What kind of exception does this throw?

Iam doing a cast as I need to cast an object to an integer using the following code?
int unBroken = ((Number)target).intValue();
I have to use an object as Iam creating a Converter for JSF and it has pre-constructed arguments. So what Iam wondering is (if it was passed a value that was not in integer would this cast/conversion throw an exception as I would like to catch it?

Sorry to waste the time of anyone who read this. I worked it out myself just by forcing the error (duh like that wasn't obvious).
Oh and it was a ClassCastException
Cheers :)

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    Thank you
    ...ddress=, MachineId=49714, Location=site:us.oracle.
    com,machine:tpfaeffl-pc,process:1204, Role=CoherenceServer, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=
    2009-03-30 15:31:38.600/5.515 Oracle Coherence GE 3.5/450b (Internal) <D5>
    (thread=Invocation:Management, member=1): Service Management joined the cluster
    ...Edited by: jetq on Aug 26, 2009 11:18 AM

    The role for a coherence node is normally determined by the application. The tangosol.coherence.role system property is used to configure this value. Some out-of-the-box Coherence applications. CacheFactory (com.tangosol.net.CacheFactory) sets this value to CoherenceConsole. DefaultCacheServer sets this value to CoherenceServer. MBeanConnector sets the value to TangosolNetMBeanConnector. More information on these classes can be found at:
    Everett Williams
    Coherence Team

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    I am not sure how relevant this is anymore, since you are worried about the log files, while this is all about the JSP display. I used this code as a test case:
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
      //This block of code is used to simulate the beginning of the app.  When there is no
      //characters requested, it generates a new URL, encodes in UTF-8 and redirects the page
      String chars = request.getParameter("characters");
      if (chars == null) {
           String url = "http://localhost:8080/WebTests/SpecialCharTester.jsp?characters=";
           chars = "����";
           url = url+java.net.URLEncoder.encode(chars,"UTF-8");
    <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>Special Character Tester</title>
        <!--  Display the incoming, decoded characters -->
        <h2>Characters: ${param.characters}</h2>
        <!--  Make a test that submits characters to this page to test outward-encoding -->
        <form action="SpecialCharTester.jsp">
          <input type="text" name="characters"/>
          <input type="submit"/>
    </html>And it seems to work both when I manually do a URLEncoder.encode(chars, "UTF-8") to make a request and when I fill out the form. I did not change the server.xml's HTTP Connector, or any web.xml setting. Actually, doing so caused problems.
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    I did have to make sure IE7 had Encoding > Auto Detect set (for some reason it had Encoding fixed at Western Windows). FF3 had no problems as it defaults to auto-detect.
    This has nothing to do with how you save to the logs though... just how you display on screen.

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    What kind of why is this to treat customers?! The d@mn thing didn't even work for a year!

    JoeMarzen wrote:I take that to mean that Creative is too cheap to do any product testing or quality control.
    In all fairness one product going wrong doesn't equate to poor quality control.
    I see from some other post that other people have this problemn as well!
    Well you are on a support board, Creative sell millions of players, so like any electronics device unfortunately a small percentage go wrong. This is the nature of commercial electronics unfortunately.
    Is Creative doing anything about this for people who are out of their 90 days or whatever absurdly short period it is?
    Warranty is partly depedent on the laws of your country. In the EU for example there is legislation to ensure that all electronics must have a minimum warranty of year. Of course in the USA you pay less for these kinds of goods.
    I'm fairly sure the Xtra had a warranty of 3 months parts and labour, and 9 months parts only. This might mean you only have to pay an administrati've fee to have it fixed, but double check with support to be sure. Links for contacting support are in the FAQ post.
    And what's with only being open for technical support Monday through Friday?!
    I agree it's a bit of a pain, but of course Creative are trying to save expense like a lot of other companies.
    Everyone who is having this problem deserves to have the problem fixed FOR FREE!!! I bought this product thinking that Creative had standards, apparently they don't!
    Unfortunately the warranty had terms and was available for you to see when you bought it. I appreciate it's awful when a device goes wrong, but them's the breaks unfortunately. I hope you can contact support on Monday and get it solved for minimum cost.

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    Charan Sharma

    Hi Charan,
    This forum is for MaxDB related issues.
    Dear Moderator , please take relevant action and move the thread to relevant group as applicable
    Deepak Kori

  • ".aif - What kind of file is this?" (Logic asks)

    Hi, I'm having problems with Logic right now. When I try to import an audio file into the arrange window, Logic says "Cannot open 'file.aif' - what kind of file is this?" This happens when I try to import all different varieties of files, most of them not AIFs.
    Before I got Logic, GarageBand was also having this problem.
    I got a M-Audio FastTrack Pro recently. Is it possible that this has something to do with it?
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    The problem is that you must have installed some new software, which has now changed the assignment of .aiff extensions, so that now, your Mac does not open them with the right software.
    You need to repair permission,s and also re-bind the links between the document types and the applications.

  • "____.m4a" - what kind of file is this? (What kind of question is this?)

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    No other audio applications are experiencing any sorts of problems like these. On my old MacBook, I had similar problems (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=991819&tstart=1245), but these were not specific to Logic. I've tried "Verifying Drive" and "Repairing Permissions" in Disk Utility, as was the suggestion last time I got a similar message, but it hasn't worked at all.
    Does anyone have any ideas as to how I might fix this?
    Thanks very much!
    - David

    David Kanaga wrote:
    I recently got a new MacBook, and installed my copy of Logic Express 7 on it. I previously had it running on my old MacBook, with no problems. My new MacBook has Leopard on it, and my old one had Tiger.
    When I try to open a project that uses samples from ".m4a" sound files, I get the message "'__.m4a' - what kind of file is this?" I am forced to hit "abort" for every sample in the project, and once I've done this, Logic gives me the message "Logic Express has found 109 files in 8-bit format. This format is unsupported and cannot be played back." I then hit "OK," and my project loads, full of blank samples.
    No other audio applications are experiencing any sorts of problems like these. On my old MacBook, I had similar problems (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=991819&tstart=1245), but these were not specific to Logic. I've tried "Verifying Drive" and "Repairing Permissions" in Disk Utility, as was the suggestion last time I got a similar message, but it hasn't worked at all.
    Does anyone have any ideas as to how I might fix this?
    Thanks very much!
    - David
    Convert the m4a files into aiff or wav files. and then re-import them into your project sampler.

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    I cannot reactivate my e-reader with my existing Adobe ID and password which are both correct. I alwayss get the message "activation server error, Code: E_AUTH_NOT_READY" What kind of problem is this and what is most important, how can I solve it quickly. I am on holiday and want to read. Thanks for speedy reply.

    Yes, actually I talk about Digital editions. Do you know how to solve the problem as described in my first mail for Digital Editions? Thanks for your  kind assistance.

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    It said ont he box I was buying an iTouch 3G and now I can't upgrade to iOS5 because it's really a 2G, what kind of BS is this?  I'm starting to hate Apple if the only way to upgrade is to buy a newer iTouch.

    Bring the appropriate paperwork to the place yur purchased the iPod and demand compensation for the misrepresentation.

  • "What kind of file is this?" message

    When I try to open GB projects (created in GB3 and stored on a hard disk) now in GB 08 I get the message "RecordingXXX. What kind of file is this?" and the only option I have is "Abort." Then I get a message that some of the regions are 8-bit. When the GB file opens, several regions will not play/are not there.
    Any help?

    I'm getting the same thing in Logic Express.

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    Sounds like a hardware issue.  Bring the phone to Apple for evaluation.

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