What a strange noise

when i open the cover or move.
it has strange noise come out.
it seem like a paper cut sound
or whatever
absolutely not come from the speaker i mute it before.
macbook pro early 2011 15"
i upload video here http://www.twitvid.com/ULTV1
check it out , sorry for poor quality of video

Is it a low hum or buzzing? If so, tht may be an indication of hardware failure. Though Iwould be hard pressed to explain a buzzing noise to an apple tech. Regardless, if AppleCare is still active, head to the nearest apple store and have them document the situation so that in the future you have btter chances of making a claim if something happens later on.

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    Message was edited by: MosheA
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    It could be hard drive noise. You might want to try running SMART Utility:
    You can download the demo and run it several times for free. It will give you a comprehensive view of the physical health of your drive. It seems to be somewhat more sensitive than Disk Utility, and may be able to detect impending drive failure sooner.
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    Originally posted by JohnKoenig
    Return your card an tell em why dont wait a second more.
    I got the gforce fx 5600 I it dont make no stupid noise watsoever ok?
    Well, I've found several people with the same problem, so I don't think something is "wrong" with my card in particular. I've partially managed to disable these sounds (disabling "Smooth scrolling" in IE), which, by the way, are not THAT annoying, and I'm gonna do some couple more tricks until I finally decide whether I'm going to keep the card or not.
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    I can help - just take the hard drive out and then put it back in ...that should fix it
    Seriously though, I'd make some backups pretty quick and let your Apple repair people know what is going on ...it may be that the drive is dying and if so, you'll be getting a replacement from them.

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