What is RSCRM_BAPI ?

What is RSCRM_BAPI ? What is the advantage of that. Why we use RSCRM_BAPI. Since we have OPen Hub Service to extract data ? Could any one explain me in detail about RSCRM_BAPI and Open Hub Service. When We use all these?

Hi Ugendra babu,
RSCRM_BAPI is test program for interface.
BAPI - Business Application & Programing Interface.
With the help of BAPI you can Extract Non-SAP data also.
OPEN HUB SERVICE  is used to transfer your SAP data to other applications.
I.e to other destinations,you can save in your local drives etc...
Lakshman Kumar Ghattamaneni

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    Heres my thought -
    to use Bex Broadcaster to download the information,am not sure if RSCRM_BAPI is replaced by new functionality ,might wait for SAP to confirm.
    <b>Key capabilities:-</b>
    1)The right information:Based on BExqueries, views, workbooks, Web applications & enterprise reports
    2)In different formats:HTML, MHTML, PDF, ZIP, printer formats, online links, SAP alerts…
    3)To the right people:e.g., single users, groups, distribution lists, user-specific or role-specific (incl. non-SAP users)
    4)In different channels:e-mail, Portal, BExPortfolio (unified access based on Knowledge Management folders), collaboration rooms, Universal Work List…
    At the right time:event driven, exception driven, ad-hoc, scheduled
    Bex Broadcaster + Information Broadcasting
    Note 760775 - Settings for Information Broadcasting
    Functions of Bex broadcaster
    Hope it Helps

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    You had restriction in BAPI execution, text will nt be displayed.
    Chekc OSS note: 605208

  • Query in extraction using RSCRM_BAPI

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    0plant  Fis period   Key figure1   key figure 2   key figure 3
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    Thanks and regards,

    Please use NODIM in the query for the key figures.

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    Check note 196113 it contains the solution to your problem.
    Most of the time this issue is due to a mismatch between the last assigned log number in table BALHDR and the one in the number range object

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    Thank you,

    Thank you, can you also please tell me if we can put up any characteristics of rows under it as i am having more than 16 characteristics.
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    Thank you,

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    ZVAL1             100         115
    ZVAL2             90           92
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    4CAKUYTA0F0IJZI083IGZ2JWN                      90           92
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    thanks for the help.


    Hi Gurus,
    We are Extracting Data From the Queries to Tables, using
    Here what i am looking is
    When i excute a Query; for Every Charectestic i am displaying KEy as well as TEXT fields
    but, Once we extarcte same query to the Tables, i can't find text  field for every charcterstic.
    Can any one help me to solve it
    Note:- At Query Definition i defined Properties under display as (Standard Text and Key)

    Hi pabolu,
    the first solution is to create a new InfoObject (B) that will contain the text of the father (A) and insert this like navigational attribute of A. In the query you will not show the text of A but A + B.
    The second solution is to try to generate a DataSource on the table feeded by RSCRM_BAPI with TCode RSO2. On this DS, if the system let you create this one, create an InfoSource and an ODS where you upload data from table from RSCRM_BAPI. During the upload from this DS in Update Rules you can derive text.
    I think the first solution, if text are not too long, is the better one.

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    Come across this thread when google the same.
    I've found a FM to delete the extract with the data, which is RSCRMBW_EX_DELETE. You may find this useful.


    I'm using transaction RSCRM_BAPI to construct views to extract data from queries to tables.
    I deleted one of the views to recreate the extract with a new filter, but gave me an error.
    There is an issue with start variables and the filter.
    But now I'm not able to recreate the view without the filter.
    Also not able to create any view.
    The error, sorry is in portugese, i'll try to get the english version.
    Erro sistema em programa CL_RSR_OLAP_VAR e forma BAD STATE (consid.TxtDescrit.)
    Nº mensagem BRAIN299
    Este erro interno é um cancelamento seletivo, uma vez que o programa se encontra num estado que não deve ocorrer.
    Analisar a situação e informar a SAP.
    Se o cancelamento tiver ocorrido na execução de uma query, de um modelo web, ou na interação no Planning Modeler, e este for reproduzível, incluir um rastreamento (transação RSTT).
    Maiores informações sobre o registro de um rastreamento encontram-se na documentação sobre o ambiente de ferramenta de rastreamento, assim como na nota SAP 899572.

    Unfortunately, it's already in SP 22.
    I made further tests, and if I create a copy of the query I'm able to create a new view and retrieve the extract.
    Looks like only the older queries doesn't allow me to retrieve extracts now.
    Incomplete Metada from Query - RSCRM018
    Not sure what have been installed, how can I see when the SP22 was installed?

  • About RSCRM_BAPI transaction

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    Hello Anil,
    What is the volume of data? Check the background Process (SM37) check the job log and the short dump (ST22).

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    This should give a little in sight:

    I missed the 'Blue Bar', I'm glad it has returned

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    Of course if you are both connected to the same iCloud account you have the same contacts - what did you expect?. The contacts live on the server and are read from there by the devices; so as you've both managed to sync your contacts up to iCloud they are now inextricably mixed. You can only delete your contacts by deleting individual ones, and doing that will delete them from your phone as well.
    You can only unravel this by
    1. In the iCloud contacts page at http://icloud.com, select all the contacts, click on the cogwheel icon at bottom left and choose 'Export vCard'.
    2. Sign out of System Preferences>iCloud
    3. Create a new Apple ID and open a new iCloud account with it for your own use.
    4. Import the vCard back into the iCloud contacts page.
    5. Go to http://icloud.com and sign in with the original ID. This is now his ID. Work through the contacts individually deleting the ones you don't want him to have. When done sign out and advise him to change his password.
    6. Go to the new iCloud account and delete his contacts individually.
    Of course if you have also been syncing calendars and using the same email address there are problems with doing this.

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    I then checked Software Update and downloaded and installed the recommended updates to 10.6.8.
    Again, all seemed to go fine. System booted and I repaired Permissions again. I went to the Apple web site, a couple of other web sites, and Software Update found another update to install: Firmware. Though I don't remember what version.
    I clicked OK and it installed.
    Upon reboot, it seemed to install okay.
    But then I left the Macbook and it went into Sleep.
    I didn't come back to it again until the next day.
    When I pressed a key to wake it, I got what I now know is the screen that appears after you wake it from SAFE SLEEP. As per this Apple KB article: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1757.
    And this is where the problems started.
    After the MB woke to the Safe Sleep screen, which shows the desktop a little "out of focus", the progress bars started filling in from left to right, BUT before they completed, the screen went BLACK.
    And it has had a problem with black screen ever since. I can boot the MB from internal or external HD or from DVD, and it seems to boot fine. Boot chime, Apple logo, spinning wheel, then at the point where it pauses, blue screen, then goes to desktop, instead the screen goes black.
    It finishes booting, but seems to go into Sleep.
    I can wake it by pressing a key, but the screen either comes on and goes black again after 10 seconds, or I get the Safe Sleep wake screen, and then it goes black after 10 seconds.
    And at boot or when waking the MB, the front LED flashes 5 times. There are no error beeps.
    I've tried changing RAM, but problems remain.
    So what's all this? Any ideas?
    The display doesn't seem dead, as it works to boot and wake. The MB works fine with external monitor.
    It's weird, but I can't think of anything apart from the Firmware update. The problems started right after installing it.
    Unfortunately, this model of Macbook doesn't have a Firmware Restoration image to download and burn to CD. It is the ONLY Mac at this point that doesn't have this!
    I called Apple support and even bought the 49 Euro Pay Per Incident service, which proved to be the same as throwing 49 Euro out the window. The only "technical" support they provided was to Reset the SMC, which you can find out about FOR FREE at the Apple website. And which I'd done anyway. I'd also reinstalled the MacOS. Don't want to beef too much, but sheesh, you've already got a Macbook that might need costly repairs, and they make you pay 49 Euro BEFORE they even ask you about the problem and what you've done to try to solve it. I'm tempted to say "ripoff". I mean, if all they can offer you is the advice to reset the SMC - which Apple offers for free at their website - then that's pretty poor service for 49 Euro, to say the least.
    Apart from the wasted 49 Euro, I'm pretty peeved about the Firmware update (or so it seems) wrecking a perfectly working 2008 Macbook. I don't know how to convince Apple of this, but I'm certainly going to try.

    Thanks for the reply.
    Re. the Displays setting, the Macbook display isn't recognized and mirroring isn't an available option.
    I've scoured the net and the idea of replacing the PRAM battery may be something to try. I read a post by a guy with a Macbook logic board screwed up by a Firmware update, which he solved by replacing the PRAM battery, as when you disconnect it you reset the logic board.
    Which capacitor?
    No luck so far with talking to Apple. I will try to get hold of someone a little more tech savvy and/or in a position of authority, as it seems that the Firmware is the culprit. Obviously a million other things could go wrong with a Macbook, but given the timing here it looks like the Firmware. Firmware updates can and occasionally do screw up a computer, as most manufacturers will warn you before you apply the update: PC makers, printer makers, etc. And they probably warn you that it's all your responsibility if anything goes wrong. But re. the Apple Firmware update:
    1) it came thru Software Update
    2) there was no warning
    3) to make things worse, there's no Firmware Restoration image that I can burn to a CD to reflash the logic board: this is the only Apple computer that doesn't have a Firmware Restoration option
    I'll try to get thru to a manager and convince him/her that the firmware may have been the cause.
    Do you think an authorized Apple tech might have access to some way to do a firmware restoration? Something not avaiable to mere mortals? Because if not, the only solution looks like a new logic board.

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