Smith movie ever made, ESPECIALLY his newest Zach and Miri...well you know the rest. 
    I could go on and on. LOL!
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  • What's your favorite MacBook Pro case?

    What’s your favorite 15” MacBook Pro case? I am looking for something small that will safely hold the 15” Macbook Pro and some accessory’s such as a mouse and AC adapter.

    Bag n’ Tag It
    by: Digital Dude
    In today’s world of everything slim and integrated, more techno fanatics and Spartan travelers are embracing the minimalist approach. To that end, I was looking for an alternative to my bulky computer briefcase for travel. So, I ordered the “Buzz” by Tom Bihn.
    Initially, I was a bit skeptical since the price of the Buzz is rather high for a nylon bag in today’s crowded market. Fortunately, the folks at Tom Bihn have an excellent guarantee with great customer service. If you receive the bag, and it’s not what you expected, simply return it without having to request an authorization. Try that with any other bag manufacturer!
    My first impression after opening the box was that the Buzz is in fact, a very well made nylon sling-bag with attractive accents. The initial fit on the back and shoulder was comfortable, and the crossover strap is wide and it fits guys and gals without interference. It’s also nicely padded and has a large durable quick disconnect fastener below your left rib area. There is a smaller adjustable waist strap for a more secure and balanced fit. I found it wasn’t necessary for casual carry although quite useful when riding a bike or running to catch that flight.
    The Buzz has two main compartments with waterproof zippers that don’t snag and they seal very well.
    The main compartment houses a unique padded panel with a fitted corner, similar to a fitted bed sheet that stretches over one corner of the MacBook Pro. The space between the computer holder and the zippered panel provides room for a book, magazines, documents, or even a small travel neck pillow.
    The second zippered compartment is on the very back and is slightly smaller or stepped down from the main compartment. It includes the usual key strap and some angled stitched pockets for pens, business cards and one larger pocket that can hold a Passport or airline tickets, etc.
    The third compartment is on the exterior right side and is made of elastic material and is designed to hold a bottle, small umbrella or equivalent. It also has two pull straps to further secure its contents.
    Finally, there is a super convenient compartment in the center of the crossover strap with a Velcro closure. This is my favorite feature, since it holds your cell, iPod or more notably, the new iPhone securely across your chest.
    Field Tests:
    I harnessed the Buzz, adjusted the straps and wore it for a week in and around town. The Buzz and its sling design holds' the 15-inch MacBook Pro, cables, charger, etc. in a vertical orientation on the back. This permits full range of motion for both arms, unlike most soft-sided computer briefcases.
    At times, I wanted to shift the load, so I simply reached around with my left hand and lifted up slightly on the bottom as I grabbed the ferry-loop (top strap) with my right hand. In this manner, you can easily adjust the tension on the crossover strap.
    The Buzz shoulder bag is advertised as offering “moderate” protection, although it’s quite adequate for most common travel activities. However, I wanted to see if I could fit my MacBook Pro while stuffed in the Tucano “Second Skin” sleeve. To my delight, it fit nearly perfect as though it was made for “The Buzz”. This combination effectively increases the travel protection by at least 2:1.
    Wish List:
    Accessory provisions or lack thereof, is a shortfall with many bag manufactures. User’s end up stuffing their charger, cables and adapters into secondary bags which all end up at the bottom, resulting in disorganized clutter. I visualize a removable fitted panel with separate compartments or straps that hold a basic array of typical computing items. In fact, I ended up using one of my luggage toiletry panels to help organize my computer gear in the Buzz. It holds everything vertically and eliminated the pile at the bottom.
    After field-testing, I decided this bag was definitely a keeper’. However, I would prefer a tighter fit of the MacBook Pro or a matching sleeve. I would also favor a more contoured and softer crossover strap with an exterior I.D. card and pen/pencil slot. Since I’m dreaming here, how about a less abrasive backside for improved comfort.
    The Buzz sling bag is a well-made, lightweight, ergonomic alternative to a backpack or the horizontal briefcase design. It holds most everything one might need for mobile computing while providing an excellent provision for Apple’s new iPhone.
    http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wa/RSLID?mco=114 576C9&nplm=TJ953VC/A
     MBP Core Duo: 15"/2.16/2GB DDR/7200HD   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   "New" AEBS w/n-draft

  • What is your all time 3 favorite Movie ? Why ?

    Let me list mine.
    1. Cast Away - How the loneliness felt.
    2. Pursuit of happyness - Father's Love & Passion behind the job.
    3. Enthiran - Only because of Rajini
    What is yours ?

    I had this Idea to ask something about movies because sometimes I couldn't find some movie to watch. I've seen many movies and its hard to find some quality movie now but thanks Suman Thangadurai for starting this thread And I'd like to add one thing just for fun that we can share 1 worst movie we've seen ever. Lets see which movie we get as worst
    For me its hard to decide best three movies. When it comes to my favorite movie, I've a long list in my mind and I can't decide which three are on top of that list. Let me try to share three names only.
    Kingdom of Heaven is the movie I've seen many times. I liked the dialogues and direction. The way director showed how they used catapult to conquered Jerusalem is amazing. This is based on a real fight Salahudin fought. Troy, 300, Brave Heart and Last Sumari are also from the same genre which I liked most.
    Bourne Film Series is a sequel of 4 movies. I like this series because it shows how to use technology and how to think one step ahead of your opponents I like spy movies because it is kind of self training that how we could escape after doing something which we are not supposed to do
    Mr and Mrs Smith is a comedy romantic movie and I liked it because of the acting by Brad Pitt and Angelina and both are my all time favorite in Hollywood.
    There is a long list that I'd like to share but since you asked for thee so I can only name three movies here. Though I've named more but I think its not violating the rule
    My worst experience was to watch SAW series. I don't know why I've seen all parts of it but I didn't like that at all.

  • What is your bracket style?

    What is your bracket style?
    type 1:
      if (true)
          bla bla bla...
    type 2:
      if (true) {
          bla bla bla...

    for (int C = i; use < this; style; C++)
      if (C < i)
        printf("and i indent with spaces whenever possibel");
        printf("makes copying code samples to here a lot easyer");
    while (usning.java()) {
      try {
      } catch (BracketStyleException bse) {
      } finally {
        System.out.println("before brackets at the end of line i put space...");
          "that way these brackets will not 'get lost' while looking through code");
    if (i.debugCode() && bracketStyle != me.getBracketStyle())
        System.out.println("then i continnue using style in the source");
    // comment by [email protected] on 2003.03.21@09:32
    // there are some other bracketing styles as well that i might use...
    // but i try to stay with the one i'm using in java.
    // and while debuging i allways add timestamp and explanation to my
    // code/comments or bugs i find and don't have to correct just yet

  • What is your solution for getting public transportation in map? Actually my iphone is useless for me because it hasn't a public transportation map.

    what is your solution for getting public transportation in map? Actually my iphone is useless for me because it hasn't a public transportation map.

    This has been a huge problem for me too. I was actually late to work yesterday and wanted to throw my phone out the window of the bus that I finally was able to find. I'm new to Portland, so this suddenly missing feature is particularly problematic. It really is so hard to avoid getting angry, I just can't believe they would eliminate a feature that people rely on so heavily. But anger doesn't do any good so I'm trying my hardest to stay calm and figure out an acceptable solution while Apple works to restore this feature - at least I pray to God that that's what they aim to do. Here are the apps that I've been trying, I'll try to explain how they work and maybe they will work for you. This is going to be a long post, but I'm hoping some people will find it helpful.
    I'll start with the most obvious of all - adding Google Maps to your homescreen. Every time you launch the app you will get a diaologue prompting you to allow Google Mpas to use your location, and then you will be in an environment that looks similiar to what we are used to. It does not integrate with your contact list, so one workaround I've been using is going to my contacts and holding my finger on an address to copy it to the clipboard. Be aware that leaving this web app will lose whatever you're looking at and go back to the start, so best to do this before you launch it. You'll notice some strange behavior - for instance the drop down menu of suggested locations will apear and then quickly disaprear, so just ignore this. Often it will often unexpectadly scroll to the top for some reason when you're trying to do something towards the bottom. Haven't figured out a fix except for trying to not get flustered and doing things slowly and deliberately. It's not as quick as we're used to anyway so this is not hard to do. If you'd like to see any of the suggested routes on a map you can do this by clicking the small 'Map View' link. Just be aware that you can only do this once or you will have to type in your starting an ending points again, as there is no way to go back to the list you were just looking at once you are in map view. One thing that I have found helpful about the Google maps method is when looking at a route, whether in list or map view, you can see the stop ID right there, which is helpful if your city has a way to check real-time arrivals. For instance here in Portland you can text this stop ID to a certain number and immediately receive real-time arrivals.
    The app I've been using most is called 'Transit'. It's pretty beautiful aesthetically, and the UI is simpler than anything else I've come across, which is convenient for a task that you want to accomplish as quickly as possible so you can put away your phone and be on your way. When you first launch it you're presented with three bus routes that stop near your current location. It tells you which direction the route is headed and in how many minutes the next bus is scheduled to arrive. This is helpful if you are familiar with that particular busline, otherwise there's no indication of where the line will take you. Upon clicking a line, you're presented with three buttons (again, loving the simplicity). One reverses the direction of that same busline. One expands the list of times so you can quicly see all the arrival times for that bus route at that particular stop for the entire day. The other takes you to map view and quickly displays the location of this stop. And here's the best feature of all (!!), it shows you the busline as a blue line and every single stop is marked with a circle. You can click on a circle and it displays the expected arrival time at that stop. This is all very helpful in some circumstances, but of course it does not let you type in a destination and have it build a route for you, and if you'll be transferring to another line this will not help you at all. To accomplish this you press the arrow in the lower left where you can type in a starting point, ending point, and an arrival/departure time. And this DOES reference your contact list. It will then allow you to quickly switch between three routes that it selects. It also searches Maps (actually it says 'Powered by Foursquare' for landmarks/establishments. For instance if I type in 'sushi', I'm presented with a handful of sushi joints in my area. There is a bug in this app where sometimes the 'Route' button is missing and you can only resolve this by leaving the app and quitting the process in the multitasking trail. When it builds your route, you can click on any point of transfer and it will tell you what time that bus/train is leaving. There is no list view, but personally I never found list view very helpful anyway. I know some people will disagree though.
    Now I'll talk about HopStop. This is a kind of clunky interface unfortunately, and also has ads which I can't stand. It is able to reference your contact list. My least favorite thing about this app is the list it gives you is so excessively long-winded it's hilarious. Every single stop along the route is listed in this list view, so you'll be scrolling through literally dozens of pages of useless information like 'Pass such-and-such - 1 min. Pass such-and-such - 1 min. Pass such and such - 2 min.' Oh well. The good news is on this insanely long list, it indicates when you are supposed to do something other than sit patiently in your seat by having an icon to the left of that instruction - either a person walking or a bus number. When you switch to list view unfortunately it no longer displays departure times, so you'll have to be switching betwen maps and list view. One great feature of this app is it lets you save routes to your favorite list. It also lets you find bus stops and quickly see what bus lines hit those stops. I can't stand the flashing advertisements, so I avoid using this at all costs.
    On to 'City Maps'. Again, the first thing you will see is a short list of bus lines that hit the stop nearest to you. Tap on one and it shows you the next three departures in either direction, as well as the distance between your current location and the stop in question. This app also searches for restaurants and such, but takes this feature on step further. Here when I type in 'sushi' and select a restaurant, I'm brought to a page that links to the Yelp, Foursquare, and Facebook pages associated with it - even has a link that takes you directly to the menu if Foursquare has it. Awesome feature, right?? Tap on 'Map' and it immediately displays the location and an option to build a few routes. It always displays the walking route below the bus lines to give you a sense of how long it would take (even if it's a two hour walk). Clicking on a bus route on this list takes you to list view. Unfortunately this also displays a deluge of pointess turns that only the bus driver need worry about, but it's not as bad as HopStop. There's an optional feature where it can display Google Street View images right in this list view, if you think that could be helpful. With one tap it quickly switches to a very aesthetically pleasig map view. There's an update button that lets you immediately refresh directions, edit starting/ending points, or give it new directions altogether.
    I'm sure in just a moment someone will come along and say something insulting about how we're blowing things out of proportion. I guess that's just the nature of trolls - a lot of people find being angry on forums while hiding behind their screen names cathartic for obvious reasons. Let's all of us just do our best to ignore these people and keep this discussion diplomatic and oriented towards helpful solutions. I know none of us want to give up our beloved iPhones, I'm only considering it as a last resort.

  • What is your theory on what happened with ASUS Transformer Prime and BB?

    This is my theory:
    First preorder batch 11/22:
    BB opened up for preorders based on expected date of anticipated 12/9 ship date.  The buyers at BB that orders from vendors did not buy any preorder stock from ASUS in Champagne on first order. I gotta bleive that the reason that the Champagne prime is not shipping from BB is a "buyer" error. They filled their first allotment of preorders. That is why BB shiped out grey from the first wave of preorders. Other vendors got both- why did BB only get grey? The buyers always think they know what we want or will order and only ordered grey in the request to ASUS. They got caught with their pants down when Amazon cancelled the orders on 12/2 and EVERYONE affected jumped on BB.com and ordered the champagne which was available as the next wave.
    Amazon fallout 12/2:
    Best buy opened up another set of preorder allotment - 2nd wave, and got hit hard real fast with preorders that they were not prepared for, or had stock for.
    ASUS is filling initial preorder requests from the resellers in the order that the resellers requested too.  BB was offering that in the next wave of preorders, but they probably took too many orders at once, and they put in another order to ASUS around the 12/9 delay ship date and ASUS was not taking them at that time (delays due to Wifi reported) .
    ASUS 12/9 wifi report delay in shiping:
    ASUS was cought in a delay with reports of wifi range problems and either stopped taking orders, or recallled/replaced shipment with others.  Once ASUS took orders again from the reseller they are shipping daily based on the preorder backlog. Asus is responsible for the delay in accepting orders from vendors, and BB had a buyer error, by either waiting too long to put in the first wave of orders, or not ordering enough, and now they are in the back of the vendor reseller line waiting on ASUS to get to them.
    The date of irst ship came and BB shipped all it ordered from first wave and could not get anymore from ASUS in the second wave to cover the Amazon fallout system overload.  They were left in the back of the line of all other vendors becuse no reseller could get a second next wave fulfillment until all others got their first waves fulfilled.  The 12/9 delay kept next waves from being fulfilled, and that is why inventory is trickling into the other resellers and BB can only get a few more at a time.  BB ordered champagne on a next wave delay.
    The thing that bugs me in to no end is how is a person that ordered grey on 11/28 at BB still on backorder, but a 12/05 grey order has shipped and delivered?? This is not ASUS fault, That is poor business operations on BB. 
    That is my "perfect storm" theory- what do you think?  What is your theory?

    That is pretty close to what I think happened.
    It does seem pretty clear that Best Buy never initially ordered and Champagne Primes.  I have combed through the threads at this site and others and haven’t seen one person receive a Champagne Prime from BB.  Meanwhile people who bought from other resellers like New Egg and Amazon have received Champagne Primes. 
    The mismanagement of shipping out orders chronologically has to be maddening for the people who ordered the Grey Primes.  I do feel for these people that ordered the same exact product before others who now have their Prime, but will still don’t have their items.
    The communication from Best Buy had been terrible.  Screwing up the orders in the 2 examples are somewhat forgivable to me, but the miscommunication and what seems to be deceitfulness that Best Buy has exhibited is not.  They just seem not to care about the customer any more.  From my experience, prior to the release I was lead to believe my order would be ready to ship on 12/18.  Then it went on backorder with no real reason why.  Two (12/18 and 12/22) of three calls to customer service reps indicated that my Champagne Prime would still arrive by today (12/23), with the other call rep (12/20) saying she basically had no when my item would be in.  Then yesterday afternoon a post from a customer care rep on these boards confirming that I am basically hosed because I choose BB to fulfill my Prime preorder.  

  • Pls.help my iphone stuck in recovery mode and itunes wont recognize it..i tried the other options that posted here,,,pls tell me what to do..

    pls. help my iPhone stuck in recovery mode and iTunes wont recognize it..i tried the other options that posted here,,,pls tell me what to do..before it was just stuck in an apple logo but when i tried recovery mode to itunes then it stuck..

    Hi awison,
    If your iPhone is not recognized by iTunes on your Windows computer you may want to use the steps in this article to troubleshoot -
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    This may also resolve your recovery mode issue. If it does not, use the steps in this article to resolve it -
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

  • Lumia 1020 Owners - What is your iPhoto Workflow

    I really want to start using iPhoto fully to manage my photos. I have my images from my past two phones in iPhoto already and that's all fine. They were the Lumia 800, and then Lumia 520 as a cheap stop-gap when my 800 broke whilst waiting for my next phone..The Lumua 1020.
    I now take all my photos on my Lumia 1020. This combination of the 1020 and iPhoto has a few stumbling points:
    The Lumia 1020 doesn't geotag the 38MP images, only the 5MP
    iPhoto import doesn't seem to work on it's own for me
    Combination of the Windows Phone App and iPhoto allow successful import, but of both the high res and 5MP versions (Still with the same Geotag problem)
    If you have a Lumia 1020, what is your workflow you follow from taking your photos, importing, tagging them etc?
    I don't mind too much if I end up saving both versions of a file but would like to avoid it with as little hassle as possible, I don't really want to have to tag each image twice (Once for the 38MP and once again for the 5MP).
    Some things i'd like to be able to do:
    Ideally only keep the high res versions of the images, without having to manually exclude the 5MP versions every time I try an import (Yes I may miss out of some of my reframed photos, but I rarely re-frame except when quickly sharing a file - I can edit the originals once in iPhoto if I want to crop etc)
    Auto tag the high res versions of the images with a keyword of say "HiRes", to make it easier to find them when printing
    Somehow get the Geolocation to work on the 38MP images (I may end up writing some custom code myself to copy the tag over, something would possibly run on the phone, but I haven't looked into it yet)
    I tried out the Nokia Image Importer for Mac. It works well, but it does import the 38MP and 5MP and then just drops them into the file system. Although that has some advantages, i',m looking to embrace iPhoto as my photo software, as I assume I can export to file system later anyway.

    I don't use the Windows Phone app from Microsoft to import pictures as it doesn't get date and time right for movies. This is my workflow:
    1. Import all pictures and movies with Nokia Photo Transfer. This software is more lightweight than the Microsoft app. And it gets all dates and times correct.
    2. Drag all files into the app Houdahgeo and geotag everyting using reference photos. The highres pictures get geotags from the lower res pictures without any problems. If you have taken photos with a DSLR or any other camera you can geotag them this way also.
    3. Import only the highres pictures to Iphoto.
    4. Delete all pictures manually in Lumia 1020. This is a lot easier since Lumia Black. And finally I delete all photos from the temporary folder that I imported to with Nokia Photo Transfer.
    This is way too complicated compared to say an Iphone. With my Iphone I acomplish all of the above with two clicks. 
    I am not sure but I do believe that the highres pictures where geotagged by the phone in earlier versions of Nokia Camera. I sure hope they will solve this issue. There is already too much work importing pictures.

  • What's your opinion on the search function on the NI website?

    Hi all NI web goers:
    I give 1.5 of 5 stars to NI's search function. Most of the times I got very frustrated when searhing NI's website. It returns a lot of entries for my search, but either none of them are relevant, or there are about 10 duplicate links to the same page, and multiply that by the # of unique links you get, well, you get the idea.
    So, what's your opinion on the search function offered by the NI website?

    Not sure what this has to do with LabVIEW. I suspect the Feedback on NI Discussion Forums might be as good as place as any. This has been brought up before:
    http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=Bre​akPoint&message.id=3966 (thread I started along the same lines)

Maybe you are looking for

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