What kind of flash is this?

First let me say that I know very little about flash. I am
currently working on an html site but would like to incorporate
something similar to the below link as my main page. I have flash
and am trying to figure out what kind of code I should be searching
for. It is sorta like a slideshow but not really.
Here is the link...
All I want to do is have a set of pictures randomly appear
but they are clickable with links to other parts of the site. Also,
I would like smaller images that also appear but not randomly (much
like at the bottom of the page) so basically two separate parts
with rotating images with clickable links.
Like I said, I dont know much about flash but if someone
could direct me to what exactly that is (ie slideshow, navigation,
etc) I can search for more information on it. Thanks...

Hi Arithian,
What you are trying to do is quite simple, but you need a
fair knowledge of Actionscript to acheive that effect.
The linking of images to buttons (navigation) is simple, and
easy to pick up. just look in the flash docs, under buttons.
as for the fading transition effect, the flash docs will help
you out as well, look for Tween.
To get a automated image swap (automatic slideshow) you can
use afew different methods, probably the best (and first that comes
to mind) is the setInterval(); function.
Flash docs again will have the information you need.
to get a Random effect, look for the Math.random() method.
Hope that helps.
Come back here and ask for assistence if you get stuck, or if
you need some sample code.
good luck.

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    I am not sure how relevant this is anymore, since you are worried about the log files, while this is all about the JSP display. I used this code as a test case:
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
      //This block of code is used to simulate the beginning of the app.  When there is no
      //characters requested, it generates a new URL, encodes in UTF-8 and redirects the page
      String chars = request.getParameter("characters");
      if (chars == null) {
           String url = "http://localhost:8080/WebTests/SpecialCharTester.jsp?characters=";
           chars = "����";
           url = url+java.net.URLEncoder.encode(chars,"UTF-8");
    <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>Special Character Tester</title>
        <!--  Display the incoming, decoded characters -->
        <h2>Characters: ${param.characters}</h2>
        <!--  Make a test that submits characters to this page to test outward-encoding -->
        <form action="SpecialCharTester.jsp">
          <input type="text" name="characters"/>
          <input type="submit"/>
    </html>And it seems to work both when I manually do a URLEncoder.encode(chars, "UTF-8") to make a request and when I fill out the form. I did not change the server.xml's HTTP Connector, or any web.xml setting. Actually, doing so caused problems.
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    I did have to make sure IE7 had Encoding > Auto Detect set (for some reason it had Encoding fixed at Western Windows). FF3 had no problems as it defaults to auto-detect.
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    JoeMarzen wrote:I take that to mean that Creative is too cheap to do any product testing or quality control.
    In all fairness one product going wrong doesn't equate to poor quality control.
    I see from some other post that other people have this problemn as well!
    Well you are on a support board, Creative sell millions of players, so like any electronics device unfortunately a small percentage go wrong. This is the nature of commercial electronics unfortunately.
    Is Creative doing anything about this for people who are out of their 90 days or whatever absurdly short period it is?
    Warranty is partly depedent on the laws of your country. In the EU for example there is legislation to ensure that all electronics must have a minimum warranty of year. Of course in the USA you pay less for these kinds of goods.
    I'm fairly sure the Xtra had a warranty of 3 months parts and labour, and 9 months parts only. This might mean you only have to pay an administrati've fee to have it fixed, but double check with support to be sure. Links for contacting support are in the FAQ post.
    And what's with only being open for technical support Monday through Friday?!
    I agree it's a bit of a pain, but of course Creative are trying to save expense like a lot of other companies.
    Everyone who is having this problem deserves to have the problem fixed FOR FREE!!! I bought this product thinking that Creative had standards, apparently they don't!
    Unfortunately the warranty had terms and was available for you to see when you bought it. I appreciate it's awful when a device goes wrong, but them's the breaks unfortunately. I hope you can contact support on Monday and get it solved for minimum cost.

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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by prity:
    What kind of forum is this??? Last 7-8 days we post questions and we get no response from anyone. Is there any other good forum available for Oracle /SQL type of questions? If yes can anyone give that site name.
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