What if I don't close a cursor after I open it...

If I open a cursor without transaction, but forget closing it, will this cause memory problem?
myCursor = myDb.openCursor(null, null);
but I do not call myCursor.close()

Yes, open cursors both consume some memory on their own, and also pin pieces of the btree into cache, which interferes with JE's ability to manage its cache. You should always close cursors promptly, and remember to do so in a finally statement to make sure you don't leak them if there is an exception.

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    What happens if you don't close a connection? It depends on how many connections you open and how long your program keeps running.
    Let's start with the case of a standalone program that runs for a little while then exits.
    While the program is running, the operating system maintains a network connection to the database server for each open database connection; there are system limits on the number of open network connections, although this is usually a very high number. Also, every open connection to a database uses resources of the database; many databases have limits on the number of connections they can have open at once. Some database products or configurations (Oracle in "dedicated" mode) will also start a seperate process on the server for each open connection; too many open connections and these processes start swapping out to disk, too many more and the server runs out of memory.
    When the program exits, the operating system will close any open network connections; the database server will also recognize that the network connections are closed. If the database supports transactions and the connection was in a transactional mode and there were uncommitted transactions, then the uncommitted transactions will be rolled back. Ultimately, all the database resources get released (assuming there are no bugs in the database program).
    Thus, a program that runs for a few minutes, commits all its transactions and exits without closing connections doesn't do major harm; the operating systems of both the client and the database server clean up the network connection and the database itself cleans up the database connection. It's all designed this way because programs sometimes crash; you can't have a system/database that breaks when that occurs... However, this cleanup is not always absolutely immediate on program exit; it usually takes a short time, seconds to minutes, for everything to clean up. Therefore, if the same programs is run over and over real fast, it becomes possible to exhaust a resource, such as memory or network connections. For a quick little test program that's run once and that's it, no problem...
    Now for a long running prgram, such as a web application that will run for days or months...
    As I've alluded to above, each database connection uses system resources, both on the client machine and on the database server. When a connection is maintained open, those resources are tied up; there's always a limit on the total number of connections that can be supported, although with the right software, hardware and database configurations that limit can be a huge number, tens of thousands. For other systems, it might be a low number, hundreds or less. Whatever it is, the program could potentially reach that limit and cause something to fail. If it doesn't reach that limit (or cause another program to push past the limit) then there's no problem (other than a potential performance impact).
    Now within a Java program, the JDBC standard requires that when an open database connection object is garbage collected, the connection is first closed. Assuming your driver conforms to the standard in this regard, and assuming no resource limit gets exceeded, then a long running program could open and abandon connections and let the garbage collector close and clean up. However, garbage collection is unpredictable, and connections are often sufficiently long lived that they get moved out of the "Eden" memory space and into the space of long-lived objects. These objects are only garbage collected when a "full" garbage collection takes place; a "partial" collection only examines the "Eden" space. Thus, depending on the applications load and memory usage and connection usage pattern and garbage collection configuration, an abandonded connection might not be garbage collected for hours or even days, greately increasing the chances that you run out of resources.
    In other words, not closing your connections in a long running program is a really really bad idea.

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    Force quit. cmd-option-esc key combo. Then choose Mail and force quit in the window that presents itself.

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    Taken at face value, you're having trouble with an Apple Application Support program file there. (Apple Application Support is where single copies of program files used by multiple different Apple programs are kept.)
    Let's try something relatively simple first. Restart the PC. If you're using Vista or 7, now head into your Uninstall a program control panel, select "Apple Application Support" and then click "Repair". If you're using XP, head into your Add or Remove Programs control panel, select "Apple Application Support", click "Change" and then click "Repair".

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    If you are using for loop the you don't need to open and close the cursor like:
    SQL> set autot off
    SQL> begin
      2     for i in (select ename, deptno, sal from emp)
      3     loop
      4             for j in (select dname from dept where deptno = i.deptno)
      5             loop
      6             dbms_output.put_line ('Ename:' || i.Ename ||'  Dept Name:'|| j.dname);
      7             end loop;
      8     end loop;
      9  end;
    10  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> /
    Ename:SCOTT  Dept Name:RESEARCH
    Ename:first_0  Dept Name:SALES
    Ename:first_1  Dept Name:SALES
    Ename:first_0  Dept Name:RESEARCH
    Ename:first_1  Dept Name:SALES
    Ename:first_0  Dept Name:SALES
    Ename:first_1  Dept Name:ACCOUNTING
    Ename:first_0  Dept Name:RESEARCH
    Ename:first_1  Dept Name:ACCOUNTING
    Ename:first_0  Dept Name:SALES
    Ename:first_1  Dept Name:RESEARCH
    Ename:first_0  Dept Name:SALES
    Ename:first_1  Dept Name:RESEARCH
    Ename:first_0  Dept Name:ACCOUNTING
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> Or let us know about your requirements i.e. why you need to open/close the cursor again and again.

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    I would start with this FAQ Entry first, if you have not done so yet: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/792580?tstart=0
    It starts with a checklist for getting PrE set up properly, then moves into tuning up one's system and OS (you have done a lot of that already), and then goes into troubleshooting tips. Note: those tips rather work up quickly in "degree of difficulty," and DO become quite technical, but things like the "Finding Clues" link will give some tools, that might prove useful, like the use of Windows' Event Viewer to track down issues.
    One of the first things to look at would be your video driver. I would go to the video card's/chip's mfgr's. Web site, and check for a later driver. Do not trust Windows, or any utility to tell you if you have the latest driver. If there is not a newer video driver, or it will not install properly on your system, be sure to check with the HP Web site, as HP, Dell, Lenovo, and some other mfgrs. will re-package video drivers to suit their specific setup.
    One troubleshooting technique, that might prove useful (however, those deleted programs bother me a bit here), would be to create a System Restore Point for now (see Windows Help for doing this with your particular OS version). Then, boot to Safe Mode, and choose an older System Restore Point, from when things did work. This might take some trial-and-error, to get back far enough. Test. At the worst, you will only have lost a few minutes, as you have your new System Restore Point for now, to fall back on.
    Good luck,

  • ITunes, what have you done with my files?

    Irrelevant backstory;
    I've actually had quite a turbulent time with technology lately- External harddrives blowing up, iTouch screens cracking in my pocket. Not to mention the screen on this ruddy Mac of mine. But I'm fairly competent with technology and so far have been able to fix most problems I've made for myself. This one is a little tougher so I'd really appreciate a little help.
    This is a long story, mostly because information tends to yield better solutions. Feel free to skip to the short version below if you'd like to save your eyes the trouble.
    Essentially, I replaced my iTouch yesterday. This 9 month old beauty had accumulated thousands of listens, and since it was manually managed from itunes Last.fm refused to scrobble any of them. So I made my mind up that I'd simply sync the new one automatically. That's when things started to go wrong. I had deleted all my music from the harddrive for the purpose of downloading fresh films, confident in the fact I had two recently backed up external harddrives containing all my music (about 3,000 songs I like, and 1,000 songs other people like that they give out to me for not having) and movies. Altogether, this came to around 24 GB. I realise this is not a huge amount in comparison to what some people have, but I'm a relative purist (except when drunk) and some of the music is exceptionally hard to find (ever heard of Ween?). So I'd really like it back. Now, as I've mentioned, one of the harddrives is a glorified paperweight, it fell 3 feet and is now making typically awful beeping/scratching noises and no longer fires up. The second one was working fine, however, so I plugged it in and set to work copying and pasting.
    iTunes duly realised that none of the music was where it used to be, so I re-added my C:/Music folder to the library and got plenty of awesome duplicates. After deleting those, iTunes would play the song if I tried to click on it (exclamation point or not). Problem sorted then, except that because iTunes didn't realise it knew the locations of the songs once more, virtually none of those songs were synching with my spanking new iTouch. So I started manually clicking into the exclamated songs, which would play, and the sync. I got halfway through A before realising this would take forever. So I searched for a more automatic way. I tried readding all my songs again, but this just created tons more duplicates, and after deleting those went into the File->Library->Organise Library menu. Things go badly for me from here.
    I knew what Consolidate would do and I didn't like it. I could guess what Reorganise would do, but hey, it might help, and it specifically said it wouldn't remove or delete any files. Just move them.
    So I figured what the ****.. Why not?
    After taking ages to reorganise my already organised music folders, iTunes promptly lost around 1500 songs. Individual songs and albums. It seems everything that wasn't a Compilation from Kings of Leon-Come Around Sundown (of which I now have half an album) was gone. So I resigned myself to locating the songs manually.
    But they weren't there. The first 7 songs were there from Come Around Sundown. The remaining ones were not. I thought this pretty odd. Then i noticed that the rest of the songs weren't there either. Alphabetically, from "K" down, most of my music was simply not there. And I now had this funky new C:/Music/Music folder, which was just full off the songs I did have. After tinkering around with the XP search function and finding nothing anywhere, I decided to simply delete and start over. So I wiped my Music folder and recopied everything from the external HD. Re-opened the folder in iTunes and voila, everything was the exact same.
    My only thought here is that I've managed to wipe the Music folder in the external HD, and replaced my wanted music with what iTunes has done to my laptop. Highly stupid, absolutely, but not absolutely out of character with deleting the music in the first place, or reorganising my music folder despite misgivings about it's effectiveness. In fact, it was par for the course with how I approached this problem last night.
    Short version;
    iTunes has, apparently while reorganising my library, deleted a number of songs from my computer. I now have far less music than I should, and it is not anywhere on my computer. The music folder has shrunk from 24GB to 16GB. My movies have been renamed into oblivion. This was not what I thought reorganising did.
    Reorganising = File->Library->Organise Library->Reorganise files in the folder "Music"
    "Music" is my music folder, containing all of my beloved tracks. It's located at C:/Music
    What's interesting now is that when the iTouch synched with iTunes, it did manage to pick up all of my movies, despite them not being there. When the iTouch is plugged into iTunes and i look at the Movies tab (close to Summary on the top), everything is there. When I look at the Movies viewer on the left (below Music) it's empty. I tried to manually sync some movies to save space (plus, I've already watched Team America a dozen times now) it removed all of them. They will no longer go back on, but iTunes does show them in the Movies tab.
    They're still there in theory, but neither a manual search for them nor allowing Movies to sync automatically puts them back onto the iPod touch.
    Solution wise, I'm stumped. If the computer doesn't let me find them, then they're not there. But Reorganise expressly pointed out that files would be moved and renamed, not deleted. And the Music folder has shrunk in size, which indicates that iTunes was lying. The only ways out I can see are to a) attempt to repair the damaged hard drive which contains all my unharmed music or b) acquire all my missing music again.
    Option a isn't bad, since I'd like to get that HDD working again anyway. Option b is going to take a long time and will be incomplete. Folks, after all this text what I really want to know is- Anyone got an option c?
    Cheers! And apologies for the length. I tend to ramble.
    iTunes is fully up to date. The iTouch software is 4.3.2 instead of 4.3.3, but internet is expensive so downloading that update will not be done on Telstra wireless. The laptop is a dualbooted MBP running XP.

    There was a short version expressly for people who weren't bothered to read a myriad of text.
    Meh, not that it matters anymore. I ended up redownloading 70-odd albums, so I have the bulk of my music back. And I still have no idea what iTunes did with my files, but I'll make sure it never does it again.
    I would thank you for the help but you were utterly useless. Oh well, carry on.

  • HT201317 Photostream to my Windows computer has stopped working. In icloud control panel, photostream is unchecked, I check it, hit options, nothing happens. I click apply and close. Next time I  open control panel, photostream is unchecked again! What ca

    Photostream to my Windows 7 computer has stopped working. When I open icloud control panel, photostream has become unchecked even though it has been previously checked. I check it again but when I click options, nothing happens. I click apply and close, but next time I open the control panel, Photostream has become unchecked again. What can I do?

    When I first downloaded iCloud to my PC a little while back, Photo Stream initially worked. I was able to check/uncheck both boxes available to me, as well as click the Options tab to the right of Photo Stream. I could make changes, click "Apply", and everything was fine and dandy.
    Within a day, I opened the iCloud Control Panel, and despite how many times I would uncheck Bookmarks, it didn't matter. I would click "Apply", and it would automatically ask me to sign in again. When I did this, Bookmarks would be checked again. Additionally, Photo Stream was grayed out; I was unable to check the box (which was unchecked), and I was unable to go to Options.
    Somehow, I managed to get my iCloud Control Panel "unstuck", and currently, it is working fine. There are 2 steps that I did to accomplish this. The 1st step listed below may be the crucial element for those whose reinstallation of the program has not succeeded, in and of itself. It is a change that I haven't come across as a possible part of a solution to this problem; I just happened to stumble upon this whilst searching my PC for possible fixes to the problem.
    Step 1: Find your iCloud File Folder. (On my PC, I clicked the Start button in the lower left corner, then clicked All Programs, and finally scrolled down to where all the folders for various "things" are.) Click the Folder and a sub-list will appear, with items such as Calendar, Mail, etc. Right-Click the iCloud Program icon, and at the bottom of the list that appears, click on Properties. At the top, there are 5 tabs. Click the Compatibility tab, and you should see, at the top, the following words: "If you have problems with this program and it worked correctly on an earlier version of Windows, select the compatibility mode that matches that earlier version." Following these words is a dropbox underneath "Compatibility Mode", and for some reason - I have no idea why this is - the box was initially checked to run the program in compatibility mode for "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)". (And from what I understand, Windows XP is not a compatible Windows Edition for iCloud, so I have no idea why this box was checked.) If the box underneath "Compatibility Mode" is checked, than it is running iCloud in compatibility mode for any number of earlier Windows' Editions. Uncheck this box, click the "Apply" button, and then click "OK".
    Step 2: Find your PC's Control Panel. (On my PC, I clicked the Start button in the lower left corner, and then clicked Control Panel in the list to the right.) In the Control Panel, click Programs. Under Programs and Features, Click "Uninstall a program" (and bear with me here, because you are actually not going to uninstall iCloud). Now, scroll down the list and find "iCloud". Double-click the "iCloud" icon, and a panel with 2 options should appear: "Repair" and "Remove". Check the "Repair" box, which will reinstall the same iCloud Control Panel, replacing missing or damaged files. ("Remove" will just .. well ... remove iCloud from the computer - or, if you prefer, uninstall the program.) Click Next, and the repairing process will begin and end. And that is it - you're done. Task Completed.
    Well, in the end, this worked for me. Photo Stream was no longer grayed out. I could permanently uncheck Bookmarks (finally). The Options tab for Photo Stream would open. Anytime that I clicked the "Apply" button after checking/unchecking boxes, it wouldn't ask me to sign in again (only to come back to a Control Panel that looked just like it did before I made any changes to it.). And, I created a Shared Photo Stream on my phone using photos from my Camera Roll (to test the program), and the Shared Photo Stream appeared on my PC's Photo Stream in no time. Hopefully, this will work for you too (regardless of the Windows Edition you are currently using).     ~ Brian

  • Files Don't Close when Project is Closed

    When I close an open project in the IDE, not all the files get closed. Some of them remain open in the JSC IDE, even though the project has been closed.
    Would appreciate if the JSC team can acknowledge and fix the issue.

    Hi HaroonA,
    In order to file a bug, I need a reproducible case. Is this consistently happening to you? How many projects are you working with when this happens? What files don't close (JSP/Java/Navigation.xml/etc.,)? If you can give me a scenario where this fails, I'll escalate the issue.
    --Creator Team                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    I think I know what I have done to my iPhoto... I dragged some pictures from my friends via e-mail to iPhoto Library folder in Picture Folder, which later found out I am not supposed to do from other discussion topics....
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    I see all the pictures in iPhoto Library in Picture Folder. My iPhoto is "Loading photos" for more than 24 hours...
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    Hi, may0411, and welcome to Apple Discussions. If iPhoto is still trying to open after 24 hours, Force Quit it (type Command-Option-Esc, select iPhoto in the Force Quit window and okay the force quit). Create a new empty folder on your desktop. Open the iPhoto Library folder in the Finder, and drag all of the photos you previously dragged into it out again, dropping them onto the empty folder you just created. Close the iPhoto Library folder. Open iPhoto while holding down the Shift and Option keys. When asked if you want to rebuild the library, click OK, then click Save. Make sure the rebuilt library is all in good order. If it is, use the File>Import command to import the new pictures from the folder on the desktop.

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