What is BAPI?How to create a BAPI? Difference b/w BAPI and BDC

Hi all,
Can some one help me regarding...
What is an BAPI?where it is used?
How to create a BAPI?
What is the difference between BAPI and BDC Program?
Iam in Initial stage regarding BAPI concept.
Please respond me soon.

Here it is:
BAPI Programming Guide
BAPI User Guide
<b>DIFFERENCE between BAPI and BDC</b>
BDC is traditional way of coding the transactions for uploading the legacy data, Sap is changing all transactions to Object oriented programming. Since BAPI is Object based and supports all the new transactions it is preffered over BDC. More over BAPI's process data faster than BDC.
BAPI is a SAP-supplied function module with a defined interface, which allows you to interact with various business objects. SAP guarantees the integrity of your database for anything updated using a BAPI. BDC is a method of driving screens programatically, for updating SAP data. BAPIs are generally faster than BDCs.
A BAPI is faster because it is updating the DB "directly". Whereas BDC with call
transaction goes through the whole screen sequence like any user would do, simply put, fills screens.
However - there is not always a BAPI for a particular transaction and not all functions that are performed by a transaction can be done by a BAPI. BDCs produce error sessions which can be processed by the user, while BAPIs don't.
First choose the BAPI ,if there is no BAPI go for BDC.
why BAPI first not BDC.
SAP comes up with Change in Version, so each and every time they will change the screens/number etc.
so you have to change your BDC programs accordingly.
and also Most of the Latest versions transactions are Enjoy Transaction. they will not support BDC's in Background.
But Using BAPI's No such disadvantages.
A BAPI is faster because it is updating the DB "directly" through ABAP code.
A BDC with call transaction goes through the whole screen sequence like any user would do, simply put, it is filling screens.
Actually it depends on your requirement but BAPI is more effective as it is standard function module to update SAP databases rather than BDC.
using bdc over bapi has advantages and also disadvantages
1. using bdc we can upload data into database tables using 2 ways
1. foreground -
means that user interaction is there for each and every record.
2. back ground -
no user interaction and tasks are done automatically.
using these two options is one of the greatest advantage over bapi.
2. in bdc call transaction method we can control the display of screen resolution which is not possible with bapi's
3. bdc is generally used for transferring of large amount of data than bapi's
4.session method of bdc allows us to place data directly in application server and then finally transfered into sap database tables
1.bdc is only used for sap to sap system data transferring
2. bapis's generally works more faster than bdc's
3. using bapis we can connect to remote systems and also to non sap systems.
if useful reward some points.
A BAPI is a method of a SAP Business Object. BAPI enables SAP and third party applications to interact and integrate
with each other at the Business Object / Process level.
Check this link to know more about BAPI.
Batch Data Communication (BDC) is the oldest batch interfacing technique that SAP provided since the early versions of R/3. BDC is not a
typical integration tool, in the sense that, it can be only be used for uploading data into R/3 and so it is not bi-directional.
BDC works on the principle of simulating user input for transactional screen, via an ABAP program. Typically the input comes in the form
of a flat file. The ABAP program reads this file and formats the input data screen by screen into an internal table (BDCDATA). The
transaction is then started using this internal table as the input and executed in the background.
In ‘Call Transaction’, the transactions are triggered at the time of processing itself and so the ABAP program must do the error handling.
It can also be used for real-time interfaces and custom error handling & logging features. .
To know more about BDC,
check the link.
Main differences are...
In case of bdc data transfer takes place from flat file into sap system ie the file existing in sap system to sap sytem
where is bapi's r remotly enabled function modules which are assigned to some business objects n used to transfer the data between different business partners who are using different systems other than sap.
not only that...
when you plan to upgrade your system version then bdc willnot support those upgradations where as bapi's will support.
Message was edited by:
        Alvaro Tejada Galindo

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    how to create purchase order using VA01 for BAPI?

    Hi Arun,
    Please check this link
    Example Program for BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Questions in BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Problem with BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    *& Report BAPI_PO_CREATE *
    REPORT bapi_po_create.
    Input File Declaration
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_input_file,
    column1 TYPE char50,
    column2 TYPE char50,
    column3 TYPE char50,
    column4 TYPE char50,
    column5 TYPE char50,
    column6 TYPE char50,
    column7 TYPE char50,
    column8 TYPE char50,
    column9 TYPE char50,
    column10 TYPE char50,
    column11 TYPE char50,
    column12 TYPE char50,
    column13 TYPE char50,
    column14 TYPE char50,
    column15 TYPE char50,
    column16 TYPE char50,
    column17 TYPE char50,
    column18 TYPE char50,
    END OF ty_input_file.
    DATA: i_input_file TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_input_file,
    wa_input_file TYPE ty_input_file.
    CONSTANTS: c_path TYPE char20 VALUE 'C:\',
    c_mask TYPE char9 VALUE ',.,..',
    c_mode TYPE char1 VALUE 'O',
    c_filetype TYPE char10 VALUE 'ASC',
    c_x TYPE char01 VALUE 'X'.
    PARAMETERS : p_fname LIKE rlgrap-filename.
    Browse Presentation Server
    PERFORM f4_presentation_file.
    Read presentation server file
    PERFORM f1003_upload_file.
    IF NOT i_input_file[] IS INITIAL.
    PERFORM split_data.
    *& Form f4_presentation_file
    *& F4 Help for presentation server
    FORM f4_presentation_file .
    def_path = c_path
    mask = c_mask
    mode = c_mode
    title = text-001
    filename = p_fname
    inv_winsys = 1
    no_batch = 2
    selection_cancel = 3
    selection_error = 4
    OTHERS = 5.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM. " f4_presentation_file
    *& Form f1003_upload_file
    *& Upload File
    FORM f1003_upload_file .
    DATA: lcl_filename TYPE string.
    lcl_filename = p_fname.
    filename = lcl_filename
    filetype = c_filetype
    has_field_separator = c_x
    data_tab = i_input_file
    file_open_error = 1
    file_read_error = 2
    no_batch = 3
    gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
    invalid_type = 5
    no_authority = 6
    unknown_error = 7
    bad_data_format = 8
    header_not_allowed = 9
    separator_not_allowed = 10
    header_too_long = 11
    unknown_dp_error = 12
    access_denied = 13
    dp_out_of_memory = 14
    disk_full = 15
    dp_timeout = 16
    OTHERS = 17.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM. " f1003_upload_file
    *& Form split_data
    Collect data for creating Purchase Order
    FORM split_data .
    DATA: i_poitem TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitem,
    i_poitemx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitemx,
    i_poitem_sch TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedule,
    i_poitem_schx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx,
    i_acct_*** TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccount,
    i_acct_assx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccountx,
    i_services TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesllc ,
    i_srvacc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesklc,
    i_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2,
    wa_header TYPE bapimepoheader,
    wa_headerx TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
    wa_poitem TYPE bapimepoitem,
    wa_poitemx TYPE bapimepoitemx,
    wa_poitem_sch TYPE bapimeposchedule,
    wa_poitem_schx TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
    wa_acct_*** TYPE bapimepoaccount,
    wa_acct_assx TYPE bapimepoaccountx,
    wa_services TYPE bapiesllc,
    wa_srvacc TYPE bapiesklc,
    wa_return TYPE bapiret2,
    ws_po TYPE bapimepoheader-po_number.
    break gbpra8.
    wa_services-pckg_no = 10.
    wa_services-line_no = 1.
    wa_services-outl_no = '0'.
    wa_services-outl_ind = c_x.
    wa_services-subpckg_no = 20.
    APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
    wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 10.
    wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
    wa_srvacc-serno_line = 01.
    wa_srvacc-serial_no = 01.
    wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
    APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
    LOOP AT i_input_file INTO wa_input_file.
    IF wa_input_file-column2 EQ 'HD'.
    wa_header-doc_type = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_header-creat_date = sy-datum.
    wa_header-created_by = sy-uname.
    wa_header-vendor = wa_input_file-column4.
    PERFORM conversion_output USING wa_header-vendor
    CHANGING wa_header-vendor.
    wa_header-comp_code = 'DE03'.
    wa_header-purch_org = 'DE03'.
    wa_header-pur_group = 'DE1'.
    wa_header-vper_start = wa_input_file-column9.
    wa_header-vper_end = wa_input_file-column10.
    wa_headerx-comp_code = c_x.
    wa_headerx-doc_type = c_x.
    wa_headerx-creat_date = c_x.
    wa_headerx-created_by = c_x.
    wa_headerx-vendor = c_x.
    wa_headerx-purch_org = c_x.
    wa_headerx-pur_group = c_x.
    wa_headerx-vper_start = c_x.
    wa_headerx-vper_end = c_x.
    IF wa_input_file-column2 EQ 'IT'.
    wa_poitem-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_poitem-short_text = wa_input_file-column6.
    wa_poitem-plant = wa_input_file-column8.
    wa_poitem-quantity = '1'.
    wa_poitem-tax_code = 'V0'.
    wa_poitem-item_cat = 'D'.
    wa_poitem-acctasscat = 'K'.
    wa_poitem-matl_group = wa_input_file-column7.
    wa_poitem-pckg_no = '10'.
    APPEND wa_poitem TO i_poitem .
    wa_poitemx-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_poitemx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-short_text = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-plant = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-quantity = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-tax_code = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-item_cat = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-acctasscat = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-matl_group = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-pckg_no = c_x.
    APPEND wa_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
    wa_poitem_sch-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_poitem_sch-delivery_date = sy-datum.
    APPEND wa_poitem_sch TO i_poitem_sch.
    wa_poitem_schx-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
    wa_poitem_schx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_poitem_schx-delivery_date = c_x.
    APPEND wa_poitem_schx TO i_poitem_schx.
    wa_acct_***-po_item = 10.
    wa_acct_***-serial_no = 01.
    wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
    wa_acct_***-co_area = '1000'.
    wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
    APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
    wa_acct_***-po_item = 10.
    wa_acct_***-serial_no = 02.
    wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
    wa_acct_***-co_area = '1000'.
    wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
    APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
    wa_acct_assx-po_item = 10.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 01.
    wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-co_area = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
    APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
    wa_acct_assx-po_item = 10.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 02.
    wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-co_area = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
    APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
    wa_services-pckg_no = 20.
    wa_services-line_no = 2.
    wa_services-service = wa_input_file-column9.
    wa_services-quantity = '100'.
    wa_services-gr_price = '100'.
    wa_services-userf1_txt = wa_input_file-column13.
    APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
    wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 20.
    wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
    wa_srvacc-serno_line = 02.
    wa_srvacc-serial_no = 02.
    wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
    APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
    poheader = wa_header
    poheaderx = wa_headerx
    exppurchaseorder = ws_po
    return = i_return
    poitem = i_poitem
    poitemx = i_poitemx
    poschedule = i_poitem_sch
    poschedulex = i_poitem_schx
    poaccount = i_acct_***
    poaccountx = i_acct_assx
    POCOND =
    poservices = i_services
    posrvaccessvalues = i_srvacc
    break gbpra8.
    LOOP AT i_return INTO wa_return.
    ENDFORM. " split_data
    *& Form conversion_output
    Conversion exit input
    FORM conversion_output USING p_ip
    CHANGING p_op.
    input = p_ip
    output = p_op.
    ENDFORM. " conversion_output
    Best regards,

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    New material can be created by using a BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA.
    More over their are lots of threads available on SDN on the question you raised so kindly search the SDN before posting any thread .

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    We are all users here.
    There is no one here from Apple.
    In order for you to develop and distribute content for the iPad, you need to become an apps developer.
    Not sure where you sign up for this or who you have to call.
    There should be a place on Apple's site that refers to a section of the site if you want to be an Apple iOS content developer.
    It cost, I believe $99 U.S. to become an Apple apps developer. You'll agree to Apple's Non-disclosure rules.  You'll receive Apple's app/software developers kit,and access to Apple's app developer site.
    No one here is going to be able to help you.
    Good Luck.

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    Thanks & regards,
    Message was edited by:

    Here you go..Just follow these steps blindly and you are done.
    1) Create a year prompt with presentation variable as pv_year
    2) Create a report say Mid report with year column selected 3 times
    - Put a filter of pv_year presentation variable on first year column with a default value say @{pv_year}{2008}
    - Rename the second time column say YEAR+1 and change the fx to CAST(TIME_DIM."YEAR" AS INT)+1
    - Rename the second time column say YEAR-1 and change the fx to CAST(TIME_DIM."YEAR" AS INT)-1
    Now when you will run Mid Report, this will give you a records with value as 2008 2009 2007
    3) Create your main report with criteria as Year and Measure col
    - Change the fx for year column as CAST(TIME_DIM."YEAR" AS INT)
    - Now put a filter on year column with Filter based on results of another request and select these:
    Relationship = greater than or equal to any
    Saved Request = Browse Mid Report
    Use values in Column = YEAR-1
    - Again,put a filter on year column with Filter based on results of another request and select these:
    Relationship = less than or equal to any
    Saved Request = Browse Mid Report (incase it doesn't allow you to select then select any other request first and then select Mid Report)
    Use values in Column = YEAR+1
    This will select Year > = 2007 AND Year < = 2009. Hence the results will be for year 2007,2008,2009
    This will 100% work...

  • How to create a query to see Opening stock and closing stock as on particul

    Hi All,
    How to create a query to see Opening stock and closing stock as on particul.

    In BI 0IC_C03 will provide u the  required information and also having standard queries provided by the SAP.
    Plz find the list of Queries provided by the SAP.
    Inventory turnover      0IC_C01_Q0001
    Range of coverage - quantity      0IC_C01_Q0002
    Range of Coverage - Value      0IC_C01_Q0003
    Range of coverage of finished goods - quantity      0IC_C01_Q0004
    Range of Coverage of Finished Goods - Value      0IC_C01_Q0005
    Range of coverage of raw materials - quantity      0IC_C01_Q0006
    Range of Coverage of Raw Materials - Value      0IC_C01_Q0007
    Obsolete Stock on Hand      0IC_C01_Q0008
    Period-dependent requirement coverage      0IC_C01_Q0009
    Value of stock on hand      0IC_C01_Q0010
    Quantity of stock on hand      0IC_C01_Q0011
    Material consumption      0IC_C01_Q0012
    Material Movements      0IC_C01_Q0013
    Consignment stock: receipts and issues      0IC_C01_Q0014
    Valuated stock: receipts and issues      0IC_C01_Q0015
    Material stock and movements      0IC_C01_Q0016
    Material Movements (Healthcare)      0IC_C01_Q0020
    Material Consumption (Healthcare)      0IC_C01_Q0021
    Material Availability      0IC_C01_Q0022
    Inventory Turnover Frequency (Value)      0IC_C01_Q0023
    Consignment Stock Received and Issued per Unit      0IC_C01_Q0024
    Material Consumption (Quantity)      0IC_C02_Q0001
    Valuated Stock Receipts and Issues (Quantity)      0IC_C02_Q0002
    Range of Valuated Stock (Quantity)      0IC_C02_Q0003
    Inventory Turnover      0IC_C02_Q0004
    Receipt and Issue Consignment Stock at Customer      0IC_C03_Q0001
    Receipt and Issue Quality Inspection Stock      0IC_C03_Q0002
    Vendor Consignment Stock Receipt and Issue      0IC_C03_Q0003
    Receipt and Issue Stock in Transit      0IC_C03_Q0004
    Receipt and Issue of Blocked Stock      0IC_C03_Q0005
    Valuated Stock      0IC_C03_Q0006
    Stock in Quality Inspection      0IC_C03_Q0007
    Stock in Transit      0IC_C03_Q0008
    Blocked Stock      0IC_C03_Q0009
    Vendor Consignment Stock      0IC_C03_Q0010
    Consignment Stock at Customer      0IC_C03_Q0011
    Stock Overview      0IC_C03_Q0012
    Stock Overview (as of 3.1 Content)      0IC_C03_Q0013
    Quantities of Valuated Project Stock (as of 3.1 Content)      0IC_C03_Q0014
    Valuated Stock (as of 3.1 Content)      0IC_C03_Q0015
    Quantities of Valuated Sales Order Stock (as of 2.1 Cont.)      0IC_C03_Q0016
    Inventory Turnover      0IC_C03_Q0017
    Days' Supply      0IC_C03_Q0018
    SUS: Vendor Consignment Stock      0IC_C03_Q0019
    Scrap      0IC_C03_Q0020
    Inventory Aging      0IC_C03_Q0021
    Stock Overview - extended      0IC_C03_Q0022
    Demand Supply Match      0IC_C03_Q0023
    Warehouse Stock Analytics – Inventory Turnover      0IC_C03_Q0024
    Warehouse Analytics - Obsolescence and Variance      0IC_C03_Q0025
    Stock Overview: Materials      0IC_C03_Q0030
    Average Stock Value Over Time      0IC_C03_Q0031
    Stock Overview Over Time      0IC_C03_Q0032
    Range of Coverage Over Time      0IC_C03_Q0033
    Edited by: Ramakanth Deepak Gandepalli on Jan 18, 2010 8:06 AM

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    Hi gurus,
    can any one tell how to create automatic creation of BP from customer and vendor master data.
    Please give me the steps.

    Goto SPRO\ Cross application components \ Master data synchronization \ Synchronization control.
    Assign account groups of customer and vendors to respective BP grouping. This setting is enough to create BP in background while creating customer / vendor. But the fields groups are very much important, ensure mandatory fields should be sync.

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    Ok I found it!!

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    How to create A web services step by step and their uses with their T-Codes
    pls dont send any links
    thank you
    Jagrut Bharatkumar Shukla

    Use the Tcode <b>WFWS</b> to create the Web service
    enter the Transaction to whih you wants create the web service and save

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    i Want to know  how to create  Import format for building version  Hirerarchy and Nodes.Can anyone  show me with example  or format  for version  Hierarchy  with few nodes for the hierarchy
    i Want to Build   this   1. Version1 (Version)
                                     2.Account (Hirerarchy)
                                     3. Balancesheet (Limb)
                                     4. Assets (Limb)
                                     5. Cash (Leaf)

    Please follow the DRM User Guide,
    Below is my preferred approach, by selecting only relation and Hierarchy sections,
    The relation section contains the Node Name and Parent Name ( you can include any other properties, but as a best practice keep the Parent Node as the last column).
    The Hierarchy ( Hier ) section contains the Hierarchy Name, Top Node and Hierarchy description
    Follow the Import steps and provide a Name for the version.
    AC_BalanceSheet AC_Account
    AC_Asset AC_Account
    AC_Cash AC_Account
    Account AC_Account AccountHier
    Note: Please delete all the special characters (TAB) created at the end of  [relation] and [hier] sections while you copy the content from an Excel sheet to a Notepad.

  • How do  create a slide show with both video and photos in elements 12

    how do  create a slide show with both video and photos in elements 12

    Hi Brian
    You can batch process a set of prepared slides from Full Edit (see image) using:
    File >> Process Multiple Files
    In the PMF dialog you can choose filename, date, or description (caption)
    Make sure you choose a separate destination folder to your source folder so as tot to permanently overwrite your originals.
    Click image to view

  • How to create labeled table of Content with expand and collapse

    Hi All,
    Can somebody help me how to create labeled table of Content with expand and collapse as example given below:
    Like when we see expand (+) and collapse (-) button when we click on 'about this page' link.

    Tou can use Table inside table to show the details this way but I'm not sure about Expand/Collapse.
    Expand/Collapse are part of HGRID.
    I think we can develop this functionality with little manipulation.
    Reetesh Sharma
    Edited by: Reetesh Sharma on Jun 28, 2010 4:56 AM

  • How to create a cube/ods/infoobjects etc..and also  why to create the same

    Dear Friends
    how to create a cube/ods/infoobjects etc..and also  why to create the same objects.
    thanks & Regards

    Hi Friend,
    Creating Infoobjects
    1. Go to RSA1 -> Modelling tab.
    2. Click on Infobjects.
    3. Create a new Infoarea.
    4. Now create Infoobject Catalog for Characterstics and Key Figures.
    5. Now create Char Infoobject under Char Catalog and Key figure Infoobject under Key Figure catalog.
    Creating Cubes:
    1. Right click the info area and choose create info cube.
    2. Select the type of cube you wish to create and comnfirm your selections.
    3. The next screen is where you actually define the cube.
    4. Now you will notice the difference.
    5. Place your cursur on key fig and right click and chose infio object direct input; chose your key fig for the cube.
    6. Similarly for the dimension; right click the dimension and chose inbfo object direct input, chose your chars and out them in dimension.
    7. Activate the cube.
    Creating a ODS is also the same.(in step 1 choose create ODS)
    Creating Multicube/Multiprovider
    1. Right click the info area - chose create multi provider.
    2. select the cubes , DSOs, info objects that you need for the multi provider.
    3. On the right side of the screen, you will see all the objects that you selected and open the key fig and dimension and drag the ones you need to define the multi provider.
    4. Identify the chars and key figs.
    5. Acvitate the mullti provider.
    Why we create them ?
    Infobjects : They are fields in R/3. As we require fields in R/3 tables we require infoobjects in BI.
    ODS : This actually is like a table in R/3.
    Cube : This contain the Key figures.(e.g Sales quantity, Amount etc)
    Hope it helps.
    Hemant Khemani

  • If unboxed how could you tell the difference between refurbished imac and new imac?

    If unboxed how could you tell the difference between refurbished imac and new imac?

    Besides all of that, you can purchase Apple Care which will extend your warranty to 3 years just like you can on a brand new iMac.
    If you're considering a "refurbished" iMac, buy it ONLY from Apple.  I believe it's your best bet.

  • How to create an Accounting Document by calling BAPI

    Hai friends ,
    please tell me how to call this BAPI and fulfill all the parameters .. Please help me , I dont know the head and tail of it ...
    create an Accounting Document by calling BAPI  BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST
    Below is the step to fill the parameters for BAPI:
    Enter company code, invoice no, invoice date, document type, header text into DOCUMENTHEADER
    Enter customer, item text, company code, payment term into ACCOUNTRECEIVABLE
    Enter offset account, company code, document type, item text into ACCOUNTGL
    Enter currency type u201800u2019, currency, exchange rate, amount into CURRENCYAMOUNT. Please note there will be two rows in this table, one positive amount and one negative amount
    Call the BAPI to create the AR document. If p_check is checked, call the BAPI only without COMMIT and then do the message processing
    If p_check is initial, COMMIT the data to the database tables.
    Check the RETURN table after each BAPI, if no u2018Eu2019 message type found, output the document no. Otherwise, output the error messge to the screen with the message type u2018Eu2019.
    thanks in advance ...

    Check the link

  • How To create transport to delete the test bapi.

    Hi guys,
    I have created a ztest bapi before creating the original bapi required.
    Both are under same function group and both are under main transport request number as the different subtasks.
    Now I want to create a transport to delete the Ztest bapi. How do I do that?
    A->The main transport request
    A1 -> Ztestbapi subtask number
    A2-> bapi reuired subtask number
    Now I want to delete A1 and create a transport to delete A1.
    And provide this transport to the client.
    Thanks in advance

    I have not released any. Please give me the steps to follow to create the transport to delete ztest bapi.
    Like I  tried to go to T.code se80 and provided the function group name  under which I got the bapis i created.
    when I right clicked on Ztest bapi, I found the option delete.Can i delete here?

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