What do I add the ApplicationLifecycleListener to?

I need to be able to perform some things when our app gets deployed and
undeployed, and this seems like what I need. But what do I add it to as
a listener? And how does it get created before my app is even deployed?
: jay

In general, the classes in APP-INF/classes can reference other classes
loaded by the application classloader. This commonly includes jar files
in APP-INF/lib and EJBs. By default, classes in web-applications are
loaded by child classloaders so they would not be seen.
-- Rob
Jay Schmidgall wrote:
Rob Woollen wrote:
Your ApplicationLifecycleListener class needs to be in the $CLASSPATH
or APP-INF/lib or APP-INF/classes. I'd suggest APP-INF.Thanks for the pointer!
This APP-INF is new to me so I'll have to look into that. Are there any
issues with something in APP-INF/classes refering to other classes in my
: jay

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  • Re: What do I add the ApplicationLifecycleListener to?

    Jay Schmidgall wrote:
    I need to be able to perform some things when our app gets deployed and
    undeployed, and this seems like what I need. But what do I add it to as
    a listener?Your ApplicationLifecycleListener class needs to be in the $CLASSPATH or
    APP-INF/lib or APP-INF/classes. I'd suggest APP-INF.
    You then need to declare your listener in your ear's
    META-INF/weblogic-application.xml descriptor. Here's an example:
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-application PUBLIC '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD
    WebLogic Application 8.1.0//EN'
    And how does it get created before my app is even deployed?It's probably more accurate to say that it's the first thing called
    during deployment. Essentially the application files are distributed to
    the managed servers, application-wide classloaders are established etc,
    and then the preStart callback is called on any listeners before the
    Modules (eg webapp, ejb etc) are initialized.
    -- Rob
    : jay

    In general, the classes in APP-INF/classes can reference other classes
    loaded by the application classloader. This commonly includes jar files
    in APP-INF/lib and EJBs. By default, classes in web-applications are
    loaded by child classloaders so they would not be seen.
    -- Rob
    Jay Schmidgall wrote:
    Rob Woollen wrote:
    Your ApplicationLifecycleListener class needs to be in the $CLASSPATH
    or APP-INF/lib or APP-INF/classes. I'd suggest APP-INF.Thanks for the pointer!
    This APP-INF is new to me so I'll have to look into that. Are there any
    issues with something in APP-INF/classes refering to other classes in my
    : jay

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    There's another way.
    Right or control click the + then click Remove Item.
    Just remembered that keyboard shortcut!
    You're welcome 

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    Hey john@adobe,
    Could you please specify how exactly have you created your form.
    You might need to have Acrobat installed on your computer to convert a word document to PDF.
    Do you have Acrobat installed? If yes, what version? If no, then please try using the trial version of Acrobat DC (latest version) and access its features:
    Download Adobe Acrobat free trial | Acrobat Pro DC
    Also, let me know what kind of blue boxes are you talking about.
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    Let me know more on this so that I can help you out.

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    Multiple files are required for the proer fnctioning of any of our GPIB products. Unfortunatly the installation is not as simple as copying a single file over. If you wish to make the installer silent, i believe this is entirely possible in a fashion similar to the details given at http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/0730A66245E6808086256CA8006E2183?OpenDocument.
    Hope this helps out!
    Best Regards,
    Aaron K.
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Add the relevant ports to your security suite
    Well known TCP and UDP ports used by Apple software products
    80 TCP Outbound/Inbound
    443 TCP Outbound/Inbound
    3689 TCP Outbound/Inbound

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    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class CurrentDateApplet extends JApplet
         Calendar currentCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
         JLabel dateLabel = new JLabel();
         JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
         int dayInteger = currentCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
         int monthInteger = currentCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1;
         int yearInteger = currentCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
         public void init()
              dateLabel.append(currentCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) + currentCalendar.get

    As for what's wrong with the code, it would be easier if you said: it doesn't show the date (it does this instead), it doesn't compile (I get this message) etc.
    Anyway I'll assume you want to display the time in a label...
    dateLabel.append(currentCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) + currentCalendar.get
    (Calendar.MINUTE);This won't compile: the parentheses are mismatched, and there is simply no such thing as append(). So we could trydateLabel.setText("" + currentCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) + currentCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE));This wroks, but looks pretty nasty and it's not how you are supposed to format dates and times. Here's the unofficial party line, nicked from one of jverd's posts:
    Calculating Java dates: Take the time to learn how to create and use dates
    Formatting a Date Using a Custom Format
    Parsing a Date Using a Custom Format
    From those links you should be able to find those applicable to times like this: http://www.exampledepot.com/egs/java.text/FormatTime.html
    Using this approach you would end up with something like:import java.text.Format;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    public class CurrentDateApplet extends JApplet
        private Date date;
        private JLabel timeLabel;
        private JPanel mainPanel;
        public void init()
            mainPanel = new JPanel();
            timeLabel = new JLabel();
            date = new Date();
            Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:ss a");

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    Dear Sara,
    I notice that you didn't reply to my questioning the this ambiguous stipulation of your services being extended to Adobe's rights in the use of my personal content or intellectual and creative property.
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    Make sure that both the web browser you're using and its Flash plug-in are up to date. Google Chrome has its own Flash plug-in it updates on its own. Firefox, IE and other have separate plug-ins.

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    Kford_red wrote:
    Feel a bit gutted as spent £££'s downloading music tonight and not been able to get the songs onto my phone so far!
    The music you just downloaded tonight to your new computer is safe. The music you purchased on your phone is safe.  You shouldn't feel gutted.  It's your other music that you should have taken better care of.  That would include any music you ripped yourself or purchased outside of iTunes.  That you can't get back.
    It has always been the user's responsibility to back up and protect downloaded music.  If you didn't have a backup of your computer before it started acting funny, that's your fault.  It would be no different than if you lost a music CD.  It would not be a record store's responsibility to replace if you lost it.  Digital music is no different.  Similarly, a phone is not a backup medium.  Phone's break, get misplaced or stolen all the time and are not a substitute for a backup copy of your music and media.
    Computers WILL break.  Hard drives WILL fail.  That's why you back up your data. 

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    What to do, to add the ivory audio units in logic? I can't see it. Thanks

    You can't see it.
    Readers of this post have no idea where you are looking for it.... Is it so hard give a tiny little bit of MORE INFORMATION? Or are you looking for the elusive Logic Psychic Users forum perhaps?
    1. Read documentation. It's pretty simple really, like any other 3rd party instrument or effect plugin.
    Have you run an installer? Did it say it was successful? If so, then it's there and you should be able to find it without any forum help.

  • What formula to add up the values in one column only if a box is checked in the next column?

    Hi guys,
    I am creating a spreadsheet for my wedding guestlist.
    In one column I have a number to tell me the total number of adult guests the party (e.g fried and girlfriend = 2) and then the next two colums are check boxes, one for daytime and the next for nighttime.
    What I would like to do is in a footer row under the daytime time checkbox column is to total the first colum (the total number of wedding guests in each party).
    I hope that I am explaining this ok, sorry if it is vague.
    I understand to use COUNTIF to total the number of checked boxes in the column and have been working on COUNTIF + the sum of the previous column but it's not really working.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Here's an example of what you might do:
    The expression in the footer of column B is:
    =SUMIF(B, TRUE, $A)
    and, the expression in the footer of column C is:
    =SUMIF(C, TRUE, $A)

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    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    If it does work in Safe-mode then disable all extensions and then try to find which is causing it by enabling one at a time until the problem reappears.
    * Use "Disable all add-ons" on the [[Safe mode]] start window to disable all extensions.
    * Close and restart Firefox after each change via "File > Exit" (Mac: "Firefox > Quit"; Linux: "File > Quit")

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